Trump Begins Midterm Election Day Bracing for Grim Political News, Aides Say (07dc-trumpday) (07dc-trumpday)

Nov 06, 2018 · 324 comments
kdw (Louisville, KY)
Perhaps I'm looking for a silver lining, but I do think Humpty Dumpty has cracked and may never go back together again. Yeah. We have been seeing for the longest time that this emperor is naked, but now it seems more people are aware that the site is unseemly and grotesque. Hope springs eternal.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
BEWARE! There are still 60 days for Republicans to commit conscienceless mayhem between now and January 7 when the new Congress takes its seats. They will shred what remains of our country between now and then.
Thinking Out Loud (Wake Forest)
Don’t believe any headline until all the votes are counted. I believe no polls anymore.
citybumpkin (Earth)
Uh-huh. I remember reading headlines like this back in 2016. The Republicans have a lot of institutional advantages going into this election. It's going to be a tough fight for the future of American democracy, and the stakes are extremely high. What will it mean for a president who says he has the "absolute right" to pardon himself of any and all crimes when he gets what he thinks is a mandate from the electorate? What will it mean if he thinks his back is against the wall?
Carol (NYC)
I assume his aides planted this story to scare Republicans into running to the polls.
Nellie (Boston)
Let the subpoenas begin.
Mark J (Cleveland ,Oh)
Trump should brace for a difficult time ahead. His past behaviors will/ are catching up with him as investigations reveal the true source of Trump finances, ie start with the tax return. NY tax and foundation questions will come to light. Emoluments will be discussed and make traction in the courts. And, we haven’t begun to hear from Mueller. Yes. Trump needs to brace himself.
Smarty's Mom (NC)
Hope he knows we are all out here praying furiously for him.
Awake (New England)
I hope the message is clear, need to reject white nationalists and stop this move to the Reich.
Fintan (Orange County CA)
What breaks my heart (words chosen carefully) is that, for Trump, the whole thing is framed as winning or losing power and control. As a candidate who ran on the idea that vast swaths of the country were feeling left out, he has no awareness of, or care about, the new divisions his leadership is creating. In a perfect world — heck, in a decent one — our president might use the possibility of grim electoral news as an opportunity for reflection. But Mr. Trump sees the world only through the very narrow view of his own self interest. Red, blue or purple, my sincere hope is that we wake up tomorrow with just a few more leaders whose interests and sense of responsibility extend beyond whether or not they will win the next election.
Jim Of Aventura (Florida)
I have not seen anywhere that Donald J voted today. Do he, or is he above such a democratic obligation?
Rocky (Wetlands)
Maybe it’s like his view of taxes, it’s for other people to do.
Marvant Duhon (Bloomington Indiana)
Those who live by bullying, bigotry, lechery, no loyalty to his subordinates, divisiveness, and an incredible amount of bald-faced lying can sometimes win. But once they fail, it's all over. Sow Donald's big wind, inherit the whirlwind.
bonku (Madison )
I hope we can see Trump in designer orange jump suit in some jail within 3 yrs. Tonight should be the start of his end. I hope America can start becoming America again from tomorrow morning- a new dawn.
Clyde (Hartford, CT)
I sincerely hope that the Democrats at least take the House. The last two years I have felt like a potential Nazi victim in the late 1930’s. Although I'm not Jewish, had I been living in Germany then, I would have likely been transported to a concentration camp as an undesirable minority. I hope the election allows me to get past the very real feeling that it could happen here. That will only be the case if the Republicans lose the House (or Senate, though that's not likely).
Jennifer S (New York )
You had this exact headline in 2016. It haunts me still
Karen (Ohio)
Hang in there Trump we are still with you!
Ron (Florida)
You're making me nervous. I saw basically this same article in 2016.
Ranks (Phoenix)
Let MATA - Make America Tolerant Again - win tonight..
D.A.Oh (Middle America)
Any solutions to opioid epidemic yet, Mr President? When's the next Infrastructure Week? Is there a plan to resolve your trade war? Or avoid war in the Middle East? Or can you at least update us on when you plan to meet with Robert Mueller?
14woodstock (Chicago)
Trump will make all kinds of stories about voter fraud and other stuff if things don't go his way. Close races will be challenged and he will hurry to push things through in the months it will take to resolve the bogus challenges. Don't celebrate too early if tonight's results flip the House.
Jim Cricket (Right here)
“I would like to have a much softer tone. I feel, to a certain extent, I have no choice. But maybe I do,” The devil made me do it. Honest.
Karen (pa)
The Republicans will prevail.....
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
To paraphrase Mr. Trump, he would like "to have a much softer tone" but he feels he has "no choice." Wow, that is quite a statement, is it not? It not only tells us about his ability to manipulate his supporters by preaching hate, racism, and bigotry, but it also informs us of his base. In order for him to sustain the power he has, he has to rely on his worst instincts to attract human nature's darker sides. We have yet to see how these elections will pan out. But if God willing we do win back the House and increase our governorships, with the election of Stacey Abrams as the final glorious achievement, we will witness the real Donald Trump. Does he have a soul capable of guilt and remorse, or will he continue his profound thuggery and lies at his nation's expense? And perhaps, just perhaps if he manifests the former of two reactions, some of his most rabid supporters may just also have a rude awakening that this nation has made it for over 200 years, through the good times and the bad, because it is steadfast in its belief of justice and equality for all.
Trump might "soften his tone," but it won't change the hatred in his heart, the lack of wisdom in his head, the racism in everything he says and does no matter what the tone of voice, and the disastrous path down which he has mis-led this country. Depression in the White House? I'm delighted to hear about it and hope that it is intense and long-lasting. He deserves it for the acute case of depression he has given the majority of Americans and our allies - and everyone around him who has aided and abetted his abysmal excuse for leadership deserves it, too. (PS - Mr. Trump, tune out Fox News. They lie, even to you.)
Kristin Ames (Houston, TX)
Typical Trump modus operandi: blame his staffers for his troubles and fire them if things go bad for the GOP. There is one common denominator over the past 655 days: Donald Trump. But he refuses to take responsibility for being the problem. His frail ego cannot allow him to take responsibility. And his extremism has turned many Republicans away from the party, perhaps for life.
Grennan (Green Bay)
Maybe he's starting to experience the stomach-clenching combination of fear and anxiety that many of us have felt during the last two years as events geyser out of our own control.
Nuffalready (upstate NY)
“Mr. Trump knows that his rhetoric may have gone too far at times,” But he doesn’t know any other way
WPLMMT (New York City)
President Trump's personality is unlikely to ever change as you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. The voters who elected him were drawn to his unique personality which no presidential candidate had dared display before. They were used to lackluster candidates and wanted to see some shaking up. They liked what they saw and especially approved of the policies he was advocating in the process. They were in favor of his ending illegal immigration which had gone on for much too long. They liked that he talked about closing the borders and building the wall. This was important to many Americans and still is. He has kept his promises and his popularity among his supporters has not diminished. They were ecstatic at his rallies and he spoke about the issues he had campaigned on. He did the best he could in supporting the various Republican candidates and let the chips fall were they may. Maybe he should have toned it down a bit but this has never been his style. He was passionate about his support for the candidates running and they seemed to appreciate his making an appearance. Hopefully the Republicans will hold onto the house; but if they should lose, it was not for lack of trying. It was just not their night and they can always come back in two more years. It appears they will control the senate so not all is lost. No matter the outcome, they put up a good fight and should be proud.
Rosemarie McMichael (San Francisco CA)
@WPLMMT It could be argued that the 20 million who received health care under ACA weren't receptive to a message which said the party would continue to work to repeal it and instead focused on the dangers and implicit hatred of barefoot, hungry, desperate immigrants. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves, there's nothing about unAmerican their positions they can be proud of.
Mark J (Cleveland ,Oh)
@WPLMMT. Be proud of putting up a good fight GOP HOUSE but not proud of failing to hold accointable a man who has no ethics or morals. The founding fathers created the opportunity and intent to separate powers. When will we see evidence of accountability? The new House will hold Trump accountable. What about the GOP controlled Senate? Beware. The next Senatorial elections will too have consiquences. We will remember.
Smarty's Mom (NC)
@WPLMMT Perhaps has something to with all the not the least bit positive feelings so any of us have for him. We are all praying for him. I have been hard pressed to decide whether he is stuid and have finally decided it does not matter; he is just plain evil
AussieAmerican (Somewhere)
Mr. Trump spent Tuesday “making phone calls, monitoring Congressional, Senate and Gubernatorial races across the country and meeting with his political team for real-time updates.” What? He's not on the ballot. Why isn't he working? You know, do the job he was elected to do?
Walker (USA)
Democrats are winning both the House and Senate period! Women, minorities, immigrants are voting in record numbers going: Democratic all the way! The sheer: Nastiness, Arrogance and polorization of the Trump Administration as completely turned towards Democrats! President Trump is NOT cut out to be president period! NOT a “ People’s President” a Divider not a Uniter”! Too much “ racial tensions” White Supremacy Groups/ Nationalists” growing in alarming numbers! Mass Shootings and people are just sooooo sick and tired of the Trump Administration period! Hope Joe Biden runs because America needs a People’s President like “ Barack Obama” instead of this current “ miscreant”!
Aran (West Cost)
If you want a country which shuns diversity and promotes racism and misogyny vote for the GOP.
Blue (St Petersburg FL)
We’ll see what revenge the angry white men and women who support Trump’s white power message inflict on the country for the next two years.
Ford313 (Detroit)
My MAGA Trump loving cousin is threatening to leave the US if there is a DEM landslide. Makes me almost want to spring for his passport. The weeping and breast beating on FB is something to behold.
D.j.j.k. (south Delaware)
Trumps fake health care , fake fear of Mexican caravan , fake deniers of climate change , fake Jobs coal jobs that are toxic to the workers and environment.
