Where’d You Hear That? A Rumor Mill Churns Amid Hurricane Michael’s Rubble

Oct 18, 2018 · 1 comments
b fagan (chicago)
Floridians with slow return of cell phone service. Please note that the current head of the FCC is promoting a rumor that the phone companies are solely to blame. He deserves a lot of the blame by removing rules implemented after Sandy. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/10/ajit-pai-killed-rules-that-c... "Among other things, the November 2017 FCC action eliminated a requirement that telcos turning off copper networks must provide Americans with service at least as good as those old copper networks. This change lets carriers replace wireline service with mobile service only, even if the new mobile option wouldn't pass a "functional test" that Pai's FCC eliminated. Additionally, "in June 2018, Chairman Pai further deregulated telephone providers to make it easier to discontinue service after a natural disaster," Feld wrote." Remember that the next time our current administration crows about how all those troublesome regulations are being thrown out. Regulations protect us from large corporations. If you don't believe that, feel free to enter a one-on-one arbitration session with your phone company's experienced legal staff.