Two New Jobs, One Mission: Fighting the Trump Administration

Jan 20, 2019 · 2 comments
Elsie (Brooklyn)
If she runs this new department the way she ran the entertainment department then expect no accountability and lots of tending to the wealthy. This woman, along with de Blasio, is largely responsible for turning our city into Hollywood's personal backlot. Her supposed care of immigrants certainly doesn't extend to our neighborhood, where residents, many of whom are immigrants, can't park or sleep at least once a month because yet another film crew has invaded our homes. Don't bother calling Menin's office to complain; she works for Hollywood, not NYC residents (even though our tax dollars pay her salary). And don't bother calling the police either; given all of the complaints, de Blasio and tax dodger Menin were reduced to using the police department as Hollywood's own personal security force to tamp down on residents trying to take back their neighborhood when these crews take over. Now the police department is paid for with our taxes but they work for the rich film companies. Menin is just another bought and paid for city official.
SML (New York City)
So the person who, in her role on Community Board 1, helped make sure the leading World Trade Center terror plotter would not face a trial in a court, as required by the Constitution, but instead would be tried by a dysfunctional military tribunal, is now going to the executive suite of DeBlasio's Law Department. She claims her new job is to oppose the harmful initiatives of the Trump administration. How does she reconcile her new position with the fact that every new decision by the U.S. Supreme Court limiting the rights of those falsely arrested or brutalized by police is seized upon by the selfsame Law Department to make sure such victims in New York City are not compensated for the violations of their rights? Hypocrisy continues to be the watchword of this municipal administration.