Listen to ‘The Daily’: Brett Kavanaugh’s Change of Heart

Jul 11, 2018 · 3 comments
Laurel Strand (Seattle, Washington)
While listening to the podcast, I kept waiting for Michael to circle back around to the fact that Kavanaugh’s law review article was published in 2009, when we had a Democrat for president. But he never did.
clearblue (MN)
Knowing that the Koch's and the Tea Party have been planning major changes to our government since 1970, it is not surprising that Kavanaugh would protect any Republican President from investigation with such a feeble excuse as "the President is too stressed" in his job to be investigated for criminal activity.
Rima Regas (Southern California)
There had better not be one Democrat who votes for this presidential shill. Not one. Democrats have long shirked their responsibility to educate their voters, however red or blue their districts may be. That there are some who feel, in this age of Trumpian corruption, that there is still room for Blue Dog Democrats, is a complete and utter disgrace. Triangulation needs to die. Its definition has stayed hidden from the public for far too long. Simply put, by its originator, it is passing the other party's legislation while taking credit for it as your own. We've been pulled past the right and into corruption. It is high time the Democratic establishment realigned itself with its voters. When thinking about compromise and bi-partisanship, who are we compromising with? Today's GOP is a mafia of the worst kind. Senate Democrats need to do everything, and I mean everything, to ensure this candidate fails. He has a long public record, written, oral... Whatever it takes. Get him off the nomination train. ---