How to Watch the Women’s World Cup Parade

Jul 10, 2019 · 4 comments
Candice Johnson (Philadelphia)
Hey, I did my first 2m short film based on the parade and ceremony. Check it out !!
N. Smith (New York City)
Welcome to NYC World Cup Champions! Enjoy the parade. You're worth every single penny.
B. (Brooklyn)
Re The Metropolitan Diary: There are just so many faces to go around. Many's the time I've stopped short and stared because I've just seen someone who resembles my late cousin, or my dad (long dead), or an aunt. Or any number of people from my past. Nice to see them again even if just for a moment, and even if it's just my mind playing tricks. There's a beautiful scene in "The Member of the Wedding" in which Berenice recalls "seeing" her beloved, Ludie. Really heartbreaking. And in the film, to hear Ethel Waters say those lines!
Freddie (New York NY)
@B. - About 10-15 years ago, I went to a final rehearsal of a show my now-spouse was working on, and I said to the stage manager, boy that actor looks so much like [iconic beloved TV star]; the stage manager answered that IS [iconic beloved TV star] and the director knew he might enjoy a showy small role in a amusical, and - that's him. I guess because of what I thought TV stars' scheduling were all about, I was surprised he had no "people" - the stage manager basically said "I'm in touch with his agent about coordinating his schedule here with TV shooting whenever; with email, scheduling has been a breeze" - where it would have been so tough when everything was by phone.