U.S. Gives Russia a Deadline on Nuclear Treaty

Dec 04, 2018 · 12 comments
Lizzy (Brussels)
As a European who has lived through the cold war, it deeply saddens and disturbs me that we seem to be going backwards to the days of threats and danger for us all. We‘ll have to dust of the old banners and go marching again to stop this treaty from unravelling.
Ellwood Nonnemacher (Pennsylvania)
Why would the U.S. threatening to leave the treaty give the Russians any incentive to stop violating it? How will that get Putin to fall in line? If anything, it would open the door to further escalation. Then again, it seems like the Trump way, let's do something that makes no sense.
Z (Nyc)
Our leaving would negate the advantage Russia gets through unilateral defection. It probably won’t work, but the only other option is to accept Russian cheating.
Don Q (New York)
If Russia is violating the treaty, which they are, it only makes sense to posture ourselves accordingly. Holding ourselves back would only be playing into Putin.
Neil (Texas)
It is interesting to note that the secretary got a unanimous, yes - that is with no opposition - support from NATO over this decision. This belies comments to a nearby NYT story on the sectretary's speech where he questioned relevance to current issues of anxient international institutions. Many commenting on the story denigrated him for being, well - undiplomatic. Regarding this treaty - his plain and undiplomatic words - obviously did not offend - any NATO members.
Jake (New York)
These comments are absolutely absurd. Why would be hamstring our military capabilities when Russia is violating the treaty?
GH (Los Angeles)
Fake red line is a dangerous thing to wave on the world stage, especially with a US president virtually owned by Putin.
Onyx M (Paoli, PA)
Wonderful international relations, pull out instead of having to confront the offender. Totally a Trump financial move.
Susan (San Francisco, CA)
Why not ask/pressure China to join the treaty rather than scrap the treaty under the pretense that we're responding to Russian behavior.
RF (Chicago)
And without the treaty Putin can do what he wants.....ok got it, up to speed now.
Tácito Rolim (Brazil)
Seems that the Cold War days are back. Hope people from both governments still agree that nuclear war is not an option.
waldo (Canada)
Pompous Pompeo threatens Russia with walking away from a treaty the US has been seeking to exit for a long time and which all the Washington neocons of both parties think the US should have never entered into. The big picture is far wider, than just the INF. Factor in the new defense posture, the nuclear rearmament, low-yield tactical nukes, space corps, et al. The US wants to maintain and rebuild its global military hegemony and superiority. And people in Flint still don't have clean water. This is