House Republicans Pick Kevin McCarthy as Their Next Leader

Nov 14, 2018 · 104 comments
Jim K (San Jose, CA)
We in California will be working for the next two years to rid the House of this waste of skin. I'm amazed that his constituents could vote for him after he stabbed California in the back with the latest tax bill. Talk about taxation without representation. Start looking for a nice job at at the Heritage Foundation, Kevin; you're going to need one soon.
Mark Tele (Cali)
Kevin McCarthy’s family benefited from a U.S. program for minorities based on disputed ancestry. Think Trump will come up with a racist nickname for him?
D. Healy (Paris, France)
A New McCarthy Era! Never forget how we here to these Trumpian days. The Republican members of Congress sold out America! Now we are an international disgrace. Ruined by an amoral utterly incompetent man unable to tell the truth wholly enabled buy the collaboration and acquiescence of the Republican party. This era is characterized by lies derision corruption. Never forget.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Shades of the past! "...down by close to 40 seats!" Hard to forget Bill Clinton after HIS first mid-term election (his party lost 63 seats in the House). He spent a good deal of the next two years insisting that he was "still relevant." Then he got re-elected.
Chris (SW PA)
I was going to say that the GOP has done the country a favor by putting in maybe their dumbest person, and then I thought about who else they could have chosen and I decided to modify my comment. McCarthy is one of their best.
Al (Central California)
McCarthy is not articulate or very bright; quite the dim bulb, indeed. Anybody around here who pays attention to anything — and knows what a fact is — knows that. He might be able to put together a fun pizza party, but I can’t see the guy being a help for the GOP. (Thank goodness!) I live in his district and I don’t understand why the media conflates his ability to bring in money with smarts. He’s never had to work for his seat — he’s never had a strong challenger and wasn’t even in his district on election night. And no one should believe his successful “businessman” story. The WaPo did a story about his so-callled deli several months ago, but it didn’t get much traction. And let’s not forget his thinly veiled anti-Semitic tweet issued just before the synagogue massacre that he deleted right after, He called Hilary Clinton “untrustable” when he made his Benghazi flub; he must have been thinking about the “uncrustable” pb&j sandwiches made fo kids. What a dope. Can’t want to see how things work out.
Bruce Mincks (San Diego)
We recall McCarthy's greatest accomplishment was to announce how the Benghazi hearings had lowered Hillary's Clinton's ratings. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, then, and this article suggests that as a Republican Congress gets sucked into the Trump Organization's frauds and treasons, McCarthy will continue to focus of the packaging of their discredited message rather than the message itself. If it sells, it doesn't need to exist--that's the "conservative" theory here, which brought us fake news instead of coherent policy and a Republican Party content with Russian espionage as a matter of "unity."
SenDan (Manhattan side)
McCarthy is another creep on top of a pile of creeps. One can tune in weekly and hear him and his ilk on Hate Radio kissing up to the mouth-piece of the Nationalist Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh, along with the chumps at Fox. We can count on the fact that the Speaker-kin will just keep charming his fellow nationalist party members (including 90% of the now defunct GOP voters) with dutiful hate speech and bad laws in lockstep with Trump and that Damn The Torpedoes mindset! His climb to infamy will most likely be aided and spoon-fed by a Pelosi leadership... an opposition with no heart or teeth. Be forewarned Mrs Pelosi. This bad actor McCarthy is coming to have a street brawl and you are no Street Brawler. Step aside and let the young turks, the new generation, fight this Battle Royale.
Chuck Burton (Steilacoom, WA)
No brawl in the House. The minority is powerless.
The 1% (Covina California)
McCarthy: the next major GOP to get knocked off by voters in 2020. With a hated president driving folks to the polls, even Bakersfield will see millions spent by outside groups to get rid of this guy. Kevin, your days are numbered.
Chuck Burton (Steilacoom, WA)
McCarthy's remarks demonstrate a stunning lack of self-awareness and he obviously has learned nothing from last week's beatdown. I have to wish him godspeed with his lies and delusional rhetoric and where it gets his party of despicables in two years.
