Welcome to TrumpTok, a Safe Space From Safe Spaces

May 13, 2019 · 61 comments
dave (montrose, co)
So fascinating to see the ignorant working so hard to support the man who is working so diligently against their own self interest. The Trumpylococcus virus, which turns victims into zombies, has been spreading like wildfire!
Glenn (Greensboro)
I would guess that MAGA and other Trump ware from China will be exempt to Trump imposed tariffs.
Able Nommer (Bluefin Texas)
Investing their time in hyping the hype-ster. Whatever floats your boat. And by that I mean: Have a nice trip.
Magan (Fort Lauderdale)
Just one more exercise in button pushing. Oh! how creative and special!
EW (Glen Cove, NY)
These kids are having a lot of fun being rebellious. But do they realize if the Pax Americana created by the Liberal order they mock collapses, that they might all be drafted to fight WW3? Yes, it’s all fun and games, until the shooting begins.
Amy (Brooklyn)
Since the Dems control most of the MSM and shows like SNL, it makes good sense for the majority to move into an alternative like TikTok.
Kip (Scottsdale, Arizona)
“The majority”? Nice try.
john g (new york)
@Amy Oh and the "Majority" voted for Hillary, least you forget.
Wendy (Canada)
Sounds like the social media form of FOX, the Trumpian mouthpiece, except made for young people who feel disaffected and have adopted fascism to shock people and express their "rebellion." Of course, the irony is that China, which is funding and profiting from this app, is at the same time repressing its own social media content and doesn't even have truly "free speech" at all. It is worming into the heads of young people in Western democracies so that they will support authoritarian governments that will do to them what the Chinese are doing to their own people. The only hope is if there are enough young people who are awake ("woke?" is the term now I guess) enough to actually push back against the rise of fascism within their own generation, before it is too late.
Matt T (San Francisco)
A Made in China app to showcase the Made in China MAGA hats of voters cheering a president imposing sanctions on China and deriding it as our economic enemy. Ignorance has no boundaries.
Jackie Chambers (Oregon)
@Matt T Ironic, isn't it?
Robert (Los Angeles)
Trump? In the decline of the American Empire he mirrors its ignominious rise. The singular criterion then was - can I get away with it? That involved the genocide of Native Americans (payback for the gifts they gave us of corn, tomatoes, potatoes, Mexican cotton, turkey, chocolate, vanilla, etc.), the brisk trade in enslaved, kidnapped populations, and the wanton spoliation of the natural landscape. That's the question Trump asks himself when he rises in the morning, confers (or not) with underlings, and before he drifts off to sleep at night. Can I get away with it? It's not - what's in the best interests of the people I was elected to serve? It's - can I get away with it? This is a criminal mindset and a definite degradation of the "patriotic" mindset. Unfortunately such an outlook runs up against its natural limitations (in its least predatory iteration) in what is known as the tragedy of the commons. This is a situation in a shared-resource system (the air, the planet, the oceans) where individual users acting independently according to their own self-interest behave contrary to the common good of ALL users by depleting or spoiling that resource through their collective action. 500 years ago when the morals of Philip II or Elizabeth I or their "heroes" such as Cortez, Pizarro, Drake, or Frobisher did not rise above piracy that was one thing. Today the ruling elite is armed not with cutlasses but nuclear weapons, yet the question remains - what can I get away with?
Margo Channing (NY)
So much merchandise, probably all made in China, making the Chinese rich and the president richer. What a racket, he has perfected the art of grifting. Nothing like indoctrinating impressionable minds. Teaching them to hate at such an early age.......what could possibly go wrong? Another generation of people who won't listen to reason or respect others' opinions. And with China running the site? No doubt garnering much needed private info too. All with the blessings of the WH.
Kip (Scottsdale, Arizona)
No one spends time hashtagging their Trump support on a social media app because their life or career is going well.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
hard to fathom why this is fun, engaging, anything but boring and stupid. is this the result of some generational exposure that causes brain damage, like comic books, lead, tv, rock 'n roll, thalidomyde, DES, or strontium 90 before it? do you have to be in it to get it? ps: what, exactly, is a snowflake? is it like a pansy but more transitory? something shameful because it is delicate, small, and unique? how does a site like Tik Tok make money? could be a good medium for selling tattoos that will soon be embarassing.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
The persecuted majority speaks. Bless their hearts.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
and when they do, Lorem, it's Greek to me.
