A Presidential Candidate Assesses the Nation’s Political Ills

Jun 24, 2019 · 9 comments
Angelina Novelli (Fort Collins, CO)
“Freedom to govern ourselves” — that’s rich coming from a man who laughed down a room of his constituents in 2016, willfully ignoring our pleas for representation. Sanders swept Colorado with the delegates, but our superdelegates mostly towed the party line and fell behind Clinton. Bennett’s behavior was the most egregious in my opinion — I have still have video of him laughing as delegates chanted “Change your vote! Change your vote!” It was the most sickening behavior I’ve ever personally witnessed from a politician. He lacks the compassion, empathy, and spine to be a decent President.
Bob Krantz (SW Colorado)
I wish good luck to Sen. Bennet. But his pragmatic centrist philosophy stands little chance in our strident proudly partisan era. Maybe with a 3rd centrist party...
Judy Blue (Fort Collins)
Bennet is proud of what he sees as a fair and even-handed approach to politics. Just months ago he assured his constituents in Colorado that he voted for half of Trump's nominees for judge-ships and against half of them, as evidence of how fair and even-handed he was. He rolls up his sleeves and talks about representing the common man. And then he votes with the Republicans. Fair and even-handed, you see. He has no moral vision. Just an estimate of where the middle ground lies and a firm resolve to sit on the fence.
Brian (Denver, CO)
As a citizen of Colorado, I've come to learn much as I've followed the curious career of Michael Bennet. As he's gone from personal assistant to one of the richest billionaires in the State, Philip Anschutz, to his sudden appointment as Denver School Superintendent where he accomplished nothing to the "centrist" Senator from Colorado, a few things earn my curiosity. Following his last election, he became one of twelve Democrats to block passage of a bill that would have lowered the price of prescription drugs by allowing Canadian imports. Yes, he and his Democratic Corporate colleagues had to fight off the defection of some Republicans in order to save Big Pharma in the Senate. Talk about working across the aisle! He's going to get primaried from the Left. The biggest non-secret of his career is that he's gone exactly nowhere. He's still the personal assistant to one of the richest billionaires in the State, who doubtless told him to get in this race and try to crowd the field with double talk and misdirection. The oligarch can count on him. We can't.
Paul (NZ)
I am not sure if this book will find readers. Not many people are interested in centrist ideas, especially if these ideas cannot be put on billboards as simple slogans. Mr Bennett has to wait until ‘normal’ becomes fashionable again, until Trump and AOC become the thing of the past and the only reminder of their presence will be an overwhelming realization that rhetorically flashy fights produce nothing but a scorched earth. His book will sell then.
1st Armored Division 1971-1973 (KY)
Not with Mitch McConnell in charge of the Senate. He has made it his life's work making America poorer again except for a blessed few.
Steven T (Las Vegas, NV)
Start by revoking Fox News' FCC License. Because of Fox News, my neighbor, a retired union electrician living on a nice pension, blames President Obama for the 2008 recession. He didn't assume the presidency until 2009.
n1789 (savannah)
Michael Bennet is a nice young man, intelligent and honest -- like most of the Dem aspirants. But is there more? Perhaps the most interesting thing about him is that his mother's family were Holocaust survivors.
drollere (sebastopol)
oh boy. another politician taking the theme that they can heal, repair, unify, bargain and unite. i so love the oldies but goodies. the songs that politicians sing over and over, every election cycle. it's time to end our dependence on foreign oil! it's time to solve america's immigration crisis! it's time to balance the budget! it's time to cut wasteful spending! it's time to unite again under our shared american values! i have a whole mix tape of these chestnuts. i play it every christmas, when i'm feeling sentimental for those childhood fantasies about something roasting on an open fire, and the fat man with an enormous bag slipping effortlessly down the stovepipe chimney.