Blackmamba (Il)
Kevin McCarthy exposed himself as doddering dimwit the last time he was in line to succeed John Boehner as Speaker. Kevin's sin was admitting how playing partisan politics was his motivation as majority leader instead of any coherent principles. Paul Ryan became Speaker based upon the myth that he was a deeply intellectual policy wonk. Ryan was not terribly bright nor articulate. But he faked it enabled by the media. Muttering inane platitudes concealed a black hole mind. Now that he is in minority in the House neither McCarthy nor his party matter.
Timothy Spradlin (Austin Texas)
If California Democrats have any sense they will play the game, as demonstrated by the Republicans, and gerrymander McCarthy out of office while they still can.
RVW (Paso Robles)
The Republican Party gets ickier every day. They'll never understand that most of America wants to move forward on social and economic issues and has no appetite for the divisive, lying culture that has reached epidemic levels within its ranks. Ask me to guess who said something truly stupid and I'll win every time by simply saying, "a Republican, of course."
Chris (San Francisco)
Where has the Republican Party been for the last 2 years? They like to act like they somehow represent the "American Public" but really only seem to be interested in acting on behalf of a small very well heeled segment of the American Public. Where have they been the last two years while an out of control President breaks laws and norms that are supposed to protect us as citizens? Though I would like to believe Mr. McCarthy is sincere in his desires, the track record of his party is not something that speaks well.
Scott (Los Angeles)
Returning to fiscal conservatism will be the only way forward. They cannot just instigate ignorant politics and rhetoric, spewing lies. If nothing else they must stand for something. Spineless is not credible.
Warren (NY)
McCarthy tripped on his tongue while admitting the Bengazi/Clinton hearing was designed to halt Clinton’s presidential campaign. He thought the hearings would earn him the Speakership. And that’s how we got Ryan’s speakership failure. Stay tuned for his next episode.
dave (california)
Mccarthy is one of a handfull of republicans left in California because his Kern County district is home to the most ignorant conservative citizenry in the whole state (fact - most illiterate county in the state) He's a suave articulate shrewd phony and complete political hack - "My Kevin" says it all. ps -It's mind boggling to think the Dems would resist Pelosi who is the most competent speaker in history (including LBJ) AND to whom we owe more than can ever be repaid.
Bob Tonnor (Australia)
' he will oversee Republicans’ efforts to protect President Trump from the expected onslaught of oversight, investigations and even a potential impeachment by newly empowered House Democrats', rather you than me pal, just remember to ask yourself one question every time you defend this crook, would i defend this behavior if this was any other person other than the President? If the answer is no, then its your character, not Trumps that you may have to defend into the future, good luck.
Chuck Burton (Steilacoom, WA)
I don't think you understand the American political system. Does anybody? The last two years should show you that the minority party in the House of Representatives has absolutely no power at all unlike the Senate where they have some available maneuvers. McCarthy and friends cannot protect Trump in the House, only in the court of public opinion. But the Democrats will not impeach Trump even though they have the votes to do so, because it is futile and backfired badly when the Republicans tried it on Clinton. There is no chance that the Senate will find sixty seven votes to convict. And if Mueller comes out with strong enough evidence that it could happen, Trump will be long gone before any such trial begins.
Lightning McQueen (Boston)
Steve Scalise, the #2 House Republican leader, once boasted to his supporters that he was “David Duke without the baggage.”
John (Boulder, CO)
Another Old White Man running things.
Thomas Payne (Blue North Carolina)
Thank you republicans for sticking with this "leader." It would be generous to say that he is "mediocre at best." Get ready for 2020: we're going to knock you into the stratosphere. Oblivion. Nowheresville. Adios.
