Nothing Proves You Right Like Getting It on ‘Tape’

Oct 30, 2018 · 2 comments
Rhporter (Virginia )
Old joke punchline (I don't even need to tell the joke): who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes
Barry Williams (NY)
The ubiquitous phone camera is now showing us, disturbingly, that we're less of a civilized melting pot in the USA than we like to believe. It is proving that implicit bias does indeed exist, by showing us the myriad ways it is acted out unbeknownst to even those doing the enacting. It shows there are a heck of a lot of people that are more comfortable recording an act of violence or outrage than doing anything to stop it, not even calling the police using the very phone they're recording with. Something that hasn't changed much since the time of Kitty Genovese, I guess. Change will come to this, though. Audio-video technology is rapidly approaching the capability of manipulating video as easily as Photoshop manipulates still photos. Brave new world.