They Go to the Desert to Hunt for Truffles. But ISIS Is Hunting Them.

Mar 19, 2019 · 6 comments
Bogdan (Richmond Hill, ON)
There’s no democracy to be had in Iraq. First the Americans delivered the purest, most unfettered Capitalism possible in order to enrich themselves, which they did. Second how would democracy which also means equal rights to everyone, could even be brought about when believing in the same God and Prophet but being in a different sect is an automatic death sentence?
Rodger Parsons (NYC)
Of all the social diseases that plague humankind, religious intolerance is the most deadly. Among Jews, Christians and Moslems this has been true for centuries and conflicts with these faiths has and continues to produce stunning paroxysms of violence. One wold think that, since the origin of each is a similar monotheistic vision of divinity, common ground would insure a kind of peaceful coexistence. The failure of these faith systems does not just prove the invalidity of claims to divine, it underscores it as fact that belief alone in insufficient. Unless there is a tolerant constructive component that facilitates sensibility, such systems betray their claims to anything more than blissful smile.
Steve Beck (Middlebury, VT)
@Rodger Parsons and remember "Religion does three things quite effectively: divides people, controls people, deludes people." ~ Carlespie Mary Alice McKinney
Mons (EU)
Good job Republicans and especially George Bush. You did a heck of a job on Iraq.
kay (new york)
Incredible story. He saved himself and would have saved his brothers and nephew if he could. The poor man now has survivor's guilt. I hope he gets the help he needs to treat that and the PTSD and the disability he now has to tend to with his feet. ISIS is pure evil. May this survivor find help and peace.
cristiano (italy)
It's a wild broken country , we tried to bring freedom and democracy , but in vain . Democracy is not owning a car , but knowing how to drive it . We brought the cars to Irak , but very few people had a driving license . We rather opened the gates to chaos , civil and religious war and finally ISIS . Are they better off today or with Saddam Hussein ? My answer to this question is embarassig to my values .