Tom Storm (Antipodes)
Frankly, I'd like to have seen Jim Jordan become House Republican Leader. "What - are you completely insane?" is a reasonable question. Well, as I read it - Kevin McCarthy talks the talk of a moderate Conservative - except he's anything but...and he's a flip-flopper. Oh - Abortion rights? Jim Jordan on the other hand is openly right of Genghis Kahn - a persuasion shared by Trump's ultra-deep baseline who are the opinion leaders in the Red States. With Jordan we'd know what we were getting and what we'd have to face - but when it comes to McCarthy, it's anyone's guess.
George Orwell (USA)
Thank God Ryan the RINO is out.
In despair (Seattle)
The guy who was caught on tape saying that Trump gets paid by Putin, “swear to god!”, then denied saying that? The GOP really wants to demonstrate their total lack of integrity and intelligence and loyalty to this country.
brian (Chicago)
Does anyone else find it odd that a relative newcomer like Liz Cheney - who's only been in office a couple years - secured a leadership role? Her ascendance is worth its own story. Do Republicans not understand that there's wide-spread enmity for the Cheney name?
Bob Newman (105 West 10th St. NYC NY)
As an Irish-American (fourth generation), I have to say that I am continuously embarrassed by the public actions of today's Irish American politicians and talking heads (are you listening Paul Ryan, Sean Hannity?). These folks have no knowledge, no memory of what Irish Americans went through to be accepted in this country. Now, they are toadies to the powers that be. Bob Newman
Dotconnector (New York)
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
PropagandandTreason (uk)
Now watch the GOP decline as the Democrats take over the politics of American people, where there is a culture of diversity. The Republicans are white old men who are living before the 1960's and have an ideology that America just rejected. No matter who the Republicans pick as leader, Americans are picking a new America where every one is involved in society, and women become the driving power in the democratic move towards an open and progressive society where all are equal.
jlcsarasota (Sarasota FL)
He’s the guy who stumbled and admitted the whole investigation into Hillary was just a political ploy to injure her and not based on reality! I don’t know if he’s the best guy for the gop side but it seems clear he puts party above country which is not good. It’s never been clearer than the last 2 years how dirty politics is. Let’s hope the new younger diverse freshwomen class in the house, can elevate the discourse.
Reality (WA)
As usual, the Dem's are forming the circular firing squad which will insure that they will be totally ineffective over the next 2 years, guaranteeing R return to control of everything in 2020. Nancy Pelosi towers over the newbies in her caucus who will attack her because the Republican apparatus has worked so effectively to convince even them that she is the enemy. Dems. simply can't play the long game.
Mark Tele (Cali)
@Reality ... reality challenged is more like it. This article is not about Pelosi, but you have your agenda.
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
Simply put this is another win for the Democratic Party! McCarthy? Wow. And I thought Sinema taking AZ was as good as it would get. If McCarthy moves into more of a leadership position you can expect another blue wave in 2020.
Bill Noren (Palm Springs, CA)
Remember when Kevin tried to Speaker last time? He was so transparently incompetent, uninformed, inarticulate and embarrassing that he was quickly shunted aside. Why is he even in the running?
John McLaughlin (Bernardsville, NJ)
Jim Jordan was the alternative
JM (San Francisco, CA)
Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the daughter of former Vice President Richard Cheney will lead the Republican conference, the No. 3 position and a potential springboard into the upper echelons of Republican politics. Yikes, another Cheney holding the No 3 position in Republican politics??? The new movie (Vice) about dad, Dick, coming out soon.
PropagandandTreason (uk)
@JM It matters not who is the leadership of a party that is politically dead, and where Trump has destroyed the GOP of the past.
GTM (Austin TX)
Kevin McCarthy, like the vast majority of GOP lawmakers, puts party loyalty above Constitutional loyalty or the nation's interests. Can hardly wait for him to profess to "Protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic". What a hoot!
Greg (San Diego)
Looks like a rudderless ship to me. May it drift away and be lost at sea forever.
J (Denver)
The guy that swore to God that Trump was bought by Russia is clearly the best guy to run the republican party...
