20 Photographers From a Decade of Lens

May 23, 2019 · 7 comments
Herve Jean-Baptiste (Miami)
What happened to the first couple featured?
ED DC (NorCal)
They passed away within about a year of each other, Howie in Dec 2013 and Laurel December 2014. Their daughter Nancy is the photographer.
Helene (Stockholm)
Nancy Borowick’s book ”The Family Imprint” is such a wonderful, heartwarming tale about love and loss. Don’t miss it!
Michel (Paris, France)
Nancy Borrowick's picture carried tears to my eyes. Very intense image... Please keep up the good work.
Bruno (Lausanne Switzerland)
Lens is a fundamentally vital part of the NYT. With its beautiful work Lens is keeping the craft of photojournalism alive. It is always fascinating to read and see humanity's many facets - the joy, the sorrow, the love, the pain. Thank you and carry on with your noble work. All the best for another 10 years..
Dave (Pacific Northwest)
Lens is my favorite section in theTimes. I’m an amateur photographer, late in life, trying to take my work to the next level. Having my work included in a small local gallery propelled me to spend a year strengthening my portfolio to make a good entry to the NYT Annual Free Portfolio Review. It’s been a struggle, but a good one, and Lens is a most important learning part of the effort.
Bruno (Lausanne Switzerland)
@Dave Keep it up Dave, your testimony is heart warming. It is our duty as creative people to bring beauty to this world. All the best to you.