Texas Liberal (Austin, TX)
NBC News reports this evening, byHallie Jackson, re attitude inside the White House: "No regrets". So much for "grim".
Able Nommer (Bluefin Texas)
Trump's conclusion to an ABC affiliate owned by the Trump-friendly Sinclair Broadcasting: “And maybe I could’ve been softer from that standpoint.” The salesman's introspection story is pure orchestrated politicking. It's more-than-ok to speculate the crassest motives. All of America has heard "The 2018 Campaign Cornicopia of Lies". So, will the Times - "Defeat the lies"? My recommendation: WHICHEVER WAYS that you want to delicately premise that Trump will say anything for votes - is fine - Mr Shear and Ms Haberman. For political correctness, just add "I guess that it's possible that The President is thinking about the citizens."
Elaine M (Colorado)
Grim for HIM because he'll no longer be able to drag this country lower and lower. Joyful for the rest of us. Maybe clarify that in your headline?
mbbelter (connecticut)
You know that Trump will deal with the election outcomes the way he always does. Heads I win, Tails you lose. It's not my fault. It's "their" fault. He feels nothing. He stands for nothing.
William (Memphis)
No one hates democracy like the rich.
Jeremy Mott (West Hartford, CT)
Maybe Trump is hunkering down at the White House because he’s tired of all the winning. Maybe America will give him a break from it all tonight, and let him enjoy a little losing . . . I mean, my goodness, the poor man has built that wall, repealed and replaced Obamacare with something better, and he’s drained the Washington swamp of corruption. Can’t we let the poor man retire, now that America is great again?
Ray Sipe (Florida)
Republican crime wave is about to end. Investigate Trump and corrupt Republicans. Jail sentences to the max for the guilty. Ray Sipe
NYC Dweller (NYC)
Go Trump! MAGA
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
There you have it, the only way to support trump is with meaningless noise.
Go away Trump!
Bobo (Malibu)
The real issue is to focus on making Mr. Trump a one-term president. If the Democrats win the House, they should use their legislative mandate as a platform to run on in 2020.
This man has brought nothing but shame upon the highest office in the land.It has been desecrated in the process. We can only hope that the Dems and a thoroughly complete investigation by the Mueller team can attempt to rescue our democracy.
Maxie (Gloversville, NY )
I certainly hope so! Bad news for Donald Trump is great news for the USA!
LCG (Brookline, MA)
If only this were 2020, and not 2018, then our national -- if not international -- nightmare might be coming to a close . . .
andy123 (NYC)
“I would like to have a much softer tone. I feel, to a certain extent, I have no choice. But maybe I do..." Softer tone? No choice? For heaven's sake, what's to choose? This is about plain old-fashioned good manners. No one else would have thought twice.
Bello (western Mass)
I have this crazy fear that Trump will attempt to nullify the results, claiming the election in one or more key states was rigged.
@Bello - and then if he can't reverse those results, he'll call out the national guard and declare martial law. Yeah, I've had that nightmare, too!
Pam (Skan)
Trump must be glad. He no longer needs to feel so tired of winning.
APS (Olympia WA)
"Mr. Trump intended to spend the day “making phone calls, monitoring Congressional, Senate and Gubernatorial races across the country and meeting with his political team for real-time updates.”" 'cause he certainly doesn't have to do any president-ing.
The most likely outcome is that the Democrats get a modest majority in the House but fail to take the Senate. Here is what happens next: -- Democrats in the House start several investigations, which largely go nowhere since Trump will spend the next 2 years playing chicken. If the Democrats move to impeach, they guarantee Trump's reelection in 2020 -- No laws get passed, since the House and Senate will be on the opposite sides of all issues -- The Republicans shift their focus to packing the courts, since the Senate calendar won't be debating legislation -- The White House focuses on rules changes within the federal agencies and signing statements, just like Obama did for much of his Presidency Overall, the Republicans are actually helped by the Democrats taking the House, since the Democrats will have no real power beyond harassing and investigating. And Bill Clinton certainly spun that into a positive for himself, so expect Trump to do the same.
Susan (Reynolds County, Missouri)
Trump trusts Fox News and vice versa--so when one gets it completely wrong (as with the Josh Hawley report issued on Fox) the other must put the blame on Democrats who had nothing to do with it, thus compounding the falsehood. I am certain the folie a deux will not end with the election no matter what the results.
ubique (NY)
No matter the outcome, Donald Trump’s about to see how long Don Jr. and Jared Kushner can endure the most intense legal pressure imaginable, having no hope of receiving a pardon. It’s Mueller time. And he’s no Democrat.
Grennan (Green Bay)
@ubique The Republican national committee filed an FEC report earlier this year that showed it was already paying some fairly hefty legal fees on Don Jr.'s behalf. When donors start protesting about that, it may mean the rush for the exit has started.
Michael Strycharske (Madison, Wisconsin)
Grim? Grim for him is genial for most of us.
What a mirage. I doubt that Trump cares about the repubs much more than he cares about anybody else. A few weeks ago he said that if the repubs lose, it's not his fault. Then he said a vote for (fill in the blank) is a vote for me. It's all really simple. If the dems gain control of the house they subpoena Trump's tax records. Impeachment is not necessary. He will leave or be severely limited for his remaining 2 years. I prefer the dems get after some of his cabinet appointees who are a blatant insult to the mission of their departments. And push legislation to correct our nation's problems; especially infrastructure, which will require investment now to create future employment. And yes, the economy is doing well, but it was doing great under Obama. Trump's tax cuts and lifting of environmental restrictions have made business feel 'better' but, as has always happened, those items will cost in the future. Sadly, Trump will be, as always, oblivious, basking in self delusion.
bobandholly (Manhattan)
Not much will change. The republicans will retain the Senate, governerships, state legislatures, county and municipal majorities. And the courts. The democrats will gain a few seats in the house but not enough to make an impact. Even if the democrats gained a majority in the house they will still cave in to republican demands, as usual.
simon sez (Maryland)
Trump will never admit anything that doesn't sell his brand: Donald Trump. The man has no interest except in bolstering his own ego. His end will come. Maybe today's vote will help hasten that; I hope so. He has brought this country to the point of civil war. The man is guilty of so many horrible and offensive actions. It is astounding that 40+% of Americans support him When he goes, it won't be pretty and, of course, he will claim that he won. He would claim he won even if everyone in the land voted against him.
michael kittle (vaison la romaine, france)
The greatest drawback to being an expatriate American living in Europe is that all my income taxes must go to the United States instead of my adopted country. Additionally, I’m not allowed to use my Medicare outside the United States. These are drawbacks well worth enduring to not have to live in the same country as Trump. The advantages of living in a calm country like France that has resolved issues like gun control, abortion, immigration, and health care are immeasurable. The latest controversial issues in France were abolishing daylight saving time, reducing the speed limit from 90 to 80 kilometers per hour, and raising the price of gasoline. One would think that a modern country like America would be more advanced after 240 years of governing. Trump has singlehandedly set the country back at least one if not two generations. People going to the polls today are voting out of desperation to save their country from Trump and his brainwashed base of mindless voters. We may wake up tomorrow aware that all we have accomplished is to temporarily slow down both the decline of democracy and the advent of American fascism!
Richard Mclaughlin (Altoona PA)
Grim news? How about Mueller indicting Donald Jr? What about Pence being dragged in front of a grand jury being questioned about Michael Flynn while being under oath? What about Roger Stone not taking a bullet for Trump because he never said he would. What about Jeff Sessions telling the truth about his meetings with the Russians once he's voted off the island. What about Melanie being subpoenaed by the House Judiciary committee regarding Trump's knowledge of her immigration status while she worked before she should have. But of course there's still plenty of time for the Democrats to mess this up.
@Richard Mclaughlin, right questions and I concur with your sad but all too possible conclusion.
Peter Nowell (Scotts Valley, CA)
Our activist groups need to keep up pressure - not just on the Republicans who support a fascist president - but on the Democrats to be tough. Getting a House majority costs us too much to let this be business as usual. It’s up to us.
Lance Brofman (New York) it appears that there is no reasonable prospect that anything Mueller does or says could result in Trump's removal and replacement by Pence. Trump famously said, "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes". That has now been replaced by "Trump could be caught on videotape handing America's most sensitive military secrets to Russia and still not have any Republican votes for impeachment". Whatever evidence and proof of criminal acts that Mueller could come up with, it is certain that such evidence and proof could not be as powerful an indication of wrongdoing, as the evidence in the public record that Bret Kavanaugh was lying in the Senate hearings relating to his confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice. Once Christine Ford's account included three people she said were there AND his calendar had them all at Tim Gaudette's house on July 1, 1982, AND Ford's description of the interior of Gaudette's house in Rockville, MD exactly matches that of the actual house, which still exists: the only way that Kavanaugh was not lying is either: Ford somehow obtained access to his 1982 diary/calendar, or Ford has a time machine or Ford stalked Kavanaugh in 1982 and planned to do this, if and when he was nominated to the Supreme Court. Whatever the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections, it appears Trump will be in office at least until 2020..."
Mr Mustard (NC)
The last time Trump was bracing for grim political news he won.
Chuck Burton (Steilacoom, WA)
Every stockbroker must tell you: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Perhaps you should listen. As if.
jbartelloni (Fairfax VA)
@Mr Mustard And claimed the election was "rigged."
Karen Lee (Washington, DC)
Why should the least qualified president ever, have to brace himself for news that doesn't suit him? Normal voters have had to brace ourselves for his ridiculous tweeted pronouncements, every single day, for over two years. Get used to it, tough guy. Just kidding! :)
BoulderEagle (Boulder, CO)
Is it realistic to expect a POTUS that has actual control of what he says? Keep lowering the bar, Donnie!
jbartelloni (Fairfax VA)
An old Southern philosopher told me years ago, "Angry people vote." Plenty of people on both sides are angry. Folks opposed to the myopic, imbecilic narcissism of the unprincipled demagogue who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. are much angrier than his supporters. Mr. Small Hands is likely to find out how angry later this evening.
