Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution by U.S. Stuns World Health Officials

Jul 08, 2018 · 593 comments
Michael N. Alexander (Lexington, Mass.)
I'd have appreciated seeing the text that your article says the US delegation sought to water down, as well as the text they tried to substitute.
anne (bangladesh)
This is a sad day for the USA. Promoting an idiotic anti-science, anti-health, anti-baby policy in a public forum and sinking so low that the Russians (of all people) get to play the hero and come across as the sane, reasonable ones pointing out the folly of the US position. Exclusive breast feeding in the first six months of life is the gold standard in mother/child public health policy and has been for decades. Amidst all the criticisms being made by the many people posting on this issue though, I think it is important to call out the corporations who are pushing this issue. Don't let them duck behind a blase "no comment." Force them to answer. Name and shame. I doubt HHS came up with this idea on their own and I'm sure the State Dept didn't. Who solicited their activities on this issue? Inquiring minds want to know. I'd like to see the names and photos of their CEOs. Don't let them hide and make the administration take the heat. Go after the real perps here.
Ben P (Austin)
When corporations are considered people, is it a surprise that breastmilk comes from a factory?
LesW (Honolulu)
Names should have been named. Who are those people who promoted this ugly position on the part of the Trump administration. They should have resigned rather than put forward these backward ideas. From a scientific point of view consider this: humans are the most successful animal on the planet. Humans have reared their children on breast milk for all but the last infinitesimal proportion of human existence. How can "formula" be better than that??? The mind boggles yet again.... not just mean, but stupid!
David Lockmiller (San Francisco)
Just saw on PBS News Hour: Trump calls the New York Times liars on this story. Truth or fabrication, New York Times, which assessment is correct? Pound Trump if he is lying! Apologize if he is telling the truth!
Jim O'Hara (Forestville, CA)
It's like the Administration deliberately chooses evil. Why? This opinion piece in the Irish Times offers an explanation. https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/fintan-o-toole-trial-runs-for-fascism... I'm waiting for Jeff Sessions to explain that it's good to separate babies from their breast milk. Is that in the Bible too, Jeff?
slime2 (New Jersey)
Republicans only care about the pre-born. After that, those children are on their own.
Joan (Wisconsin)
It seems that every day Trump and his enablers peal away the decency, competency, and integrity that once characterized American leaders. Trump’s people’s position on breastfeeding is disgusting! It’s hard to fathom how stupid Trump and his supporters are. This story is so important that it should be included in every news broadcast many, many times.
Diane W (Scottsdale)
I am so disgusted by every single person who enabled this monster to assume the most powerful position on the planet. I hope you each carry shame with your for the rest of our lives for the devastation YOU created. This country is an embarrassment.
Antoine (Taos, NM)
This is despicable. After we round up all the immigrant babies we can feed them on commercial formula. What a windfall for those manufacturers.
John Brews ..✅✅ (Reno NV)
It is time for the Times to shame these officials who refuse common sense and fact. Put their photos on the front page and embarrass them completely as shills and lackeys.
Kirk Bready (Tennessee)
Decent leaders of a rich, humane nation would push the corporate predators to clean up their act and balance their efforts tby producing nutritional supplements to fortify impoverished mothers to enrich the quality of their breast milk. But decency is a zero priority for the sociopathic minds that run the white house and too much of congress. They're too busy snatching infant invaders from their parents.
A2er (Ann Arbor, MI)
Utterly reprehensible behavior on the part of the Republican Party. They portray us as a nation of greedy, stupid bullies. Led by one. Our once great country now just a bunch of grifters.
RjW ( Chi. IL)
As in the French Revolution women’s breasts have come to the forefront. Then, as objects of worship, this time as commercial competition to the baby formula manufacturers.
ms (ca)
Did Ivanka Trump feed her babies with infant forumula? How about Melania? I bet they didn't, unless there was an issue with their own breast milk. Rather ironic that it took Russia to introduce the measure and then get it passed. It took one bully to take down another. At least the Russians respect science.
Nancy (Washington State)
Scratching my had on why is administration would be against breast feeding language...do they hate babies that much? ICE might say so. Anything to keep the masses uneducated? Typical republican tactic. Ultimately, the paragraph on Obama supporting the policy pretty much cleared up my confusion.
Rames (Ny)
Dear World I sincerely hope you have patience with America and understand that this horror show coming from Washington does not represent all of us citizens. We are mortified and embarassed on a daily basis at the utter lack of decency, of decorum, of respect spewing from and polluting the white house. The in your face level of lies and the outright outfront greed fest is surreal. Please accept apologies for this disasterous disruption of an admnistration. We need your prayers that this democracy will survive.
James (Texas)
For the past few decad s it has been obvious that the GOP has little to no respect for human life. They put short term profit for themselves and their benefactors above all else.
Greg (CA)
I find this to be the most disgusting move yet by this U.S. administration. Unfortunately, I find myself saying this almost daily.
ochlos (NYC)
The US political infrastructure is primarily there to serve the interests of people who like to make a buck, no matter the cost for everyone else. That is the prime reason of being for this country and its political leadership. No position is too ludicrous and no approach too cynical. The US is the bully of the world. Hopefully, the world will soon turn its back.
E (New Mexico, USA)
Can Abbott and Nestle be investigated for corrupt practices, or something? Can Chapman be recalled or fired? Is there any way to recover from the SHAME? Maybe in December...
Kent Graham (Sedona, Arizona)
This is an issue that I would love to see 60 Minutes take on!
Amelia (Chicago)
The lack of adequate maternity leave in itself is enough to thwart breastfeeding.
BD Peterson (Northern Idaho)
Milk choice: YES! Reproductive choice: NO!
Shelley B (Ontario)
There's no end to the Trump Administration bullying, but bullying countries if they endorse "breast is best"? Melanie has her work cut out for her taking "Be Breast"...I mean "Be Best" on the road in Europe. Capitalism at it's finest...not!
BF (Florida)
This comments section is why Trump is going to get re-elected. This hyperbole and hysteria is handing him 2020. Really? This is the most egregious action by the administration so far? Calm down people. There are breast feeding advocates that would rather a baby go hungry than give it formula. And others who would like to make formula accessible by prescription only. These radical views fly in the face of data that shows zero difference in outcomes between breast fed vs formula fed children... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140225122210.htm A breast feeding mother spends hours each day either feeding or pumping (10-12 feeding at 30 minutes each) and some babies, like mine, do not receive adequate supply. The vast majority of mothers also don’t have access to maternity leave - so we also have to pump at work for 6 months to a year. And then we wonder why women don’t advance their careers as quickly as men or why they just drop out entirely. I have seen the stigmitization faced by women who have trouble breastfeeding and choose to formula feed, it’s ugly, and I support the choice a mother needs to make. You can get a taste of the judgement we face in this comments section. While the US was advocating for formula-manufacturers here, it can also be seen as a women’s choice move.
Dolores Kazanjian (Port Washington. NY)
Sometimes I am ashamed of our country. Where are the "pro-lifers" on this?
Longestaffe (Pickering)
Donald Trump may not be actually on the take from the baby-formula makers, but he has a personal stake in making the world safe for misleading advertisers (such as the man who gave us Trump University) and reckless profit-seekers (such as Donald Trump wherever he may be found). This disgusting affair makes feel like saying I’m ashamed to be an American, but that’s not quite what I mean. What I mean is, I’m ashamed that Donald Trump is an American.
jenb (Elmhurst)
Wow. All I can say is wow! I want to hide in a hollow tree somewhere until this administration is done bullying to rest of the world.
Maryellen Donnellan (Falls Church, VA)
Poor women in developing nations don’t have the luxury of a supermarket filled with infant formulas to choose from. Their breast milk is their baby’s best available nutritional option, and helping the WHO educate them about breastfeeding should be a no brainer. So the Trump Administration is going after 3rd world babies at risk of malnutrition now?
James (San Francisco)
I am thoroughly disgusted but unsurprised by the US position. But why did Russian intervene as a 'good guy'. That DOES surprise me.
Ron (Melbourne)
If our creator thought that formula was best for infant health and growth rather than breast feeding, maybe there would have been cans of formula available to all right from the start. How utterly ridiculous to try to lessen a message that breast feeding is best.
Forrest (Boston)
Those looking for proof that the President is in the pocket of the Russians look no farther than this story, in which the US came off as a bully to many smaller countries, allowing the Russians to "save the day" and sound positively wise and health-conscious by comparison. If nothing else, how did the US not recognize that this plane was doomed to be undermined by the Russians? Did no one think that the Russians would step in? Or was this all orchestrated to ALLOW the Russians to look better in the eyes of the Ecuador’s of the world?
As a father of a two year old I am so ashamed of the current leadership of the country I have adopted. Even though we were forced to use formula for the first 18 months (due to insufficient supply of breast milk) I am appalled by this bullying stance that our representatives have adopted. For the love of our babies, can we all agree that a change in leadership is long overdue?
Andrew Porter (Brooklyn Heights)
Everyone knows that breast-feeding causes nuclear proliferation and climate change...
Lior (Haifa, Israel)
It seems to me like the consensus here is overwhelming, but I think the Trump administration position makes much more common sense than the WHO position. As a husband of a young mother who was driven to postpartum depression due to the endless amount of time and energy she spent trying to breastfeed unsuccessfully, I am absolutely sure that breastfeeding did more harm than good in our case. My entire generation grew up on formula and ended up just fine, so why push breastfeeding now so hard, giving moms the feeling that they're inadequate if they don't succeed? Another reason to use formula, which for some reason is largely ignored by the same people who should be pushing for it the hardest, is that it's a much more egalitarian way to raise a baby. Both the mom and dad can wake up at night to feed, relatives and nannies can pitch in and the mom can go to work. Our lives became so much easier and simpler once my wife had to give up breastfeeding due to her PPD. And no, breast pumps were not a good solution because my wife had to wake up to pump at 4:00 AM because it turns out that's when milk production is highest. The WHO will vacillate over the years between extreme stances based on the current trend and climate, but the basic common sense approach will always be correct.
Jaleh Jaffari (Seattle, WA)
While it is encouraging to see the appropriate response of shock and outrage from so many, it is also quite telling that the main image for this article is a baby with a bottle. Sadly, we aren’t yet at a place in our society where a photo of a woman breastfeeding her infant can be on the headlines. The NYT could play a role in normalizing this! Please consider a different photo for future coverage of this issue. Breasts are sexualized in our culture, and normalizing breastfeeding is a meaningful way for women to take back our power. (And for those who may respond that you can bottle feed human milk, yes, I am aware. My main point is that this was an opportunity lost to gain ground on a vital issue regarding public health and women’s progress.)
phil (alameda)
It seems like this breastfeeding versus infant formula war has been going on forever. Around 1980 I was asked by a major US maker of infant formula to make a documentary propaganda film to counter another film that successfully argued the case against infant formula in places where clean water could not be guaranteed. I remember meeting the chairman of this mighty US corporation in the elevator, and sitting with a VP in plush offices on the 50th floor in New York. It would have been quite a step up for me as a young filmmaker. Glad I turned the opportunity down.
Tracy (USA citizen)
I am a USA citizen born and raised in Minnesota. I had my first child while working as an expat in Germany, a country that endorsed the World Health Organization (W.H.O) resolution to encourage breastfeeding and limit/provide resources to limit the spread of inaccurate information about breast milk substitutes. Having a baby prematurely can have two challenges when it come to breastfeeding: The baby may not be strong enough to nurse and the mom's body may not be able to produce enough milk to sustain the baby. Both challenges were a factor in my case. The German hospital I was at (Klinikum der Universität München - Innenstadt) worked to help my milk production through nutrition, training, and even accupuncture. They also encouraged the use of formula to help my baby thrive while we sorted out the milk production situation. I was never denied access to formula. I was not shamed or "stigmatized" for choosing to supplement with formula. As a first time mom with my heart set on breastfeeding, they comforted me that I was a good mom for putting my baby's health first. All of this is a long way to say that endorsing this resolution does not equate to denying access to formula. Bullying and threatening countries that endorse the resolution had nothing to do with protecting women's abilities to make the best choices for the nutrition of their babies.
DAM (Tokyo)
Baby formula industry has been tainted in recent years by contamination, first in formula from China, most recently from France, another leading producer of this product. The fervor this raised in France and China might have indicated a less ham-handed approach on the part of our commerce and state guys. This sort of desperate hooliganism is imposed from the top, by inexperienced people who are oblivious to blowback, or too hungry to consider consequences. It's normal for businesses to oppose competition, and to seek favors from the government in doing so. The icon of today's conservative movement, Calvin Coolidge, famously said, 'the business of the government is business', and people should not think that this is unusual. It shouts loutishness and incompetence and announces to the world the worst attributes of foreign policy, shared by most governments and the reason we have trade cops like WTO and collaborative agencies like the UN, and conversely, war.
BenR (Philadelphia)
It should be so easy for the Democratic Party to win big in the midterms highlighting issues such as these and where the Trump administration, aided and abetted by the morally corrupt Republican Party, is working on behalf and for corporate interests against the health, welfare, economics of Americans. This would win the votes of democrats, independents and disenchanted republicans. Democrates just need to tell the story of what their for and putting people ahead of corporations
Christopher Kidwell (Aberdeen, MD)
This is just.... obscene. I am going to have to sign the petition that I refused to sign earlier today after reading this article. This was a no-brainer: Of course we want women to breast-feed if at all possible because it has numerous health benefits for the babies in question! I was a little more leery of 'strive to limit inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes!' because that is a little too viewpoint in my opinion. It seems like just saying "If you cannot breastfeed, breast milk substitutes are a reasonable alternative!" would be deemed 'inaccurate' under this standard.
JimD181 (Vienna, VA)
There is nothing - NOTHING - that this nonsense administration will not seek out to make EVERYTHiNG bad. Ugh. Gonna have to dig out my old '60s Maple Leaf decals for when I travel overseas.
Grandma (Midwest)
All present US government decisions or even suggestions are based on making money for already rich people. But a woman’s decision in feeding her baby is hers and hers alone. Breast feeding is a normal natural Healthy way to feed baby. It is nature’s way. No pharmaceutical company can make mother’s milk. Mother’s milk is God’s plan.
John (Philadelphia)
Ummm.... why is the picture in the article showing a baby taking a bottle? I mean the article is about breastfeeding yet we still aren’t comfortable enough to use image stock of an ACTUAL baby breastfeeding. This is what’s wrong in this country...
Stephanie (northeast US)
I made same comment. Today in their editorial piece they did use a photo of a breastfeeding infant. Agree with you!
Mark (Novi, MI)
So much for being a pro-life administration.
Donna in Chicago (Chicago IL.)
I abhor this man and his entire administration. Even babies can't escape their casual, greedy cruelty. I live for the day this sad, shady flim flam house of cards falls. As the old saying goes, the bigger they are...
JerseyJon (Essex County)
Thinking this is just another ploy in Trumplandia to make the Russians look good at our expense. If “The Americans” show was set in present day this is the kind of propaganda win the KGB would totally be behind.
I’m ashamed to be American right now. Can’t even read the comments of my friends in other countries on this and other US policies without feeling pain in my stomach. They don’t say this is drumpf or the GOP. They all say “the US”. That’s how America looks to the world now, almost confirming years of people bad mouthing our “imperialism”. We are now the new monsters of the world. And then people don’t understand how the Germans supported that other guy in the 30s. That’s what happens when people don’t care enough to vote, or vote for the wrong person. Obama: “elections have consequences”
Eyes Open (San Francisco)
Unbelievable. Every day we see another brick set into in the wall of US fascistic bullying of the world. This is about as low as it gets. The justification for the opposition is truly Machiavellian. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO STOP this administration's malevolent spree? When, people?
Kimberly (New York)
After reading this article and similar GREAT investigating reporting from the NYT about this administration’s actions: I feel angry, frustrated, helpless, shocked, hopeless, hurt and I can go on and on. When will all this end! How can I feel encouraged to fight against the abuse this government is inflicting on the poor, working class, and third world countries, when Trump, his allies, and administration is getting away with almost everything with little to no repercussion or remorse. This is what it feels like when hope dies. When you start to lose faith in your democracy and fear what will follow but feel helpless to prevent it from happening.
Daniel Solomon (MN)
And all this time, I thought it was a disgrace for the United States for its president to be beholden to the Russians! Little did I know that there were some benefits. Sorry, Mr. Putin, I didn't know any better! :))))
Jason Snell (Austin, Texas)
This feels especially egregious and bullying - after all, this is about the health of children. Surprising from this administration? No. Horrifying and also saddening? Yes.
Clairette Rose (San Francisco)
"Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem" "The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition." Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Orenstein. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/lets-just-say-it-the-republicans... As promised in an earlier post, where I argued that we should stop blaming Donald Trump, and instead place the blame on our current national decline squarely where it lies, on the GOP, here is a link to the text of a 2012 article from the Washington Post by Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein, written in response to the wacky, McCarthyite accusations of a Fl. Republican claiming there were at least 78 -81 members of Congress who belonged to the Communist Party. The silence from the GOP was deafening, prompting a response from these two who have been studying Congress and political parties for more than 40 years. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/lets-just-say-it-the-republicans...
Donna in Chicago (Chicago IL.)
Right on, Clairette. Get out and VOTE, everyone!
Clairette Rose (San Francisco)
I share the outrage and shame of others posting here, observing the path our nation has taken since Donald Trump's election and the appointment of probably the most corrupt, venal, inept and casually cruel administration in modern history. But PLEASE stop blaming Trump! He is merely the effect, not the original cause of the country's rapid movement away from American values and America's stature in the world. The prime mover is the GOP, for decades working increasingly in lockstep to gain and hold power as an end in itself, at least since Ronald Reagan s in 1980 that 'America is, and always will be, a shining city on a hill.' The GOP has made a devil's bargain with right wing religious groups who seek power, not justice; it has selected leaders and judges more than usually happy to bow to corporations and the NRA; it has abandoned the idea of promoting the general welfare. Is there today a GOP voice in Congress to shout, "No, this is wrong," and then refuse to vote in lockstep with party dictates? Without a single GOP senator willing to vote against confirming the appointments of known crooks like Pruitt, incompetents with a religious agenda like de Vos, more crooks like Flynn and Menuchin et al, we the people are left standing by to watch the destruction of laws, respected institutions, agencies In 2012, Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein wrote an article in the Washington Post titled "Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem. I'll post it next.
T Hankins (Austin Tx)
But of course I am not saying Trump is not to blame but often think he can do better if the Republicans were not so corrupt.
T Hankins (Austin Tx)
Thanks for your comment some do not see that The Republicans control Trump and feed his ego to get what they want . Trump follows when he thinks he’s leading .
Eric (New York)
So abortion is "murder," but it's OK to let thousands of actual living babies die by promoting formula over breastfeeding. What do the Christian evangelicals have to say about this?
Patricia Clarke (Raleigh, Nc)
Who ever said that a woman in a developing nation who chooses to give her child formula over breastmilk is harming her child? Where is the evidence for that? Yes it is better to breastfeed than not, but how much better? Numbers please!! I breastfed my first child but not my second, I could not see myself pumping and storing milk while commuting 2.5 hours every day, and yet I read, fed, bathed and sang to my children every single night. And what are the “numbers” statistics which quantify breast over bottle when the mother does not have a well-balanced and healthy diet and yet breastfeeds. When I did nurse my diet was without artificial ingredients, fried foods and rich in high quality protein and veggies... can all nursing mothers say that, if she cannot will she be accused of harming her baby?
Susan Dunekacke (Elk Creek, Nebraska)
I think the problem is that in some countries they don’t have access to clean water or the means to sterilize water and bottles so using formula can be dangerous. Also, some cheap formulas have, in the past, been unsafe especially in places where they don’t have an FDA-like organization to check them.
Dieter Aichernig (Out of the USA)
The real difference ist that they don't have idiots in the government.
Hanuman (Oregon)
Imagine not supporting a public health policy that might save up to 800,000 infants' lives each year. This is an outrageous example of unbelievably sick greed.
Chris (Virginia)
I guess Ivanka's marketing campaign to promote her new baby formula product line has not quite worked out as expected. Some thought has been given to reworking the slogan: Don't settle for mother's milk! Feed your baby like the 1 percent!
Thomas (New York)
OK, I'm no expert in this area. My son was breastfed for about six months, and it seemed good to his mother and me. I guess it's not the best option in every case; I understand that some mothers have difficulty, so it's great that formula is available. Still, I think that it's best nutritionally, and it's surely cheaper, and better than mixing formula with water when water is likely contaminated. The point, as I see it, is that our government is behaving unconscionably, bullying other countries for the sake of corporate profits. I'm ashamed of us. Please don't forget to VOTE.
