Alabama Revisits Ten Commandments, Hoping for Help From Kavanaugh

Sep 25, 2018 · 5 comments
Delcie (NC)
If Trump's "followers" followed the Ten Commandments, he would not be president. Enough said!
Rima Regas (Southern California)
These people will stop only when they've gained full control and made their brand of religion the law of the land. Republicans have used them to further their own ambitions and still need them to remain in power. That's why Kavanaugh was picked. He's a blend of these two strains: part corporatist and part fundamentalist. But, eventually, these people will take over the GOP, pushing out the current leadership. That's how the Borg work... If they can't get it one way, they will another. --- Things Trump Did While You Weren’t Looking
Gisela Kirschbaum-Heuer (Germany)
It's nothing to say against the 10 commandments. But the supporters should live by those rules themselves. Without exception. Do they?
Pat Y (Los Angeles)
We know who is accusing Kavanaugh. Who is accusing Blasey Ford? Where is the investigation? When will the owners of social media platforms get control of the harm it is doing?
AdamStoler (Bronx NY)
I am sick and tired of these phony fraudsters masquerading as the moral compass of our country.Ten commandments....their fearless political leader has violated each and every one of them multiple times. Yet they excuse his behavior never condemning him always excusing “ the sinner” What is the point of sinners being redeemed when they keep piling the sins on? Power . Raw power to unAmerican dictate and impose their version of “ freedom” on all the rest of us. They don’t speak for anyone but themselves. Recognize that America and theocracy will morph from possibility to extremely unlikely.Send them back to their churches with their unpatriotic dictates .