Dressing for the Great British Identity Crisis

Sep 17, 2019 · 4 comments
Martino (SC)
I've often thought that if we all had to dress in the latest fashions as shown in fashion magazines we'd all be forced to gouge our eyeballs out to avoid looking at each other.
Ben Gregor (London)
If only there was a show where models climbed in bin bags and jumped into a giant bin lorry - then fashion would have truly chimed with the national identity crisis.
left coast finch (L.A.)
@Ben Gregor How about the transatlantic “identity crisis”? On this side of the pond where our grotesquely bigger wannabe emperor struts his new clothes, models need not even bother with the bin bags but instead jump naked into a large builders skip and hauled away with the demolition waste of democracy.
maureen (palm desert)
Thank you Vanessa. Your writing about the show is as gorgeous as the images we get to see! Layered, nuanced, lush and framed in historical perspective, your commentary captures the ethos as well as the images of the shows you attend as no other fashion writer I've read. So glad you write for the NYT.