Fred (NJ)
The WHO should call for baby formula to be labeled "Breast Milk Substitute". (I just looked at the Similac site where they tout "No Artificial Growth Hormones". I take that to mean that "natural" growth hormones are OK.)
Planetary Occupant (Earth)
There is no scientific justification for this action by the Rump administration. No justification of any kind. VOTE in November, before this administration does any more harm to the country and to the world.
Robert (Wyoming)
Corporate profits above ALL else...the American way. Donald Trump is turning us into a Nation of Deplorables in the eyes of the rest of the world. I'm beginning to doubt whether we will ever recover from the damage is bullying narcissist is inflicting on our once great country. If the Republicans keep control of congress after November, we are doomed.
JP (New Jersey)
This article needs some details, especially the names and credentials of the "American officials" described here.
Mz Rix (NYC)
Really our delegates at the World Health Organization are not Trump operatives. Perhaps these unnamed delegates themselves have been greased by lobbyists. I don’t know who is getting the payoff for this round of demonic policy but the demographic they are trying to crush —newborn babies and their mothers — How much could these dignitaries be getting from the infant formula lobby? And if the people making big baby formula are so egregious in their marketing, if they are really that greedy, then take it under advisement and NEVER EVER feed your baby their product.
Erica (Los Angeles, CA)
Everyday I fear reading the news because of what I will see. And everyday there is something that makes me shake my head with disgust and embarrassment. This is just unfathomable. I'm sorry, but the lack of belief in science and health under this administration is deplorable. Placing a focus on business over the health and well being of babies shouldn't even be a consideration.
R.S. (Texas)
Could you report the W.H.O. members response to the argument in the paragraph starting “The resolution as originally drafted placed unnecessary hurdles...
Neil (Boston metro)
We incarcerate children and damage their health to maintain our status. Our current government IS the swamp. Please, drain it in November.
mike (california)
I can't believe the backwards and profit-oriented position by the Trump administration on the topic of breastfeeding being healthier than feeding babies formula. I first became aware of this farce of companies falsely promoting and advertising to mothers in developing countries back in the early 1970's that formula was supposedly better for kids than a mother's own milk. This was revealed by several studies to be a self-serving lie created by the companies who wanted to sell as much formula as possible, and, at the time, Nestle's was the worst at misleading information. Here it is decades later and our own government is promoting and supporting this lie? For what? So big business can make more money at the expense of the health of children around the world? How disgusting and ugly of this administration.
Stomach Ac (PA)
What this makes me realize is there is nothing an American will not prostitute their morality for when money is on the line. We are all Americans and we are letting this administration and ALL republicans destroy our values. Thank the good Lord though cuz he gunna save us.
moodygirl (Canada)
Just what is it that this president and his administration have against babies? They take them from their parents and lock them up, they expect toddlers to defend themselves in court and now they put pressure on countries to keep women (mostly poor women) from feeding their babes with breast milk. I remember, decades ago boycotting Nestle because they pushed free formula on poor women in Africa after they gave birth. These women had little access to clean water and once their milk dried up they could not afford to buy the formula. The all-important profit margin rules.
Thomas (New York)
Nothing surprising here. Why would our government care about "deleterious effects on young children" if there's money to be made.
D (Mason-Hill)
Trump is not banning breastfeeding. Perhaps he is disagreeing with a body of bureaucrats who wish to dictate what women feed their babies (and are forbidden to feed)in the hospital. Everyone up in arms as if Trump will be pulling infants off of breasts. I thought women choosing how they feed their newborns is a good thing. Yes, formula companies profit from selling their formula, this is not a crime. Every hospital should offer encouragement, guidance and support to help women breastfeed. This however should be a choice and not through "resolutions" that withhold govt funds to hospitals who do not adhere to their guidelines . My feeling is that politicians should not be in the business of telling women how to feed their babies. My body, my choice.
JMcF (Philadelphia)
Politicians should not be telling mothers how to feed their babies. Hilarious. How much better for huge multinational corporations to tell the mothers how to feed their babies.
Yogesh (Monterrey Park)
Are you seriously suggesting that the US officials were threatening Ecuador and other countries in the name of choice? This whole affair makes everyone involved, not just Trump but the officials carrying out the dirty work, look terrible. There isn't a lot of spin that can make it look any different.
D, If not govts, should manufacturers of Baby Formula be able to advertize?About 50 yrs ago, I lived in a poor unnucleated village in central Africa of ca. 700 people for 2 yrs. Because Nestle's was advertizing their baby formula to poor women, the women often bought the formula (instead of breast feeding) and diluted it with unboiled local water. After all, they, like most parents, wanted to give their children "the best." So not only did babies develop protein malnutrition, they also had intestinal disorders brought on by the unboiled water.
Daniel D'Arezzo (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
As a U.S. citizen living in South America, I am well aware of my country's aggressions in the region, but I was hoping they were diminishing. Today the destabilizing policies of the U.S. exist mainly in pursuit of the phantom "drug war"--an endless game of whack-a-mole that only enriches drug cartels and produces narco-states and refugees. The failed War on Drugs has done nothing to curb Americans' appetite for controlled substances, which is the root of the problem, but failure has not stopped successive administrations from inflicting bad policy on their southern neighbors. The bullying of Ecuador by officials in the Trump administration is motivated, apparently, by another bad policy that is anti-science, anti-family and pro-corporate interests. It was also dumb and unsuccessful, but these "gangster tactics" (as North Korea called them) tell us exactly who they are.
Christina (ND)
This is just another episode of this administration’s lack of care for the future of our country. Pro-Life! What a joke! What is more important than providing our young citizens with appropriate, healthy nutrition???These companies know they are falsely marketing these products as infant formula when indeed they are not. (Much like a degree from Trump University...)
John Anderson (Charleston, S.C.)
A quick response is needed from the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics).
Virginia (Boston)
Were there any women or pediatric physicians in that delegation?
Peace (NY, NY)
How about that? Now is this going to add to the weight of votes against the soulless, heartless GoP and it's mindless, heartless president? I hope so. Vote and get Congress back in the Democrats hands. I'm not saying they are very good as an option, but at least they are not mindless and heartless like the current administration and congress.
frederick10280 (NYC)
The outcome of this horrendous interference is that throughout the world, the reputation of the United States is severely diminished while that of Russia is greatly enhanced. One would almost think that Trump was doing Putin a favor . Nah, that can't be true.
Financial Man (Madison, WI)
I wonder if some of the Obama holdovers have something to do with this opposition, as the Democrats are still obstructing new appointments as much as possible.
tony zito (Poughkeepsie, NY)
Grasping at all the straws in all the fields across this great land of ours. Not as funny as it might be if Trumpism were funny at all.
Marie (Boston)
It is simply part of thinking that comes naturally to some: if I give you money I have the right to control you.
Pushkin (Canada)
This is almost the last level that the Trump administration can sink to-well, almost. To try to interfere with promotion of breast feeding, which has been endorsed by almost every agency in the world, including mothers, is beyond the pale. Can anyone doubt that Trump and his acolytes represents a real danger to human rights, science, and the welfare of babies and their mothers all over the world. For Americans who do not want this Trump administration ploy to represent them and their country, now is the time fo mount a real protest. And then, there is Thoreau!
JoeG (Houston)
A few American and European companies were involved proving there's a dark side to the New World Order. Of course Trump looks bad here it happened on his watch but how many times do things like this go on meaning raping poorer nations when the good guys are involved. Chalk one up for the bad guys, Russia who stood up and did the right thing. Really its getting hard to tell who's the good and bad. It used to be so easy.
Steve (Oakland)
Ironic that Russia sponsored the resolution that was passed. I guess Russia will not cave in to extortion.
Enabler (Tampa, FL)
"The Russians...ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them." Brilliant, just brilliant! American leadership is receding faster than Alpine glaciers.
JRO (San Rafael, CA)
And many wonder why Bullying has become such a problem in schools and the workplace. Lessons learned from our leaders.
GBR (Boston)
Though I'm sure Trump didn't intend this outcome, his adminstration's position can be seen as liberating for women.... Breast-feeding is time and energy intensive and delays women from getting back to their careers.
spz (San Francisco)
Well done by the U.S. to resist the further moralization of women's choices. The actual evidence from good studies (randomized controlled trial, sibling studies) shows basically two benefits of breastfeeding: a lower chance of the already low chance of eczema in the first 12 months, and lower chance of gastrointestinal issues but only during the period of breastfeeding. Many women can very reasonably decide these benefits do not warrant the downsides of breastfeeding as they perceive them. In the developed world, the benefits are so vastly overstated, and women are shamed for choosing not to breastfeed with minimal gain for babies. Time for sanity.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
The argument of business is always, common let's do it until we find that it really is harmful. That is not wise but it is profitable. The role of bacteria in our bodies is changing how the effects of breast vs. bottle are being considered.
spz (San Francisco)
What are you referring to? Formula has been established as not harmful. If there was no evidence of this, I would agree with you, however it is well established as safe. I agree that the role of bacteria in our bodies is important, but with respect to changing how the effects of breast vs bottle are considered, this doesn't address the issue that many claimed benefits of breastmilk are not supported. It may be relevant to matters not yet tested, but that is a different issue from the persistent overstatement and false representation going on about breastmilk being better in a meaningful way than formula for babies that are not premature or born in developing countries.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
It sounds like an echo chamber. There already are hypotheses that breast feeding helps with babies healthy bacteria in the gut. There will be studies. One of the ways that bacteria becomes unhealthy are antibiotics in our food from overuse in facilitating food production. But the entire area of study is new and a lot more is needed. So there is more to come.
John Smithson (California)
This story paints Donald Trump in a bad light, doesn't it? Too bad it's fake news. The United States delegation did try to change the language of the resolution, but largely lost in that effort and still agreed to it. The explosive claims that the United States threatened trade retaliation and loss of military support to Ecuador might be true, but I doubt it very much. Sourcing those claims to anonymous people is poor journalism. How can anyone verify if the claims are true?
aem (Oregon)
The thuggish bullying of Ecuador by the US delegates was witnessed by many others. It is also in line with threat after threat by DJT himself (Harley Davidson will be taxed like never before!). President Donald Trump has also recently sent letters to the leaders of NATO allies, including Germany, Belgium, Norway and Canada, demanding that they increase their defense spending and threatening to alter the US global military presence if they do not. If you still wish to play the ostrich and tell yourself the report of crude arm twisting isn’t true, that is your choice and your opinion. It is not fact.
Carolyn (Washington )
Using anonymous sources is standard practice in legitimate newsrooms. The Times and other reputable news organizations do not ever go with one anonymous source when reporting news. The information is verified by other independent sources. Just because Fox calls something "fake news" and rails against anonymous sources does not make any of their statements true. If you've read any of the articles, the reporter will indicate the source is anonymous because of fear of retaliation, and the government in the hands of someone who wants to get even at any cost is a government to fear. Fox knows that if anonymity were prohibited the only information we would get would be the official version, true or not. Somehow that doesn't shine a light on democracy. Anonymous sources always bad? FAKE NEWS!
Abby (Howe-Heyman)
Why does the photo accompanying this article show a baby being bottle-fed (albeit with breast milk)? Photos such as these do not promote breastfeeding as normal.
Religionistherootofallevil (NYC)
This may be perceived as off topic, but it was interesting listening to Mike Pompeo's indignation at the USA being called gangsterish by N Korea's tyrant. He said if that were true then 'the world is a gangster'. Actually, the thugs (like Pompeo) who prop up tRump ARE acting like gangsters, and this incident at the WHO is a good example of the damage this Administration is doing to the reputation of America as a country with civilized, reason-based values.
Kevin Apte (Republic of South Beach)
Congress needs to pass a law, banning the bullying of countries that get aid from America. Bullying countries that get aid to open an embassy in Jerusalem(has worked with Honduras) is reprehensible, but one could make a "realpolitik" case for it. I think Ecuador has a better understanding of breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding than the dimwits from the Trump Administration.
Chris (Canada)
It is behavior like this why America is no longer the moral light in the world. It is behavior like this that lead the rest of the world to loath America. It is behavior like this that will end up in the history books that illustrate the fall of a once great nation. This may be one of my last comments as I've decided to cancel my Times subscription as a matter of principle since your "President" imposed ridiculous tariffs on my nation. Good luck, America. Please don't bring the world down with you. I don't think we (the rest of humanity) could accept it and I don't really want to live through a America versus every other nation war scenario - I don't think you do, either.
Jose (England)
In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them...Only one comment cowards!
susan mccall (old lyme ct.)
And just how much $$ did trump and the GOP get from the baby formula making companies???
Judith (Houston)
Disgraceful. Corporate greed knows no bounds for the United States.
Aaron (Seattle)
My curiosity was piqued by the DHS official's suggestion that the original resolution "stigmatized" women who chose to use formula, so I looked up the before and after texts to decide for myself if it did or not. The amended resolution omits an endorsement of guidelines that would prohibit marketing any kind of milk product to children older than six months but under three years, based on the assumption that this could encourage mothers to stop breastfeeding and use these products instead. I'm not a lobbyist or in way affiliated with the infant or child nutrition industry, but I do have a three-year old who stopped breastfeeding on his own at age two, and I think it's weird that companies shouldn't be allowed to market dairy & similar beverages for someone in his position. I'm not sure it amounts to stigmatization, but I can see why we pushed back against this type of language in the resolution.
Ken (W. Bloomfield, MI)
Will the stench and corruption of this administration ever end? Public heath here and around the world be damned! Waiting for the AMA and other physician, nursing, and public heath organizations to take a strong stand against this administration's policies on public heath and environmental issues which threaten our health and the health of our children. So sad that Russia had to step in and advocate for children around the world against the bullying tactics of our country and our president. He is indeed turning our world upside down. And for the worse.
T (OC)
I’m a county where corporations are considered people and under the current completely corrupt administration, this isn’t at all surprising.
JoeG (Houston)
Europeans were involved. What European entity stopped Nestle.
moodygirl (Canada)
Well, corporations must be special kinds of 'people', because the adminstration doesn't treat real people nearly as much consideration.
Romy G (Texas)
What a way to make America great again. I'm surprised they're even promoting formula. Why not go back to the good ol' days when we mixed evaporated milk, Karo syrup, and water?
jack (north carolina)
The reporter should follow up this story by finding precisely where, when and how Abbott Labs interacted with what government officials. there has been far too little such reporting during this Administration.
Robert (Australia)
Trump and Republican Party ethos: 13 pieces of silver.
Slavec (Netherlands)
America, America, this is you!
WeHadAllBetterPayAttentionNow (Southwest)
Since Trump is not my president, I do not feel any guilt about this. What I feel instead, and what I hope a whole lot of the hundred million people who were too busy to vote in the 2016 presidential election feel, is the need to free the United States from the putrid yoke of plutocratic rule. We have the opportunity to do that November 6th. Register, vote, and vote for all Democrats, and for no Republicans, on your ballot.
Ira Cohen (San Francisco)
Anyone else beginning to feel that the United States is now obscene in the eyes of the world? If this doesn't prove it, not sure what would.
This goes beyond logic. I cannot believe that even formula making companies want to be associated with such underhanded actions. It just doesn't make sense. This is looking more and more like a post-Apocalyptic dystopian world and less like a real--let alone democrat--government. It is very telling when the Russians get to do the decent thing after the USA behaves like a brat. I wonder if this has less to do with the pressures of Nestle and Co, and more to do with the weird phobias of You-Know-Who.
Fla Joe (South Florida)
Certainly sums up Trump's domestic and foreign policy. Special corporate interests first.
Alexander B. (Moscow, RU)
Dear America, it is surreal, but you are making my country's diplomats at the U.N. look good. It is astonishing. Bravo.
HEBartlett (Ohio)
Who at H.H.S would have chosen this position for the US? Were there public discussions of this approach for the US delegation before the meeting? The "American officials" were directed by someone. Who? Other than writing our representatives, to whom in DC can we direct our comments?
Flem (Home)
Corruption is legal in America. Corporations and the wealthy own our government. Our elected officials are nothing more than prostitutes. America is no longer a democracy.
batpa (Camp Hill PA)
This is truly shocking and despicable. It's clear, that the USA now stands in opposition to good in the world, I guess one shouldn't be surprised, since we started separating infants from their breastfeeding mothers, at Trump's order last month. It's a strange turn of events when Russia is a positive force in world affairs. You know what they say about " we're going to hell in a hand basket".
Jennifer (Arkansas)
Would anyone have paid attention to the resolution anyway? It seems mostly symbolic to me.
REPNAH (Huntsville AL)
I feel like I've stepped into the Twilight Zone reading these comments. Folks, take a breath, forget for a second if possible, that Trump is President of the U.S. and ask yourself, what does this resolution actually do? What is the mechanism by which this resolution will help any kids or any moms? And why does it require the U.S.'s agreement for Ecuador, or Somalia, or Russia, or England to have any policy or statement it feels necessary about breast feeding v formula in their own country. How does our view on this stop anyone else from doing anything they feel important? When you're honest with those answers you'll probably calm down enough to come to one of two conclusions or both. 1) This really doesn't matter, women have figured out for thousands of years how to feed their babies and they will continue to do so with or without this resolution and/or 2) This resolution has a lot more to do with the marketing of formula in other countries, they don't want to restrict them directly and unilaterally but if they do it through the WHO or some other World organization it gets them off the hook politically at home and with world trade organizations. Listening to the commenters you would think Trump had somehow halted the ability of women around the world from being able to breast feed their babies if they choose to. Somehow I don't think that is what opposition to this resolution does. Tell me where I'm wrong.
Peace (NY, NY)
Read this bit: "American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children." So the already wealthy corporations can continue to push their product even if it is not the best for a child's health. You don't have a problem with that?
Marie (Boston)
Many of those writing in favor of the administrations position write as if the resolution bans women from choosing to use formula if they need or wish to. If what you say of the resolution is true why are they fighting it so hard?
REPNAH (Huntsville AL)
Peace, no I don't, because even without this resolution what keeps Ecuador from "protecting, promoting and supporting breast-feeding" among their citizens if they want? Why do they or anyone else need our concurrence? How does our opposition to this resolution change the breast feeding rates in any other country one iota? If Ecuador or anyone else doesn't think a product is safe, it's their business to restrict it not ours. Why do they have to have a world proclamation in order to do it? This is much ado about nothing... unless it's about the money. Our money. Is this about them wanting to promote something... primarily using our money since we contribute the lion-share of funds to these type organizations? If Ecuador, or anyone else wants to promote breast feeding over formula fine... just don't use my tax money to do it. According to the WHO stats about 13% of the world's population is malnourished. 45% of worldwide deaths under age 5 are due to malnourishment. I that because wealthy corporations and Donald Trump are promoting formula in lieu of breastfeeding among these populations??? Or is it because some of the same countries blasting us over this meaningless resolution have so much corruption and lack of economic development that they can't or won't feed their own people? Blunt question, does formula hurt or help starving babies of malnourished moms?
Gibson Fenderstrat (Virginia)
Can someone explain how you can be simultaneously be pro-life and anti-breastfeeding?
Lib in Utah (Utah)
Dear commenters, Please, let's make sure we call this the REPUBLICAN administration. It is the entire Republican party that would rather see babies DIE than support the better health choice of breastfeeding - for nothing more than profit. Trump is not running in November, so make sure to tag ALL Republicans as waging war on babies and mothers.
kfm (US Virgin Islands)
True! I'm going to do that: "The Republican Administration under Trump". Thank you!
REPNAH (Huntsville AL)
Lib in Utah, here's a question for you. According to the WHO 45% of world wide deaths in children under 5 years is because of malnourishment. Do you think those kids are on breast milk... or formula? Do you think if their moms are also malnourished, as they typically are, these kids could be helped by supplemental formula? Do we really need to be spending all this time and money demonizing the baby formula and food companies that produce the very products that could help these children? Really???
