Gritty’s First Month: The Heroic Ascendance of a ‘Ghastly Empty-Eyed Muppet’

Nov 01, 2018 · 7 comments
John Archer (Ny, NY)
Thank god...something to laugh about instead of that moron in the White House.
Paul Ciarlo (NYC)
Looks like it escaped the mascot insane asylum and it's about to start taking Rangers fans hostage.. "I have a t-shirt cannon and I know how to use it! Don't make me prove it the hard way!"
Judy (NJ)
No gods! No masters! Gritty forever!
S.C. (Philadelphia)
Philadelphia is a paradise.
tartz (Philadelphia,PA)
"..a long history of athletic failure." Uhh.. ..and >ahem!< winning as well (see also World Series; Superbowl, Stanley Cup(s)...
RLS (Philadelphia)
Maybe, just maybe, I have an offspring or two who at random will "air drop" pictures of Gritty to strangers. This has really inspired sketchy behavior...I'm worried for our youth.
marybackstage (Boston, MA)
Go, Gritty! As a former Philadelphia resident, I feel he embodies the most noteworthy aspects of that city - unkempt, loaded with personality, and a brash, to-hell-with-it attitude. May he enjoy a long and weird career.