Psst (overhere)
Since the first of October trump has held more than twenty “stroke my ego “ rallies. Does he have that little to do as POTUS ?
Rocky (Wetlands)
Check out He’s been busy.
Dan (NJ)
Man, that last bit about Trump hearing a random lie on Fox and Friends and then turning it into a completely off the wall criticism of "fake news" is just... amazing.
Karen Lee (Washington, DC)
@Dan, amazing, or just as expected?
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
The midterms are a referendum on Trump. They didn't need to be a referendum on Trump. He could have drifted quietly towards the periphery while the elections went down one way or the other. Trump is simply incapable of existing anywhere outside the center of his own universe. He's on the ballot because he placed himself there. Democrats didn't even need to mention the elephant in the room. You can trust 'ole Trump to get the job done. After weeks of stoking racial hatred, lying about policy, abusing the military as a campaign weapon, and spewing countless hours of hate-filled vitriol, Trump is most definitely only the ballot. Naturally the entire system is rigged and Paul Ryan is a loser and blah, blah, blah. We've heard it all before. However, the most dangerous thing about Trump is his inability to recognize a losing hand. I don't know how today will ultimately shake out. However the Trump White House is certainly not stronger for the President's midterm performance. We'll see about America when the polls start closing.
JMM (Ballston Lake, NY)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said Mr. Trump intended to spend the day “making phone calls, monitoring Congressional, Senate and Gubernatorial races across the country and meeting with his political team for real-time updates.” What exactly do we pay this man for? From what I can tell it is: 1) Tweeting and Trolling, 2) Watching TV, 3) Eating 4) Flying around on AF1 to his personal properties and rallies. And I also do not believe for one minute there is a gloomy feeling in the WH. Trump will be insulting Pelosi, Schiff, Waters etc. by noon on Wednesday. If he keeps both houses, who will he hate? With that said, cannot wait to watch Adam Schiff with Eric Swalwell et. al. get started. Then we have Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters and Elijah Cummings.
Brian (Michigan)
@JMM 5) Play golf
Rocky (Wetlands)
#5: golfing. Please see for confirmation.
MS (Rockies)
He doesn't work for the people, anyway. Just feeds his ego, his wallet, his belly and his golf habit. We pay for this as we try to master our existential fears.....He should get lotsa gloom.
X (Wild West)
I am hoping for thorough House investigations of everything this man has touched financially (or literally) in his life.
FL Saxon (San Diego, CA )
Mr. Trump has only "beat the odds" once. What's with the "yet again." He's hardly a superman.
common sense advocate (CT)
A lot of news coverage yesterday quoted Trump saying that he was so pleased that he had a "packed house" in his rallies. He doesn't even understand that saying he's playing to a packed house clearly marks his speeches as fiction- pure theater.
Mercury S (San Francisco)
Fear #1: Democrats don’t take the House. Fear #2: Democrats do take the House, and the Trump/Fox News Administration does everything in its power to delegitimize the results. Fear #3: Trump does something more terrible than anything he’s done up to this point when Democrats subpeona his taxes.
Jay Why (Upper Wild West)
I'll gladly take the blame for any Trump losses on this election. Or the credit.
Becky b (Los Angeles)
Before you write about Trump’s mood, wait until votes are counted. My gut still tells me this isn’t going to be a good day for us Dems. Crowds or no crowds. Lots of Trump supporters who don’t tell you what they think. Hope I’m wrong.
Christine (New York)
@ Becky b Agreed. I don’t feel terribly confident about this one either. I have a feeling this is going to be 2016 all over again, unfortunately.
jbartelloni (Fairfax VA)
@Becky b Gaining control of the House was a positive step. But it sure wasn't a "wave election."
Sunny (Winter Springs, FL)
It's always about Trump. I feel like our country is being held hostage by a tyrannical, spoiled child. His Governesses (the House and Senate) have been refusing to do their job. If control of the House and/or Senate reverts back to the Democrats tonight, then we'll finally see the return of Congressional Oversight. It's long overdue.
David Hamilton (London)
Its not a softer tone, nor is it being Presidential.It's about being professional. It's about being honest, truthful and thoughtful. The President does not have the best interests of the citizens of the United States at heart. Instead he has those of the monied interests, the rich and powerful the haves as his touchstone. its not about main street vs wall street Its about the oligarchs over everyone. the Revolution was based on equality of opportunity, now under trump we have an inequality, and that inequality is inescapable. the tools to get out are no longer viable. Trump is the Road to Serfdom writ large. Under his policies the State's power to do that which other will not do and yet is necessary has been hobbled. the way back is clear, but it does not involve Trump or his cabal of hangers on, place-men, crooks and thieves.
Barking Doggerel (America)
One thing is certain. If the Democrats do well, even if it is only a slim House majority, Trump will undermine democracy by declaring the election a fraud. He will say "people told him" millions of illegal votes were cast. He may try to invalidate the results. Even declaration of martial law would not shock me. This man is truly despicable.
Qxt63 (Los Angeles)
"Mr. Trump knows that his rhetoric may have gone too far at times, people close to him said." . It is impossible to believe that Trump, a hyper-delusional (perhaps partly senile) egoist would ever accept responsibility for anything other than success.
CARL E (Wilmington, NC)
Not to worry. Trump said he would figure it out. Now if some one would de-code that for me, that would be nice.
Question Everything (Highland NY)
If America votes Democratic with record mid-term turnout, it should be a wake-up call for Trump. Sadly Donald J. Trump lives in a fantasy world of his own making, deludedly believing his own falsehoods and lies are approval by "others".
jsutton (San Francisco)
I'm afraid he'll be pleasantly surprised.
Jonathan (Northwest)
Vote FOR America—Vote Republican. The morning of the 2016 election all of the polls had Clinton winning by 4 to 6 points. Vote FOR America—Vote Republican. The polls (as they were in 2016) are an attempt to suppress Republican turn out. Vote and ignore the polls.
Chuck Burton (Steilacoom, WA)
The polls will be wrong this time too. Just not in the direction you think.
Cal Bear (San Francisco)
@Jonathan Clinton did in fact win by nearly 3M votes. The polling was fairly accurate. It failed to predict all the close states where his narrow victory gave him the EC votes. Republicans shouldn't really talk about voter suppression.
William (Fairfax, VA)
@Jonathan suppress republican turnout? how rich that?
Walter Rhett (Charleston, SC)
Win or lose, Trump believes in a Republican-created universe, where all forces of power and consequences rest fully in his hands for good or bad. He's wrong! A very, very long list of Democrats--19 black female mayors in Louisiana, its 3 largest cities (New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Shreveport)--quickly disprove his fake premise. His ignorance is willful and deliberate. He's wrong because progressives--who reject the corporate contributions of Republican politics/policies/governing--are using the party framework to organize and create powerful grassroots movements for healthcare, housing, education, justice and jobs. These leaders are creating an agenda outside of the politics of ugly and shame favored by Republicans. (Have you seen one Republican ad that addressed an issue? In Florida, all the GOP can talk about it seems, is monkey-business and cotton-picking, denying their racism with flimsy excuses.) Too often the media wants to impugn Trump with make-believe powers when all Trump feels is compelled to pick fights and play victim, while never being able to put aside his personal interests. Trump cannot create a change he himself is incapable of! Trump cannot lead when every position he holds is built on racist blame. The markets are falling; the economy is slowing: tariffs have devastated markets, slowed demand, raised costs. (A strong farm industry is on welfare with handouts!). Trump is playing with Nero's fiddle. Remember only the House can authorize spending!
Rosemarie McMichael (San Francisco CA)
@Walter Rhett A Democratic majority House can also initiate investigations into trump's financial affairs and into Kavanaugh's perjury and accusations of sexual misconduct.
Michael (Boston)
We've heard nothing but absolutely awful, untruthful, belligerent, divisive and crass rhetoric from this man for 3 years. At least Nixon kept his "enemies list" to himself and tried to govern from the center as president. Nixon made numerous and lasting accomplishments for the country even though he finally descended into paranoia, criminality, and the Watergate cover-up. There will be no silver lining to the Trump period in American history. And I have zero sympathy for whatever "grim mood" exists for Trump and the WH because it is all self-inflicted. The only just rebuttal to what we have been made to suffer through would be a massive blue wave that puts Democrats in control of both houses of Congress and gives them the majority of governorships.
Jonathan Katz (St. Louis)
@Michael Nixon did a great deal of harm, aside from lying, cheating and Watergate. He's responsible for the return of racial discrimination under the rubric of "affirmative action", a destructive EPA, and much else.
Alex (Albuquerque)
At the age of eighteen I registered to vote as a Republican, now over a decade later for the first time I am voting a straight Democrat ticket. The mainstream Republican party’s views on the environment, gun control, worker’s rights, healthcare, the military-industrial complex, and social benefits are frankly delusional. It is like they aren’t even based in reality. That being said, there are a few positions of Trump’s I agree with (I.e illegal immigration, affirmative action, etc), but he butchers the policies it is disgraceful. The Republicans and Trump are a national threat to our way of life.
DR (New England)
@Alex - I left the party after G.W. and will never go back.
Sean Casey junior (Greensboro, NC)
Since you are beginning to wake just a little more one is for “illegal aliens”. What trump is fighting is people searching for asylum. Many of our ancestors did the same. And if you look into the reasons for affirmative action you might find that people are not treated equally from the beginning. To us extreme examples - do you think trump had the same opportunities as a child born into poverty?Or even working poor?or even into a middle class family? Affirmative action is one attempt at trying to equalize the unfair structures of our society.