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
" my Kevin ". Sounds uncomfortably close to " my Precious ". Seriously.
@Phyliss Dalmatian Hahaha. Good one. Much larger than Gollem but the hair works.
Walter McCarthy (Henderson, nv)
The Republicans could have done a worse.
DAS (Sonoma)
Former used care salesman. Pelosi is going to make mincemeat out of him.
NYer (NYC)
"Benghazi" McCarthy as leader of the House Republicans? Do we really need to know anything else about the Republicans' interest in working with the soon-to-be majority party in Congress, or their alleged interest in helping govern our nation?
Cynical (Knoxville, TN)
In the house, this is of no significance. And the GOP could have done worse - there's plenty of talent at the bottom. It's more important that the Democrats learn to convert their success in the House to one in the Senate and the White House, come 2020. If they get something on fixing the infrastructure passed, if they can slow down the destructive policies on the environment, and if they can reinstate parts of the ACA, they'll convince voters that to get things done, one must vote Democrat.
Moxnix67 (Oklahoma)
One good result of Brat's loss is the disarray of the so-called Freedom Caucus. They aren't so invulnerable after all.
Richard Mclaughlin (Altoona PA)
Wouldn't the man who protected President Trump from the 'onslaught' when the Republicans were in the majority, be the best man to protect the President while they're in the minority? But of course, Mr. Ryan believes that if he can get out of the way before all the damages are revealed, he can come back at a later time and be elected President. The Democrats, to be fair, should make Speaker Ryan as much a part of their investigations as the President. Ryan's lackadaisical attitude in the face of blatant corruption should be memorialized.
Dani Weber (San Mateo Ca)
If Democrats push Nancy Pelosi out after she engineered their triumph I will be so enraged that I will quit the party and I am about as far left as you can get. That is so typical of the men; a woman succeeds and instead of honoring her they dismiss her and decide that what she accomplished wasn’t so hard after all
Michelle N. (Atlanta)
@Dani Weber, it's not just men. It's some of the younger women who've swept in on this blue wave as well. I guess they think they manufactured the “ocean” along with the wave that brought them in. But I am so with you. I will be beyond disgusted if they get their way, or worse, back a man to replace her. Try serving in Congress for more than a training session before you start throwing experienced leaders overboard. Good grief.
Mark Tele (Cali)
@Dani Weber Please leave gender out of it. Besides, this article is not about Pelosi and the only thing she engineered is a lot of corporate cash into her coffers.
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
“But let me be very clear: If their agenda is simply investigations, impeachment and not focused on the hard-working American public, we will be there to defend the American public.” News flash, Congressman McCarthy. Many of us among the hard-working American public would feel defended if the new House DOES investigate things that deserve to be revealed. Let's start with the Trump tax returns and see where that leads...
Innocent Bystander (Highland Park, IL)
By shunting raging reactionary Jim Jordan over to nowheresville, the House Republicans finally signaled their acknowledgement that neo-fascism isn't really going over very well with most Americans. But it's nice to know McCarthy has a special connection with the Trumpenführer. That will come in handy during the investigations and subsequent impeachment proceedings.
EHR (Md)
"Gentlemanly"? Really? Was Liz Cheney acting "gentlemanly" too? Glad to see the Republicans are really re-thinking their mindsets that have prevented them from moving forward.
silver vibes (Virginia)
Kevin McCarthy should fit right in with his party. He comes in with a huge chip on his shoulder and spoiling for a fight, just like his president. Republicans had seven oversight hearings on Benghazi and now McCarthy warns Democrats about possible investigations of executive malfeasance? Please.
Veronica (Bellingham, WA)
I'm glad Kevin McCarthy pledges to be there to defend hard working Americans, if the Democrats pursue investigations into administration corruption. After all, tax cuts for the rich, dissolving health care, misogyny and racism are sure fire ways to demonstrate that the Republicans have our back.