Lilou (Paris)
With Trump heading off to the NATO summit, after which he will share NATO strategies with Putin, the entire idea of the U.S. being a reliable ally, at least to those countries in NATO, has disappeared. Trump has threatened to re-position his NATO vessels in different places in the world. Since he loves Russia and hates Europe, those vessels may go to protect Russian oil tankers, or the military drills Russia is carrying out in both the Baltic and Black Seas. Their control of these two seas, with Turkish and Bulgarian allies, would ease a European invasion. Especially if they had the backing of the US portion of NATO. Trump has no love for the Continent, or any values NATO holds dear, e.g., a mutual defense, democratic governance, the rule of law, civil and human rights, and an open international economy. So how does this tie into breast-feeding and baby formula? Trump is a loose canon, beholden to no protocol, law, Constitution, or traditional US values (unless gun ownership and racism are traditional American values). The Congress does not stop him. If Trump can reposition NATO vessels as he sees fit, there is nothing stopping him from blockading ports of countries like Ecuador. He will certainly not hesitate to blockade Iran. Bullying by blockade. The world needs to know they can turn to Europe, Canada and Mexico for aid. The EU is the second largest world economy, after China. Financial success is important, but not at the expense of human and other life.
M A McB (Madison WI)
Last month, we separated mothers and fathers from their babies and children, deporting some of the parents and we cannot now reunite them. We were incompetent in keeping records to reunite the now traumatized young ones. Now, we are going against years of medical research and colluding with formula makers to tell mothers that their own milk is inferior to a commercial product. Please, please: examine your consciences. Please go to your constuencies and ask if they really support this action. I find it hard to believe that any ethical or moral, church, temple or mosque going person could support this proposal.
Stephanie (California)
This is just depressing and I'm not even a fan of breast feeding! I've heard too many stories of women being shamed and guilted when they couldn't or wouldn't breast feed to be enthusiastic about the practice. However, we aren't talking about the USA where people can obtain healthy formula or non-breast milk for their babies, where if the formula needs to be mixed there is clean water readily available and jobs where many women have the kinds of jobs that make breast feeding unwieldy or virtually impossible. The situation in developing countries leaves women vulnerable to unrealistic marketing campaigns and leaves babies in danger of serious health repercussions. How ironic that it was Russia to the rescue.
kathryn svoboda (Palo Cedro CA)
I am disgusted and ashamed as an American. For our government to apply such pressure for an international health policy which is to the detriment of the health and welfare of babies and mothers(both short and long term)because of the pressure from big pharma is abhorrent.
WPCoghlan (Hereford,AZ)
The Trumpolini Circus seem incapable of getting on the right side of even the simplest issue.
Elizabeth (Chicago)
My baby was unable to breast feed. I went to two breastfeeding classes, worked with the lactation nurses at the hospital, tried to pump, and took herbs to increase my milk flow, but only ended up with a severe breast infection that needed surgery and a baby who lost 20% of her birth weight. I had to give her formula. She's now a top honors student, a great athlete, and very healthy. No offense, but the breast feeding zealots can be horrible. I'm still astounded at the things other women said to me! The studies claiming better health, less SIDS, and higher IQ do not control for education. Women who breast feed in the US are significantly more likely to have children with better health, fewer instances of SIDS, and higher IQ, but that's because significantly more educated women breast feed (and put their babies to sleep on their back). When you control for education (more educated women who breastfeed vs. educated women who don't, less educated women who breastfeed vs. those do not), all of that goes away. I'm not saying that breastfeeding isn't a more natural approach and good for mother & child, but the hysteria around it is just a modern form of the strictures, pressure, and judgement that have always been placed on women and mothers.
Dolly Patterson (Silicon Valley)
For you, it is good to have formula as an option
Haldon (Arlington VA)
Thank you, NYT, for bringing this diplomatic arm-twisting to public view. Also, thank you for including the name of the U.S. ambassador to Ecuador, Todd Chapman, so that he can be properly called to account for his actions. Will you also be disclosing the names of the U.S. delegation to the W.H.O.? I think that the best way to ensure that public figures act in a manner that matches national beliefs is for them to be named when they are involved in public actions. I certainly would be most interested in knowing if (or when) any of those delegates attempt to run for public office in the future.
NH (Boston Area)
Where can we find the language of the actual resolution? Why am I unable to find it anywhere?
Karel Koenig, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (New Haven CT)
It is absurd for the Trump Administration to suggest that "evidence-based" studies on the benefits of breast feeding for human infants is needed. Who would suggest we do "evidence-based" research on calves intended for US meat or milk? Before marketing meat or milk perhaps we should conduct a study comparing calves brought up on their mother's milk with an experimental group brought on elephant milk. Likewise, before approving parachutes perhaps we should study comparative survival rates of jumping out of a airplane in street clothes versus with a parachute? No less absurd!
Beth Bastasch (Aptos CA)
I am so ashamed. Our shadow side is taking over.
YFJ (Denver, CO)
Only Trump can go this low. How do his supporters defend this? It’s all fake?
Holly S (Seattle)
Get corporate money out of government. It’s the only way. This is a great start: https://brandnewcongress.org
Golonghorns100 (Dallas)
Is there no industry that this adminstration will sell its soul to the devil for??
Susan (Birmingham, MI)
Another feckless stunt, on behalf of our spineless leader! Corporations over people... let them drink formula!
Spucky50 (New Hampshire)
Ivanka? Melania? Care to speak up? An Administration who forces a 1 year old infant into immigration court, all by himself, rips a breastfeeding child from her mother, what can we expect? Yet, the "religious" right claims they are pro-life. Amen.
Mike T (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
So it's not only war on border-crossing babies, now it's a war on legal citizen babies. Equal savagery under Trump
Blacktongue3 (Florida)
Unbelievable! Oh, wait - entirely believable in the nation in which we find ourselves now. Disgusting and shameful.
David Martin (Paris)
And when Trump says he is tired and doesn’t want to run again, but Pence is ready to step up to the plate, everybody remember that Pence, mister family man, was part of this bunch of slim balls too.
Randy (Los angeles, ca)
Reminds me of a situation many years ago. I was interviewing for a position for an Educational Media group attached to an extremely well know film production company which, at the time, almost exclusively targeted family audiences. In any case, these people vociferously objected to the term "junk food" being included in the sample script I was providing. How naive I was to think they actually were interested in educating kids, rather than in protecting their financial relationships with these very same junk food companies. Now, here it's our government threatening countries whose people's interests might be at odds with American businesses making a profit. How we reacted to Ecuador is nothing short of gangsterism, which has regrettably been on the upswing since January of 2016.
Jim Brokaw (California)
Trumpian "diplomacy" looks a lot like thuggish bullying. Why is this not surprising? And the results end up like most other Trump initiatives... as always, follow the money. How much distance is there between Trumpian plutocracy and facism? Except instead of the state owning the corporations, the corporations own the state... this is Trump's 'new deal'. "Selling out America" may as well be Trump's 2020 campaign slogan. A curious person might wonder why Trump does so many things to diminish the US's international standing and prestige.
DBman (Portland, OR)
On this issue, the Trump Administration is acting like most US politicians when the narrow interests of their donors conflict with the public good. The politicians side with their donors.
Robert Whitney (Buffalo, NY)
I sincerely hope this story gets the wide-spread interest, publicity, and and action that it deserves. Other than corporate profits, I can see no reason to justify these efforts by the administration. I hope that the New York Times and others push them for a full explanation.
RobinR. (California)
So, our tax dollars being used in the extortion of other countries to make sure companies that make these products can increase profits? Can we name these companies so that we might revisit the 1977 Nestle Boycott?
Rags (PDX)
I am ashamed of our government. The Trump administration does not represent me.
Gian Piero (New York)
Are Republicans still the "party of family values"? I would have thought that promoting what is best for the children (breast milk) would align with their claimed values ("family..."). What is going on?
Kally Mavromatis (Akron, OH)
They really aren't the "party of family values." That ship sailed long ago. They are now the party of Trump and they stand for nothing, only whatever will line his (and his family's) pockets at the expense of all others. This is indeed what we've come to. Sad, isn't it?
dukesphere (san francisco)
"When that failed, they turned to threats..." Sound like gangsta tactics to anyone else? As someone else mentioned already, for this Nov election, let's please keep alive the latest example of putting profits over people (on the taxpayer dime, no less). Truly disgusting behavior on the part of this greedy, anti-science bunch of inhumanity now in office.
M Camargo (Portland Or)
Yes folks, another example of swamp expansion beyond our borders. Little mr t at work. Are you still happy you voted for him?
Sandy Barron (Fernandina Beach, FL)
My 33 year old son was born only able to digest mother's milk. The good parts were no bottles or formula to buy and he never had stomach problems. Conversely as a professional Mother there was a lot of pumping and carrying small coolers on airplanes. Were in not for the support of a lactation consultant, my husband and nursing friends things would have been different. For thousands of years babies have suckled --Alternatives exist to feed a child whose Mother is unable.
CJS (Raleigh, NC)
I would like the names and work addresses of everyone on this delegation. I want them to justify, and be accountable for, their disgraceful (corporate) positions. Every day, it becomes more and more difficult for me to say that I am proud to be an American. I keep hearing “this is not who we are.” I’m not sure anymore. Guess I’ll know in November. Heartbroken.
S.B. (NJ)
Why can't Trump supporters understand that it's really not the government to be feared. The days of government tyranny that gave us the right to bear arms are gone here. Runaway capitalism with nearly all powerful corporations/institutions (i.e. the wealthiest 1%) are far more dangerous than our government. How: they sell us guns, booze, tobacco, insurance companies that make basic healthcare expensive, all powerful banks gambling with our retirement funds, etc. Believe it or not, its the government who tries to keep these in check! Unfortunately, its the Trump voters who will be hit hardest via government weakening and deregulation!
Paula Johns (Brazil)
It is very good to see the USA behavior in multilateral health negotiations exposed in the NYT. To counter a non controversial issue such as the importance of protecting and promoting breastfeeding is one example of common practice. To systematically counter any effective recommendation to deal with childhood obesity is another one. Last couple of years was a nightmare to approve the mentioning of soda taxes as a policy option in an appendix of a resolution. It is all for corporate power even when that power is literally killing children all over the world, including in the USA. This is what I call short-sight.
Big Ron (West Nyack, NY)
Do we have the names and titles of all the members of the US delegation at this WHO conference? There are many questions that need to be asked of each and every one of them. The NYT has done an excellent job here, but this needs to be only the beginning of a much deeper investigation. Can we expect any help from Congress on this? I sincerely doubt it.
KNVB:Raiders (USA)
"A 2016 study in The Lancet found that universal breast-feeding would prevent 800,000 child deaths a year across the globe and yield $300 billion in savings from reduced health care costs and improved economic outcomes for those reared on breast milk." aka Bad news for Trump and his supporters.
Leslie (Oakland)
We are now fully disgraced before the world. Revealed as the profit-driven corporate-controlled oligarchy that we are. I am beyond ashamed of this administration. Embarrassed to be an American. Can’t believe I have to find myself saying it.
allen (san diego)
once again the incredible hypocrisy of the republicans is on view for the world to see. while currently salivating over their chance to appoint an anti-abortion supreme court justice they are at the same time showing their utter disregard for the well being of the children the seek to force women to give birth to. this is in addition to their despicable actions to separate migrant children from their parents. this clearly shows that the republican dont care about children or their parents. what the republicans are really interested in is controlling women's bodies and their reproductive organs. welcome to the world of the handmaid's tale.
Pat Choate (Tucson, Arizona)
Well so much for Ivanka's role in taking care of women and children.
Bubba Lew (Chicago)
Yeah, well Ivanka doesn't care about anything but Ivanka.
Jolton (Ohio)
Exactly. And galling hypocrisy (yet again) from White House Advisor Ivanka who has breastfed her own children as confirmed in an interview she did for Fit Pregnancy magazine several years ago.
Infidel (ME)
Maybe this was an attempt to improve the image of Russia. It didn't matter that to do so, the US must take a totally repulsive position since the Trump cult can think no evil of him, no matter how repugnant it is.
Flaco (Denver)
Sickening. Name the companies who want to make a profit at the expense of the health of babies. This isn't just the Trump Administration - although it's not surprising that they'll do anything for a buck.
Kokuanani Schwartz (Sandwich Islands)
Yes, it would be wonderful to boycott those companies and let them know why
rac (NY)
This is very disappointing reporting. Is the NY Times reporter incapable of identifying a single member of the "Trump Administration" delegation to the WHO conferences? Would it be too much to ask to know the names of the seemingly corrupt, cowardly, ignorant, or merely unfeeling members who speak for the "Trump Administration". It is not enough to tell us what we already know, which is that the Trump Administration actively works to harm women and children. There are real people with real names carrying out these outrages against decency and humanity. I expect a lot more of the NY Times. Name the people involved, or don't bother telling us what anonymous sources from other countries choose to share. Do a little digging; do a little work; and report the whole story.
RAS (Richmond)
Mr. Trump's tweet about this article tells all, where the benefit to children really doesn't matter. The real matter is corporate profit must remain protected, through the resources available (government pressure). Trump says he supports breastfeeding babies, but lobbyists have a greater voice. Make formula available, at the proper price.
Michelle Bauer (Saratoga Springs, NY)
For the first time in this presidential term, I find myself aligned - at least somewhat - with the President’s policy position. It’s an odd place to be on a topic so close to my heart. I agree with the science that breastmilk is the best option for babies, and any duration of breastfeeding has benefits. But, as someone who faced severe postpartum depression that was made dramatically worse by the incredible pressure to breastfeed, I’m grateful we’re approaching this issue with caution. I hated breastfeeding. It was not a bonding experience for me; rather I found myself full of anger and loss. It was during my breastfeeding sessions that I thought about suicide the most. Thankfully, I found support and stopped breastfeeding, which dramatically reduced my symptoms and allowed me to finally find some joy in parenthood. I realize that everyone’s story is different and that breastfeeding often reduces PPD. However, I now know so many mothers who found the pressure to breastfeed so intense that they experienced deeper depressive episodes than had they stopped. Formula in our country is heavily regulated and provides excellent nutrition for newborns whose mother cannot or will not breastfeed. We don’t need more pressure - we need ongoing education and less judgment for moms who make a different choice. Making formula inaccessible isn’t the answer. Making moms like me feel as if we’ve destroyed our child’s life isn’t the answer. For once, I’m grateful for this administration.
Bashh (Philadelphia, Pa)
The WHO isn't trying to shame women who can't breastfeed. It is not suggesting a ban on formula. It is trying to improve the health of infants and save lives world wide by promoting accurate information about infant. Utritio . But you can continue to turn your first world problems into something more important than health and science.
Leslie (Oakland)
Sorry to hear you had such difficulties. But what this administration is pushing is mis-information about the benefits of formula versus breast-feeding. And in many of these countries they don’t have the clean water to mix into the formula, making the formula a health hazard to the children. Not to mention, bullying the poor countries into signing this document was nothing other than: bullying. I can’t believe you mean to align yourself with that.
aem (Oregon)
Nobody is suggesting making formula inaccessible. They are just trying to promote breastfeeding. It is healthier for infants; and for the vast majority of mothers it is a huge savings of money, and it avoids the issues of dilution and contamination that are rampant (and often deadly) in less developed countries. Ms. Bauer lives in the richest country on earth. This resolution will have no impact on her. She had, and will continue to have, a myriad of choices available to her in choosing how to feed and raise her children. This is a very good thing. The administration shilling for multinational corporation marketing opportunities and threatening sovereign countries like the worst Mafia thugs is a heinous, corrupt, and vile thing.
Una Rose (Toronto)
I remember as a young teen in the early 1980s,my mother joined the boycott against Nestles for trying to sell their milk formula to third world mother's. She explained to me why she was boycotting the company, and even as a child, it made sense to me. It meant no more Chocolate Quik for a while, but the boycott was a success. It's sad that this victory wasn't the end of it, and disgusting, but not surprising, the US is aggressively refusing to support breast feeding as the best method of feeding infants, and is instead supporting allowing the deplorable and unsafe promotion of milk formulas.
Diva (NYC)
Just as We the People of the US are waking up to the fact that we have to work to maintain our Democracy and have a lot of cleanin' up to do within our own borders, so is the world learning that they need to move on from looking to the United States as a leader in the free world. No more should the world look to the United States to lead in anything, except in corporate greed, self-importance and bullying. Honestly, maybe it's a good thing. Maybe it's time for the US to become irrelevant. While we might sink into an oblivion of our making, the world itself might do just fine, if not marvelously, without us.
gary (usa)
What these morons don't know is that age at first pregnancy and lactation (breast feeding) are two determinates of breast cancer Breast feeding is a good thing to reduce the woman's risk of getting breast cancer.
Casey Jonesed (Charlotte, NC)
no they know. they do not care.
Leslie (Oakland)
So true. Another good point in this outrage. You’re not making the mistake of thinking they care?
Hal S (Earth)
This is tantamount to murder. Mixing formula in developing countries often means parents having to use unsafe water. Thus using formula is not just an needed economic hardship, but instead robs children of nutrients not available in formula while poisoning them via contaminated water.
John0123 (Denver)
If it competes with a product that can be sold and profited from, this administration is against it.
sanderling1 (Maryland)
I am so ashamed and furious that our government would threaten and bully other nations, but this is sadly not surprising from an administration that values profits above everything else.
anthro (penn)
Trump and his team not only lost the struggle re the breastfeeding initiative but the loss of prestige for the manner in which your staff behaved. Astounding. Remember diplomacy is based on integrity and once lost you don't get it back. Winning? OK, but just remember next time no one comes to the aid of the bully. In this particular world forum you lost twice.
Hector (Bellflower)
Then again, babies don't need mothers' milk if they are separated from their mothers. Be logical.
The Ancient One (Newton, MA)
The justifiable anger and shame elicited by Trump's 'policies' and actions must now be translated into political cost. Although Trump's psychopathology and moral blindness should have disqualified him from even being even nominated, let alone attaining office, it did not and we are now in the throes of a positive feedback cycle in which each succeeding action is more outrageous than its predecessors. The fat, redhead is rolling downhill, gaining momentum and placing the world in mortal danger. Because smaller, economically-dependent, countries were bullied into submission through economic threat, it was left to Putin, too strong to bully, to span the breach and gain the high-ground. Trump will continue his delusional brinksmanship, burnishing his ego, until diplomatic processes are short circuited by major countries, Russia in this instance, Trump retreats and the US is weakend. Trump's astonishingly poor judgement provides a rationale for impeachment. His current hobby of direct attacks on families, physically separating children from parents, unimaginable in previous presidencies, has now been expanded beyond our borders. Our 'hero' now attacks suckling infants and nursing mothers. I do not want to see what comes next. Tying his hands with the impeachment process and finally ridding us and the world of his perverted policies is the only way of preventing the moral backsliding that he has initiated and is driving forth. It will only get worse. IMPEACH NOW!!!
JFB (Alberta, Canada)
Really, America? Breast feeding? The United States is so regressive and out-of-step on virtually every issue of importance, and has proved itself such an unreliable partner, that it has isolated itself to the point where no other western democracy will wish to engage with it. I would like to see China welcomed to the new no-US TPP as it is difficult to see how they would be a less desirable or reliable partner than the US continues to prove itself to be. Pathetic.
Dave (Minnesota)
Many years ago I was involved in the infant formula issue in two countries – Chile and Ecuador. Infants were dying, in part due to the aggressive, misleading advertising for infant formula powders. Multi-national industries often created the image that the powders were superior to mother’s milk. The same propaganda was published in the US. Only recently is there a movement back to breast feeding here at home. 1) It is not true that the formulas are nutritionally superior. In fact, in several ways they are inferior, especially concerning immunity; 2) Unless there is a lactation problem, the formulas represent a frivolous expense. The poor often causing diluted the formula to make them stretch further; 3) Contaminated water is used, leading to infant diarrhea and other diseases; 4) There is an issue of infant bonding. The Trump administration has threatened my former colleagues in Ecuador, in an attempt to torpedo a world-wide WHO public health initiative targeting the well-being of infants and mothers in third world countries. This is beyond the pale!! It is hard for me to say this, but thank God that Russia stepped up to the plate (of course, we wouldn't ever challenge them!) What in the world is this man doing to the world’s children? Threatening poor nations trying to protect their infants, tearing apart families and imprisoning young children in the US, tearing down our medical care system. Or is it really “Do you care? I don’t!” Do you?
There is a puritanical aspect to this also which benefits baby formula corporatist. Puritans and Talibans (for example Pence) do not like nudity, breasts, breast feeding in public, and anything to do with women’s reproductiveness including the nurturing of children. Anti-woman, anti-child, anti-family (as demonstrated on the southern border by the policies of Trump Administration to split up families). How did the Republican Party end up here? Trump and the born agains backed by the redneckery of middle America. For these guys to spread their filthy views on women to the rest of the Globe is going to end up eventually alienating the rest of the world. This cannot happen too soon for me. We shall deserve what we have wrought.