FrankWillsGhost (Port Washington)
@Alex. Pining for Reagan. And G.H.W. Bush. They were good hearted, excellent Republicans. When did you ever see Trump smile, really smile, the way Reagan and G.W. Bush did. Trump is just angry, uncaring, egotistical, and has 0 empathy for anyone.
Girish Kotwal (Louisville, KY)
Voter turn out seemed like the largest I have seen in the mid terms. In a fair election there is uncertainty but the outcome cannot be predicted by pollsters. Certainly Trump should be expected to brace for grim outcome or using the term first used by former president Obama "shellacking " I expect the republicans to hold the senate but may not hold congress. Also democrats have raised a ton of money and pundits have predicted that the democrats will do well. I would be very surprised if there is either a blue wave or a red wave. Seniors and veterans are unlikely to vote in a different way this time around than any previous elections. Trump has kept his promise of not tinkering with social security or medicare. In fact medicare for all proposed by some democrats will be scary for them. Will the newly eligible voters turn out in large numbers? In just a few hours we should know the real outcome and end speculations.
Su (Philadelphia )
Girlish don't stereotype seniors and vets. I am both and utterly disgusted with the kakistrocracy currently in place.
New World (NYC)
@Su kakistrocracy, good one !
Jean (Cleary)
Trump wistfully wishing he had "spoken softer" would not matter. His hateful rhetoric, his offensiveness, his petty tweets, his lack of ethics, his greed, his lack of a heart and a soul would still be evidence of a fallow man. The message is still the same, whether Trump hollers or whispers. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, Trump should be putting in a full day's work at the White House, not calling his cronies. We pay him to work, not attend rallies or entertain friends at his golf courses. It is time for the citizens of this country to write a job description for anyone who thinks they have got the "right stuff" to serve as our President. Let's start with no entertaining anywhere except the White House and Camp David. Then, no attendance at Political Rallies unless you are running for re-election. Let's shorten the Election season to 90 days. That is just for starters. I propose we have a non--partisan committee, with Management experience, write the Job Description. But in the meantime, here is to a Blue Wave.
anonymous because of the nutcakes (boston)
@Jean -- Given what he does when he is acting as President -- canceling treaties, starting trade wars, offending our allies -- we're better off when he is at his rallies or locked in his TV room watching the election results.
Martha (Northfield, MA)
Trump does not work for us. He works for himself and a select group of republicans. A full days work at the White House for Trump would consist of doing whatever he can to make this country go backwards. It's really better that he stays away and plays golf.
Maxie (Gloversville, NY )
@Jean I doubt very much this man has put in a “full day” working fir us since the inauguration. Two years of TV, tweeting, golf, promoting Trump properties and rallies
Tim B (Seattle)
It is being reported today that Ivanka Trump has just been awarded another large number of trademarks for various products in China. One thing about that Trump family, business literally comes before anything.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
He's going to spend the entire day deciding who to blame.
Common cause (Northampton, MA)
I'm sorry - I cannot accept "I would like to have a much softer tone" from Trump. That would be like a repeat offender car thief saying to the judge, "I wish that I did not have to break the law. Maybe I could have just bought a car." Trump consciously set up to divide the country and to support the darkest underbelly of people in this country. He is an avid fan of murderous dictatorial thugs around the world and wishes he himself could be one in the USA.
Bearded One (Chattanooga, TN)
@Common cause: Trump didn't mail any pipe bombs, or shoot innocent people in Pittsburgh. But he deserves to be charged with inciting violence, from Charlottesville up to recent weeks.
Kris (CT)
Two words: reset button.
Bigsister (New York)
I hope today is like Groundhog Day for Trump for the next two years.
Ken Solin (Berkeley, California)
A total rebuke of GOP candidates is the only fitting response to a vile, vulgar racist. In Trump's world you win by any means necessary even if that includes outrageous lies, racist taunts, and character smearing. That GOP candidates around the country are running blatantly anti-Semitic ads is a signal to the 70% of Americans who reject racism in all its forms to vote Blue.
EW (Glen Cove, NY)
A characteristic of narcissists is they can express true remorse over bad outcomes. It’s part of their charm and it helps garner sympathy for their pursuits. But in a few days they are back to their old selves again.
Sarah (Dallas, TX)
The President "cleared his schedule" of events today so that he could watch the returns come in tonight? That's rich! He was on the campaign trail for two solid weeks, far away from his oval office. Wouldn't you think he'd need to at least go through his mail today? There have been oodles of descriptors of old Donny over the years. Hard working was never one of them.
Thread (NY)
Buckle down everyone. Tomorrow Trump will begin his own campaign in earnest, especially if this election proves to render a massive Democrat win. More doom and gloom, more lies to come. A sobering reality.
Q (Burlington, VT)
This isn't just about Trump. GOP politicians are probably always gloomy on election day because, let's face it, they fundamentally hate democracy. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the basic fact that even those who regularly vote for Republican candidates reject their actual policies: Americans by large majorities want some kind of guaranteed health care, higher taxes on the wealthy, adequate funding of public schools, a real commitment to addressing the impending disaster of climate change. The GOP in its current form doesn't care about any of those things or any of the other things voters want. So of course GOPers simply want to get through election day knowing that they are still in power so that they can continue to thwart the will of the people. They should all be forced to read the preamble to the Constitution.
Common Sense (New York, NY)
Given how Trump and his minions in Congress (mostly the Senate) have behaved since 2016, it's incredible that there is any question about the Democrats taking control of both the House and the Senate. What catastrophe has to happen before the country wakes up? This is not a political decision. This is about preserving the basic principles that have prevented mankind from destroying itself.
Amber Petrovich (Los Angeles, CA)
Trump is the sorest of sore losers. I imagine it'd be terrifying to be around him if election results are not in his favor. Even more so, I wonder what might silence him at some point. If his rallying tactics haven't worked, he will become louder than ever, screaming injustice, conspiracy and accusations at the Democrats.
Jena (NC)
Trump thinks this is grim political news wait until 2020 -now that will be grim political news for him.
Al (Augusta , GA)
Democrats are running on Health Care! But no Democrats in the House and Senate voted for Health Care! If they had voted to do away with Obama Care they would have a new Republican Health Care plan
Stephen S. (New York)
That may just be the least informed comment of the last two years. Democrats, under President Obama help 17 million people afford health insurance based almost entirely on a Republican think tank idea. Republicans have done nothing but attempt to destroy that and take that coverage away from people who genuinely need it. I’m simply astounded by the tone deafness of this comment.
Richard (Toronto)
@Al.and what would that plan look like? No coverage for pre existing conditions millions losing coverage..big bucks for the insurance industry...sounds like a plan..a Greedy oligarcical party plan
Anine (Olympia)
No alternative plan was offered. The GOP campaigned on "Repeal and Replace" but had no plan ready for replacing ACA. The Democrats rightly decided the ACA should remain until there was something to replace it with, which is why they voted no. The GOP has never offered a healthcare plan and they never will.
James Hoffa (Venus)
The same thing that's going to happen in this midterm happened to Obama in 2010. The Dems held the House and Senate through 2008-09 and lost the House in the 2010 midterms. It happens in virtually every election. Yawn.
L (Connecticut)
It's fitting that the weather is bad today because in the words of Bob Dylan, "a hard rain's a gonna fall" for Donald Trump after this election is over. It's not just that the Democrats are going to win big, but also Robert Mueller will be handing down some fresh indictments with regards to the Russia investigation.
njglea (Seattle)
The article says, "Advisers acknowledge that Mr. Trump has a problem with women voters as he begins his own re-election effort." Ya think?
Cal Bear (San Francisco)
@njglea his problem is that they exist at all.
Majortrout (Montreal)
"Trump Begins Midterm Election Day Bracing for Grim Political News, Aides Say" Translation: Trump and the Republicans are already working on challenging many of the votes, especially Democrat ones, and working on new ways to hurt the poor, the weary, and huddled masses, while granting the rich, the banks, and mega-corporations huge tax breaks.
sophia (bangor, maine)
My favorite lately has been, "I try to tell the truth - when I can." What does that even mean? And I guess he can't ever because all he does is lie. How is this possible? How has it come down to having this LIAR as our sort-of president who only likes to stand in front of his adoring fans at rally after rally AND LIE? I'm holding my breath about today's results - and that's no lie.
Jim K. (Bergen County, NJ)
@sophia I wouldn't believe Trump if he swore he was lying.
skyfiber (melbourne, australia)
@sophia it means the the president of the United States must often not say what he knows, as a matter of national security. Hope that helps.
Scott Fordin (New Hampshire)
@skyfiber: Um, no, not revealing state secrets is not the same thing as lying. And Trump lies consistently, serially, habitually, about things trivial and nontrivial, and about things that are easy to prove or disprove. Before ascending to the Oval Office, outrageous and frequent lying played significant roles in many of his business dealings. He did not suddenly become a liar to protect state secrets when he assumed the presidency.
Rachel Kennedy (Phoenix, AZ)
Trump is scared? Good. I hope he has a real reason to be. I hope everyone votes today.
Alan Levitan (Cambridge, MA)
@Rachel Kennedy "I hope everyone votes today." But wouldn't it be great if only Democrats voted?!
Mulberryshoots (Worcester, MA)
Okay, so the White House staff is reported to be gloomy in advance of election results. What about tomorrow and the next day or so when Mueller's team comes out with more indictments? and probably more after that? What about the Emoluments case that is in the Courts? Gulliver has no clothes and we Lilliputians have a lot more work to do! Carry on, right?
skyfiber (melbourne, australia)
@Mulberryshoots It was an emporer with no clothes, and your Lilliputian understanding of events is spot on.
Justin (Seattle)
The reason he's gloomy, the reason he cowers in fear, the reason he's been so desperate on the campaign trail is because he knows what he's guilty of, and he's afraid of being exposed. Did his campaign collude with Russia? Almost certainly--just based on what's in the public record. Does Putin exert undue influence? That seems likely. Has he used his office to benefit his businesses? It seems pretty obvious that he has. Has he changed foreign policy to benefit his business and Jared's? It sure looks like it. There's probably a lot more that we just don't know about. So he's gloomy because the gravy train might be coming to an end. He's scared because of the potential consequences, both from our law enforcement and from the Russians.