Tom (NYC)
Pelosi needs to go. She can step down voluntarily or be voted out. She is not bigger than the people of the Democratic Party, who need new leadership in Congress and a new, broad message, though her self-regard and entitlement appear to be. It was entitlement that lost the presidency for Democrats in 2016. Let's move on.
RG (Kentucky)
McCarthy says "I think our message is going to have to be clearer." The reason that the Republicans lost the House is that their message is perfectly clear, and the voters are sick of it.
Look Ahead (WA)
Speaker Paul Ryan pretended to be really smart but it turned out his head was only full of asterisks. Kevin McCarthy doesn't even pretend. But Kevin is good for making newsworthy quotes, like when he said in June 2016 on a secretly recorded call with Ryan and others: “There's two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” But maybe Kevin is smarter than he acts because he might just be right about the Rudsians and Trump. (Ryan reminded everyone on the call to keep it confidential, which obviously didn't work) You are going to see a lot of microphones in your new job, Kevin. Please keep the spontaneous offhand remarks coming!
George Dietz (California)
Just when you think the GOP can't sink lower, watch out. Here comes one of the most ham-fisted, dopey-dumb, Trump robotic, bigoted, antisemitic ideologue, Kevin McCarthy. He opposed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 and voted against the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007. So watch out if you happen to be non-male, LGBT or disabled. Peas in a pod with the monster in chief. I guess it's not possible for them to do better.
Tom J (Berwyn, IL)
The key word here is minority. They lost. Hahaha!
Ray Sipe (Florida)
GOP is in for rough times; they have been the Majority Party for 8 years. GOP told Dems to pound salt; lied to the Dems and treated Dems like trash. GOP pushed repealing ACA and stuffed their tax scam for the rich down our throats to give the rich baskets of free money. DEMS; do not believe anything the GOP says; they have lied; cheated and stolen. No significant legislation will be passed till 2021 when we get the GOP out. Ray Sipe
Rock Turtleneck (New York)
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, Calif.)
McCarthy is the perfect House Republican leader: smug, ignorant, sanctimonious, dogmatic and more American than thou -- or me.
PB (Northern UT)
Trump: "MY Kevin"?? Says it all as far as the GOP is concerned
Kip (Scottsdale, Arizona)
I wonder if Rep. McCarthy will continue to tweet out antisemitic conspiracy theories, now that he’s contributed to a massacre of 11 elderly citizens in a synagogue and the maiming of four police who responded.
DK in VT (New England)
Congratulations. Kevin McCarthy an absolutely accurate representation of today's Republican party. A soulless, mentally challenged toady.
Diogenes (San Diego, CA)
Bakersfield's finest.
William (Phoenix, AZ)
A liar replacing a liar. It’s the republiCON manta, lie, lie and lie some more. We can expect the same kind of lies from McCarthy as we got from Paul Ann Ryan. Maybe they’ll do better as the minority party, down by close to 40 seats! Clean them out in 2020 and really make them a minority party is really what’s required to save our country. No more corporations are people type legislation. Where is my middle class tax cut promised in the waning days of the campaign by our disrespectful leader? Crickets....See never held accountable! This question should be asked by everybody that comes into contact with trump. Lying liars lie but trump lies the most. Let’s see if McCarty gets that through real soon!
A. Jubatus (New York City)
I guess, despite Bobby Jindal's pleadings, that the GOP is hell-bent and determined to remain the "party of stupid". Oh well.
larrea (los angeles)
"My Kevin." His lapdog.
Bob in Pennsyltucky (Pennsylvania)
I think the DEMs should put some younger people in leadership positions. I think all of the top leadership were born before 1950. It is time to give some younger folks a chance to direct the party.
Dennis W (So. California)
Congratulations Kevin! You have taken the helm of a sinking ship. In the minority you will have little to say in what is taken up at the committee level. That's O.K. .... Spectating can be quite fun. Then in 2 short years following the President's on-going tweeting, divisive rhetoric and continued breaking of all norms you will have the chance to get your team back in the majority. Based on 2018 how do you think that will go?
