A Top Scorer Changes the Definition of the Complete Player

Mar 14, 2019 · 9 comments
John Reing (Gulf Coast of Florida)
This young man is exactly the kind of player you want in your locker room. Steeped in honesty with self, and humility, he has the power to influence other young men, no doubt struggling with something or other, to seek guidance and help. Marcus Howard is indeed Big East Person of the Year!
bonemri (NJ,USA)
Bravo. Also didn't mention D-Rose who is awesome as well. I think athletes are taught to be tough "just walk it off " culture.I think the other elephant in the room is shame and stigma of just discussing this out loud. Are there stats for the African American community on transparency on discussing mental health? I feel in many aspects of healthcare utilization , African Americans UNDER utilize the system. Probably here as well.
MomT (Massachusetts)
Excellent role model
Kathleen Oakland (Easy Bay)
Great information on the value of student counseling programs that are now available at the majority of colleges and universities. Had the privilege of working in one as a counselor. A lot of progress can be made with this age group that will help them not only in school but for the rest of their lives. College is also the age when serious mental disorders will occur for the first time including schizophrenia. Many students with mental health challenges are able to stay in school and graduate because of these counseling resources
Your Mama (Pa.)
We are long overdue for a national conversation about college students and mental health. Proud parents are eager to share news of the great schools their kids are attending, but everyone’s silent when things don’t go as well as admissions brochures might promise. My son nearly failed out of school because he was paralyzed by depression -luckily, we caught it in time to intervene. His dean was extremely helpful, and with treatment he’s now healthy again, but I work at a university and know many students aren’t so lucky. Thank you for candidly sharing your story.
Barbara (SC)
Howard is right to be open about his use of a therapist to help him balance his life. It's the smart thing to do with so much pressure on him. If only more well-known figures would do the same, perhaps the stigma of mental illness or even life issues would be lower.
HeyJoe (Somewhere In Wisconsin)
I expect big things from this exceptional young man. That is, I expect he will help a lot of people, on and off the court, in the wonderful life that is ahead of him.
Norman McDougall (Canada)
This story should be inspirational to all college sports programs, especially those at the highest levels. Physical gifts aside, these are still very young adults who face huge pressures in a daily basis. Living away from home and attending college in a new city are hard enough for all students. Add to that the pressures of balancing course work with practices and an intensive game schedule plus the need to consistently perform at the highest levels and simultaneously engage in the social whirlwind of college life and you have the recipe for unbearable stress. Regular psychological assessment and counselling should be available to all students and a requirement for elite student athletes. Mental health is at least as important as physical health; every team devotes considerable resources to the on-going physical health of its players - no less should be devoted to their psychological well-being.
St. Laurence (Pensacola, FL)
I'm happy that sports psychology has helped this brother excel in sport. I suspect a positive impact on his academic and social lives, as well.