Hey Joe (Somewhere In Wisconsin)
The threats against Ecuador represent a new level of depravity from the Trump administration. Apparently the interests of the formula manufacturers comes ahead of the lives and nourishment of babies. Pretty sick stuff.
bohunk (usa)
Anyone find it crazy that an article on breastfeeding shows a baby being bottle fed? How Puritanical are we?
John (Oak Park )
Hey Bohunk. Read the caption!
bohunk (usa)
I already had. It's not coming out of a breast, which is the point. Most breastfed kids get their milk from a breast. And America still has a problem with that, because we're a country with a lot of weird hang-ups.
sdmco (Colorado)
We are an embarrassment. The "ugly American" used to be a caricature -- it's now the face of the nation and our public policy.
Rob R (Houston)
The war on women and their children proceeds.
Joanne (Chicago)
Google Nestle Boycott to reading the sordid, grim and despicable history of corporate infant formula manufacturers in the developing world. In the 1960's and 70's, Nestle, aggressively pursuing market share, sent saleswomen disguised as nurses into Third World hospitals to push new mothers into letting their breast milk dry up and becoming dependent upon formula. When the mothers subsequently discovered how expensive it was to keep babies on formula, Nestle refused to lower the price to what the women could afford. Consequently, the mothers watered down the formula to make enough milk for their babies, resulting in severe malnutrition, malformed skeletons, stunted growth, and deformed physical and mental development of a generation of Third World babies. Hence the Nestle Boycott of the 1970s and 1980s which drew in millions of people. Breast milk has been widely confirmed by international medical and scientific personnel to be the ideal food for infants. And, it's free. The Trump Administration, in this as in everything else, has behaved despicably and is on the wrong side of history once again.
Southern Boy (Rural Tennessee Rural America)
I am OK with breast feeding so long as it is done in the privacy of one's home, otherwise it is exhibitionism. Thank you.
M (NY)
you realize you are saying a woman shouldn't LEAVE THE HOUSE for the first 6 - 12 months of her child's life, right?
Breastfeeding Mom (Canada)
Alright. So please, don't eat outside the privacy of your home. Why is it exhibitionism when a baby is eating and not an adult? Do you really think that when a woman is breastfeeding, she does it to show her breasts to the world? If you don't feel comfortable, just don't look.
B (Mercer)
I’m pregnant right now and this comment makes me want to go out of my way to breastfeed in public more. Thank you very much.,
Howard Eddy (Quebec)
It is somewhat embarassing that the US government officially prefers the bottom line of international pharma to the health of infants, but it is not surprising. As for bullying the Ecuadorians, Trump has been bullyiing everybody in sight for a long time now -- this is not news. Nor is it news that abuse of power is no longer regarded as an impeachable offense by the GOP. I suppose it is news that the Russians sponsored the breast-feeding resolution; nice to know they are in favour of motherhood while Trump cheers on the international baby-formula trade.
John Doe (Johnstown)
If women need a resolution to inform them as how to feed their newly born baby, it speaks volumes as to how much our species has regressed as opposed to evolved compared to other animals that just do it instinctively.
Bashh1 (Philadelphia, Pa)
Tell that to Nestle and the other companies that dump their defective and out of date products in developing countries and try to convince people that they are needed or are in some way better for them than what they are already using.
Bill Stones (Maryland)
Unfortunately human breast milk isn't a commercial product, and thus doesn't have any commercials bombarded at the new parents endlessly like the infant formula do.
Dan (Toronto )
Didn't god design human babies to be breastfed? While I personally believe in science and also trust that evolution is at least 60 beyond being a theory, I know that most of the Republican base does not. I guess a whiff of money to be made is all it takes to make them into hypocrites. I'm very sure that if there was a better way to feed a baby, then surely millions of years of evolution would have found it. On the contrary, if breastfeeding were a terrible way to nourish a human infant, then humans wouldn't have over-run the planet - we'd be extinct!
SB (ny)
I'm not sure if god designed it so, but they certainly evolved to become so!
Hey Joe (Somewhere In Wisconsin)
Good point Dan. Problem is most religious-leaning GOP (so pretty much all of them) don’t buy into evolution. Creationism and Business 101 more or less rule their little world.
Dan (Toronto )
The "god designed it" part was intended to be sarcastic (should be clear if you read the rest)
Joe (California)
It's pretty obvious that this isn't what the American people want, so plenty of loud and articulate publicity around it will help send the right electoral signals to political candidates and incumbents. Or am I too optimistic?
Davide (Pittsburgh)
THIS is the agenda of the self-proclaimed "pro-life" party. From taking away health insurance from the most vulnerable, to pushing dogma-driven policy that increases teen pregnancy, to ripping immigrant infants and toddlers from their parents, and now, to sabotaging evidence-based infant nutrition in order to bolster their corporate patrons' bottomline, THIS is the face of incompetent, corrupt, malignant government. SHAME on them! And SHAME on the rest of us if we don't put an end to it now.
KMorgan (Houston)
Its a crazy world here in America. Russia steps in to do the right thing when we won't.
Joe (Chicago)
So many wonderful examples of what's wrong with the Trump administration. Disregarding sound science in favor of naked commerce? Check. Bullying friends and allies but cravenly remaining silent in the face of Russian preferences? Check, check. And by the way NYT, what's with allowing a "spokesman" for HHS to remain anonymous? How can a person maintain he/she is a "spokesperson" if he/she remains anonymous? The person's name and title are what establish his/her statements are being made on behalf of the government institution.
bill d (NJ)
There is another devil here outside corporate interest with infant formula, and that is the religious right others have mentioned in this article. The religious right, with their obsession with sex and with the woman's body, have opposed laws allowing women to breast feed in public, arguing that it is morally wrong, is licentious, etc, this has happened time and again in states and cities that have promoted such laws (the la leche league last I checked had all kinds of links to articles about this). Breasts were made for feeding babies in the first place but don't try telling this to the religious right, according to them the sight of a mom feeding a baby is "a moral ill" (meanwhile, most nursing moms do so quite discreetly, but that doesn't stop the religious morons from objecting even if nothing is showing, that is whole fouled up they are).
John Doe (Johnstown)
I really love these long-running nothing stories with endless open comments that are designed to do nothing more than “milk” the outrage against Trump. Why even be coy with the topic.
Judith Tribbett (Chicago)
and John Doe is your real name...
Bashh (Philadelphia, Pa)
They also attract too many John Does
Gibson Fenderstrat (Virginia)
I love these comments from Trumpsuckers who cry "Fake news!" when they can't think of anything intelligent to say.
Dan (Chicago)
Republicans cry all sorts of crocodile tears about abortion, but once the kid is born, they care less about its health and more about the health of corporations. The hypocrisy is incredible.
rene (harlem)
It's almost as if this administration is inventing new ways to demonstrate their misogyny.
digitalartist (New York)
Then when Russia re-introduced the resolution. The Trump Republican delegation instantly shut up. And threatened nothing. Hello!
Nikki (Islandia)
We already knew there was no limit to how venal and amoral this Administration could be, but they might possibly have hit a new level of stupidity. They threatened a South American country with the withdrawal of crucial military aid? Gee, what a great idea, because the USA really needs another destabilized Latin American country to wind up sending yet more migrants here. This Administration is truly incapable of thinking even two steps down the road. Aside from making us look like bullies, it doesn't even make logical sense from a military point of view.
thomas briggs (longmont co)
This will kill babies. Just when I thought we'd achieved a new low, Trump et al go lower.
Susan (Los Angeles)
Shameful. Disgusting. Misogynistic. This country's soul is for sell. Children are seen as commodities. Holy hell. When will this end.
Michael Lueke (San Diego)
Two items to note here. 1) The Trump administration wouldn't stand up so aggressively for an industry for free. Reporters need to look for a tie between manufacturers of baby formula and the Trump administration. 2) Since the US bullied Ecuador after its proposal but backed off when Russia, who could not so easily be bullied introduced the same proposal, the Trump administration philosophy is clearly the same as the Mafia's might makes right. This is easy for me to say but I would have preferred Ecuador had not backed down. If the US backed down then clearly the administration was bluffing. If the US carried out the threats then this would have made a much bigger news item and help expose the Trump administration for what it is.
bill d (NJ)
Welcome to the world of Trump nation, who support Trump because he is "one of them" while doing everything he can to promote the interests of big business. More importantly, Trump nation has some of the highest rates of obesity and obesity related diseases in the country, yet they I guarantee would support things like this, because to them that is 'freedom'. Labelling on junk food in terms of health risks, banning using added sugar in processed foods, sugar taxes become "issues of personal freedom'. The sad part is that the very people claiming 'freedom' are the ones who have the worst consequences from it with their health. The sad reality is though that in the US and around the world the food supply is being controlled by corporate food production and the results are the same, country after country struggles with obesity as the junk food/package food made with the cheapest, fattiest ingredients dominates the market. Even supposedly "organic" or "healthy" packaged foods are often not so healthy, the corporations are owning the food supply....and then there is this wonder at the cost of health care.
BD (Sacramento, CA)
The moral depravity of the Trump administration really knows no limits. I recall when my two boys were born, and their mom needed to use both breast milk and formula, and the decision to use one vs. the other, as well as all the other various decisions that come with having a baby, were fraught with emotion. We wanted to really "get it right" and sought all the information we could find on breast-feeding vs. formula, etc. But to think that the "information" we read could have reflected the needs for making money, and not what is in the best interest of the infant's health, is just appalling. ...and this is just one instance. Where else are we misinformed...?
Ed Watters (San Francisco)
This, the latest of trump atrocities brought back bad memories of now decades old scandal in which companies such as Nestle were actively promoting formula feeding over breast feeding in poor countries around the globe. I thought that the scandal was over but it turns out Nestlé, Abbott, Mead Johnson and Wyeth (now owned by Nestlé) are still engaged in this reprehensible practice in developing countries. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/feb/27/formula-milk-compan... Yes, Trump's actions on this issue meet the criteria of atrocity, but corporations have been engaged in the same sort of behavior for decades. The Times chose not to print the names of the companies I mentioned above, continuing a long-standing corporate-media practice of downplaying corporate crime and abhorrent behavior. "Although lobbyists from the baby food industry attended the meetings in Geneva, health advocates said they saw no direct evidence that they played a role in Washington’s strong-arm tactics." I find that statement rather suspicious. Which "health advocates"? Why were they NOT named? How are they able to rule out any pressure from the industry?
Allen (Brooklyn )
Most health information contains biases whether from corporate entities or well-meaning, but misinformed, NGOs. Each must be taken with a grain of salt, unless you're of the anti-salt faction.
aem (Oregon)
The superiority of breastfeeding for infant health is not debatable. To out and out oppose a self-evident proposal (Breastfeeding is best for babies -well,duh!) in order to protect marketing opportunities for multinational corporations is reprehensible and corrupt. The thuggish bullying of the Ecuadorean officials is an international disgrace. Shame on the US and on those who would try to justify this behavior.
Barry Fogel (Lexington, MA)
The dystopian nightmare never ends. Environmental damage and attacks on public health will cost vastly more lives than terrorists (all religions included) and MS-13. Is there ANYONE in the Republican Party who will hold Trump and his cronies accountable?? The damage is real. Truly there are people in Washington with no shame and no conscience, who care only about money, power, and celebrity, and many more who enable them with their silence.
Pat (Dublin)
And then the US will wonder why its food standards are questioned by other countries and will be perplexed because its Department of Health (HSS) is not seen as an advocate for the consumer but a proxy for the food industry, so cannot be trusted. What shortsightedness. The irony is that we can trust Russia more! Bizarre!
Chris (NYC)
There it is! Yet, another example of the Trump Administration using the force of the US Government, economy and military to promote big business and not people. These conglomerates don't need the governments help to keep profits up. It's just easier to pay the administration off and have them do the dirty work. The Trump Administration is almost nameless so they don't mind if the price is right. I just don't understand people who don't recognize exactly what is happening right in front of us. Unfortunately, it may be too late to really do anything. This is our new normal. The New Republican party (it ain't "grand" and it ain't "ole").
Steve Abbott (Columbus OH)
What does God know about how biological elements work best? That's the purview of corporate gods whose interests Trump those of mothers and their doctors.
Linda McInnis (Poughkeepsie, NY)
So, a healthy profit for baby formula manufacturers is more important than the health of our babies? Is this what the United States is saying?
Ardiva (Alaska)
Apparently it does,Linda. *sigh*
WaveMan (Canada)
So how does the moral conscience of the Christian Right, Mr Trump’s biggest core of unfailing support, explain away their hallowed leader’s officials threatening to punish allies, nations and poor populations for promoting mothers breastfeeding their innocent babies ?
bill d (NJ)
Easy, he is 'protecting public morality', since according to evangelical christians and other of the religiously stupid, a mom feeding her baby in public is 'creating public licentiousness', ie like most things they can't wait to denigrate anything as 'evil sexuality'.
Merrill R. Frank (Jackson Heights NYC)
Considering the fact that Trump has yet to appoint a science advisor, is a vaccine skeptic or a flat out anti vaxxer and heads probably the most anti science administration in history it’s not surprising that they think breastfeeding is controversial. Additionally just take a look at who sits on the house science committee. It’s replete with folks just as ill informed.
Jerry Hendel, MD (Fergus Falls, NN)
This is the stupidest, meanest, most dangerous thing this administration has done so far.
NJacana (Philadelphia)
I just started watching The Handmaid's Tale, season one, because it was too upsetting when the book came out. I feel ready; it seems too normal, close, frightening that this could really happening in our country.
ML (Boston)
I read the the Handmaid's Tale in grad school when the book was first published. Even in the Reagan era, I thought it was a bit over the top. I didn't even think about its plausibility. Now as I watch the series, I get a chill and realize how plausible it is -- it's basically Mike Pence's dream.
Sandy (Chicago)
Breast is best--and that is still true even if for medical reasons a woman cannot breastfeed. Just because there are these exceptions (such as in my case) does not change the fact that breast milk is preferable to formula (and too-early transition to solids such as rice cereals). I suspect the real reason for the US' opposition to the resolution was pressure from formula-maker (pharmaceutical), dairy, and grain lobbies. Everything in this Administration is all about the Benjamins.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
Yet more evidence: Trumpublicans don't care about real babies. Once they're out of the womb, they're on their own. They don't care. Do U?
Scouters (Texas)
Just so that we all can know and make market choices, please list the names of the manufacturers of formula who have contributed to Trump's campaign. Anyone with an interest in the health of any baby would like to know.
Zack (Ottawa)
This is simply horrible. I agree that women should’t feel pressured to breastfeed at all costs, but the reality in much of the world is stark. Nestle was complicit in advertising its formula to new mothers and forcing them into a situation where they had no alternative once they stopped lactating. Untold numbers of children died from undernourishment when their mothers couldn’t afford the formula or other issues related to contaminated water used to mix the formula. There is good reason breast is best.
Lisa Melanson (Cape Elizabeth, ME)
The Trump Administration's attack on a WHO statement promoting the benefits of breast feeding merely reflects an America where breast-feeding is discouraged or made to be invisible. Perhaps we need an explicit statement of rights--an Americans With Breast-feeding Infants Act and Resolution that encourages breast feeding in public places--especially in hospital waiting rooms, on buses and trains, and in restaurants and churches--and ensures a space to do so.
Anna Fletcher (SE United States)
Correct me if I’m wrong but, The US government provides military aid to Ecuador in exchange for use of its bases near the Panama Canal. There is also only a 5% tax on any investments made in Ecuador. And Ecuador is a country rich in oil gas and mineral mining. Ecuador was also the first county to declare war against Japan after Pearl Harbor. And our governments work together against drug trafficking and production.... so, there’s that too. Otherwise why are we giving money to fund Ecuador’s military in the first place? It would be of no benefit of it didn’t scratch United States backs too. I’d love a more info on this.
Allen Braun (Upstate NY)
Proving that the government is not of the people, for the people, by the people but of Citizen's Untited, for Citizen's United by Citizen's United.
John Coffin (Boston MA)
This is beyond outrageous. It makes me really thankful that I am not an HHS employee. Any Secretary with an ounce of morals would have offered his resignation before participating in such a blatant attempt to promote US business interests at the expense of children’s health.
dbezerkeley (CA)
How much more bought off could our politicians be? At least they're making it glaringly obvious to the rest of the world so they can ignore us.
LA Lawyer (Los Angeles)
I am in a state of grief: We are becoming the evil empire, promoting the destruction of the planet, ravaging family relationships at our borders, erasing rights that took decades to secure, denying education to children, housing to the poor, promoting malnutrition, denying citizenship to foreigners who served in our armed forces based on the promise of it, insulting (at best) relationships with allies that have stood for a century, and consorting with the devils in North Korea and Russia. This is not "we" vs."they." It is us. It is our burden, done in our name, the name of America. Unless you act: donate to those who oppose this horror, register people to vote, protest, you are complicit in the evil that is the darkest hour of history in our lifetimes. Our moment is nothing less than a maturing civil war that will determine whether this nation and a government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish, and that those who died for it to endure will not have died in vain.
Patricia (Sonoma CA)
Something as fundamental as breast feeding - that does not cost the family anything, that is better for the baby, that could potentially save hundreds of thousands of babies lives- this is what our government opposes with threats ? Where is the humanity, where is the understanding that formula feeding in the third world is dangerous due to contaminated water and lack of sterilization ? Once again- I feel shocked and sickened by this administration.
Thomas Wright (Los Angeles)
It gets wearily predictable to see this kind of malevolent politicking. I can only assume that supporters become quite purposefully shielded from it all, unless they too are “in it for the brimstone”, so to speak.
Sterling (Brooklyn, NY)
I wouldn’t be surprised if whatever incompetent Republican hack the Trump administration appointed to represent the US at this conference argued that feeding children formula in cages while separated from their parents was in their best interest.
Don (Charlotte NC)
Money placed by businesses in the campaign pockets of Trump takes first priority, doesn't it?
Shayladane (Canton, NY)
This is nothing short of ASTONISHING!!! Dissing breast milk in order to make a few disgustingly rich Americans richer? What about the babies? Some mothers can't breast feed. Some will believe the tripe that formula is better, even if it is watered down or made with contaminated water. Failing to support a measure like this for simply crass commercial reasons is nearly, but not quite, as bad as separating young children from their parents for specious reasons, then losing track of them and being unable to reunite them promptly. No compassion, no competence, no sense whatsoever. For Christians: WWJD??? For non-Christians: WHAT ARE YOU DOING??
Ted (California)
It should be obvious that someone paid a lot of money for the American delegation to "upend the deliberations" and even threaten the country that introduced the resolution. That is, after all, the way the American political system now operates. Especially since the majority party no longer even feels the need to conceal their dedication to exclusively representing the interests of corporations and the wealthy. The leaders of that party seem to take special pleasure in inflicting harm to the most vulnerable among us-- the poor, the sick, the elderly, and poor non-white children. That's likely because their most important donor/constituents are furious about Big Government confiscating their entitled wealth as taxes to redistribute for programs and services that benefit people other than themselves. They regard their entitled wealth as an inalienable right endowed by Ayn Rand; and they'll spend whatever it takes to protect that entitlement from usurpation by "takers" or others they consider less than human. The question, then, is who paid how much to whom? The reasoning behind every policy decision or action becomes clear when we follow the money. Unless, of course, the "reasoning" is the product of the Tweeter-in-Chief's unfathomable gut. It may ultimately come down to Trump's belief that reducing the United States to a pathetic laughingstock at the World Health Assembly is Winning that will Make America Great Again.
Parparit (Santa Fe, NM)
Whenever I think Trump and his minions can’t sink any lower, they manage to do it. So many of their actions can be framed as attacks on women and children: the separation of refugee children from their mothers, Sessions's proclamation that sexual assault (which is often political) is no longer a basis for refugee status, packing SCOTUS to end women’s control of their bodies and futures, and now threats against countries who want to support breastfeeding of babies. Oh, and Trump’s latest rant at his rally this week against women’s efforts to stop sexual assaults.
Peter (VanderStraatchen)
What surprises me most is that the current administration is picking this fight. Why?
Patricia (Pasadena)
Corn farmers. Corn syrup is an important ingredient in baby formula. Farmers are facing unfair competition from women's breasts. Breast milk is free. That's unfair. And now my head is going to explode from the very idea.
ari pinkus (dc)
When will this nightmare be over. A day of reckoning is coming.
josie8 (MA)
The nightmare will be over when we vote this man out of office, that will be in two years. Meanwhile, Mid-terms are coming, we can make the president powerless. It's up to us--we have the power through our vote. Remember that. And remind your friends every day.