John (Carpinteria, CA)
His district has some of the worst pollution in the country, some of the highest rates of teen pregnancy and STDs, and some of the worst law enforcement abuses of power. Only 9% of his constituents have college degrees. He has done nothing to improve any of those or numerous other quality of life metrics. He's basically an empty suit. People keep electing him because he comes home occasionally and makes some of the acceptable conservative political gestures and noises. He's also a total Trump yes-man. His is one of the few safe GOP districts left in California, but demographics will change that within a decade or so. I hope I live to see it.
BoulderEagle (Boulder, CO)
Move the Republican Party further right after last week's shellacking--that should be a winning strategy (not).
MJ (Northern California)
From the article: "His job in the months ahead will be charting the party’s path back to the majority in 2020." Ummm, no. His job will be to serve the American people by preserving Congress's proper role in our Constitutional form of government, not to improve his party's political fortunes.
The Heartland (West Des Moines, IA)
I have a bridge to sell you...
Shonun (Portland OR)
@MJ Absolutely agree. But Republicans have lost all sight of that far more worthy and appropriate goal, as their 40-year plan for legislative, executive and judicial dominance came to fruition in 2016, with the linchpin in Kavanaugh's recent elevation. Thankfully, it didn't last long, although they will never let go of that dream and will keep using any tactic possible, embracing amorality and illegality whenever necessary, to advance it again.
MJ (Northern California)
"And more immediately, he will oversee Republicans’ efforts to protect President Trump from the expected onslaught of oversight, investigations and even a potential impeachment by newly empowered House Democrats." I should have read the next sentence in the story before submitting my comment above. It's even worse, and my comment applies to it as well. Is this really what the reporter believes the job of the Minority Leader is?
Parker (NY)
Well deserved and completely appropriate. An inarticulate, none too bright, ethically challenged, uncompromising partisan to represent a party now in full lock step with Trump.
Southern Boy (CSA)
The selection of Kevin McCarthy is an excellent choice. He has dedicated his life to public service like no one before him. I look forward to his leadership, as does the rest of America. Thank you.
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
@Southern Boy Jorden or McCarthy. Not really a tough choice.
Ken S (Mpls, MN)
This makes it clear that the GOP is now officially the Party of Trump and all former principles have been abandoned. The base will be ecstatic, but the emerging demographics spell disaster.
kathy (SF Bay Area)
Their core principal is greed. The means is the manipulation of the many for the benefit of the few. You may be referring to the myths about the party, which have been only myths since the 1970s.
Kodali (VA)
Republicans has set an example how to choose the leadership. I hope Democrats will follow the example and choose Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the house and the rest of committee leaderships in the House. The public perception of Nancy Pelosi is degraded by the Republicans with false propaganda. The very reason that Republicans attacks her so much tells you that she is doing something good for public at large, such as passing ACA. Republicans hate common good policies and so trying to demonizing her. She is the Iron Lady and will prevail as speaker of the house.
Jacquie (Iowa)
What a joke to have a Sunday School teacher as Republican Conference Vice Chairwoman in the Senate, No. 5 position. She has no talent except being complicit with all of Trump's lies.
Tom (San Diego)
We'll know with the first Trump tweet whether McCarthy is for us or them. But he shouldn't unpack with the recent purge of Republicans in California.
TM (Boston)
I am loving the title "House Minority Leader" as it relates to the Republicans. Music to my ears, in fact.
Joel Rubinstein (San Francisco)
"And more immediately, he will oversee Republicans’ efforts to protect President Trump from the expected onslaught of oversight, investigations and even a potential impeachment by newly empowered House Democrats." In the wake of Watergate, many House and Senate Republicans put country ahead of party and worked in a bipartisan manner to expose the truth about President Nixon. Republicans took a shellacking in 1974, but came back six years later winning the presidency and the Senate and picking up 35 House seats. Republicans of today should do the same. They should work in a bipartisan manner to investigate possible collusion between the Trump campaign and foreign election hackers. If there was none, Republicans have the glory putting country before party and winning the political argument anyway, Putting party ahead of country already cost Republicans plenty in 2018. Why they would want to continue that strategy is beyond me.
