A Computer in Everything

Oct 11, 2018 · 29 comments
ConXnie (NWHS Maryland)
The idea of technology intrigues many people. We are all surrounded by technology in some ways and yes, I agree that soon one day everything around us would have some type of computer or technology embedded in it. As humans advance, there will be more and more technology that is created. Tasks would be much more efficient and easier to complete. However, advancements aren’t always going to benefit us, things like privacy would be a thing in the past.
Bella Yant (Oxford Middle School)
After viewing the New York Times picture prompt, "A Computer in Everything," I think the fact that there is a computer in almost everything we do makes me a little nervous for the future. If you think about all of the advanced technology we already have, just try to imagine what it could be like ten years from now. We are already starting to develop things like self driving cars and artificial intelligence. In the future when teenagers turn 16, instead of being excited to get car keys or an actual car, they might be looking forward to getting a self driving car. In conclusion, I think if technology is in almost everything we do today, it could be taking over the world tomorrow.
Angela (Taiwan)
In my opinion,the advance of the technology indeed brings a lot of convenience to our lives. It makes a lot of things much more easier to be done.For example,I can’t imagine searching information without using google or connecting with people far away without the help of the technology. But,apart from all thes, there are also disadvantages. First, people are more indifferent than ever since we tend to spend more time on all kinds of electronic devices rather than on human beings. Second, our privacy can be easily invaded through technology. However, thes problems aren’t unsolvable, if we try to fix all these , then I believe technology can still do more good than harm.
Winnie Shih (Taiwan)
Frankly speaking, I regard it creepy to have “smart devices” around ourselves. Just like the controversy caused by artificial intelligence, AI brought about unpredictable consequence to our lives. Last year, the engineer of Facebook AI Research (FAIR) made two robots with artificial intelligence communicate with each other. It turned out that the two robots developed a new language which the engineers couldn’t comprehend. If devices equipped with artificial intelligence could exchange information with each other and “invent” stuff we can’t understand, humankind are likely to have unimaginable encounter. Be it a blessing or a catastrophe, the risk of uncertainty is beyond measure.
Zach Comet (Horton)
To be honest, no it doesn’t scare me. Even though there may be a computer in everything, without a wifi connection, what could they really do? As long as there are things put in place to prevent them from becoming sentintent or omnipotent everything should be fine. Computers are made to make life easier for us. So as I said as long as they’re just meant to help us and aren’t meant to hurt us everything should be fine. Being able to control everything in your house from your phone would be fantastic. Being able to get breakfast going or the shower going before you’re even out of bed would make the morning easier and faster. So, to recap, as long as the machines are mindless, everything should be fine.
EvanisOG (U.K.)
While technological advances may seem great for efficiency and getting work done, we can also rely too much on our electronics. To think that the transference of overall technological use for jobs and services is a good thing, it is sadly mistaken. The effects this could have on our nation let alone all of our world would show disastrous for our economy and the working class. First of all, you have to look at perspective of the human populated workforce. Using technology limits our ability to maintain jobs nationwide, and this takes away from consumers due to the fact that they will be earning less, while corporations who use technology to mass produce will be earning the majority, if not, all of the income. As well as a deficient working class,our rights would be violated as well. Privacy will be bound to extreme levels, and the people of this country would be in more danger of their identity being stolen resulting in uncontrollable crime rates, and even further economical disasters.
P.Sun (Brazil)
The emergence of every new thing is always accompanied by all kinds of concerns. From the movies of the 1920s to the later popular music, video games, the focus of worry is nothing but violence, pornography, decadence and so on. There are only one line between the benefits and the disadvantages. It is often “missing a thousand miles, a thousand miles”, and the same is true for the Internet. The line that crosses the "profit" is the "disadvantage". We are in favor of surfing the Internet. As students, we not only need to ease the pressure of learning, but also need to continuously supplement the spiritual food. It is undeniable that most of us go online to learn better and think that the Internet is a great tool for assisting students.
Joanna Cnang (Taiwan)
From my perspective, a computer in everything can cut both ways:it has made our lives more convenient and more confusing at the same time. Because the Internet is growing in popularity and the technological devices are easily accessible, we are constantly exposed to large amounts of information;however, it deprives our privacy little by little and most of us do not even aware.On the Internet, data has high value. It’s stolen, sold, collected and analyzed. We all have things to hide;however, most of the Internet users do not take this issue to heart when they are doing online shopping or browsing some websites.