Petra (CT)
@Justin Please don't anthropomorphize trump.
Justin (Seattle)
@Petra Best comment of all time. Thanks, Petra.
62Down (Iowa City)
No one in America deserve gloom and grimness as much as Donald Trump. May his worst fears come true by tonight. In the meantime, for those who haven't voted, VOTE BLUE and help Donald have a lovely nightmare this evening.
Albert D'Alligator (Lake Alice)
"Mr. Trump arrived at the Oval Office late Tuesday morning..." From what I've read, this is hardly unusual, unless he now comes in after lunch. The dude has got to be one of, if not the biggest, slacker to ever sit behind the Resolute desk.
Sean Casey junior (Greensboro, NC)
Since the president apparently has the day off how about a day off for the rest of us to give working people an equal chance to vote?
John (NYC)
@Sean Casey junior I agree that would be ideal, but in the meantime I always vote by absentee ballot.
jr (PSL Fl)
Trump stopped at nothing - not lies, not threats, nothing - to get his hate missiles aimed and fired during this 2018 campaign season. So take this as a warning: he will never stop trying to block justice should Mueller decide the president is a terrorist to democracy. If Mueller goes that route, these few months of the 2018 campaign will seem a picnic to Trump's war to avoid being thrown out of office. He will be deputizing the armed services to hold off we the people from reestablishing our democratic control.
Dan (SF)
So basically Trump is taking the day off to watch TV, talk to friends, and eat dinner with his kids. While the rest of America showed up at work. Trump is an utter failure on every level.
Robert James (Cambridge, MA)
@Dan He did 11 rallies in 7 days!! Let's see you do that!!
C.A. (Oregon)
@Robert James-You're right. I would be emotionally and physically unable to talk about myself for that much time. Even over the course of a year. Still couldn't do it.
heliotrophic (St. Paul)
@Robert James: I'd be happy to, thanks, provided I didn't have to do them on Trump's behalf.
SD (Vermont)
I hope this mood at the WH is a portent of good things on the way. But I fear it is not. The Times was catastrophically incorrect in 2016 and I get the feeling they will be again. Perhaps they should get out of the prediction business. We'll know for sure tomorrow. I for one can wait until then.
Dsk (Madison WI)
@SD "catastrophically incorrect" -- you described it perfectly. I no longer trust the pollsters, despite being a data scientist myself. I have more faith in crossing my fingers.
Susan (Los Angeles)
Ah, yes. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. A classic.
Truthiness (New York)
The root word of conservative used to be conserve; now I think it’s simply con.
Alan Levitan (Cambridge, MA)
@Truthiness It sure ain't "serve"!
Kris (CT)
Finally, Trump's days of reckoning are beginning!
Steve Kennedy (Deer Park, Texas)
"Mr. Trump knows that his rhetoric may have gone too far at times ... " The understatement of the year. A search on "Trump claims without evidence" returns 250 million hits. The NYTimes ran an article "Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List". Politifact ran an article "All False statements involving Donald Trump" which is 11 pages long. It would be much easier to publish a list of his statements that were true.
CK (Christchurch NZ)
Whatever your government is, you need to do what NZ does, when there's a problem with illegal refugees in your neighbouring nation, and do what NZ does to help out. You don't accept them unless the UN deducts them from your annual allocation of refugees from the refugee camps. That's what NZ does and it doesn't push up the annual official accepted refugee numbers. Those Latin American refugees that are trending now, on the USA border should be processed and deduct the total off the annual allocation from the United Nation refugee camps.
@CK Just to make sure you're clear on this point, being halfway around the world: "Those Latin American refugees that are trending now, on the USA border" are actually hundreds of miles from the US border. We got weeks, if not months, before we need to be concerned with how they are processed..
Majortrout (Montreal)
"Trump Begins Midterm Election Day Bracing for Grim Political News, Aides Say" Translation: Trump is already figuring out how to lie through this one, while looking for new ways to hurt the poor.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
From you lips to god's ears. Please please please take the cowardly bully in chief down a peg. He's done enough harm!
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Time to change Daycare Donnie's dirty diaper, America. VOTE until it hurts.
George Dietz (California)
I, too, hope for a blue wave, a tsunami. But we should be careful what we wish for, because Trump is too stupid and crazy to take any notice of defeat, small or really huge. And his pitch fort-wielding, AK-47 loving mob/base might have something really murderous to say. They may be more firmly entrenched and resolved, they're already so angry and all. And if there is no blue wave ... well, we've survived, just, the last two years, we can get through two more. But then, it had better be a blue hurricane.
Nostradamus Said So (Midwest)
Grim political news...I thought this was the man who never loses. He has scared the country to death about Hispanics walking north & nonwhites are coming after everyone else, white men have to fear women coming to get them, Jews are paying the immigrants to come north to take over everyone's yards to build shanties. Why should he fear not winning? Is he actually going to stay in Washington D.C. for a whole day??
thetingler5 (Detroit)
I hope that Fox News gets a House investigation into election tampering.
Rick (Vermont)
We have a president who is happy to act on unsubstantiated rumors. I so want a grownup in the Whitehouse.
Pilot (Denton, Texas)
according to aides and people in contact with the president. Who are theses people? I will never trust the NyT when it comes to election day coverage after the 2016 elections.
Knute (Pennsylvania)
@Pilot They are made up people, the same ones who provided all of the Mueller leaks...
John (NYC)
@Pilot trump staffers leak because they know sooner or later he's going to dump on them and they need the truth out there. ps: clinton won by three million votes. we're the only democracy where the majority loses.
James (San Clemente, CA)
President Trump's public schedule today is 100% "Executive Time." I have obtained a copy of his secret schedule, however, and here it is: 7am - 7pm: Wolf down cheeseburgers and malts, watch TV; 7pm - Midnight "Yell at TV." Midnight - 3am: "Unhinged Tweeting." 3am-5am: "Complain to Golf Buddies on Insecure iPhone." 5am - noon: "Executive Time."
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
If he doesn't get the results he wants, he'll just try to nullify the vote.
woodslight (connecticut)
So the President of the United States can't go out and do his road show today because today is election day. So he has nothing on his schedule and is waiting for the election results. Does have nothing else to do as President? He works less than part-time.
Paul R (California)
No matter how grim the political news may be for Mr. Trump, to paraphrase the Duchess of Windsor, it can't be grim enough.
Hooj (London)
From the perspective of a Brit - I very much hope the news will be exceptionally grim for him. All night and for the coming two years. I rather think the rest of the world feels the same way. Perhaps not Russia, Saudi Arabia, and a few other small dictatorships but pretty much all of the rest of us.
jrinsc (South Carolina)
@Hooj The majority of Americans feel the same way you do. It is appalling watching the United States become a pariah country under this administration.
kathy (SF Bay Area)
@jrinsc Agreed - but if we can't help ourselves in the near term I hope the rest of the world will act quickly to address climate change, help Yemen, etc. If normal, smart Americans allow the armed and deluded to take over then we deserve to be treated as a pariah nation. We cannot pretend to be great while ignoring the poverty, gun violence, huge disparities in education, lack of a national healthcare system, mass incarceration, police brutality, civic brutality, etc., etc., etc, that blights our whole country.
Joe Smith (Buzzards Breath WY)
Get excited all you want. At the end of the day, the Republicans knew that this day was coming. They stacked the lower courts, with inexperienced political hacks and owns a ultra conservative Supreme Court, with at least one compromised Justice, that owes Trump a favor. Make no mistake, it will be two years of headline grabbing stories, but nothing will be accomplished as the Republicans will send everything to their kangaroo court system. This includes Trumps taxes and his treasonous acts.
Maureen (Massachusetts)
In my local races there was a Republican or two that I would have voted for, had this been a normal mid term election. In fact, where Republicans ran unopposed, I would have voted for them too. But not this time. This time I voted Democrat only, and where there were unopposed Republicans, I skipped over them. There hasn't been much I could do since this mad man cheated his way to the Presidency. But in my little voting booth, in my own way, I feel I sent a message.
Red Sox, '04, '07, '13, ‘18 (Boston)
@Maureen: I blackened the oval on my two-page ballot for every Democrat. Every single one. Where Republicans were the only ones on the ballot, I skipped over them. Likewise, when I was a young, naïve lad, I was known to split my ticket, but that was when Republican candidates were burdened with some dinosaurian principles like “ethics” and “responsibility.”
August West (Midwest )
They're gonna lose the Senate, too. This, folks, is a groundswell. People are waiting in line for hours to vote, and smart money says they're not voting GOP. This could end up being democracy's finest hour in America.
Knute (Pennsylvania)
@August West They will gain seats in the Senate and hold the House. America saw the real Democrat party at the Kavanaugh hearings...
gopher1 (minnesota)
@August West I wish but no. Heidi is out in North Dakota and Scott is going to win in Florida. Beta is a great candidate but Texas is a low information, low voting state. The map and the electorate that actually votes is against a blue win.
Jean (Cleary)
@August West I hope you are right
Leah (Broomfield, CO)
Gosh, with all these rallies, and spending the day today on the phone, when has he had time to do the business of being president?
skyfiber (melbourne, australia)
@Leah 3.7% unemployment, 4 million jobs, 4.3 million off food stamps, 3+% wage growth...sounds like the job Obama couldn’t do in eight years.
srwdm (Boston)
Let’s hope today is the beginning of this country and the world’s emergence from the Blight of Trump. The damage done is staggering, but the human spirit remains irrepressible.
Ed Latimer (Montclair)
50% of the game is just keeping those thoughts to yourself, Mr. President...
