Trevor Noah Wonders if Cardi B Could End the Government Shutdown

Jan 18, 2019 · 7 comments
Malone Cooper (New York City)
The only reason that Cardi B ‘s political statement was all over yesterday’s news is because of all her ‘likes’ and ‘friends’ that she has amassed over social media. These numbers are increasingly playing a bigger role in every aspect of our lives, despite the fact that many entertainers are clueless when it comes to politics, history and other serious topics. What is scaring me is the possibility that it is, perhaps, only a matter of time before these characters develop enough of a following to place them in a position of power, that can ultimately affect all of us.
Alex (West Palm Beach)
@Malone Cooper, Too right. Trump is a perfect example!
Homeofthebrave (MA)
@Malone Cooper 'only a matter of time...' Do you mean like becoming President? Yes, you're right, many entertainers are clueless.
@Malone Cooper Where have you been for the last two years? We have a criminal, moronic reality star as our president. It’s definitely affecting all of us. And not in a good way.
Lisa Streitfeld (Montreal)
This NYT offering is not only a useful and often hysterically funny update on US politics across the border, but an archive for the future: the USA disintegrating into its greatest form of entertainment — the Reality TV Show.
Andrea D (Vancouver )
What’s the deal with today’s late night briefs? We don’t want to read the jokes, we want videos. None today? Helllooooo?
francine lamb (CA)
Please stop calling this a feud between Pelosi and Trump. It isn't. Trump shut the government down because he wants a border wall, which will actually cost 20-50billion dollars. He said he is proud of the shutdown and he owns it. Pelosi said "no money for border wall." People who voted for Trump--this is what they wanted and this is who he is. He showed us who he was during the campaign and he is showing us again right now. This isn't about some stupid feud.