Hailey Comet (Hanover Horton)
I see both positive and negatives with everything becoming computerized and electronic. The positive side is that they require less work from us humans and are more efficient. It allows us to do more than one thing at a time. It is allowing us to get information much faster and easier. Lastly it is a good way to communicate with others. There are many disadvantages also. More technology means spending more money to get it fixed when it breaks. You lose more and more of your privacy. You become dependant on it and less self sufficient. Lastly it takes away from interacting with others face to face.
Larry (Taiwan)
With computer in everything, it may be very convenient. But there would be some risks. First, the most important thing is about our privacy. When we surfing the Internet, it can reveal our ID location and the pages we went through. Thus we could lose our privacy. Second, if the whole world used everything in computer, it would be dangerous for the country and family. There would be someone skilled in computer trying to hack the government, and the country could lose the secret information. Like one of the movie I watched, the hacker controlled the country’s electricity, traffic signs and the stock market. That would do such a harm to the society. Last but not least, if all the computer shut down at the same time, it could cause serious problem. The world would return to the ancient time at once. It is quite unimaginable how we will live under this situation. Overall, computer is very convenient in many things, but we should think twice about the good and bad side of it. Although it is double-edged sword, we could live comfortable if we take good advantage of it.
kaylie comet (michigan)
Technology and privacy has always had a complicated relationship. For the most part everything is already switching over and connecting with technology. Which can be a good and bad thing. To me I am a bit worried about my privacy, I don’t want everything to be connected to the internet. The government already has access to my phone, giving them ability to potentially have access to everything I own sounds like a nightmare. However as technology advances I believe so does our society. Technology was a huge invention for humans for being able to communication to people anywhere, even across the world. Ultimately technology has been a leading force in the medical field, being able to communicate efficiently across the world for diseases has helped our world greatly. So I believe that the advancements of technology outweigh the negatives.
chloe comet (hanover)
I absolutely hate having technology. It ruins are world and are planet. Nobody has any privacy and it makes young people subjected to horrible things like vilonce, dugs, and pornogerfy. But what could make things worse? Well i could name a few things. Having technology is a a bad idea. You are going to become dependent on something that could easily fail. Also the government knows exactly where you are and what you doing with trackers on you constantly. You would be running good reliable stuff by putting things that may not work in them. Its a bad idea.
Victor M. (Hanover-Horton)
I think it is a little to far with taking our privacy away, our phones and social media information is already monitored which is a little unsettling. The even more unsettling factor is having that stuff in our homes so they can literally just here our conversations. The upside to having more electronics is giving me more time and efficiency around the house. I don't believe it is worth the risk.
Kennedy Wagner (Hanover Horton)
I honestly like all of the new technology. The new technology is fun to play with and easier to get things done without yourself actually doing it. My family likes the new technology but i think its a little scary and risky because its not private. the internet is all connected so if you get hacked then you will get all of you stuff out. We should have bigger stuff out better and very new supplies. I love to get new things that help people.
Thomas Comet (HH)
I think as our society matures that it’s only nature as a human being that technology advances with it. Recently in the past decade, millions of new technology advances have been made. Improvements to technology including smartphones, television, kitchen appliances, vehicles, restaurants, etc. Adapting with the new cultures, people need to learn how to change with it. My thoughts on the world’s creativity on our technology is skeptical. One thought is that our advancements are cool and futuristic. Along with being able to have fun with all of the new gadgets and tools. But on the other hand it is kind of scary. Thinking about having to adapt and change with society that nobody is really used to. Comparing it to the world, if it is eco friendly then I think our society with have a great change. Along with having a great new world to live in. But it can come with bad parts as well, one being weapon advancements that are not good. Generally I think it is an improvement to society.
Brendan (Hanover)
Computers were a start to a new beginning. They changed how we live and learn, from reading books to articles, and the paper. I do not like how futuristic things are becoming but there is no way yo stop it. There will always be technological advances every year no matter what we care about. Some technology that comes out is very useful but some other things can lead to future problems. I think that if we had computers in everything it would be like transformers 5 or something like when everything turns into a monster with a rocket launcher. But having. But for real peoples computers get hacked every day and at any moment your bank account could be drained by a hacker. I would not want computers in everything but it would be nice to get some technological advances.
Khloe Comet (Hanover-Horton )
Technology today has taken over the world. From Computers, Phones , & even human like robots. Its taking over out world, and many people are not happy. There has come many bad issues with technology. In technology hackers, viruses , & other bad things. People don't understand whats happening in our real life problems. Technology is taken over our minds & ability to actually talk to people in real life. It has cause many to have severe mental issues. and its not okay. I mean technology can help us in many ways but its going down the drain because its taking over are world its never going to stop.