Mike L (NY)
The Great American Experiment has failed. The US is not a Democracy but a Corporatacracy where huge corporations wield all the political power. Massive conglomerates buy politicians and then write the actual laws that our legislators are supposed to write. It’s that bad. What’s really scary is that they don’t even try to hide it anymore. This is a perfect case in point. Everyone knows that natural mothers milk is best for a baby yet these corporate pariahs have no concern trying to hide the truth. Have they no shame? No they don’t and therein lies the problem. The Supreme Court says that corporations are people but obviously they are not. Corporations are nothing more than money making entities with no social responsibility, soul, or conscience. Citizens United is the worst Supreme Court decision since the infamous Dred Scott case. The irony here is that we the people have only ourselves to blame. The average American is more concerned with their iPhone or who won the game than they are with voting in primaries & general elections. Wake up people!! The corporations have taken over our government, let’s take it back!!!
Roy Crowe (Long Island)
This is how the world is. A decades long study is required to justify what nature created as basic baby care. A small country pursues this, the USA threatens this terror state backed by a fading western industry. What is wrong with us?
Jim Collins (Apollo Beach)
American officials - We need names. These officials need to be identified and shamed.
idimalink (usa)
This incident informs Americans live in a capitalist dictatorship. In the hierarchy of public goods, ensuring revenues flow to corporations has a higher priority than the feeding of babies.
Lauria Sullivan (Kalaheo, HI)
Breastfeeding is no "small matter"!
Rhona (NYC)
The author makes so many claims yet there is no one accused of doing anything wrong. In addition there is not a single person that is named that is making the accusations. The reporter talks about pharma companies making money on formula but doesn't cite any source connecting the alleged actions of unnamed US officials with any pharma company? There is no link to any text of the resolution or any attachments or memos or emails or copies which would allow the reader to see the resolution. The article reads, "American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children." Says who? Who is making this claim, how do they know?
BF (Florida)
I haven’t been able to find any links to the resolution or more details on the food products with deleterious effects. I am no Trump Administration fan, but I was hoping for more robust reporting on this issue. As a new mother juggling work and life, the pressure of the breastfeeding organizations has been absolutely soul-sucking. I happen to believe that a healthy and well-rested mother is just as important to childhood development as breast milk. Supplementing with formula helped my kid stay happy and full, and helped me go back to work.
Dan (Toronto )
You surely must be aware that this debate has been raging for decades as makers of baby formulae (Nestle, the Swiss maker and others) have relentlessly promoted their products as being superior to the one your God designed - human breast milk. For once, science and god both agree. Yes, the article would benefit from some sources but from other articles I've read on this recent incident, the sources are unwilling to go public for fear of retribution from the Administration/ minions. If you were an Ecuadorian official, would you go public after being blackmailed by an Administration led by the most venal, petty POTUS ever?
BF (Florida)
There are breast feeding advocates that would rather a baby go hungry than give it formula. And others who would like to make formula accessible by prescription only. These radical views fly in the face of data that shows zero difference in outcomes between breast fed vs formula fed children... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140225122210.htm A breast feeding mother spends hours each day either feeding or pumping (10-12 feeding at 30 minutes each) and some babies, like mine, do not receive adequate supply. The vast majority of mothers also don’t have access to maternity leave - so we also have to pump at work for 6 months to a year. There are comments here equating formula to murder, which is absurd. In developed nation with access to purified water, formula feeding is a perfectly safe and healthy alternative. My grievance with this article is lack of links and citations, AND the hyperbolic and hysterical comments. I have seen the stigmitization faced by women who have trouble breastfeeding and choose to formula feed, it’s ugly, and I support the choice a mother needs to make. You can get a taste of what we face in this comments section.
Dave DiRoma (Baldwinsville NY)
So where is that moderating influence, Ms. Ivanka Trump, who supposedly has The Donalds ear on matters relating to women and family? I'd love to hear the explanation from her as to why the U.S. can't support something as obvious as breast-feeding newborns. Oh well, I guess there is money to be made and the Trump family just has to be in on it.
globalcitizen (world )
It's official. Drumpf lost his mind however small it is!
Student (Nu Yawk)
Axis of Evil indeed.
armo (oakland, ca)
More embarrassing Ugly American behavior. First the Orange Baboon cages children and requires infants have lawyers in some outtake of Bleak House and now pulls the Milk of Life out of a baby's mouth for...profit? Venal, stupid, clumsy, cynical. Helluva way to start a Monday, with head hanging and apologies to the rest of the world.
Sammarcus (New York)
And comment from Ivanka? Comment from Melania? The world is waiting and listening. Where is your voice?
AJ (Midwest. )
Why does almost every single action taken by this administration lead one to think "What is wrong with these people ???"
Richard Schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
Trump wanted a way to make the guy he owes money to look good. He found one.
Cheryl (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Thank you for reporting a story that should be front and center in our national conversation. It reveals the evil and depravity of the Trump administration on so many levels. Its role as an agent of wealthy corporate interests; its utter disregard for science and truth; its indifference to human welfare and the health of children; its gangster diplomacy. But to confine our outrage to Trump is a mistake. His enablers and cheerleaders - Republican Senators and Congresspeople - are just as guilty. We must throw them out in November, and do what we can to head off the world-wide catastrophe that is barreling down on us in the form of climate change and all its attendant evils. History has its eyes on us.
sashakl (NYC)
Whenever and wherever there's an opportunity to do good for women and children, this president and his minions hit these most vulnerable members of the population hardest by doing the exact opposite. In this case, its the women and children of the entire world. Mother's milk? Nah, lets give em expensive formula that must be made with water even if the water is contaminated. There are profits to be made (jobs jobs jobs) and suckers are born every day so lets feed them formula and make big bucks off of it. What does this gang have against women and children? Or are women and children just the easiest marks? Every day, this president comes up with more horrifying things to make the lives of vulnerable segments of the population as miserable as possible. Everyone who is not rich, white and male, all minorities, the old, the sick, women, children, young people, refugees, the poor, homeless, handicapped, all are potential targets endangered by the malicious caprice of this president (and his administration), the man elected to work for all of us.
Isabelle Flaherty (Pacific Palisades, CA)
Interesting that the NY Times chose a photo of a baby drinking from a bottle (albeit a bottle of donated breast milk by a very cute baby) to accompany the article about breast feeding and our country’s callous opposition to joining in a resolution stating the benefits of breast feeding. Surely a photo of a baby actually breastfeeding could have been found rather than perpetuating the perception that such a natural act should be hidden. And further the photo could have been one that offended no one (or at least very few) so that the act of breastfeeding could be celebrated matter-of-factly as something straightforward, easy, and beneficial to baby and mom when possible.
Neptune (Pensacola FL)
And now the new Republicans threaten motherhood. Next it will be apple pie, unless you buy it from a Trump subsidiary!
Expatico (Abroad)
What, Moms can't breastfeed without being ordered to by a multi-million dollar UN campaign? Americans really do think it's their job to tell the rest of the world what to do.
Rodin's Muse (Arlington)
If I were into conspiracy theories, I would wonder if Putin might have told Trump to do this so Russia could look good on the world stage in a move to become the new superpower (taking over in morals compared to the US-at least for one headline)
Crow (New York)
Lets Russia sponsor the resolution. They might have no interest in promoting the milk substitute industry.
Patricia (Pasadena)
I am guessing that Russians are even more appalled by this than we are. They are much more traditional and old-fashioned about infant care. And their religion reveres the Mother of God as a divine persona in her own right.
Jack (Asheville)
Profit über alles! This is right up there with Scott Pruitt approving so called glider truck kits that result in modern looking semi-tractors that emit 50 times as much pollution as new trucks. The common trait seen in Trump and all his appointees is a deep sociopathy that cares only about what's in it for themselves.
Danielle (New York)
How lively. As seen in Flint, Michigan, America can’t even provide clean water to its own citizens and it wants people in other countries to buy their formula and use water that is more likely to be polluted? It may be cynical but I bet this is another way for them to “reduce immigration” by killing off younger generations in poor countries. Disgusting.
Tim Peterson (Juneau)
Oh my goodness! How low can these guys go? Formula fed babies are more likely to die. PERIOD! I am speechless.
Victoria Browning Wyeth (Philadelphia, PA)
I find the way our governments behavior to be beyond comprehension
Bashh1 (Philadelphia, Pa)
It was promoted by the Obama administration. Not a shred of him will be left
Edward (Canada)
One has to be a major shareholder or high level executive in the baby food industry to believe that this has anything to do with making America great or being a responsible leader in world affairs. Just the opposite! ...and Russia turns out to be the 'good guy'? How far the US has fallen in such a short period of time. The petty little man pretending to be president is reshaping a once great country in his own mean-spirited image. This what MAGA really looks like.
robert b (San Francisco)
And still all those right-wing entities will continue pitching words like "family" and "life" in their greedy, bigoted policies and organizations. It's truly sickening what the US right has become. They always have supported backwards legislation and proven-to-fail economic policies, but aggressively promoting corporate profits at the cost of the lives of babies may be a new low in their shameless race to the bottom.
Larry Weeks (Paris France)
This is worse than separating children from families at the border. It is allowing children to die for corporate profits. Citizens United, Trump Donors and Christians’ tolerance of indecency have led us to a place where we have no decency left.
RBR (Santa Cruz, CA)
Let’s be real, in the USA breastfeeding is perceived as ugly and disgusting. Women taken out of planes? Women in restaurants asked to leave? Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful acts. In other countries breastfeeding is done in any public place.
wbelm (.)
Of course, breastfeeding is also better for the environment (think of what happens to those empty formula containers) but we know how the Trump administration feels about the environment as well...shameful.
frederick10280 (NYC)
" marked contrast to the Obama administration, which largely supported W.H.O.’s longstanding policy of encouraging breast-feeding." That explains everything. As I understand it, The Guinness Book of World Records is replacing the Marianas Trench with the White House as the lowest point on earth.
Sarah (California)
Every day, I grow increasingly embarrassed to be an American.
ReggieM (Florida)
In the 1980s and 1990s, Nestles was shamed and boycotted into changing its marketing tackles in developing nations in the face of grave danger to babies whose mothers mixed or diluted formula with polluted water. Here we are in 2018, with the Trump Administration shoving us back to the old days when babies died so giant corporations could make a profit. And, Trump does it by strong-arming dependent nations, making his Ugly American maneuver complete. Every time I think I’ve seen the lowest this deplorable administration can go, we sink into new slime. Tell me again how nice I’m supposed to be in the face of such thuggery.
Miguel Miguel (Maine)
Don’t be nice but please do choose your battles wisely. I fear the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” effect may weaken the push when it is really needed.
John LeBaron (MA)
It's one thing for this "right to life" Republican administration to blather on about the sanctity of unborn life when opposing a woman's right to determine her own reproductive health choices, and then to undermine health care for children after they are born. The hypocrisy ramps up to pure malice when this same administration browbeats the rest of the world to promote private corporate greed that would actively sabotage children's health. In our names, our government is peddling unvarnished evil to the most vulnerable citizens of the world, and doing so in the most arrogantly ugly way imaginable. Shame on us!
MR (California)
This is totally disgusting. Just when it seems the Trump administration can go no lower, they break through the bottom of the barrel. Understanding what drives Trump is simple; follow the money, in this case funds from the baby food industry, or follow the blackmail, in this case no opposition to Russia because Putin has something on Trump. As for the welfare of human beings, in this case helpless infants around the world, Trump could care less unless he figures there's something in it for him. It's the thinking and morality of a mob boss.
Suzanne C. (Minneapolis)
No wonder Trump is so obsessed with MS 13. He wants to be them. Power and money above all and to hell with humanity.
Ferg (NYC)
It is worth mentioning that the current President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, and his government are eager to please the United States. Moreno is systematically doing away with socially-oriented policies and laws from the previous government (Rafael Correa 2006 to 2017) that put the interest of the people before money with a self-proclaimed Revolucion Ciudadana (citizen revolution). The Ecuador of the Revolucion Ciudadana would have never ceded to pressure from the US. What a shame. Two countries going backwards.
Ben (LA)
Each and every one of these officials should be named.
apparatchick (Kennesaw GA)
Trump and his thugs will do anything for money.
Jeanne M. (Orient, NY)
What's next, apple pie?
arusso (OR)
When did the relationship between business and consumers become so adversarial? What should be a mutually beneficial relationship has degenerated into a war that most consumers do not even realize they are fighting. There is plenty of profit to be made serving the needs of the public. There is no need to exploit the fears and insecurities of the public, and potentially cause harm, just to make a few extra dollars. People need to realize that corporations do not care about their welfare or what is good for them. Corporations only care about sales and if consumers are harmed it does not matter.
ellesse (Los Angeles)
People, this story (if not all other outrages we've seen) should convince all Democrats and Independents and non-trumpers, that working together to achieve a Democratic majority in the House and/or Senate is an absolute necessity. Let's not stress about our candidates' labels or degree of "Democratic-ness" come November - just get out and vote for the Democrat in your district.
REPNAH (Huntsville AL)
This article, the fact that this is an issue, and many of the comments on here highlight what is a big problem. How much money was spent in drafting, promoting, advocating and opposing this resolution by all the various countries in the world? And for what? To tell people breast feeding babies is good for them? Haven't women been able to figure out how to feed their babies for thousands of years without this resolution? What MAJOR problems have occurred in the children whose moms have chosen to give them formula? Is it really that big of a deal? What % of the worlds population even have easy access to formula as an alternative to breast feeding? Or said in reverse how many babies in the world does this not even apply to their lives? We have to have World Health officials draft, debate and haggle over breast feeding v formula... at what total cost??? Really??? Can't each individual sovereign country like Ecuador read the current baby feeding studies and decide for itself how to handle baby feeding controversies? Why does the US have to agree with Ecuador for the government of Somalia to know what to do? Someone tell me what I'm missing.
Deborah (Montclair, NJ)
Google baby formula and Africa.
Able Nommer (Bluefin Texas)
"A 2016 study in The Lancet found that universal breast-feeding would prevent 800,000 child deaths a year across the globe and yield $300 billion in savings from reduced health care costs and improved economic outcomes for those reared on breast milk." The article has the web-link to that study.
Rebecca (PA)
Instead of thinking about this as a “feeding controversy”, try thinking of it as a “global health issue”. Then it becomes clear why organizations like the UN or WHO step in. It’s because nations- especially weak, small, or corrupt ones- too often do not or cannot stand up to global corporate interests or their nation-state backers.
manta666 (new york, ny)
Repulsive beyond belief - even for this administration. Every day a new low. We will never reach bottom, so long as Trump and his enablers are in office. As for his followers, as fascist sympathizers, they should apologize to the rest of us for their votes.
ronala (Baltimore, MD)
The Trump Occupation Government (TOGUS) of the USA apparently believes in the right to life until birth. After that kids should not be attached to moms in any way,
at (Saginaw MI)
Shades of Britain's opium wars, coercing China to open its ports to mass addiction.
JKennedy (California)
Trump and his ilk are the worst "leaders" in history. They have truly sold their souls (and clearly ours as well) to the worship at the altar of big corporate America. For every Trump supporter who keeps saying, "at least he's doing something", "stop whining about losing", and "Obama was the worst president ever", I hope you are all happy as this country and our democracy is completely handed over to the permanently installed plutocracy.
Barbara Winters (Waterbury, VT)
Once again I am appalled and embarrassed at how the US acts on the world stage. Trump is just a bully with clout. Then again my paranoia says maybe it was an agreement with Russia to make them look good so he can meet them with less criticism.
Carol Notermann (Minnesota)
Trump, and the Republican Party have accomplished totally humiliating the United States of America in the eyes of the world. This shameless, cowardly baby, cries and needs his daily burping of yes men telling him he's great. Liars... all of them... The Republican Party is Dead... I cannot wait to see Mr. Mueller finish his investigation, and praying our Congress and Supreme Court will take the appropriate action. Lock Him Up!
R. Koreman (The Real World)
Millions Will Die! Millions of healthy gut microbes that is. Ever wonder why autism rates and obesity are on the rise?
Sudha Nair (Fremont, Ca)
I was outraged to see this US position, particularly that Trump sided with the baby food manufacturers. His kids probably were not breastfed and that's why they act so clueless and uncaring!
Kathy D (Philadelphia)
Absolutely disgusting. And for all the ambivalent Trump supporters who once thought Ivanka might provide a moderating voice, please take note of the deafening silence on this issue.
jdevi (Seattle)
Despite the disappointment, women should consider the power they appear to have in this society should they choose to loose their mammary glands in public. As evidence, just recall the reaction the obstructionist Republican Senators had when Janice Jackson's breast was exposed for less than a second. Apparently, men in power are stunned and dumbfounded when mammaries are loosed - and in masse, we could probably shut down the government -- and we may have to soon.
jerry mickle (washington dc)
This one more example of how the new Robber Barons have subverted the Republican party to promote their own selfish and ignorant ends. Russia gets to be the good guy in the eyes of the world while we become the grinch. If we don't get rid of these abusive people we deserve to collapse as a nation because we offer nothing but death and degradation to the rest of the world. If I had grandchildren I would be trying to help them emigrate to a country worth their talents
Rebecca (CDM, CA)
I would expect no better from the Trump people. Six more years of rejected science and disdain for children, women and minorities, and we will be living in a very different country indeed. This executive branch of ours clearly has more abuse of power and negative influence than anyone has ever seen. We will go on paying taxes for each one of their hacks to do their sad, pathetic work and the next generation will pay dearly when the country is in shambles from this horrible, amoral administration. Please vote for the Democrat who has the best chance to win in every election from now on. No more vote splintering!
KatyBee (NYC)
How low can we go?
Servatius (Salt Lake City)
Oh just watch!
Dem No More (Los Angeles)
How dare the government try to tell me how or what to feed my child! If you don’t have the right to tell me what to do with my body when a child is in it, try telling me what to do once that child is out of it!!
RunDog (Los Angeles)
Hopefully this is sarcasm. WHO want to encourage breast feeding. Is that telling you what to do? This is the "World" Health Organization we're talking about. Technically it's not government, but even more it is mostly concerned with people in developing countries, who are generally less educated and less well informed. Do you object to warnings about the dangers of smoking during pregnancy and while breast feeding? Do you object to warnings about drinking alcohol during pregnancy? Do you object to vehicle restraints for infants in automobiles? Do you object to warnings about small parts and plastic wrappings around infants? And on and on. Sheesh.
Paul P (Greensboro,nc)
Obviously someone is getting a big payout from formula manufacturers, because this position is absolutely ignorant.
Deborah (Montclair, NJ)
It is an ignorant position, but those advocating are not at all ignorant of the facts. They also know exactly how much taking that position publicly will help fill Republican coffers with dirty money.
Jack Emmerling (Wildomar,CA.)
Trump will do anything to help big business.
Thomas Payne (Cornelius, NC)
Why do I have a feeling that this started with a multi-million-dollar check to Cohen? This is the most corrupt regime in world history.
MGM (New York, N.Y.)
What have we done?! We really MUST get rid of these old white guys and elect more women to the House and Senate. If this sad state of affairs doesn't convince us en masse I don't know what will. Of course, nothing was done about guns after New Town, so I don't hold out much hope that attention will be paid to this latest despicable fiasco. Whatta country!
Melby (US)
Breast milk studies do exist but people fail to remember correlation does not equal causation. The children who have measured better on longitudinal studies likely also had key factors such as increased skin to skin contact and bonding time, both of which can be done with the bottle as well. Women who rely solely on formula often do so because of factors such as having to go back to work, which equates to less attention for baby by primary caregiver, or unsuitable breast milk due to drug use, which obviously would effect children's scores. My hospital so so pro breast, my baby was denied formula for 4 days, resulting in dangerous weight loss, unnecessarily because I was unable to produce milk despite lactation consultant intervention. My daughter at 15 months was almost exclusively bottle fed. At her last pediatric apt. She has the vocabulary and problem solving skills of an at least 18 month old, per her pediatrician, and she is tall, solid, strong with advanced motor skills. She's only ever been sick once with minor cold. I believe it's the attention and love she gets from us that has allowed her to thrive. Meanwhile, I've been shamed for supposedly selling my child short (because of a medical condition) by not breastfeeding, and here my kid is, probably blowing yours out of the water in terms of development and IQ. The breastfeeding push, while it started as a good thing, has become political, shame-based, and actually poses harm to children when hospitals withhold formula
Paul Wortman (Providence, RI)
As H. L. Mencken said, "It's the booboisie" (pun intended). Breast feeding is the best way to protect infant health. But the nefarious "boobs" in the Trump administration don't care about health, but only corporate profits and the campaign donations they produce. It's just another disgraceful day in the unending, dreary inhumane policies of Donald Trump.
