A Dish to Comfort on Those Cold, Dark Days

Nov 09, 2018 · 9 comments
Nice recipe, but between the use of sweet potatoes and "swiss" mountain cheeses, it's no longer aligot. Cantal may be the easiest-to-find of traditional aligot cheeses. Just make sure it's on the younger and softer side rather than aged and hard.
Sheila Teahan (East Lansing, Michigan)
Can one use regular potatoes for this? I can't have sweet potatoes in the house because my husband is deathly allergic. Thanks.
but of course. this recipe is a riff on real aligot, which made with white potatoes.
Katharine Horowitz (Minneapolis)
This sounds like something from the SNL sketch "The Lov-ahs" with Rachel Dratch and Will Ferrell. "I first saw aligot potatoes, a dish from the wind-swept Aubrac plateau in France, being whipped up tableside at a restaurant in the Auvergne. "
Boggle (Here)
Sounds amazing!
Tuvw Xyz (Evanston, Illinois)
I am against melting cheese for any dish, as I believe melting denatures this noble product. For pommes aligot, I would hesitate to use a mixture of "Gruyère, Emmenthaler, Saint-Nectaire, Tomme de Savoie", particularly as Tomme de Savoie is a rather tasteless cheese. I would cover an ordinary potato purée with a good layer of grated either French Cantal de Salers, or Swiss Sbrinzer, and enjoy it.
Eric (EU)
@Tuvw Xyz "I am against melting cheese for any dish" Sounds like someone who has never had raclette.
Tuvw Xyz (Evanston, Illinois)
@ Eric EU Oh, yes, I have had plenty of raclette or fondue, and I still stick by my judgement.
Jeanine (MA)