Morgan (Not there)
The world is moving fast. Everyone wants the fastest, newest technology. Everyone thinks that technology makes day to day life a lot easier. People don't take the time to sit back and realize how much negativity technology affects their life. I don't like how much technology is incorporated in our lives. I just don't see a need for it. The human population is getting lazier already, why make everything push button. I still believe in old fashioned work ethic. Now don't get me confused, I am defiantly not saying I want to go back to writing with a feather, and doing math problems without a calculator. I'm just trying to say that we need to be more sensible about what we're putting computers in, and why. Why do people need to press a screen to see whats inside their fridge when they can simply open the door. I most definitely think that with all the reliance on technology, our country or even the world could get caught up in some huge privacy invasion, and security fallout. Once again, If people would just go to the bank, instead of not getting out of bed and doing from their phone, they would have a higher chance of avoiding the unseen problems of technology.
Noah HHHS (Parts Unknown)
I think some things are better off remaining “dumb.” I for one don’t need a smart toothbrush when my manual one works fine, as someone suffering from a slight internet addiction I think that having everything connected to the internet poses some major health risks. After all the internet hasn’t exactly been a 100% positive thing for everyone and connecting literally everything risks all the bad stuff being connected as well.
James Comet (Hanover Horton)
As every day goes on, there are more and more advances in technology. Some for the better, and some for the worse. Today, we have millions of items that are connected to the internet in some way shape or form, whether it be smart phones, speakers, lights, or any other smart device. With these items connected to the internet, it allows us to connect all of them together, and have one big web of all of our things, that we can control by simply downloading an app. The internet results in the conveniency of controlling our devices that we own, and is only advancing the world every single day. On the flip side, the increasing amount of “smart” products results in the weakening of possible security for not only us as people, but our nation as well. By having multiple items connected through the internet, a lot of our privacy and security is depreciated, since anyone can access the internet. It is important that we continue to strengthen out web security if we want to keep advancing technologically, unless we want to reach the point of very low security and privacy.
Grace (Horton )
In the world we live in today, computerized versions of everything are being created and progressing to become more and more useful. These technologies have slowly taken an essential part in people’s daily lives and being without them would be unimaginable for some of us. When you grow up without technology it seems self efficiency is greater in variety of ways. For example, communication skills are completely different now with the use of social media, facetiming, emailing and what now is common texting. At a medical level, technology can help treat more sick people and consequently save lives rather than the old use of medicine. Even though there is a decline in human capability and devices show a large part of replacing the human mind, I still believe they are needed. Yes, I do not think my coffee pot should have an alarm clock or believe in the use of digital toasters. Some things are better when there simple, point blank period. When I am in my math class, I couldn't imagine not using a calculator. It would literally take me a million years to complete my work and I am thankful for this accurt time saver. Overall, I believe there's many more benefits than disadvantages when it comes to progressing technology.
Maddy (Hanover-Horton)
I do think devices and electronics are taking up too many spaces in our lives. Kids don't grow up with a normal childhood anymore. One of their first words is "remote" or "iPad" and that is not okay. Part of this is to appeal to a lazy person, preset coffee makers means extra sleep, but also means procrastination. Isn't the point of drinking coffee to wake you up? I think that we should only use our devices in practical ways. Smartphones, computers, and other accessories that go with them should stay, other than that, what is practical? Modernizing our world is great and all, but we need to think how much is too much?
Shane (Hanover-Horton High School)
In some sense having a computer in everything does make me worry a tiny bit about my privacy because there are hackers they can hack into those devices and steal your personal information. There are pros and cons of having so many smart devices though. With all the smart devices these make life easier with things just at a touch away. Another pro is take it connects us together with other people in different forms. Cons, though, could be hacking like I said, where someone can get all your personal information by just a couple clicks. With this, it’s important to make sure you have antivirus and things to make it harder for these people to hack into your devices. Another con is is most of the time these smart devices cost a lot of money, which makes it hard for people to afford them.