Patrician (New York)
Can someone put the following sign outside the White House: The Trump Swamp. For sale U.S. moral leadership in the world. My lawyer might be currently unavailable. For details Please contact Jared.
Tero (Helsinki, Finland)
Shame on you. I hope this kind of bullying will stop as soon as possible.
wanda (Kentucky )
Trump's administration has extended a bully pulpit to just plain bullying. Sigh. As a mother who did not breast feed for what I believed were good reasons, I am all for not stigmatizing women. On the other hand, withdrawing aid from countries that are trying to make their populations healthier? Ugly Americans, indeed.
ML (Boston)
There is absolutely nothing about the Trump administration that is pro-life. Clearly, the moral soul of the entire Republican party has been decaying for a long time, but even if Trump is ignorant about what breasts are actually for, there must be a few in the Republican party who remember this basic lesson of anatomy. Trump thinks women's breasts exist solely for grown men to grab, but do any Republican "leaders" want to stand up for the health and lives of toddlers and babies? Apparently, on so many fronts, no.
Why does a resolution need to be passed to encourage breast feeding? How about each country just goes ahead and issues their encouragement regardless of a UN stamp of approval? Another bone to pick with this article, at one point you have the following: "Although lobbyists from the baby food industry attended the meetings in Geneva, health advocates said they saw no direct evidence that they played a role in Washington’s strong-arm tactics" Only to be followed up shortly thereafter with: "The confrontation was the latest example of the Trump administration siding with corporate interests on numerous public health and environmental issues." You've just asserted that the lobbyists and corporations have played no role in this, and then say Trump is cowtowing to corporate interests. Is it possible there's another reason why Trump administration did not want to support this resolution?
Robert and Nancy (Brooklyn, NY)
What does Abbott have to say about this? Reporters need ask them direct questions about their actions regarding the WHO guidelines on infant formula and breastfeeding. Did Abbott attempt to influence the US government's rejection of the Ecuador proposal?
michael (marysville, CA)
The pernicious and baleful influence of our evangelicals has raised its ugly heads, again.
NYC Dweller (NYC)
The useless UN went to great lengths to declare breast milk is best for babies. What a giant step for them
Bashh1 (Philadelphia, Pa)
And the US attempted to bully countries into rejecting medical advice that has been given over the years. Once again showing that our government is anti-science, anti-health, and corrupt. Peddling a useless product in developing countries where it may do more harm than good should be a routine concern of the WHO and it is not up to the US to demonstrate its ignorance by preventing the discussion.
sandcanyongal (CA)
1. U.S. Ambassadors have become Hitler's mouthpiece: Direct threats against countries are the ultimate bully tactic use by the Fuhrer himself. Quote: In addition to the trade threats, Todd C. Chapman, the United States ambassador to Ecuador, suggested in meetings with officials in Quito, the Ecuadorean capital, that the Trump administration might also retaliate by withdrawing the military assistance it has been providing in northern Ecuador, a region wracked by violence spilling across the border from Colombia, according to an Ecuadorean government official who took part in the meeting. The United States embassy in Quito declined to make Mr. Chapman available for an interview. 2. The new ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell is going around German government, negotiating zero tariffs. Not his job! Manipulation and world domination just like Hitler's attempt. Life will get ugly for the U.S. just like it did for Germany.
SGraves (Paducah, KY)
So they are now weaponizing breast milk. Yet another blow to women's free will, not to mention the health of their babies. We are undoubtedly now in some unexplored circle of Hell, the depths of which were heretofore unimaginable.
Eric Key (Jenkintown PA)
This administration redefines "despicable".
Mari (Camano Island, WA)
It is obvious that Donald and his administration (all Republicans, too) are OWNED by big business! How disgusting for Donald's admiration to upend the United Nations and majority of countries supporting breast feeding as best for babies!! Women, are you paying attention?! Anyone with a brain knows that breast feeding is the best form of food for a baby. Please vote on November 6th, 2018! Vote Republicans OUT!
Remember, this is very much in line with Trump's personal aversion to breastfeeding. He called lawyer Elizabeth Beck "you're disgusting" and stormed out when she asked for a pause to pump breast milk during a deposition he attended. This was confirmed by Trump's attorney, Allen Garten. A deeply disturbed mind.
dpm (Spokane)
Business as usual.
B L (Springfield, MO)
Completes the pattern. Trump hates babies.
C.R. Kennedy (California)
I am gobsmacked that this is an issue, really? Is this POTUS really that mad about making money that he wants to control breastfeeding? SMH. The man makes me sick.
Carolina (Chicago, Il)
Here's a clue: '...a marked contrast to the Obama administration, which largely supported W.H.O.’s longstanding policy of encouraging breast-feeding.' Trump must have a list on his desk of all of the Obama decisions. His goal is to reverse them all and cross them off the list. What a shameless, disgusting, useless waste of a human being.
Jon McCain (Vancouver BC)
Pure Evil....and a very real threat to our culture. Enough is enough!!!!
Ron adam (Nerja, spain)
This horrible administration would have tried to stop an anti-cigarette smoking resolution, putting the interests of cigarette manufacturers over the people's health. Disgusting!
Ray Duncan (Santa Monica. cA)
This is pure evil and flies in the face of everything we know about moms, babies, and infant nutrition.
RunDog (Los Angeles)
Where's Ivanka in all this?
David (Solana)
Deplorable, disgraceful · shameful · dishonorable · disreputable · discreditable · unworthy · shabby · inexcusable · unpardonable · unforgivable · reprehensible · despicable
Sherry Moser steiker (centennial, colorado)
Sick, unconsiousable, unethical..should I go on?
Steve (Washington, DC)
A perfect example of how Trump and his people are making us into Ugly Americans in the eyes of all thinking people. How pathetic. The Good Lord created us so that women could breast feed their babies. The Good Lord, perfection itself, would not have made women in a way that their breast mild could be substituted by some chemical formula made for profit. This action in the name of all of us in this country is an abomination.
A.C. Frabetti (Beverly, MA)
1. Russia puts Trump in White House 2. Crass Trump White House opposes Breast-Feeding 3. Russia heroically erases #2 Coming Soon: 4. Putin poses shirtless while holding baby 5. ?
Bruce Mason (Michigan)
Now this, an abysmal new low, an ugly absurdity, brought to you by the man and the party that puts babies in cages! This Trumpian machination of threatening governments who promote breastfeeding over formula is so indecent, so ill-informed, so mean, stupid, contemptible and corrupt. It’s difficult to imagine something more incredulous than this. Anything other than a full embrace of a policy promoting the benefits of mothers milk, whenever possible, is insane.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Trump’s administration is responsible for the embarrassing indifference to harmful practices but the sale of formula to people in poor countries who cannot use it so that it does no harm is an old concern. It was reported long ago on Sixty Minutes. Businesses routinely use legal actions and corruption of foreign governments to prevent people from protecting themselves from harm. In their universe of ethics they have a responsibility to any means to maximize profits for equity holders. In their minds saving lives that costs profits is immoral, letting people be harmed is perfectly moral. If human societies treat those who do harm for profits as criminals, these practices will stop. However, when big countries like the U.S. condone or encourage this egregious behavior it won’t stop. Most small business people conduct themselves with honor and respect for others. The ones who do not are enough to make all look less than respectable. Corporations are the worst because of the limited liability and the high concentrations of capital that they can use encourages poor behaviors that are just short of illegal.
chele (ct)
There's your "Pro Life" Republicans at work.
Kelly (USA)
What a stupid fight to pick.
ChristopherM (New Hampshire)
It's the sort of action Trump's base can understand and applaud. They don't care about the consequences of anything Trumps says or does. They just love watching the bully be a bully. It's a reward in itself.
Roaroa (CA)
I find it funny that this kind of article doesn't bring out the trolls like the pro-immigration or pro-affirmative action articles do. What's wrong, trolls? Surely you have something to say here.
ConcernedCitizen (Venice, FL)
After recently adding all Latino chldren via the ICE/HHS separation actions to his "Don't Like" list, the President and his "Family Oriented" staff now decide to go after all babies.
CBK (San Antonio, TX)
If there were any way Trump could figure out how to tax breast milk, he would do it. The money could go to all the business conglomerates he loves. Or wait--maybe it could just go to him.
rosa (ca)
Oh, how that man hates women and children. Creepy.
Dr Kate Brennan (San Anselmo Ca)
I can't believe anyone would tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her breasts! But then again.....This appears to be just another phobic reaction to the female species while supporting interests of (sorry to say but it's true) male dominated corporate interests. In cases where a woman cannot or chooses not to breast feed there are options. What did women do centuries ago when they could not or chose not to breastfeed? At the risk of setting off even the most liberal, there were wet nurses. Donating breast milk is the Wet Nurse of the day, something I am sure the Trump administration would gladly deem abhorrent. Leave our breasts alone Mr. Trump they are not your toys!
Allison (Austin, TX)
That's the Trump administration and the Republican Party in general: Anything for a buck, including damaging children's health. Look at what they're trying to do to CHIP, Medicaid, and the ACA. It's all about making another billion dollars, consequences to human beings be damned.
M (The midst of Babylon)
"In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them" Well well well imagine that.
Michelle Lamar (Hamilton)
What individuals constituted the American Delegation? Our tax dollars covered their trip. They need to report back and be accountable to the American people re their position.
frank monaco (Brooklyn NY)
This Administration will go to Great Lengths to protect Corporate Interests. In this case it was the baby formula Companies. Why Not just give the Women the information and let them deceide? No got to Protect my friends that are Members at Mar-a-Largo.
JH (New Haven, CT)
Surprised? Hardly ... Appalled? Yes. But, remember, this is coming from a party that once professed -- science is "all lies straight from the pit of hell" ... People like this deserve nothing but shame and ridicule. The same goes for those who support them.
Mary (Michigan)
I am confused. This is not policy nor is it law it is basically an "endorsement" So the US doesnt want to endorse either side it is basically saying it is the woman's right to choose whether you breast feed or formula feed. Isnt that what we as women want? Our decision. We can read about the pos/neg about each method and make our own decision. Also if I were living in a poor nation then I would be forced to breast feed because I cannot afford formula. Isnt that the decision you are looking for anyway?
Ralph (Long Island)
If he can damage the planet and it’s occupants while he is on it, the malevolent moron in the Executive Mansion will do so by every possible means. It is past time for a revolution to remove him and those that support him, preferably a peaceful one. They have broken the laws of this country and subverted the Constitution time and again. They seek to damage humanity itself. Nothing could make this more clear than a resolution against giving proper nutrition and emotional bonding to babies.
Lucas Lynch (Baltimore, Md)
Although it sounds absurd and a step backward, this action and many other Trump actions need to be described as evil as this is a term understood by many of his supporters. Evil is knowingly and with malice negatively effect the lives of others for one's own personal gain or advantage. It is accepted by every science based community that the nutrition and safety of breast milk is unmatched by any product in the marketplace, yet this administration wants to bully the rest of the world to follow its mandate. He is doing harm to countless children and nowhere in this discussion is the fact that this is an evil action. After taking children from asylum seeking parents and claiming "this is what happens when you break the law", the evil of that action was reduced to a legitimate argument of two sides of an issue. The greater truth was there was no other side then as there is no other side with this action. Either you believe that America should engage in evil or you don't. Trump supporters need to understand it in these terms. This is not hyperbolic or inflammatory talk because if you look at these actions from a view that other people are doing this to you you would see it for what it is.
Mr. Adams (Texas)
The corporate overlords are pulling Trump's puppet strings. The only difference is that this time it was so blatant and obvious that no one could miss it. How many more 'Trump' policies are actually just whatever his donors asked for? Let me give you a hint: it's all of them. The guy would promote the health benefits of acid rain if the coal companies asked him too.
GenMD (MD)
Just when I think Trump and his administration can go no lower he does. As a pediatrician who studied the benefits of breast milk vis a vis supplying immunity to infants, I'm shocked that he again puts corporate gains over society's gains.
Melody (Richmond, CA)
Our own Dept. of Agriculture, through its Women, Infants, Children program, encourages breast-feeding the proven best nutrition for babies. https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/breastfeeding-priority-wic-program. This time, the pro-corporate, anti-people Trumpists have gone up against some fierce women. Wait til La Leche League comes for them! Nursing moms belong to all parties and opinions. This is a step too far.
Dave Dixon (Vancouver, BC)
Let's cut to the chase here: on this and 100 other issues, this fact is no longer deniable: Trump has made the USA a force for evil in the world. The rest of the world is beginning to see the USA as a rogue nation. This will not end well.
annette johnson (New York)
This administration has shown in so many ways it has no interest in the welfare of children. If there was a way to feed them coal, Trump would advocate for it.
Al Cafaro (NYC)
Why the surprise? Big wheels keep on rolling. Money wants more money. Where is your money invested? You want more returns too. Strong chance that most everybody feigning shock about this and other decisions has their money tied up in ways that do the same stuff, maximize profit! There is no “out of bounds” people! Wake up. This is what we do and will continue to do until you do something more than whine. It’s long past time for all of us to selectively cry foul when it is our very lifestyle that enables this and other outrages.
“The [HHS] spokesman asked to remain anonymous in order to speak more freely.” I fear that this is a bad precedent for the Times. Government representatives speaking in this sort of official capacity, mouthing or explaining the official line, should not be granted anonymity. If they’ve got something to say, they should be held accountable.
David R (Kent, CT)
Republicans have cemented their reputation as the profits first/life last party. The Republican party remains the single biggest threat to life on Earth as we know it.
entity.z (earth)
"The intensity of the administration’s opposition to the breast-feeding resolution stunned public health officials and foreign diplomats..." Yes, this brutish anti-regulatory maneuver was stunning even by Trump standards (contrast this to Trump's more routine modus operandi, which as the Koreans described it, is merely "gangster-like") "...who described it as a marked contrast to the Obama administration..." But at least we know why. The mystery is just why Trump has such enduring, visceral hatred for Barack Obama. "In the end...It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in ... and the Americans did not threaten them." Trump is freely abusing presidential authority to dismantle both domestic and international societal order. In its place he aspires to build an international oligarchy, with Putin and himself as the indisputable rulers of the planet. The mystery here is just why Trump has such enduring, visceral affection for Vladimir Putin.
the dogfather (danville, ca)
It's like the old jingle says about Americana: "Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and infant formula." Lobbyists - how can you sleep at night? US Delegation - why do you wake in the morning?
James McNeill (Lake Saint Louis, MO)
Just another egregious example of how the government supports industry over the lives of its citizens. Every administration since the 1930s has participated in this unholy alliance. Now the Trump Administration has taken it to a new low by deliberately killing babies with their policies. Industry and government have a long history as partners promoting unhealthy products like tobacco, sugar and animal products, all of which kill millions worldwide. It's time for everyone to take their own health into their hands and boycott these companies and protest government subsidies and support of these products with their votes. Until they do, the death toll from chronic disease will continue.
argalite (Sacramento)
Help! My representatives are not representing me or most of this country! All they think of is money.
Loomy (Australia)
This heartless Trump regime that steals babies from Mothers and also children from Mothers and houses them in cages. Now it is going one further and stealing "Candy from Babies" by refusing to endorse Breast Feeding over Breast Milk Substitutes and blackmailing those smaller countries from endorsing what it won't with the real threat of withheld military support and economic/ trade sanctions! But the U.S is doing far more and worse than "Stealing Candy from a Baby" it is trying to steal the best possible nutrition, benefits, disease immunity and myriad health and development advantages a baby could possibly get thru the promotion of breastfeeding over and above that of the Corporations wanting to sell their far inferior (and potentially lethal when mixed with contaminated water) manufactured products. It seems that there is no limitation in any area or regarding any subject under the sun that cannot and is not seen as off limits to an administration that is only motivated by and for the love of Money and very little else.
Sharon (Oregon)
Will this show up on Fox "News"? Will Fox and Friends talk about it in the morning? If not, it hasn't happened to the 30% Trump supporters. Republicans will say it's nothing of consequence, or blame low level officials if it makes it to Fox. If there are Conservatives who are upset, they will be fired and ostracized like Pruitt's underlings. When the world complains about our immoral, bullying behavior; they should take action instead. The rest of the world needs to work together to continue progressive western ideals. Walk around the elephant, leave it alone. The bully in the sandbox won't have a lot of fun all by himself.
Assay (New York)
The riches and politicians of the US are sounding and acting more and more like their counter parts in France before revolution. The only difference is that the poor French knew who the villains were in their plight. Sadly, the Trump base, a large majority of whom need the government support, are delusional.
DILLON (North Fork)
Another example of how Capitalism is incompatible with life.
LawyerTom1 (MA)
Proof, as though it were needed, that The Donald cares more about money than the life of infants.
Loomy (Australia)
I object to all these cruel, cold and callous actions and policies coming from the "Leader of the Free World" as America likes to call its President. Perhaps it's a title deserved by some, but NOT in any single way , shape or form can Donald Trump and the actions he and his administration have taken EVER be associated with and by such a lofty title /claim. The way things are going, I think it's not just The Free World...but the ENTIRE World that would wish this President was back being the dishonest, greedy and disingenuous Real Estate Hack he was and still is, except for circumstances that no American should be proud of. On Behalf of the World...we request to be Free of this stain on America's previous stance, intent and hopes for all people to live better lives in peace for the greater good of all versus this callous, selfish regime that in so many areas cares for no one and nothing except for the pursuit of greater profit and advantage of a few over the concerns and needs of the very, very many and vast majority of Humanity. As long as no one there, here or anywhere are Free from this Opportunistic Egotistical Self Serving Corporate Facilitator (and then some) then we can no longer be considered part of the Free World... There is no one Free from his excesses and influence and thus no Free World. Get rid of this person who denies babies the milk from their Mothers Breast for the sake of a few more Bucks for his sponsors and make it a Free (of him) World again!
Jorge (San Diego)
This issue was settled back around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970, demonizing Nestles for being complicit in the deaths of thousands of infants daily because of formula made with dirty water. How will Trump's base justify this? How will Fox news? By denial, omission, or in denial.
jab (Seattle)
How Trumpian to put corporate interests ahead of the health and welfare of millions of children worldwide and to use bullying tactics to get his way. As noted in the article and by other commenters, research has shown that breast feeding is far better for babies than formula. But, of course, to this administration that is probably 'fake news.' From wanting to cut SNAP funds to trying to decrease health care funding for the poor, this administration has demonstrated a lack of concern for and disrespect of children and anyone not in Trump's financial league and circle.
Bruce Resch (East Meadow, NY)
It should be apparent by now to anyone with a brain that the trump republican party wants complete control over a woman's body. For those in America who may believe in their tactics or their right to do so please remember that today it's other women's bodies but tomorrow???
Chris (Portland)
Further proof that the GOP doesn't actually want to create a world that saves all the babies. The world is upside down and it's turning us all inside out.
Jay Jacobs (Los Angeles)
What has the US become, threatening other countries over breastfeeding?
dutchiris (Berkeley, CA)
This is like a nightmare, or a novel in which the writer wants to show how low, mean, and terrible the villain is, but it's real. Representatives of our own government are conspiring with big business to protect their profits, to suppress information that mothers need about child care, and to thwart our responsibility to foster world health. Is this who we are now? This has happened before, as in the United Fruit Company's promoting brutal, exploitative governments in Latin America to increase their profits, but that took place largely out of sight of average Americans. This is right in front of us, and we can't ignore it. The producers of baby formula make enough money without trying to block the promotion of breast feeding babies.
LM (Washington DC)
I'm always amazed at the degree to which people buy into the breastfeeding cult. Numerous recent studies have shown that breastfeeding is only marginally better than formula (if at all), and that social, cultural, and economic factors play a much larger role in child development. Earlier studies neglected to control for these factors, leading people to substitute what is essentially folk wisdom for actual science. In short, wealthy women breastfeed more because they have the time and resources to do so. But it's not breastfeeding that leads to better outcomes for their children, it's their CLASS position and the combination of resources that child has access to as a result. If you want to seriously improve the outcomes of children, worry about wealth redistribution - not this nonsense.
DILLON (North Fork)
"breastfeeding cult" ? Biology is not a cult.
