A Good Week for Challenging Secrecy

Nov 07, 2018 · 7 comments
cWBaris (locust valley, ny)
A couple of notches in the belts of the good guys: Sunlight is the disinfectant! Bravo...
J.Crowley (Denville NJ)
@cWBaris Yes, it's a constant struggle to support a free press. In light of revocation of credentials, all reporters should refuse to cover the White House. Turn in their credentials .
Paul Shindler (NH)
Please, get the Trump tax returns.
Wim Roffel (Netherlands)
Secrecy in itself is not good or bad. I would have loved to see some more explanation why those victories were good for humanity.
robert (Long Island City, NY)
I'd be very interested to learn about your perspective relative to the cases presented in this article; which, if any or all of the these situation should be kept a secret and who/what would benefit from keeping it secret?
Jay T. Smith (San Francisco)
Nothing in this article heals the wound to the body politic when the Times in 2004 withheld from the public the news that the NSA under the Bush administration was spying on the American people. This decision surely helped a corrupt administration survive for another term.
Fred (Bryn Mawr)
@Jay T. Smith It is true that bush was an illegal, immoral and brutal dictator. But let us not forget that his crimes against humanity pale in comparison to those of the madman orange idiot whose jackboot stomps on the face of humankind.