BillH (Seattle)
Just took a look at tiktok. The level of discussion there is below juvenile as one would expect of a site for juveniles. The one difference from listening to a roomful of tweens talk is that the average tiktok patron will probably never 'grow up'.
Zoenzo (Ryegate, VT)
How odd. A platform for teens to share videos and grown adults go on this?
T. Rivers (Thonglor, Krungteph)
Every time an underemployed and failing student sitting alone in their dorm room makes another purchase of MAGAmerch, I hear little cash registers ring. Drop shipping cheap wares manufactured in China does have its advantages, tariffs or not! The quality and turn around time is amazing.
Big Mike (Tennessee)
At the core of the Trump movement is an"us against them" way of looking at the world. This is not new. It gave us Richard Nixon, Mitch McConnell, and Ted Cruz, to name a few. No candidate will get elected in deep red states without feeding into this way of thinking. One way of understanding is to look at "professional wrestling'. There must be a bad guy/gal. There is unbridled pleasure in the defeat of this perceived enemy. For the Republican Party, take your pick- socialists, leftists, immigrants, progressives etc. The list is long. The Democratic Party must understand this core way of thinking. By saying we will work toward improving life for all or by saying we will work toward compromise does NOT satisfy this tribe. In fact, the message of compromise does the opposite. It fires up the Republican base. I am not saying for the Democrats should abandon the "big tent" approach. But the message should be tailored to each audience.
Mark (El Paso)
@Big Mike-I agree with your analysis. See what you think of this-most of this "tribe" considers themselves Christian, either by practice or belief. But their attitudes and self-view often seems to be quite the contrary; the list you provide is indeed long. "Love thy neighbor as thyself" seems to have many qualifications to it. If somehow they can see just how anti-Christian--and anti-American--they are being, it might change their attitude. Maybe.
Big Mike (Tennessee)
@Mark Thanks for your reply and I totally agree. I was raised in an evangelical church and am shocked that evangelicals voted 83% for Donald Trump. This group elected Trump.
Beyond Karma (Miami)
Mayor Pete can't get here too soon.
sedanchair (Seattle)
@Beyond Karma Mayor Pete wants us to try to empathize with and understand these people. We already understand and there's nothing to empathize with.
Aaron (Phoenix)
Seems to be the very definition of "identity politics."
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
So people in their rooms look at themselves in their caps and imagine themselves as Walter Mitty rebels for Trump. OK I guess this is what passes for patriot duty in the burbs. We could use a mandatory conscription although a guy who lied about feet problems probably isn’t the guy to use all this bedroom posing to better use.
Bob (California)
@me Slight difference between legally working the system vs. falsifying medical records.
Aaron (Phoenix)
@me He didn't lie to avoid the draft and he doesn't say stupid things like "I always wanted a Purple Heart."
lulu roche (ct.)
@me. Why dwell on old news? Why not think of how to be a fan of the president while you buy his merchandise? Why not ask yourself why the president is selling hats?
susan (nyc)
This reminds me of a skit on SNL where William Shatner showed up at a Star Trek convention and he said to the people there "Get a life, people!!"
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Or Wayne’s World.
Spid3rb0y (Central Texas)
By publishing this article, you're giving some teens with a MAGA hat international recognition as an ideological beacon and you're going to massively propel all of their accounts into viral stardom. Telling the story is one thing, but by naming specific users you're just serving as free advertisement to their cause.
Bikerman (Lancaster OH)
The fact that people follow and discuss the "Love of Trump" when his character is so out of character for America, and his morals are so bad, (He does treat the 10 commandments like the 10 wishes), says a lot more about their character than his. Finally, a Chinese social network, Making America Great Again?......hmmmmm.
J J Davies (San Ramon California)
An app for teen or adolescent minds to help each other become more annoying. Humm...fits right in .
gARG (Carrborro, NC)
Trump is not our problem, he is a symptom. People who are so angry, desperate and hopeless that they resort to supporting a human hand grenade (Trump) tossed into our society is our problem. They figure that whatever comes from the rubble is better than what they have today.
Bucketomeat (The Zone)
@gARG Not too surprising since wage growth has been flat since the 70’s.
Phil (Brentwood)
@Bucketomeat "Not too surprising since wage growth has been flat since the 70’s" Not so! The hourly wage has been growing under Trump.