Steven Comet (H-H)
I feel that all of this technology is great. However, many people are left behind and aren't understanding some of the technology. Specifically older people who can take longer than the younger individuals that understand the upcoming technology. Privacy can be an issue, but by purchasing and accepting the terms and agreements that can come with the item. A smart toaster would not be a huge deal, and there isn't much of a risk as long as it is a secure connection between the toaster and the connection the internet. This applies to clothing, toothbrushes, and fish tanks. The issue can escalate if the smart device is biometrically used, or the device is used in assistance to the person, like contacts or prosthetics. Biometric devices increase the security, but when that security is cracked open, your personal information is vulnerable and it is not safe. Not only is your personal information vulnerable, but your ability to do things is as well. If it is an aid to your vision or walking, for example, are large risks because if they were hacked they can ruin your ability to use or to do certain tasks depending on the device. Overall, I believe the new technology is very welcomed. This technology allows more efficient use of tasks. I feel that problems can arise when they are used to verify a person's identity or used as an aid for the person. The security risks should be very important to everyone and each device should be tested for security risks.-Response too long
Nina (Providence, RI)
The future is now. Technology is modernized every second. Back then it was a privilege just to have a wall phone, whereas now if ones doesn't have the new Iphone X they are considered "not cool". There are many reasons why all these smart devices are great for the world, though there are numerous reasons why technology like this is killing us. I am very thankful for the advancement in technology, whether I can look up the latest news in a blink of an eye or submit my homework online. Nowadays communication is faster than ever. In some cases, this may be great, but on the other hand, take, for example, sending a handwritten letter via mall is more sentimental than shooting a quick text. Privacy is a major issue that needs to be looked at, especially with constant updates on new advancements. This generation is so easy to look up someone and get their personal information like their address or phone number. Yes, this is scary to wrap our heads around, but there are ways in which we have the technology to thank. Within a decade surely there will be flying cars and new devices that contribute to our convenience. Just like everything in life, there are ups and downs, this goes along with technology as well.
Alyssa Rich (Danvers, MA)
In the near future, we can expect most of our everyday items to become smart devices. Technology makes our daily lives much easier. It increases efficiency, communication, and has played a huge part in medical breakthroughs. But, is it such a good idea to make everything a smart device? As it is, there are issues with privacy, crime, and security in terms of social media and personal information. Having more items that are ‘smart’ will increase those issues. The more technology we have access to, the more reliant on them we become. If we start using technology for everything we do, we won’t be prepared if those gadgets break or lose power. Not only do we rely on technology for a lot things, but for a majority of people, we are fully immersed in our cell phones 24/7. For most people, being on our phones or watching tv consumes our free time. If every item out there becomes a smart device, technology will fully take over our lives. So, the benefits and conveniences of a completely interconnected world does not outweigh the disadvantages.
Allison (MA)
The idea of having a computer in everything we own doesn't even usually cross my mind-these computers have become such a huge part of most people's lives that we don't even realize that we rely on technology for every part of living. When I think about how much we really rely on technology, sometimes I get nervous or paranoid, because in the end, it's hard to tell if your privacy is safe when your life and information is being shared all across the internet for various reasons. People now shop online, pay for things online, even bank online. How do we know if using technology in all of these things is keeping our identities and information safe? We don't, really, and it is hard for a person who uses many products to know for sure if they are safe. It makes me a bit scared for the future, because technology is growing to be more and more important in our everyday lives as the days pass, and what will happen when everything is based off of it? At the same time though, however, I believe we have come way too far through technological increases to draw out now and try to reduce it. Every single person that I know of uses common technology in their everyday lives, and ultimately, we rely on it far too much to abolish it from our lives now. Whether it's safe or not, having computers in everything we own has become too common to prevent now, and we can only hope that our security and information is safe.
Ezra (Lombardi)
Technology has become a crucial component in everyone's daily life. Without technology, our lives would be altered to a point of pandemonium. Technology is a fantastic resource that has opened doors for many that would have not otherwise. However, it is important to realize that there are drawbacks to this and recognize what they are. As computers and smart devices grow and change everyday, it is difficult to fully grasp the shocking abilities possessed by these devices. I often worry about the power these devices have without completely knowing its capacity. Even though I may not know what they can do, I know that it is dangerous. Reports of the Amazon products behaving strangely has caught my eye and steered me away from owning one. Although, many others are unaware of this or simply do not care. Overall, it is important to weigh the positives against the possible dangers that come with every device you own. While Alexa is a helpful resource, I would prefer my conversations to not be exposed to the company of Amazon. The technological connection of the modern world is intriguing, yet, very frightening.
Declan Quinn (Danvers MA)
I agree with this article that soon everything will be connected to the internet. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. It is good because life will be very convenient and everything will be easy to access. People will stay more connected to their families and friends and create relationships across the world. With most items being connected to the internet data can be shared faster and more efficient. However there will be no more privacy and cyber crimes will be on the rise. If everything is connected to the internet criminal will be able to steal from you without even leaving their chair. In addition with most electronic devices having cameras, the world will be in a constant state of surveillance. Most people will feel unsafe if they are always being watched by someone they don't know and this can lead to problems. In conclusion, I think that the addition of various smart items will be bad for society.