Bengal Tigers May Not Survive Climate Change

May 06, 2019 · 19 comments
Bartleby33 (Paris)
Please be gentle with us. Reading all these articles on these beautiful species who are disappearing is producing permanent grief. Nothing that mankind is producing and inventing triggers my enthusiasm these days. I don't want 5G, I don't want connected refrigerators, I don't want robots, I don't want to live to be 120 years old with bionic replacements. I just want the paradise birds, and the tigers, and the rhinoceros and the lions, and the bees to thrive. I want the polar bear to survive with the penguins, and the whales. We are heading for a nightmare.
Skinny J (DC)
We, also, will not escape Global Warming - stop saying climate change; it’s a focus-grouped product of the GOP propaganda machine.
George (Houston)
If climate change doesn't take tigers, then ignorant folks in East Asia with "folk medicine" delusions will take them. Don't see anyway out. Good-bye, tigers. I was fortunate enough to share this world with you while you were still here.
SridharC (New York)
I have seen wild life in all continents of the world. But watching the Bengal Tiger walk with such disdain for everything around her still remains the most exhilarating experience of my life. She is everything that her folklore depicts. She does not disappoint. Without them Earth wouldn't be Earth.
Nancy G. (New York)
I'm pretty sure hunting them to harvest their parts for Asian "medicine" will eliminate them first. Same with rhinos. I find it ironic that the same folks who think this stuff works breed the cute and cuddly Panda at special sanctuaries to avoid their extinction. Hypocrisy at its worst. Maybe tigers and rhinos aren't cuddly enough?
S. Roy (Toronto)
@Nancy G. NO, you not quite correct in saying that poaching is the biggest threat to Bengal tigers in the Sunderbans. Actually tigers in India and in Bangladesh are fairly well protected and their numbers have actually increased. Sadly, the rhinos face a bigger poaching treat because it is much easier to kill a rhino to get its valuable horn. A tiger carcass is lot more difficult to carry. "Hypocrisy at its worst." Whose hypocrisy??? What are you talking about being holier-than-thou???
Lisa McFadden (Maryland)
Neither may we. Also, let's stop calling it climate change already. The "it" is the massive burning of fossil fuels, and the problem is governments and industry refusing to limit the burning of fossil fuels. The headline should read, Bengal Tigers may not survive the steadfast refusal of governments and industry to stop burning fossil fuels, which eventually will wipe almost all life off the face of this planet. There.
Full Name (required) (‘Straya)
We must educate more people quicker. Education mitigates so many things: population growth, illness, climate change.
S. Roy (Toronto)
@Full Name (required) Education has NOT mitigated - so far - the American and other western politicians to reduce carbon emission to slow down climate change!!!
Humble/lovable shoe shine boy (Portland, Oregon)
We all contribute to this. We are all to blame. The only way out is to accept responsibility and act. Act as though your own life is at stake. I am not optimistic.
Yann (CT)
I am reminded of a scene from The Simpson's where Homer's crying that he's killed the last American buffalo. Then one wanders onto the scene and he takes a gun out and shoots it. Then he starts crying again and says, "I killed the last American Buffalo!"
Russell (Chicago)
Humanity may not survive climate change.
john michel (charleston sc)
@Russell That would be a good thing. Humanity (cancer) is about to eat itself up anyway, with or without climate change.
Calleen de Oliveira (FL)
Meanwhile another day goes by and nothing big is done. We aren't planting millions of trees, or putting aside forests to counter co2, or stopping the ridiculous parties (see the gala featured on the front page) that put so much in the landfills, solar power on our roofs (mandatory) etc. Read "The Water is coming" very good information about what to expect while we twiddle our thumbs.
Joe (Buffalo, NY)
I recently had a conversation with a colleague about having children. There's numerous reasons I (a millennial) do not want to have kids; one of those reasons is climate change. I do not want to bring a child into the world to pass on the helplessness I feel. I feel helpless because there are "leaders" in government who continuously fail to take decisive action against climate change. I feel helpless that anyone could support someone who refutes science and continues to support policies and practices that damage the planet for the sake of money. We move closer to the tipping point daily, if we haven't already reached it. It's only a matter of time before humanity begins to really suffer the consequences of climate change. Why would I bring kids into this world to helplessly suffer the consequences of previous generations actions and inactions? I am saddened to see our cohabitants of Earth at risk, suffering, and disappearing. If we continue this course, one day it will be our turn.
Sean (Guadalupe, CA)
@Joe For the sake of the rest of the species on the planet, may that day come sooner rather than later.
john michel (charleston sc)
@Joe. Why bring kids into this world? So they can colonize Mars and the rest of the Universe?
Cecilia (Texas)
@Joe: I have two sons in their 30s and a daughter in law that's now 40. They don't want children primarily because they feel that having children contributes to the destruction of our planet. I support them. With school shootings, attacks on our health system, climate change, wars, etc. I don't want to deal with the trauma of losing a grandchild. Sad, but zero population growth will be the only thing that saves us...and it ain't gonna happen in my lifetime!
loveman0 (sf)
It is not just the criminal-in-charge who needs to be impeached, but all those in the U.S. Congress that deny climate change need to be removed.