Death Toll Rises in Kenya Attack as Distraught Relatives Scramble

Jan 16, 2019 · 13 comments
cm (ct)
Tourists and visitors to Kenya and Africa think their upscale hotels and luxury safari tents are secure places. In general they are, until they aren't. Yes, of course this could happen practically any where else in the world today, not just Africa. What a complete, total nightmare for so many here in Kenya. Absolutely horrific.
Boregard (NYC)
Man am I sick of too many Americans whining when shown the reality of terrorist attacks. Sick of the claimsthat its sensationalist, and unnecessary. No! It is necessary! Its time for Americans to stop looking the other way when foreigners are killed in far greater numbers then Americans. Only reacting with serious anger when its on our soil. And even then, hold the graphic nature, we dont want all the weak constitutions among us to be upset. Can't have that. Keep the reality of these murderous acts as far from our eyes as possible. We need to see whats going on in these places, often as direct results of our policies in those places. And like the attack in Syria, yet another blatant example that our President has once again lied about a US victory he wishes to claim as wholly due to his military acumen and decisions. All while ranting his desires to undermine NATO, and withdraw the US. Handing Putin more wins! Americans need some serious doses of the reality of the real and daily carnage going on, that people in other nations face daily. Americans need to stop falling victim to the fear mongering and made-up crisis of this president and his staff. Acting like we're under siege, when its the complete opposite!
Jamie Pauline (Michigan)
Pray for these grieving families, and for their loved ones.
Scrumper (Savannah)
Heroic response by a British special forces SAS trooper storming the hotel and pinning down the terrorists before dragging a thankful woman to safety. He just happened to be there training local forces. Stunning photo on the front of the London Times this afternoon.
William Smith (United States)
@Scrumper God bless him
Sandra (NYC)
Really disturbed by how casually you post graphic photos of victims of color and then to follow up with a condescending statement after the community asks for decency and respect. We have yet to see bullet ridden Americans or Europeans after the countless shootings that have happened. And yet you feel comfortable putting up these images to "show reality" as if we wouldn't be able to understand the reality of death and terror with more ethical images. We are far too desensitized to seeing dead bodies of color and its disappointing that you are among those who don't care. Treat Africans and non- whites with the same dignity you have given American and European tragedies.
Clare Brooklyn (Brooklyn)
@Sandra I completely agree. The timing of the pictures was sensationalist and unnecessary. It's hard to imagine the same choice would have been made with a similar tragedy on US soil.
Luder (France)
@Sandra What was insensitive about the photos illustrating this article?
Boregard (NYC)
@Sandra I saw plenty of graphic photos from the previous attacks in Paris, and elsewhere. Maybe you need to look more. I for one thinks long overdue for Americans to see the real horrors being committed by terrorists of any stripe anywhere. To not just hear about it, but to see it! Americans are far to quick to balk at reality in all its gore! Gore created by humans attacking other humans. Why are Americans so soft and unable to come to grips with these realities? Acting like only we've been hurt by terrorism! Its time for Americans to come to grips with these realities being suffered overseas. Best way is to be exposed to it! Don't look if you're too weak in the stomach.
aksantacruz (Santa Cruz, CA)
I'm an aid worker that often stays in this area. There is high security at hotels all over Nairobi. I tend to stay at low key properties because of my fear of being in a high target location -- which could be any luxury hotel or restaurant. My Kenyan friends are very afraid of the spread of violent extremism. My condolences to the families that lost loved ones.
Resident (CT)
I wish Our News outlets had given this story more prominence than say Brexit. Showing graphic images of victims for which many News outlets are receiving criticism can be justified as showing the real horrors of such attacks, but when the story itself features way down the list and after other News of political stunts such as the ongoing shutdown or Brexit, it reflects on the low priority that these outlets give to the deaths and carnage that happens in far of countries.
Laura (St. Paul, MN)
Condolences to all in Kenya. Poleni sana.
Joel Geier (Oregon)
Sympathies to the families of the victims, and to all the people of Nairobi.