Brad (Oregon)
"Insufficiently conservative "?! The current House of which he is in the majority is responsible for a corporate and wealthy tax cut that blew a trillion dollars hole in the budget, while they increased military spending, put no limits on the President while voting to cut lose 30 million Americans from health insurance. He is a leader of the least conservative House ever and should be ashamed.
Bottles (Southbury, CT 06488)
Six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Joe B. (Center City)
The last “Young Gun” standing. Hey dude, you are out of bullets.
John Figliozzi (Halfmoon, NY)
McCarthy is going to be responsible for "protecting" the Republicans' "legislative accomplishments"? What exactly were those? Heaping greater burdens on the working and middle classes? Transferring even greater wealth to the top tier of the already fabulously wealthy? Ok, yeah. Go ahead and defend that, Kevin.
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
@John Figliozzi Some of their "accomplishments" -- Kicking Arlen Specter when he was down. Removing Democrats from office based on contrived sex scandals. Keeping their positions when they were guilty of sex scandals by trotting their wives on stage to say that they were forgiven by both their wives and God. Forgetting about sex scandals once Trump was caught in that Access Hollywood tape - now they're just calling that sort of thing "locker room" antics. Adding over 100 Amendments to healthcare reform, getting rid of the public option former President Obama had proposed while aiming toward turning the legislation into Romeycare then acting as if cost-effective and more inclusive legislation had mortally wounded them; then defunding the risk corridor provision in order to sabotage the cost-effective aspect and destabilize the marketplace. Endorsing a birther while he had 3 class action lawsuits filed against him for fraud and racketeering. Not allowing Merrick Garland to even get a hearing, while awarding 2 supreme court seats to Trump appointees while Trump is under federal investigation. Putting Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court after he'd actually proven he doesn't even need to get drunk to be belligerent. Separating children - including nursing infants - from their parents and throwing them in cages because their parents may or may not be guilty of a misdemeanor. Allowing a man who bragged about sexually molesting women to refer to their parents as "rapists".
Ah, good old Kevin McCarthy, one of the dullest tools in a shed full of blunt instruments. No wonder Trump calls him, “My Kevin.” He must remind the Donald of one of his sons.
Thomas Payne (Blue North Carolina)
@NA We need a HA-HA-HA button on these comments. You are right on my brother.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Here's Kevin McCarthy in September 2015 on Fox News right before he was forced to drop out of the House Speaker race because he publicly revealed himself as a cheap political hack : “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee, what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping, why ?” Because the Benghazi Salem Witch Trial, followed later by the 'Emails' Salem Witch Trial and the 25-year-long Grand Old Propaganda character assassination of a decent woman was enough to dupe the bamboozled masses into voting for a Birther Liar with bankruptcy and horse manure expertise. A fine, principled Grand Old Patriot. Only the worst people...
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
@Socrates Here's hoping McCarthy will be as inadvertently loose-lipped in his new role, so the American public will always know the real agenda behind the GOP's imbecilic talking points. DP
Mrs.ArchStanton (northwest rivers)
@Socrates right on, good post.
zizzi (phoenix)
Kevin McCarthy's election as leader is proof the GOP has no interest in coming back to the real world. He has supported every scheme Trump has suggested and will not do anything "across the aisle" Very very sad that they didn't learn the message of the midterms.
matty (boston ma)
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. Ryan in a different suit.
James Locke (Alexandria, Virginia)
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
They're picking Kevin McCarthy - the man who was supposed to have replaced John Boehner just before he inadvertenly blabbed that the Benghazi hearings were just the GOP's way of campaigning against Hillary Clinton on our dime? THAT Kevin McCarthy? Well, I'm glad they finally untied him and let him out of the basement. It's probably that no one else is willing to take the position at this juncture since it's going to prove meaningless.