Ruth Bader Ginsburg Reacts to Oscar Nomination for ‘RBG’

Jan 23, 2019 · 15 comments
lisa (nj)
Love this woman!!
penny (Washington, DC)
I loved the film and hope many will see it and be inspired.
Notorious (34234)
When will she make an appearance? "Reports" of "what she said" will not suffice forever.
MomT (Massachusetts)
RBG is just the best! Every man and woman, girl and boy and in between should try to emulate her. Love the fact that she lives in the Watergate....
jonathan manson (Tucson az)
The entire nation would like to know the pathology results of the December 25 biopsy. It is over 30 days now. Given that her decisions affect everyone in this country, that would be part of her responsibilities to let us know if she has metastatic Stage 4 disease in her removed section of lung. Those waiting for cases before the Court wait years before oral argument is heard; only 1% of all cases ever are granted Writ. It would affect those on the Court calendar. It is nice she can discuss films at home, though would be more important to discuss whether or not she can appear in Court.
Laurence Voss (Valley Cottage, N.Y.)
All the while the Republican vultures circle in the sky hoping against hope to pack the Court with yet another product of the Heritage Foundation that will vote unerringly in the favor of the extremely wealthy and the corporate oligarchy....and against the working classes. Public unions have already been gutted along with the CPFB and the denial of access to the courts in favor of company sponsored arbitration. Hang in there Justice Ginsburg. We need your sagacity and wise decisions.
ad (nyc)
An incredible inspiring film of a wonderful couple. RGB Rocks!!
Kristina (Seattle)
I've recommended this film to "everybody." I watched it at the gym, and found myself involuntarily cheering for RBG and her work as the film progressed. She has had a profound impact on my life, and I didn't even realize it. I admire her more than I can express. I also think that the filmmakers deserve the praise they're receiving. I found their documentary utterly engaging; the way that they tell RBG's story was captivating, entertaining, informative, intellectually intriguing, and inspiring.
John Moltzen (Minneapolis)
Society as a whole is definitely getting better, not worse--At least in some important ways, when a documentary on Ruth Bader Ginsburg can generate this much interest and excitement with the general public. An amazing woman, an amazing life, and though I haven't yet seen it, it sounds like an amazing film. I'm glad she is getting her due.
Marge Keller (<br/>)
Who knows if Justice Ginsburg will win an academy award or not. What I am most thrilled with her sounding good and strong as she "recovers from her recent cancer surgery." You go girl and never stop fighting!!! You are an incredible role model which this country deeply needs. Best of luck and continued success in your recovery.
Harry Manback (Atlanta)
@Marge Keller I have a bridge for sale. Want to take a look at it?
ScottC (NYC)
Why is Hollywood (rightly) castigated for excluding women from important roles in the film industry, yet at the same time these female directors are apparently hailed for excluding men from any aspect of their filmmaking crew? The response to bigotry should not be reverse bigotry. It only breeds more bitterness.
Kristina (Seattle)
@ScottC They are not hailed for excluding men. They are hailed for inviting women. Women have to invite other women to the table when they themselves get a seat at said table, because men have excluded women with such regularity that it is one of the few ways to balance things. It's not about the men at all. When gender roles approach some level of parity, this will be unnecessary. But for now, it's a step that feminist men will support. If you watch the film RBG, this might start to make more sense to you. “When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked. But there'd been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that.” ― Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ryan (Denver)
@ScottC It is not excluding men, but people have already heard a lot of opinions from people with very similar demographics and upbringing, which gives them a lot of similarity. When diversifying the studio, you get a lot of opinions that many people have not heard before, as they have had very different lives.
DaveB (Boston, MA)
@ScottC Yeah, you're right. How DARE they create a film celebrating a woman, because we all know that women secretly control things, so they shouldn't receive recognition. Gee, are we feeling a tad inferior when a woman gets a little recognition?