P McGrath (USA)
The NYTs predicted Mrs. Clinton 85% over Trump. They also predicted that Trump could not beat 17 other Republican challengers. They should tread lightly on their activist political forecasting yet they don't and will fall flat on their face again tomorrow morning.
Chris (Austin)
@P McGrath Curious if P McGrath is familiar with the phrase 'margin of error', and how it applies to polls?
Kris (CT)
@P McGrath Um, you DO know that Hillary won the popular vote, right?
Texas Liberal (Austin, TX)
@Chris: I have the same question of the NYTimes analysts. Maybe I should offer some help. PhD, EE, information theory, triple minor in statistics . . .
ART (Maine)
I would like the President to know that I am in favor of kindness to all in the caravan! Except for the Native Americans, who are still suffering under our national and state governments, we all come from immigrant backgrounds. Think of the President's wife's parents!!
Glen (New York)
"President Trump began Election Day bracing for grim political news..." Now he knows how the rest of us have been feeling every day for the past two years.
skyfiber (melbourne, australia)
@Glen and how conservatives felt for eight years.
JKvam (Minneapolis, MN)
It would actually be fairly easy for Trump to slide into something approximating normalcy, but he seems incapable of it, being so needful of the poisonous (LOCK HER UP) adulation its so easy to wring from his rallies. So long as he surrounds himself with bad faith advisers like Miller that indulge and amplify his worst impulses, he will create brooding sessions like the one talked about here. I'm glad his base is happy, but there is a bigger America than the one that shows up to his rallies full of fear and loathing for an enemies list populated by family members, neighbors and fellow citizens.
Jasoturner (Boston)
A fantastic tweet by Dan Pfeiffer that covers my thinking -- all this handwringing from journalists that Trump should have campaigned on the economy (and then they go on to make the argument for Trump, citing all the supposed rosy economic indicators) is beside the point. Trump knows his audience, as does the rest of the GOP (though they prefer dog whistles and not the bullhorn that Trump does -- at least he's honest): The idea that Republican Congressional Leaders wanted to talk about the economy is complete B*. Paul Ryan has a very well-funded Super Pac and they could have run ads on the economy, instead they ran ads that were the sort of racist drivel that would titillate Steve King
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
@Jasoturner. Trump and honesty are mutually exclusive.
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
The nation's Black-Hole-In-Chief gets the swift kick in the political groin he's been deserving his entire life. The President of the 2018 Confederate States of America now has an upcoming appointment at the Appomattox Court House demanding full, unconditional surrender by him and his ragtag Whites R Us amoral mob. How sweet it is.
alanore (or)
@Socrates I've always loved your comments. May your prognostication be as correct as your comments. I felt giddy in '16, but the comedown was devastating. We'll know in a short while if we can wear white or black armbands. One thing though, the Cheeto in Chief will never surrender!
Clyde (Hartford, CT)
I hope you're right. I can never in advance feel positive about the outcome of an election after 2016.
Lauren (Brooklyn)
Now he knows how we feel waking up every morning not knowing what nightmare will befall us before the day is through.
Butch Burton (Atlanta)
AMAZING! Our economy is booming and all he talks about is the horrible people walking north. I assume this is because the uneducated crowd only cares about immigration and te fact that their income and the lowest unemployment rate since the 80's. Since the donald doesen't listen to his friends - even his fox friends - this means he has figured this out on his own which means to me it is a sure thing,
GC (Manhattan)
Or just maybe the boom hasn’t impacted his base.
BNa (Toronto)
Is this going to be like when you told us Hillary had a 92% chance of becoming the 45th president?
sjs (Bridgeport, CT)
@BNa The polls showed that she was going to win the popular vote and she did.
Henry B (New York, NY)
@BNa - funny thing about statistics: if Candidate A has a 92% chance to win that mean that Candidate B has - wait for it, wait for it, this is gonna blow your mind - an 8% chance to win. I know, right?! Massive underdogs win some of the time, pal.
Cathleen (Virginia)
Regardless of the outcome of today's election, Donald Trump will remain in the Oval Office practicing his incompetent and corrupt version of leadership. We need a major course correction but I can't see it happening without impeachment proceedings.
bigtantrum (irvine, ca)
If the election goes the way the majority of us want it to go (assuming we get out and vote), we may see this charlatan tender his resignation to himself tomorrow so he can get back to lying, stealing, grifting, bragging and grabbing with much less oversight. This has no doubt been much harder than he'd seen in his dreams. And our nightmares.
Todd (San Fran)
I'm sure Trump and his family are getting all their last-minute thieving done in time for Mueller season, which opens again TOMORROW.
Grennan (Green Bay)
@Todd In a political thriller, one or more would be preparing to slip out of the country late tonight or early tomorrow.
Edward Blau (WI)
I have voted in many, many elections over many decades and I perceive that this one is the most important. The voters in my district must feel the same way for it was our longest wait at our usual time even in presidential elections.The Founding Fathers made us responsible for choosing who runs the country and today will be a turning point for the choices are very clear. There is no blurring of the edges. Do we go down the path of falsehood, ignorance, racism, misogyny, xenophobia or do we choose a better path?
Nemien (Seattle)
Donald was punching the Hate Button. It's the weakest emotion and serves nobody well. Fear only works if there's a cause anybody can recognize and his amateur choice of tyrants is obvious. A passel of ragged refugees isn't Fear but his ambition to be King, that's frightening!
If Trump can't settle his own mind on whether he had a choice about using a softer tone, he has no business as a leader.
ART (Maine)
@NM It all depends, doesn't it, on what he really believes.
Jean W. Griffith (Carthage, Missouri)
Let us pray for Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress. Bob Mueller is playing his hand close to the vest and will most certainly show his hand after the election. With Democratic majorities and Mueller discovering the illegality by Trump, let us hope impeachment proceeding begin in earnest. I want to see Donald Trump humiliated like nothing else in this world.
Metrojournalist (New York Area)
@Jean W. Griffith And then prosecuted by New York State and sent to prison.
polymath (British Columbia)
Jean W. Griffith, I don't need to see him humiliated, as long as he is quarantined somewhere that he can't hurt the rest of us.
If you could stop using the words " fiery campaign" and call them what they are, I think you may be delivering some sort of truth. They are "rallies", lying rants, lacking truth or facts, aimed at inciting ignorance and umbrage, hatred and racist violence to a group of brainwashed followers. All I may add financed at taxpayers expense. As the president today clears his work schedule, after flying around the country to safe havens of Trumpism, to watch TV, talk on the phone to Fox News and friends, and ignore two thirds of Americans, we can only hope that sense has triumphed over this twisted presidency. Clearly President Pig has learned nothing about how to be a president for "we the people". Go out and vote or be prepared for more and more misnomered "Rallies"
MrC (Nc)
whatever the outcome of these elections is, it will be heavily based upon Trump. There is no one else for him to blame if it is a bad night for him. No doubt if it is a good night for Republicans he will claim the credit. Whatever happens, Trump has remade the GOP in his image. There is no no daylight between Trump and the GOP . Not even the so called moderates . We now know there are no GOP moderates and the party is strongly aligned with an autocratic and nationalist ideology. Lets see who takes the blame and pays the price if he loses the House. Sessions will be the first head to roll is my guess.
Frank J Haydn (Washington DC)
A "softer tone"? For Mr. Trump, the world is divided into two: winners and losers. Life is a zero-sum game. To be a winner, you must not only hit back ten times harder when someone hits you first; you also must preemptively hit so hard that your opponent has no chance of striking you in the first place. THAT is Mr. Trump's mindset. And that old dog will not be learning any new tricks anytime soon.
I remember hearing Kellyanne Conway talk about her boss’s dark mood before the 2016 election because he expected to lose. I can’t help feeling this is a last attempt by them to inflame their base. My fervent hope is that Trump will suffer the defeat he has earned when results are tallied and Democrats will hobble and subdue him. But no one really knows at this time on Tuesday afternoon, Nov 6 what will happen. At least those of us who have resisted his poison and spoken out against his wretched performance don’t have to worry that we could have been softer.
Zalman Sandon (USA)
It was very satisfying to vote this morning. For a few seconds it felt as if it was 1933 again, for the first time. Maybe this time it works.
Blue in Green (Atlanta)
If Trump is feeling sorry for himself now, wait till Mueller drops a handful of subpoenas tomorrow.
bigtantrum (irvine, ca)
@Blue in Green Every finger, every toe, and whatever else I've got is crossed.
John Harper (Carlsbad, CA)
@Blue in Green I think you mean "indictments?"
Jean (Vancouver)
@John Harper Both would be just fine.
Ozma (Oz)
Thoughts and prayers for real.
married4eva (Troy, NY)
Donald Trump must have really paid attention to that 9th grade lesson during To Kill a Mockingbird, when we describe mob psychology. He is a master at it. Instead of helping people and being of service to the country, he is a walking bulletin board for his two-year-old campaign. Instead of being a role model, he disparages women, people of color and transgender people. Trump turned down an immigration deal from Pelosi and Schumer, so he could continue to stoke the fires of hate among his small group of followers. He has made our country into a laughing stock on the world stage again, and most thinking people know he is insipid. Donald Trump owes the American people an apology for his hateful rhetoric, his lack of civility, and his threats of violence against anyone who disagrees with him. Donald Trump is a mere excuse of a man. He is a shadow of a man. He is a hateful, spiteful and extremely untalented man. He is a lazy, lazy man. He acts like a baby.
Horace (Detroit)
@married4eva Watch what you say about babies! Babies are wonderful - Trump is not.
Todd (San Fran)
@married4eva I was with you until the end, but most babies are far more loving, caring, sweet and intelligent than Trump.
George (San Rafael, CA)
While this horrible presidency has not come to an end, this election promises to stop some of Trump's worst instincts. It's going to be alright America. Hang in there.