Bucketomeat (The Zone)
@Phil Yes, for the extremes. Not the middle. The upper end of the distribution has rec’d the largest share of the gains. These are little details Trumpers conveniently omit.
Tony (Arizona)
I wouldn’t be surprised if (Australian-owned) Fox had their hands in this. Just look up the sinister collaboration between Fox and China years ago when China slipped spyware into its arbitron-like technology which was installed into US homes and faked the TV ratings to pump up Fox viewship far higher than it actually was. The court caught and sued Fox for that pesky malfeasance.
Jon (NJ)
A pro-trump social media platform run by a foreign server where his supporters can echo their sentiments about how much they love Trump, mainly because he makes the left angry. MAGA in a nutshell...
When we end up cracking down on American social media apps for ‘censoring conservatives’ but do nothing against TikTok as a result of tariff negotiations, might we have an example of collusion?
Eric Sorkin (CT)
Is it a sign of the times that all this occurs under the attentive eyes of Chinese censors on a Chinese social network (TikTok) run on Chinese servers ?
Sentinel98 (Montauk)
Does it come with a dog whistle?
Patricia Sears (Ottawa, Canada)
You can’t fix stupid. In the meantime, Trump is going to get you into another mid-East war and all these teens with Trump hats and truckers with Trump decals will be bleeding into the Iranian sand.
Carlos R. Rivera (Coronado CA)
@Patricia Sears Yes, because Trump invaded Libya an got the war in Syria escalated. And Hillary "reset" relations with Russia so well that the Crimea thanks her and Obama.
gARG (Carrborro, NC)
@Patricia Sears Indeed. Time for more "heroes" to be made, and take an ever-growing piece of the GDP to support their war games and aftermath (i.e. the VA).
Jackie Chambers (Oregon)
@Carlos R. Rivera Your "whataboutism" is on full display.....
D. DeMarco (Baltimore)
TikTok is a showcase of the willful ignorance, arrogance and malice that is a trademark of Trump and his followers.
Carl Ian Schwartz (Paterson, NJ)
The inmates have taken over the asylum...and not in a nice way. Social media is to mental illness what sexual intercourse is to STDs.
A Chinese owned social networking app with a ‘recommended for you’ feature, gaining popularity in the U.S. a year before a presidential election. Here we go again.
rslay (Mid west)
@JP Excellent and salient point.
Trex (Nyc)
@JP judging by my perusal of TikTok four or five times, I doubt most users are even old enough to vote. Seriously, I don't get the Times' obsession with this platform.
jwdooley (Lancaster,pa)
Thanks for this one.
Onus Tweed (Cow Country Connecticut)
It's all hate and propaganda based on lies. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia was supplying some funding for sites like this.
MGJ (Miami)
Sad, an echo chamber even smaller and tighter than Fox Propaganda. Safe Space is only needed when fear is the core of their mindset and apparently they are not anywhere as strong as they think they are.
Will Rothfuss (Stroudsburg, PA)
A helpful piece in the puzzle of trying to understand the Trump supporter. It increasingly seems to me that the phenomenon is cultural, not political. The big issues for the contemporary "conservative" are guns and abortion, and these also align pretty accurately as cultural markers.
JB (Nashville, Tennessee)
@Will Rothfuss I'm sure it goes back further, but this to me is a continuation of the mindset that Sarah Palin rode to fame. Pride in ignorance and being defiant for the sake of "upsetting the libs" while offering no alternative solutions. These truly are the deplorables Clinton spoke of. I still have some fleeting hope she was correct that they only represent half his base and the others could still see the light.
Will Rothfuss (Stroudsburg, PA)
@me Well, I was going to mention that, but Trump supporters always try to disown that one and yet you seem to have bought into it and embrace it. That seems like a poor rational for voting for someone. I am white, but certainly don't vote because of my race. What you are describing is white identity politics. How is this any better than any other sort of identity politics?
rslay (Mid west)
It is simply another echo chamber. A safe space for unchecked emotion and for the id to run wild. Most of the time, people who frequent sites such as this could not offer a compelling argument of why they support something or someone, with facts and citations to support their position. Sites such as this are tedious.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
It all seems driven by fear, which is sad. I suspect a large overlap between this group and the subset of evangelicals who seem compelled to declare that they are "not ashamed" to believe as they do.