Steve E. (Michigan)
Let's keep this short: 1. I am an independent voter and have voted for both Dems and Republicans in both local and national elections 2. I vote in all elections 3. I donate money to support candidates 4. I will NEVER vote for a Republican again. Never.
shimr (Spring Valley, New York)
A political party's temperament can be seen in its cliches. I remember two misquotes that originated with leaders of the Republican party that reflect the party's "ideals" (one by Calvin Coolidge and one by Charlie Wilson)--"The business of America is business" and "What's good for GM is good for America" [also some substituting "business" for "GM"]. Yes, business is the ultimate goal--provides jobs and products for the masses. But in the pursuit of business success we tend to forget ethics, kindness, and empathy for the many who do not succeed. We can see such inhumanity in this news story where business interests bullied poor nations, where what could make a difference in the lives of the just-born ( the "unborn" would have been defended fanatically) is disregarded-as long as business can exact its profit. We saw it in Scott Pruitt. Despite his poisoning air and water and his reeking of corruption and selfishness, he was widely popular among Republicans and still retains his popularity in Oklahoma . The Republicans are so enraptured by their worldly gains and easy dollars fed them by the very wealthy that they have forgotten their humanity.
John (Doburg)
I am interested to know more about what prompted the United States to take this position. The article is a little thin on that. I think the Government should be give the chance and encouraged to fully and transparently explain how and why it developed this strong policy view.
tiddle (nyc)
I totally agree, that breast milk is the best for the babies. But do I need a UN resolution to tell me this? No. Do I care if Trump supports the resolution, or not? Not really. Let's put it this way: The reason baby formula sale has been flat in wealthier countries, is primarily because of the fact new mothers know the benefits of breast milk, and they will breast-feed if they can. The UN resolution is largely symbolic anyways. (You could argue too that maybe birth rate in first-world countries is flat too, resulting to flat sales trend of baby forumla which could also be true, but that's a different story altogether.) As a mother, what I do NOT want to see, is pressure from on high (UN, no less) to tell me that I have to breast-feed. New mothers have had enough peer pressure, familial pressure, spousal pressure etc, as it is. We do NOT need another authority to come in and tell us what to do. Personally I'd had troubles having my babies latched on, so I pumped breast milk. As I didn't produce enough breast milk, I mixed that with baby formula. To me, a few drops more is better than not at all. Some people (even my own mother) frowned on that. I used to feel insecure with my first baby, but not anymore. I'm tired of having people telling me what to do. Whatever works, works. My kids turned out healthy and well. Powers to all the mothers. Do what you see fit, and what you can. You know what's best for your baby.
Gil (LI, NY)
Promoting formula over breast milk as the advertising in 3rd world countries does, is wrong. Having the option of safe formula when needed, as in your case, should always be allowed. Education is the key. Here, most of us have that. There, not so much, so the advertising has a greater effect. Your educated choice should not be looked down upon. No one should tell you what to do. But all should be given all the facts. Including the pluses of breast and the minuses of formula.
Marc (Montréal)
The labelling and UN statement is not about what makes a suitable mother. It is about stating what the totality of science says with respect to whether formula is as good as a mother’s breast milk. It is not. To suggest that formula, which may be more convenient or even necessary, is as good IS misleading. Even formula manufacturers acknowledge that. If there’s peer pressure or economic loss from breastfeeding,the sources of those issues should be taken up separately and not confounded with facts of nutritional science. It can be fine to use formula for some mothers but it still remains that no formula is as good as breast milk.
Mari (Camano Island, WA)
The reason the UN is involved is because for years, poor mothers have been lied to by formula manufacturers! And babies have suffered, since formula is very expensive! Formula is fake food! Breast milk is best, indeed!
Christine Mason (Westfield New Jersey)
I'm sure that formula is much more practical when you're separating mothers from babies for months at a time.
Elyse (Brookline, MA)
Is an artificial heart better than the one you were born with? It's great there are alternatives when breastfeeding is not an option, but breast is best and no "impartial studies" could convince me otherwise.
Mari (Camano Island, WA)
Seriously? Breast milk is organic, real. Formula is man-made for profit! It's great if you can't stop breast feed for medical reasons but Mother's milk is best, period!
Elyse (Brookline, MA)
I suggest you read my comment more carefully. I am 100% in favor of breastfeeding and am outraged by the Trump administration's stance on this issue (and many others!)
Douglas (California)
Totally consistent. Breast feeding may be good for children, but it doesn't support the economy. Reducing greenhouse gases or the use of plastics, the same. Predictable response.
Grove (California)
Corporations are in control of every branch of our government. Our government does not work for the country or it’s people. Corporations work for profit.
C Wagner (Charleston, SC)
As a scientist, as a mother, as a pediatrician and neonatologist who has spent the last three decades studying the health differences in those who are breastfed (the biological norm) from those who are not, I am still sometimes surprised by the ignorance of those in power. There are immunologicl and epigenetic differences between mother's milk and formulas, the latter always trying to catch up to the former. Formula feedings will continue because breastfeeding is not always an easy endeavor, but to choose to oppose breastfeeding (and it is not breast-feeding), becomes part of a larger question of what we actually value in the U.S. The truth always prevails if you can actually have a voice with that truth. Those of us who work in the science and health of breastfeeding mothers and their infants will continue to do so long after the effects of misguided thoughts have heard their last echo. Perhaps what will happen is heightened awareness of what is really at stake and we will go beyond ourselves and the politics that cloud our vision.
DILLON (North Fork)
It's very difficult for any truth to make it thorough a billion dollar industry. That's Capitalism.
Me (USA)
I hope there will be more information forthcoming such as the names of the delegates and which companies are backing this, if proven. I think boycott of any companies using underhanded tactics like this would be in order; formula can be extremely helpful when needed but breastfeeding should be first whenever possible and trying to fight that is unethical.
Mgaudet (Louisiana )
"A Russian delegate said the decision to introduce the breast-feeding resolution was a matter of principle." You know we are in dire trouble when Russia beats us on a matter of principle. Deep, deep trouble.
Zoned (NC)
If one is looking for a conspiracy theory, here's one. The US is leaving many agreements with Western Europe and its neighbors Canada and Mexico. This movement is pushing the US toward Russia, making Russia the leader of a new alliance consolidating US and Russian power as a single world power. One can write a novel about this.
Emily Johnston (Rapid City)
If anyone still doesn't believe that corporations and money are in charge of this country, this is proof positive of it. I am beyond appalled by this, yet in an equally appalling way, not really surprised. And, yet again, the poor are the ones who would suffer most.
Eric Martens (Brisbane)
Please, someone, anyone, explain the rationale used by the US administration to harm millions of children, seemingly for profit. What am I missing? Thanks in advance for rational answers
DILLON (North Fork)
The rationale is Capitalism.
Loomy (Australia)
I think the following explains why America has acted with such hostility to other delegates/countries on this specific issue and given the Administrations policies and actions on most other issues: Definition of the milk of human kindness : kind feelings or behavior toward other people. " He was filled with the milk of human kindness." Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition and synonyms: the milk of human kindness :Kindness toward other people. The expression comes from Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. Synonyms and related words :Friendliness, generosity and kindness Macmillan Dictionary I think the above definitions provide us with an explanation on why this current administration would be so against Breastfeeding /Human Milk versus all other Breast Milk Substitutes... INFECTION. Imagine if the Administration found itself having to deal with an outbreak or pandemic infecting more and more people with an outbreak of: " Kindness toward other people" " kind feelings or behavior toward other people." " Friendliness, generosity and kindness" This administration fears that The Milk of Human Kindness refers to Human Milk and thus Breast Feeding Babies with it would potentially change everybody eventually to be the exact opposite on how they want it's supporters to be and feel. It is the antithesis of the current Administration and must be nipped in the bud so to speak and explains such threatening hostility towards the promotion of Breast Feeding!
Vitória (Brasil)
The Trump administration iniciated a new era, there is now no need to search for obscure motivations to substantiate conspiracy theories, it´s all out in the open (thanks to good journalism as well, of course).
Mary Pat (Cape Cod)
I thought we could not sink lower than ripping nursing babies from their mothers at our borders. I was clearly wrong. Apparently nothing is too shameful for the trump government . Let misogyny and corporate greed reign supreme!
tm (boston)
This only confirms the obvious - that the so-called party of family values is nothing but.
Ponderer (Mexico City)
Thanks, Trump, for making the Russians look good.
HMT (New York)
Attention grabbing, immoral, shameless at every level. Any and everything to divert attention, see how far, how long it takes to get away with as much as possible with no conscience or repercussions. If you listen closely, you can hear a corrupt ka-ching sound. I pray The Constitution, Rule of Law, and a moral compass will be respected soon again.
Michael Z (Oakland)
Pretty much sums up the Trump presidency. Do what's best for corporate interests, usually at the expense of what's best for humanity. The Trump EPA is also withholding a bombshell report that links the ubiquitous formaldehyde to cancer because the chemical industry is concerned about the damage of such a report.
LF (the high desert)
I'm not in the best demographic for this so here's one try at a gangsta name: Tod'da Fox (Chapman). He's already got the outfit. Better ideas than mine are welcome.
Buzzramjet (Solvang, CA)
What a disgrace. This administration is making America a mockery in the eyes of the world. The saying USED to be: The Root Of All Evil Is The Love Of Gold. BUT I think it needs to be changed to: The Root of All Evil Is The Republican Congress Protecting The Evil That Is In Love Of Gold.
Mgaudet (Louisiana )
Well, it seems to be that it is against our principles to have a baby suckle, but it's okay to have coal mining suckle on the nation's teat.
subway rider (Washington Heights)
Considering that elderly people make up a huge part of our population, and our younger population is having fewer or no children, why is this topic taking prime front page space on this newspaper?Is it not possible that these two demographic changes account for some of the loss of income of the infant formula industry? Doesn't USA run on a supply and demand system for business success? Let us not forget, either, that nursing mothers who take prescription and non-prescription drugs pass that along to their babies. What percent of our child-bearing population have no potentially harmful substance in their milk, including nicotine?
C Wolfe (Bloomington IN)
"Is it not possible that these two demographic changes account for some of the loss of income of the infant formula industry? Doesn't USA run on a supply and demand system for business success?" What are you talking about? Are you saying that it's appropriate for the US to shore up businesses when demand declines? Are you saying that because profits from making infant formula have declined, the US should take measures to discourage breastfeeding? And what on earth does the existence of elderly people in any proportion to the population have to do with whether infants should be breastfed? It's true that some women can't, won't, or shouldn't breastfeed. But that doesn't mean that the US government should oppose WHO in encouraging breastfeeding.
DanIella Walsh (Laguna Hills)
It's not just about the US. It's about the HUMAN race and its continuity!
Nancy (Fresno, CA, USA)
Your comment about mothers passing toxins to infants seems a bit accusatory. Indeed, infants are born with toxins already identifiable in their blood thanks to the widespread pollution that's ruining our water and air. This is no fault of mothers, but the blame could definitely be placed on our legislators, who are not doing enough to safeguard natural resources we all depend on for life. Blame the GOP and its environmental protection rollbacks for affected babies. That is the greatest harm today's kids face -- an anti-science government run by and for corporate interests.
no-name-given (CNY)
Nestle's official position supports the World Health Organization resolution. https://www.nestle.com/csv/impact/healthier-lives/baby-milk?gclid=EAIaIQ... I expect the other makers of infant formula are hastening to distance themselves from the Trump position as well. They aren't dummies.
AM Murphy (New Jersey)
If I am not mistaken, years ago Nestle had a quality assurance failure during production and missed a essential ingredient required for infant development. They did not sell it in the USA (those darn government restrictions and oversight), but they did sell it abroad in poor countries.
elfie (MD)
It never ends with this administration! One harmful action after another, ever more embarrassing and cruel. Always on the take for a buck, particularly from those least able to afford it. It is a fully criminal enterprise, unapologetic, & without remorse. They must be stopped.
Armando (chicago)
We want the names and the photos published on any serious newspaper and website. The world must know how wicked these bunch of thugs are.
AMM (New York)
So here is my question, as a mother who nursed one of her children for 3 months and the other barely (for good reason). Why would the WTO even get into this insane discussion? Women who are old enough to bear children should be old enough to decide how and when to feed them. Aside from the fact that (non-contaminated) breast milk is probably healthier, I have issues with the fact that women are continued to be patronized by those 'who know better'. They don't know better. One of my children failed to thrive and was put on formula by the pediatrician. She thrived after that. Who are those people who, without bothering to find out the actual details, tell everyone how to live. And, btw., I had both my kids via c-section, also for medical reasons. Oh the horror, I know, it's practically child abuse. Nobody ever tells men how to live. But women are fair game. I find it extremely irritating.
RunDog (Los Angeles)
You mean WHO, not WTO, though given Trump's motivation to assist corporate interests that could have been a Freudian slip. One of the biggest mistakes most of us make -- and I include myself -- is looking at the world as though everyone is as educated, intelligent and sensible as oneself. It ain't so. As George Carlin quipped, "Think of the intelligence of the average person, and then consider that half of the people aren't even that smart."
Kathryne (Izdepski)
This is not an indictment of your personal choice as to how you chose to feed your babies. The promotion of formula in countries with poor water quality results in infant deaths. We were boycotting Nestle in the 70’s for dumping formula in South America.
LC87 (Brooklyn)
We have a president who clearly does not believe or have interest in human rights.
Irani (Ann Arbor MI)
Disgusting country, disgusting human beings. How ridiculous that there is a forum on whether or not breast feeding is better than artificial “milk”. Women of the world UNITE against this insanity.
Jason Galbraith (Little Elm, Texas)
I think this should be a separate impeachment specification when the Democrats take back the House.
Andrew (Canada)
"...not all women are able to breast-feed for a variety of reasons. These women should have the choice and access to alternatives for the health of their babies, and not be stigmatized for the ways in which they are able to do so.” Typical American hypocrisy. They have no qualms about denying women choices about their own health care when producing babies....
kfm (US Virgin Islands)
Moral insanity. Like the tobacco industry, the infant formula manufacturers know better. I'm looking forward to the boycotts & class action lawsuits, due to the allergies & other health problems these infants, raised without the colostrum and other nutrients, unique to a mother's milk, will unnecessarily endure. We are not only chipping away at any moral standing or respect the USA once had in the world, we are eroding our own foundation.
Loomy (Australia)
:Kindness toward other people. The expression comes from Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. Synonyms and related words :Friendliness, generosity and kindness Macmillan Dictionary I think the above definitions provide us with an explanation on why this current administration would be so against Breastfeeding /Human Milk versus all other Breast Milk Substitutes... INFECTION. Imagine if the Administration found itself having to deal with an outbreak or pandemic infecting more and more people with an outbreak of: " Kindness toward other people" " kind feelings or behavior toward other people." " Friendliness, generosity and kindness" This administration fears that The Milk of Human Kindness refers to Human Milk and thus Breast Feeding Babies with it would potentially change everybody eventually to be the exact opposite on how they want it's supporters to be and feel. It is the antithesis of the current Administration and must be nipped in the bud so to speak and explains such threatening hostility towards the promotion of Breastfeeding!
BobC (HudsonValley)
Why are lobbyists for the baby food industry allowed to attend. What was the point other then to wheel and deal thus polluting the discussion with preferential treatment? If these countries, like Ecuador, wish to be more independent from US blackmail efforts then band together and help each other out.
M Shea (Michigan)
Who are the U.S. delegation? Why isn't the article listing by name the officials that tried to bully other countries? Hold them accountalbe.
Lisa (Canada)
This is literally unbelievable.
Bryan (Washington)
If there is any doubt that Mr. Trump would sell out children and women for money; said doubt should now be eliminated. This is crass capitalism combined with misogyny all overseen by a man who appears to truly despises women. Mr. Trump and his administration are truly an enemy to women not only in this country but women throughout the world. The pattern of behaviors are clearly documented and defined. As a male I can promise you; this man will always find another way to denigrate and/or disparage women. Always.
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer. That is a fact. Does Trump even understand what women's breasts are really for?
John (Tampa, Fl)
The Virtuous Circle That Rules All Washington Decisions 1) Do everything possible to make CEOs richer, regardless of impact on everyday people 2) Get more campaign donations 3) Ge re-elected 4) Return to step 1
Sue (London)
Really reminds me of the British Mitchell & Webb meme where they're Nazis and Mitchell says, "Wait a second, are we the baddies?" In this case and in many others related to 45's regime, yes, America. You are the baddies. Think you'll have to get used to it. In years to come, they'll give the bad guy the American accent now in movies. Sigh.
Christina Forakis (Sacramento)
The sum total of this administration's negotiation is to threaten and bully other nations if they don't "play ball" by the rules that the US wants to use at the moment (tariffs, nuclear deals, climate, etc). The result is that every country has learned that no country can trust the United States' word. The result at home is that every state and employer has learned the same thing.
JM (Orlando)
It is really something to see the Russians taking a moral stand against the U.S. and (rightly) standing up to us in favor of poorer countries. I am simply dumbfounded.
Daniel (Los Angeles.)
Breast feeding has become a religion. Trump should know better then to call out proselytizing!
RKR (Sacramento)
Per Wikipedia- In 2014, Abbott Lab was listed as " Top 10 Company " for women by Working Mother Magazine and the National Association of Female Executives. Unbelievable!
Inter nos (Naples Fl)
Trumpian immoral mind goes after breast feeding as long as corporations can extract the last dime from families. When is this nightmare going to stop and some common sense and decency will be restored in the White House ?
Richard Monckton (San Francisco, CA)
If the world health officials knew more about America's depth of moral depravity they wouldn't be so surprised. From the US perspective, babies are disposable vehicles for corporate profits, especially brown babies born abroad, where most of the profit potential resides.
Jethro Pen (New Jersey)
Would that this were like VP Pence's wanting a chaperone: wanting to deter nursing in public because of the imagined salaciousness of an exposed breast. Both are preposterous but the real motivation with the PT admin stance ignores science to enhance commerce.
A Prof (Somewhere)
It's hard to grasp how one idiot and his fellow idiots can be on the wrong side of literally every possible issue.
The Pooch (Wendell, MA)
Just tell the Trumpies that the Obama kids were bottle-fed, and suddenly they will be in favor of breastfeeding. And Russia is quite obviously calling the shots for US foreign policy. What blackmail could they possibly have on Trump that is worse than what we already know?
KNVB:Raiders (USA)
"In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them." I'm absolutely shocked that our Quisling in Chief's crew went along with the Russians without complaint... Again.
Courtney (Westport, CT)
This is in keeping with his comment about how he doesn't want people coming from "S__thole" countries, i.e. the second or third world, the non-white, rich world. We know, and this administration knows, that's where breastfeeding is most critical, and deaths from dirty water and it's repercussions are in the millions each year. The use of threats to help corporations might be among the slimiest cruelest moves yet with these people, and that's saying a lot. Where are the moderate, pro-business but not without-a-moral-compass Republicans? Breast is best EVERYWHERE. They've sunk to a new low. In Trump's world, it's not survival of the fittest, it's survival of the richest.
KG (Pittsburgh PA)
It must be dawning on the rest of the world what the US system of government really is. The presidency is like that of a Roman Emperor; the entire system rocks and sways to the caprices and idiosyncrasies of a single man, beholden to nobody in practice. Decades of precedent is tossed a side, long held and promoted policies are discarded on a whim, etc., etc. Is that a reliable ally? Is that a system to base global leadership on?
David Lockmiller (San Francisco)
Mothers should demonstrate outside all of President Trump's political rallies until the next election. Enough of this bully! Wake up, Trump supporters everywhere!
Frank Salmeri (San Francisco)
““What happened was tantamount to blackmail, with the U.S. holding the world hostage and trying to overturn nearly 40 years of consensus on the best way to protect infant and young child health,” she said. In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them.” I’m nauseated, speechless and humiliated as an American.
David Lockmiller (San Francisco)
"In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them." Well, it looks like Putin and Trump will have something to talk about. Trump can talk to Putin about the babies that Putin is killing in Syria. And, Putin can talk to Trump about Trump trying to keep the healthy benefits of mothers' milk from babies everywhere.
gc (chicago)
Nestle has lots and lots of money and all those other companies that make formula..... we are witnessing it right now.... despicable
Bashh1 (Philadelphia, Pa)
Once again the fetus is all Republicans care about. After the birth younare on your own. Not too many years ago some of this formula was found to be a danger to an infant's health if it had to be mixed with water,which in some places could be contaminated, before using. There were boycotts of Nestle products. Might need to happen again.