Carson Drew (River Heights)
@George: Nothing will "stop some of Trump's worst instincts." He can't help himself. He has no self-control.
jrinsc (South Carolina)
“I would like to have a much softer tone. I feel, to a certain extent, I have no choice. But maybe I do..." Thus speaks the voice of privilege. We all live with two internal dialogues going at the same time: what we say and how we express ourselves, and what we actually think. Often, those two things are not the same. But President Trump has lived a life beholden to no one; he says whatever he wants, no matter whom it hurts. That's not an indication of business acumen or strength of character; it's merely a reflection of the bubble he's lived in his whole life. For the rest of us, we need to worry about other people, and how our words affect them. Great leaders know this too. For President Trump, using a "softer tone" is about how you sell your product, how you pitch it to the customer. That is wholly different than recognizing the power of language both to uplift and to wound.
GW (Vancouver, Canada)
Fox and Friends are not known for reporting facts This shouldn't be any surprise
Patrick (Saint Louis)
@GW At the rally in Cape Girardeau, MO, two of Fox's anchors did speak. Hannity and Piero. Rushbo too. That was the first time I have ever seen a national news network so blatantly admit it is an arm of the GOP.
Raingal (Seattle, WA)
@Patrick I would argue that the relationship is flipped. The rumors and conspiracy theories start on the far right, get picked up and magnified by right-wing aggregators and FOX news, and turned into talking points by the GOP pandering to the base. The tail is wagging the dog at this point and the GOP has lost control.
Quiet Waiting (Texas)
Is this a moment for an metaphor? Let me try. Donald Trump apologizing for the offense caused by his rhetoric is like a skunk expressing regret if the fluid he just squirted caused any discomfort. I hope this comment does not violate the civility guidelines.
MR (Around Here)
Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, people! If you win you don't have to resist!
August West (Midwest )
And if you're in Chicago, get right back in line and vote again.
galtsgultch (sugar loaf, ny)
@August West I thought that was Kansas. Didn’t Kobach find that in the half dozen or so cases of duplicate voting it was all white guys?
DD (Washington)
@MR: no, but you have to stay vigilant!
Carca Peru (Caballo Cocha)
Donald, if you lose the senate run and ask for asylum at the Saudi consulate. They are very welcoming people.
New World (NYC)
@Carca Peru Sure, after all they gave Idi Amin asylum after his regime massacred half a million people.
Vinny (USA)
@New World I am guessing that was a reference to how the Saudis "welcomed Khashoggi into their Embassy in Turkey.
Red Sox, '04, '07, '13, ‘18 (Boston)
The president is hiding away, dug in like a badger. He will not regret his divisive, insurrectionist appeals to the worst in our nature. Whatever the outcome of today’s national referendum on his “stewardship” of state, more ugliness is in store. That should not be forgotten for a moment. Tomorrow will mark the beginning of the toxic 2020 campaign and if 2017-18 are any reliable index, he will amplify his hate and malice to the nth degree. It is all he knows. And most of the rest of us deserve better. This will be made clearer at about this time tomorrow. If a “blue wave” does, in fact, wash awawy some of the (beyond count) immoral stains of this rancid presidency, we must know that the fight to regain control of our country will not be at an end. Ceaseless vigilance must be the watchword as we try to move from a very troubled, frightening darkness that continues to envelop America to some kind of promising light on the distant horizon. For, make no mistake: Donald Trump will not willingly yield to the patience and tolerance and forbearance that described his predecessor, these three virtues being far removed from the poisonous chemistry of his emotional and divisive psychological makeup. We must ask ourselves today, as we prepare to draw a definitive line in the sand, “what kind of America do we wish to be?”
Nostradamus Said So (Midwest)
@Red Sox, '04, '07, '13, ‘18 can the jet fuel for Air Force One suddenly run out? Will he start back to rallies next Monday after a weekend of golf in Florida? Two more years of hate, anger, & chaos starts tomorrow. I am saddened by the state of this country. Even if the Democrats win the House trump will continue on his path of destroying us. How do you stop the man who would be king?
annberkeley2008 (Toronto)
@Nostradamus Said So I think you just have to try to curb him. There are several lawsuits niggling at him for a start. Trump has got to understand that he can't ride roughshod over the world. He needs to calm down.
Nostradamus Said So (Midwest)
@annberkeley2008 true but his base is dangerous.
Paul Presnail (Saint Paul)
May all his worst fears be realized.
Mars & Minerva (New Jersey)
@Paul Presnail ...and may he reap what he has sewn.
I hope Trump has a really, really bad day, but that still won’t make up for the past two really bad years we have all had to endure. Whether he likes it or not this is definitely a referendum on him and I’m wishing that his little evening get together turns into a pity party and maybe then Trump can reflect on what a tool he’s been. Nah, but it couldn’t happen to a more deserving individual.
Steve (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
Vote the Environment. The Forgotten Casualty Amidst a Sea of Hate.
Alice S (Raleigh NC)
Personally, I think Trump is spending the day with "tv time," lying in bed in his jammies, having Big Macs delivered, and keeping himself glued to Fox News.
Sally Coffee Cup (NYC)
Ha ha - best comment yet!
Kosher Dill (In a pickle)
@Alice S I keep hoping those Big Macs will take the predictable toll, but alas, no such luck. Yet.
TM (Colorado)
@Alice S So just another Tuesday?
Angella (Paris 75004)
I only hope that his night is as bad as all of mine have been since his election.
Majortrout (Montreal)
@Angella And worse!!
JuniorK (Spartanburg, SC)
@Angella I am too scared to even show any type of celebration tonight. I had a spread of cheese and wine in 2016 all for naught! I, too, have waited for this night for two years to see this man fall. I know tonight will not be the night but perhaps we see a glimmer of hope.
TJP (California)
@Angella I still wake up a few times since 2016 election & thing oh, my god, he is the President.
Lee Harrison (Albany / Kew Gardens)
Trump has been consistently divisive, consistently pandering to his most ardent supporters with lies and vituperative attacks on any and all Democrats and Progressives. He has attacked and offended women and minorities particularly, and his unfolding scandals about paying off mistresses to keep silent do not help matters. Nominating Kavanaugh turned out to be a very expensive, and very polarizing "victory." Trump has gone far out of his way to offend and threaten women, blacks, hispanics, moslems, and liberal white men. Republicans have done nothing to restrain Trump, and it's rational for the first time in my life to wonder whether the United States is sliding down into white-power neo-nazism. What possible surprise could there be if many people resist?
La Jefa (Maryland)
I do not pay taxes so that the POTUS can send thousands of troops to the border, or for him to fly around in Air Force One with his family to campaign for Republican candidates, or other overtly partisan campaign stunts. I hope the NYT will report on the use of taxpayer vs campaign funds to cover these costs.
Amy (Cincinnati)
@La Jefa I was wondering the same. Thank you.
Metrojournalist (New York Area)
@La Jefa This should be a NYT pick and intensive investigative reporting.
Alex (San Francisco)
Brian Kilmeade isn't any more attached to reality than Trump is.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
You reap what you sow. And THIS harvest is deplorable. Seriously.
Luc (Montreal, Canada)
@Phyliss Dalmatian I see you're still using all caps to try and make your point. By the way, how are things in Wichita.
RPM (North Jersey)
Where and when did trump vote today?
Jack Wilson (Hanover NH)
Did Donald Trump bother to vote himself?
John Grillo (Edgewater, MD)
Excellent question, Jack. Hopefully, he will be unable to vote in 2020, the legal consequence of multiple, federal felony convictions. MAGA.
youngsay (Washington DC)
What’s still shocking is the absolute willingness to publicly lie. The story of the candidate leaving early is not that big a deal. But for the US president to knowingly and willfully tweet out something he knows is not true (or at minimum unsubstantiated) just boggles my mind. And so scary that some significant percentage of Americans will believe it. And if willing to lie about such a small thing - how do we have any faith when he tweets about important stuff?
SridharC (New York)
In 2016 it was a vote AGAINST Hillary and not FOR Trump. This time it might be a vote AGAINST him. The last person we actually voted FOR was Obama!
Laurence Carbonetti (Vermont)
@SridharC If you voted "against" Hillary, you voted for Trump. Please don't try to dodge the guilt.
LJH (California)
He should be bracing himself for grim news. The right side of history will eventually catch up with him. If not today, someday.
LN (Houston)
Sleepless in Washington. He ought to be restless, panicky and anxious since he knows how much division he has created in these 2 years. Political discourse within close friends and families used to be healthy, not anymore. Perhaps America needed a man like Trump to bring out the worse in people - the underlying racism and sexism that still exist in this country.
anne (saint joseph)
@LN I don't think trump is capable of insight.
LN (Houston)
@anne, agreed. He inadvertently did 2 things in these 2 years - made sexism and racism great again and because of him, the voter turnout has been phenomenal this election cycle.
Michael Kelly (Bellevue, Nebraska)
Had a Democratic president devoted as much time over the past two weeks as this Republican one has. What would the Republicans have said? Let's hope that the Insulter-in-Chief has had the likely effect.
Nothing on his calendar today. Isn't going to vote? Usually the President makes a big public show of voting to set a good example. No vote? Or did he vote by absentee or early?
BobbyGvegas (California)
Whether Trump retains control of the Hill or not, I expect that he will fire Sessions and/or Rosenstein and/or Mueller before the week is out. Hope I'm wrong, but...
David (Medford, MA)
As this article makes abundantly clear: we as a nation should, once and for all, stop using the euphemism “style” to gloss over Trump’s violence provoking, race baiting, bullying, incessant lying, corruption, and anti-Constitutional words and actions.
James D (Boulder, Colorado)
The House is predicted to go Blue, the Senate stay red. Knowing Trump, this will give him a new scapegoat for any and all problems that arise in the next few months. It'll be interesting how it plays out, predictable Twitter tantrums aside.
Christopher (Westchester County)
Good! I begin EVERY day bracing for grim political news because of this man.
Mary (NYC)
All of us have a choice. Ten years and two days ago I was in Chicago, unable to get a job, witnessing history. It was a life-changing event. President Obama had a choice throughout his presidency to either move forward with a message of hope or to focus on the racism, birtherism, and division created by the Republicans who unlawfully took action against him at every step. I have marched, called, and reached out to people to let them know that this is not what I stand for and the majority of Americans are with me. I choose to remember eight years of a Presidency that changed a nation. I choose to vote. I choose to protest. I choose hope, love, and inclusiveness. This administration has NO REGRETS about what they have said, done, stolen, divided, encouraged, and make no mistake, they will continue to do so if they're in power. Regardless of the whimpers put out by the current president, he has chosen to subject our nation with his racist, sexist, ageist, fearmongering, and constant lies. He doesn't care, do you? So today when we vote, remember that there is hope. We can and will continue to make this country stronger. I believe in humanity and the will to persevere and grow. The people united will never be divided!
Chuck (Cleveland)
Jon Creamer (Groton)
Our President is not being sincere when he offers faux regret about toning down his rhetoric. He knows exactly what he is doing in all that he says, much of which is to sow hate in the supporters, supportrts that he threw under the bus when he gave the richest among us and corporations tax breaks, when he undermines the ACA, when he puts tariffs in place that make it hard for farmers to sell their crops. Is Trump expecting anyone to feel sorry for him when what they should be is sorry for our country? Trump is more dangerous than the caravan he is so worried about.
Thorsten Fleiter (Baltimore)
Mr.Trump is dividing the country for almost two years now by spreading fear and falsehood and that has consequences. I hope he will finally take reponsibility for something - for a change.
TM (Boston)
"I would like to have a much softer tone. I feel to an extent I have no choice. But maybe I do." This one statement reflects his incoherence, his lack of core values, his manic unpredictability, his cluelessness, shamelessness and incessant desire to con everyone. That is the president and that is the man. But this time, do as he tells you--vote as if he were on the ballot.
Robert (Out West)
You really must pardon me if i roll my eyes at the notion of Trump’s regrets, which I take as yet more more of those “Javanka affects him deeply,” claims put out by staffers who think they’re cleverly humanizing a true jackwagon of a President. Assuming that the Good Guys win today, not the smallest pleasure will be seeing this guy alternately bellow, snivel, and blame everybody else.
CK (Christchurch NZ)
I'm anti illegal immigration but from what I've seen on the media those Central /South Americans looked like serene desperate people and none of them looked like thugs to me. Much better character people than those despots heading towards Europe. Those South/Central Americans would be my first choice for refugee resettlement. If they're processed at the border and there is a written record of them and a photo taken of them at the border, then I think they should be treated like law abiding citizens and not treated like criminals.
richard wiesner (oregon)
The real story here is one of a president hearing and seeing his Fox Friends spout off on something. Then he embellishes and adds in his own special early morning take on the way things are. Off to twitter again to feed his loyal supporters another heaping bowl of gruel. Another cycle is complete. It is a closed system. Seemly oblivious to the extant information and people that inhabit the rest of the country. Their closed circuit world ever tightening around the "real facts". A real Gordian knot meant to keep out all they determine to be Other.
Vernon (Brisol City)
All lies told exhaustively, Trump might be huffing and puffing. A self-proclaimed righteous man, who sees himself also as infallible and impeccable, will have to enter a cimmerian cave of fiasco, if the current predictions are any guidance. His canards about the caravan and his callous attitudes about the Dems being the conspirators, will hopefully fly in his face. If he, as a charlatan, faces a Waterloo, he is bound to quickly caterwaul about others being inept in his party. As usual, his answers to the reporters, will, then, be even more circumlocutory and dodgy. He will continue to display his charades as a do-gooder once again. More of his cockalorum will ensue, unscathed. There never will be a contrition from Trump, and his contumelious behavior will be even more immutable. On the contrary, it can be quite unimaginable if his party has significant gains.
WHM (Rochester)
I have seen little discussion of how Republicans will act in the lame duck period following the election until House members are sworn in January 3. Will Republicans try to take advantage of the two months they have left to push through laws and if they lose the Senate, judges?
DR (New England)
@WHM - Won't they be on recess for the holidays for most of it?
Jim (Columbia, MO)
After a two year binge of feeding the anger, hate, racism, divisiveness and deadly violence in the U.S. Trump claims that he should have toned it down. As if his rhetoric is an affectation. Here we see the real "fake news" - and it's the tinge of regret that Trump's fleeting dalliance with thought is delivering to his ego's doorstep. It's too late old birther. As your evangelical supporters might say, as you sow so shall you reap.
Shane (Marin County, CA)
I recently returned from Europe so I could vote. I am proud to be an American, I love this country and I now understand, in a way I never did before, how precious our democracy is and how it must constantly be defended. This American experiment is something so precious and unique that voting is really the least we can do to support it.
Rod Sheridan (Toronto)
@Shane That's great Shane, I'm glad you were able to vote, this is an important election. That said, as a non American, I find your comment that the "American Experiment is something so precious and unique" absurd. Democracy is certainly not restricted to the USA, and as you're well aware most of the world is looking at your present government, wondering how you managed to go so far off the rails in such short order. Let's hope you have course correction tonight, best wishes to all my American friends.
Shane (Marin County, CA)
@Rod Sheridan Thanks for your comment. Before the United States was founded democracy had ceased to exist in the world for over 2500 years, when it was founded it was the first democratic nation to exist in many millennia. That's what I meant by "rare and precious." Not that we're above any other nation, but as the first in a very, very long time - we're somewhat unique and special. And that matters to me as an American, it's something to be cherished and defended.
J (Earth)
There is something called overseas ballot...
Nick Metrowsky (Longmont CO)
Trump has spent the better part of two years sowing fear, division, and hated multiple times per day. His tax cut alone has hurt millions of Americans; some do not even know how hard yet. Even more so, his economic promises have failed. His tariffs are hurting farmers ans workers alike. And, then there is health care and his desire t o push junk policies and get rid of protections for both pre-existing conditions and life time caps. The two provisions, that every one across the political spectrum wat to keep. Hhis political rallies have sowed concern not only amount Democrats, and independents, but many Republicans, as well. Trump awoke a sleeping giant of white supremacy. Despite the full page ad, in today's Nee York times, Trump is directly responsible for the 11 people who died, in Pittsburgh. There is also a story, in today's times, how Mexico is giving shelter, food and medical aid to the so called "national emergency of criminals and terrorists coming up through Mexico". Something his spent railing on, at his rallies, since anti-Semitic murders in Pittsburgh. Today, Americans will try to take their country back from Trump, and admitted "Nationalist", spineless Republicans, hypocritical so called "Christians", and NAZI want to be neo-fascists. The White House should be gloomy it has been draped in black fro two long, dark years. The GOP equally worries, for throwing whatever ethics and morals away, they had way. The GOP is in for a bad election night.
Tom (Saratoga NY)
@Nick Metrowsky HI hope you are right. This might be the first time that I don't watch election results. Still stunned and dismayed as to how 2016 went. I seriously don't know if this country could afford another two years of republicans in charge of both houses and the presidency.
steve (corvallis)
@Nick Metrowsky I'll rest a little easier when it's a done deal and the House, at least, is back in the hands of sane, decent people -- Democrats. On the very slim chance that the Senate turns, I'll pull out Champagne. Until then, I am not getting my hopes up. I'm probably not alone.
Sunny (Winter Springs, FL)
@Nick Metrowsky - My worst nightmare is that the country will swing even farther right, keeping the House & Senate and electing even more Republican Governors. If that happens I don't know what will become of us as a people and our country's democratic future.
Bruce Rozenblit (Kansas City, MO)
Oh now he thinks he should have toned down his rhetoric. Eleven Jews were gunned down in their synagoge, fifteen pipe bombs were sent to political opponents, two black people were gunned down for living while black, and he keeps up the horrible hate speech. Now, Trump is faced with a massive election blowout and he thinks he should have been more congenial. If this doesn't reveal the depravity of the man, nothing will. It's all about him, his victories. The bodies in the street are just a distraction. I want a Mueller doll for Christmas, one that talks....and serves up indictments.
jkarov (Concord NH)
@Bruce Rozenblit This great nation is being led by a self confessed sex criminal psychopath. The Republican party leaders are just fine sitting back while Trump as a sitting President commits treason, emolument violations, endangers our national security, and conspires with the Russian oligarchs for power and financial advantage Trump predicted this himself, saying in 2017 he could "shoot someone on 5th avenue, and my people would still support me". That is precisely correct.
Karen Lee (Washington, DC)
@Bruce Rozenblit, there's a difference between being congenial, and having empathy. Trump can fake the former, he can't fake the latter.
Clyde (Hartford, CT)
I'll believe a blowout only if and when it is proven to me. Still so gunshy after 2016
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
I would like to know who these people are and then have them fired. Nobody other than those who have a job talking to the media should be communicating with them. I suspect more "fake" or made up news.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
@vulcanalex. Well, the White House has been a sieve for years in “leaking” to the press. Many times the “leaks” are by design, to test the waters or spread disinformation which may or may not be fake. You be the judge. However, to have them fired when the biggest “leaker” and purveyor of fake news is Trump, I would welcome his firing.
Hector (Brooklyn)
@vulcanalex - you really think that "only those who have a job talking to the media should be communicating with them?" If so, you may be more comfortable living in an absolutist monarchy. Why not check out Saudi Arabia? That is how things work over there! :)
clp (Golden, CO)
@vulcanalex: If the reporters fabricated the story as you suspect, then you don't need to be concerned about identifying and firing sources, correct? In my opinion, Republicans need to spend more time working on self-consistent ways of thinking about the world. Science works for that by the way.