Agneis (Bucks County PA)
if we wait long enough the Republicans will figure out a way to make money from fetuses as well. "Evil", "monstrous," even "satanic" as a description doesn't cover what they are capable of. It's still is unbelievable that they would stoop to this depth.
LL (Florida)
Tempest in a teapot. The idea that anything the Trump administration says or does will actually influence how a mother outside (or inside) our boarders feed her baby is laughable. Meanwhile, there are babies and children literally starving in Yemen, South Sudan, and Syria. The Trump administration DOES have power to do something about those crises. Our inaction there is news worthy. Not some breast versus bottle resolution that is almost entirely academic, with virtually no real-world consequences. Again, children are actually starving in Yemen, South Sudan, and Syria. Keep your eye on the ball, NYT.
Eric Martens (Brisbane)
I didn't think any kind of defense would have much import, and it is as I suspected. Weak.
at (Saginaw MI)
Trumps' use of extortion for corporate profit, threatening superpower action to punish other states' protection of their own peoples, is not trivial.
Ray Sipe (Florida)
Trump/GOP is totally motivated by power and profit. Trump/GOP backs baby formula manufacturers over babies health. They threatened countries to not back breastfeeding. Threatened! Trump/GOP is totally selfish and corrupt. Vote out GOP for change. Ray Sipe
Eddie Lew (NYC)
Canibalistic capitalism is what we worship. Sacrificing children and our heath for profit is savage, and using threats to uphold it is truly beyond the pale of human decency. This country is sinking into the morass of its own making with its president and his party being allowed to dictate to us - these monsters a VOTED in. Who else can you blame it on but voters - and non-voters?
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
To the rest of the world, please - we need an intervention here. Please, stand up to this hateful, ignorant bully who managed to rig himself into the oval office. This is not who we are. I am so outraged and ashamed to be an American. God - please let me live long enough to see this evil man and his gang of thugs, hauled off in cuffs and put away, never to be seen or heard from again.
Eric Martens (Brisbane)
I'll do my bit from outside, good luck.
Cristino Xirau (West Palm Beach, Fl.)
In its relationships with other nations the US has proclaimed:No funds for birth control or abortions! Teaching of abstinence only in sex-education classes! And now no aid unless breast feeding is discouraged! What is the United States becoming - the Saudi Arabia of sex? It's embarrassing. Oh well - at least the US approves of women driving automobiles.
Eric Martens (Brisbane)
so far
Momo (Berkeley)
Breastfeeding is healthier, cheaper, and safer for the baby. Many babies die from diseases avoidable by breastfeeding. This is another instance in which Trump's position of money over people is made clear. This is outrageous.
Shara Karasic (Los Angeles)
Evil. Corporate interests above babies' interests.
Charles Mooney (California)
Trump and his crooked cronies have stooped pretty low here and allowed Russia to take the principled position. America not great.
Loomy (Australia)
Just another example of this Americn Administration eschewing any semblance of decency , moral values and showing by example and actions it no longer has or believes anymore in the milk of Human Kindness...literally!
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
It is a fact that we just don’t uphold doing right when it comes to dealing with amoral business practices that harm people. We complain against people sneaking into this country to work for businesses that want their cheap and compliant labor but the businesses are not held accountable. We have earthquakes across Oklahoma because oil and gas companies misuse fracking technologies with impunity. This kind of thing where businesses cut corners and do harm to others indifferently protected by the people’s representatives who block efforts to uphold sound and responsible business practices as if it benefits the whole country. Well it just makes stupid and indifferent acceptable and characteristic for American businesses. It never should have been tolerated.
Paul (Toronto)
If it is a moronic idea, and even more so if it serves the interests of those who pay for the elections for those in power in the US, it will be followed. The US, once a leader, is now a pathetic banana republic. Pathetic.
lindalipscomb (california)
There are some things which are so bad that I have labeled them as beneath meaningful criticism. The Trump Bully swinging his weight against infants' health in favor of Big Business is one of those things. 2018 People! It's here! Vote!
angbob (Hollis, NH)
"...the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world." -President Coolidge, 1925 Lactating women interfere with business.
Glevine (MA)
For a government that states it wants to interfere less in people’s lives to use economic threats in order to try and stop another sovereign state from introducing a statement advocating breastfeeding is so hypocritical. I guess aiding corporate interests is more important than giving people choice. I don’t care if a mother breastfeeds or uses formula. I d care about our government using thuggery to promote corporations.
Andrea (Boston)
This administration has no shame.
Gary (Seattle)
The gang style thuggery of this administration has no end or bottom. Money? Money! is it's only mantra. So-called conservatives would do well to rethink supporting this administration, but apparently they are all-in for the money...
the dogfather (danville, ca)
I hate us. VOTE!
Chris (NYC)
Well there isn't "decades of research" showing that breast milk is best. Virtually all the "research" relies on correlation without establishing causation. (Mothers who nurse are usually better off.) Breast milk is cheaper and sometimes more convenient, but mothers should choose what works best for them.
Chris Anderson (Chicago)
Wow. As a Republican, I find myself in the opposite camp. I don't care a thing about these companies and find it shocking that the USA went against breastfeeding. I may have to rethink my affiliation.
Irina (Tehrani)
How does a mother breastfeed when she has zero maternity leave? If the government endorsed the resolution then it could be used to fight for better conditions for new mothers at work. And who wants that?
mike hailstone (signpost corner)
Looking at trump's ex-wives (past/present and future) it's easy to see his points of interest. trump has never been one to share anything with anyone.
Dave (Yucatan, Mexico)
Arrived in Ecuador a few hours ago for a three-week vacation. So now I have another reason to pretend I'm Canadian. So humiliating what Trump keeps doing!
John (Bucks PA)
Seriously? Breast feeding is better for the child, no question. Some woman cannot breast feed, and they should not be made to feel inadequate; no question. But killing the resolution to promote breast feeding, which is needed because in many countries, the advertising efforts of the infant formula makers imply that it is healthier (it is not), and more aspirational. Seems we have government of the people, by the corporations, for their profits.
Psyfly John (san diego)
A prime example of how our government is corrupted by big money interests.
Dan (Freehold NJ)
Where are the Trump apologists on this one? Help me understand how undermining the health of babies in third-world countries is helping make America great again. Explain to me how Mr. Trump's tax returns and personal finances are irrelevant -- how anyone can be 100% certain that Mr. Trump has no financial stake in the baby formula industry. Connect the dots for me, so I can grasp exactly how this latest outrage can in no way be blamed on Mr. Trump. (Mrs. Clinton's emails, perhaps?) Anyone?
Vito (Sacramento)
This daily embarrassment is only possible because millions of Americans support this administration and this congress. We the majority in this country thanks to an antiquated electoral system have lost our voice.
Greengage (South Mississippi)
One of my fondest wishes is that one day soon, I will wake up to Donald Trump's absence in our government.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Gracelessly opposing good policy to promote better health is becoming American policy, to serve businesses that see customers as inhuman sources of cash. Welcome back to the past and another age of exploiting small countries and to creating the nursery of wars and revolutions.
Mitchell ZImmerman (Palo Alto)
Six hundred thousand dead babies . . . a small price to pay for corporate profits? Don't these babies also have a right to life? Time to boycott Nestles, Abbot Labs, Mead Johnson, the largest makers of infant food in the U.S. Go to the Public Citizen website to see what else they make. In the case of Nestle: Haagen-Dazs, Purina, Dreyers, Calistoga, Arrowhead among many other consumer products. No wonder they don't want people to know what is being done in their interests. There really is no bottom to the Trump regime's degradation.
Jim (ME)
"Don't these babies have a right to life?" Exactly! So--RightToLifers--where are your voices?
Nnaiden (Montana)
What we stand for, apparently, is profit. Without ethics and at any cost. Shame.
W. B. (Michigan)
"In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them." So the Russians get to be the good guys now, and we are the bad guys. I have to say that Putin is really getting excellent returns out of his election meddling in the US. He will be pleased when he meets with his puppet later this summer. Please please please Mr. Mueller, hurry up!
Mr. Dines (Washington, DC)
I like the irony of the photo of the US ambassador with the white hat and the Ecuadorian guide in the black hat. Ecuadorian traditional dress aside for the moment, I think the colors should be reversed.
Alex (Brooklyn)
So the trump administration cites as basis for its opposition to this no-brainer health policy the fact that some women can't breastfeed and it might make them feel bad? So we're protecting some people's feelings over the health of many more babies, now? Yeah, that's the republican party alright. Family-last snowflakes all.
Steve (SW Mich)
Gut any and all regulation and guidance which hinders JOB growth. Our environment comes in second. Our health comes in second. Led by a man who prizes Big Macs and does not exercize.
KMac (Virginia)
For the Trump Administration, this horrible pro-formula position is unfortunately, predictable. It is an absolute shame that our corporation-dominated political system has led to this outcome. Equally shameful is the substance of this quote from the article: "The showdown over the issue was recounted by more than a dozen participants from several countries, many of whom requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from the United States." Causing other countries to fear the USA is not the American way, at all. Fear of retaliation? From the USA? In a non-military matter? The president again demonstrates he cares nothing about America, and what has truly made us a great nation for decades; before he ever arrived on the scene and willfully destroyed our global image and legacy.
Susan (Susan In Tucson)
I want to know the corporations that lobbied for formula over breast milk. I want to know how much they gave to the Trump Gang.
It takes a special skill to make the Russians look like the good guys!
dave d (delaware)
Imagine a huge auditorium filled with the representatives of all the countries in the world with one hand raised. Caption: “All those opposed to breastfeeding.” Somehow we have gone from a separation of church and state country to a separation of Mother and Child country.
Marko (US)
This is our challenge as a people. The founders created a structure to allow us redress. But no system guarantees salvation. We have to use the levers and dispersion of power they gave us. They are tools, not automatic checks. we have to use the tools to check tyranny. The devil is now in the seat of power and everything he eats increases his appetite. It's up to us. we have to prove we haven't grown too fat and lazy and cynical to stop him.
Karen (FL)
and once again, Ivanka, mother of several children has no influence.
john (Arkansas)
USA. Land of lobbyist, Pharm, & big money, that can be swayed on an issue anyway they are paid to. WooHoo Let's make babies healthier! Wait, never mind. We'd rather this billion dollar company be happy and heathly, and those babies are just fine....
PegLegPetesKid (NC)
"It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them." Why am I not surprised?
Luke (Rochester, NY)
Let them eat cake-said the most obese country, without universal health care, and a bloated medical industrial complex.
ChesBay (Maryland)
Anybody surprised that our representatives are fully against mothers and babies, and what's proven to be best for them? This "administration" are some of the worst people on earth. I am so ashamed of my country, and its "leadership." It's disgusting.
Robert (G)
Nothing wrong with Breast-Feeding but we don't need the UN butting into woman's lives to push it. It's time we get rid of the UN anyway.
Tom (Port Wahington)
So, large corporations get to mislead women and potentially harm the health of infants without any outside interference?
Steve (Great Barrington, MA)
Another outrage and yet another reason to be ashamed to be an American.
Hector (Bellflower)
Decades ago Nestle used to trick nursing women by passing out free infant formula until the mothers stopped lactating, and then they had to purchase the costly formula. I will avoid all Nestle products again.
John Fitzharris (Scottsdale, AZ)
This effort on behalf of the current administration encompasses so much of what they are about: 1. greed 2. denial of science 3. white nationalism 4. disrespect for children 5. cronyism 6. unenlightened self-interest
Monty Brown (Tucson, AZ)
Stupid move without a doubt. Breast feeding may well be the most cost effective promoter of good health for life than anything from any other source. And manufactures of food are hardly the most objective sources for good information on this subject.
Makes perfect sense in Vulgaria. If you're going to separate infants from their parents, you certainly must oppose anything but formula. Can this so-called president and his crowd of immoral cronies get any more disgusting? YES! MAGA MAGA MAGA
Tony Peterson (Ottawa)
At first I was shocked by this story. Then I remembered that the Trump administration has been gleefully tearing babies away from their mothers’ breasts for months now, so.....why not?
Sheeth (Amsterdam)
One word for this administration: Despicable!
BarbT (NJ)
so now a fat old white man who lives on fast food is telling mothers not to breastfeed their babies so more fat white men can get rich making infant formula? Has this country lost its collective mind?
Millie Bea (Maryland)
I'm sorry, Mr. Trump- but do you remember running for President as a Republican- the Good Old Party, that is supposed to be focused on minimizing government intrusion into lives? This should be an either/or agenda not a neither /nor one: what is in the best interest and the availability for nursing mothers. Some babies cannot tolerate breast milk, others have big problems with formula. If I were a new mom- I would want to know which companies are pushing this agenda on the private decisions of parents, and not buy their products- any of their products. Oh- Philboyd- what wre you and your wife's doctor doing to get the nursing nazis out of your wife's room?
Mike C (New Hope, PA)
So Trump will bully and threaten anyone except his boss the Russians. What else is new?
Tom Flanagan (Mequon, Wi)
What happened to the free market? Are the big bad corporations afraid of the widdle bitty babies??
P. Putter (Pennsylvania )
The formula companies don’t even want this! This story demonstrates the clumsy stupidity of the Trump administration in latching on to an extreme individual viewpoint, probably from the USTR, and promoting it, international relationships be damned! Who blows up relationships with Ecuador over wording of a WHA resolution?
Apple Jack (Oregon Cascades)
What? No effort was made to placate the gigantic "infant formula" industry? What about fitting breast feeding mothers with a sort of "chastity bra" which could be marketed by the industry to make up for lost revenue? Simply unlock through a monthly digital password supplied by the provider allowing the mother to breastfeed. Monthly payments could be arranged. We can work with corporate America if we try.
Cyclopsina (Seattle)
Breastfeeding is both so much better for baby, but additionally, much more economical. In poorer countries, feeding babies with breastmilk is really the only affordable option. It is shameful to try to sell formula to poorer women.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
The U.S. has used it’s power to undo people’s ability to protect their lives and liberty from American businesses going back to the 1800’s in smaller countries and continuing in trade agreements right up to the most recent ones. There is this strange attitude towards our assertion of universal equality and human rights that confines that universe to within our borders. We may complain about tyrants killing and oppressing people but our national policy has been to support American businesses committing egregiously bad treatment of people to make profits off of them.
J.Pyle (Lititz, PA)
Our government, reflecting the degree to which the Trump administration is held hostage to corporate interests and donations, has hit an all-time low. There will be retribution against the U.S. as we alienate our allies and trading partners. It is not 1950 when the U.S. was the only economy left standing after the war.
Charles (Saint John, NB, Canada)
The US used to have the best government money can buy - now it has Trump. It can still be bought, but surely better government could also have been bought.
Nancy (Winchester)
Reading about the threat of retaliation against Ecuador made me think of the Opium Wars in the 19th century when the British tried to stop the Chinese from curtailing the opium trade within China because of the high rates of addiction. The trade was immensely profitable to the British and they used military force to compel the Chinese to open ports and make other concessions. I don't know if it's still Nestle or some other corporations that have paid off the government delegates, but the blame starts at the top levels of our government where Citizens United gave corporate interests the power to do whatever they chose to increase profits. Corporations are the rulers of our country because they pay our representatives much better than we can.
Bar tennant (Seattle)
Some women are unable to breast feed. Stop making them feel unworthy. Promote ALL feeds for baby. Why are we paying for it anyway? The world criticizes the US all the time, but are first in line when they need help.
angbob (Hollis, NH)
Re: "Promote ALL feeds for baby." But that is what US synthetic-food interests are trying to stop.
Jen (Bay Area)
This isn’t about making anyone feel bad. This is another highlight of our governments (and unfortunately much of American culture) priority; profit over human beings health. The simple fact that breast milk is best for baby doesn’t mean anyone is being shamed. It’s just a fact.
Bashh1 (Philadelphia, Pa)
It was the US threatening sanctions against Ecuador, not the other members of the committee. And though many women can't breastfeed and should not be shamed for it, studies going a long way back have shown that breastfeeding is a better way to nourish an infant. Don't let politics and PC get in the way of health and science.
MG (Sacramento)
Gangster government. I have lived long enough to remember when educating women on the long term health benefits of breast milk vs formula was so important, breast milk being easily accessible and better. It is unbelievable that our government tries to undermine and undo this long term health education. What is our world coming to when money is more important than human lives. I am ashamed of the US government and the slimy people in high places.
Sam Huber (Montclair, NJ)
A textbook case study of how this administration shills for industry against the public interest. I am not impressed that Nestle declined to comment: where is the Administration getting the language they're using to bully the WHO? No pressure when Moscow steps in? Gee, I'm shocked by that, too. Never met a bully we didn't love, right Donald?
Ken Grabach (Oxford, Ohio)
Even Switzerland, home of Nestle, was in support of the resolution. The administration keeps yammering on about 'deep state' being in the way of their "reforms". Considering that Nestle is involved in water rights as well as being a long time infant formula producer, perhaps we should be on guard for 'deep corporate' action.
What next? Discourage vaccinations? After all, it's much more profitable to treat diseases like measles than prevent them. And in the spirit of promoting junk science over real science, perhaps the US should ban measles vaccinations entirely so as to eliminate autism.
Lorraine Davis (Houston)
Don’t give them any ideas!!!!
Daniel (Los Angeles.)
Actually the anti-vaccine movement is coming squarely from the left wing!
It is these kind of stories that need to highlighted; stories that show how presidential policies effect the nation and the world. By making these stories more prominent than the latest tweet by the president the media can reclaim from the president the ability to choose what is important for the people to know. Determining the specific presidential appointee responsible and his/her connections to lobbyists and/or the president avoids the easy approach to blame this policy as being another example of the failures of the federal beaucracy.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Yet another in a miles long list of proofs of the avarice driven depravity of Republicans. The phrase "no redeeming qualities at all" runs through my mind.
Indy Anna (Carmel, IN)
"In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them." Isn't this just the trump administration in a nutshell? Bully smaller, weaker "enemies" in order to help big business (and I assume GOP donors) but acquiesce when the Russians step in. There seems to be nothing good that this administration can support. It's all about the base.
NLL (Bloomington, IN)
Another disgusting new low in series of terrible decisions by our current 'administration'. I'm with millions of others who have enough, we want the leaders to do their jobs and take care of people, not corporations! Lock them up!
josie8 (MA)
This is beyond all comprehension. We are truly living in an age of "out of touch with reality" and our president is leading the parade, taking us over the cliff. Are we going to wake up in time to stop this insanity?
Ann (Fl)
The so called pro-life, right wing, Christian party, a.k.a the Republicans, do not care about life, country or god at all. They only care about money and power. This is sick.
Sparky (Orange County)
If you can nurse, then by all means do. Both our children were nursed. Drank very little formula and had very healthy childhoods. If you can't, then do the formula.
Sathish (NY)
Extremely disappointing and angering. I expected US to uphold the interests of people.
organic farmer (NY)
It is high time that old white men are removed from power. They are simply not qualified.
CapeCodGirl (MA)
Max duPont (NYC)
Typical US performance - threaten, attack, destroy poor countries. But back down in the face of opposition from a powerful foe. A quintessential bully. Alas Americans have short attention spans, and revel in their ignorance of history. So, with impunity, every administration carries on its bullying ways.
Allison (Lexington Kentucky)
Trump has no shame, greed is the only consistent. Unbelievable.
SB (Missoula MT)
I hope those American officials involved go home and take a good look at their healthy children and grandchildren and their parents--if they have the courage to look them in the eye. The country seems to have been taken over by people who think the main objective in life is to pile up as much money as possible. I think the appropriate term for them is money-grubbers.
Sam K (NJ)
Wow, Russia providing leadership to the world, now that's unheard of!
Ma (Atl)
The NYTimes is false when they indicate that the US opposes breast feeding, it does NOT. They pretend that it took Russia to resolve this 'issue' which frankly is not an issue. It's the wording of the mandate that the UN seeks that the US opposes. I oppose most mandates from the UN as western countries, especially the US, must pay the UN when the outcome doesn't meet the UN mandate and levels of compliance. To heck with the UN, and shame on the NYTimes and readers for being so obtuse, for being so addicted to attacking the US as to use this nonsense as an emotional outcry when, in fact, there is nothing there.
RickyDick (Montreal)
The expression "the ugly American" used to refer to a certain stereotypically obnoxious, culturally ignorant loudmouth American tourist. I think it will soon become a compound adjective -- and a very apt one -- for the current government, as in: what an ugly-American government the world is witnessing. Every day a new low.
Nancy (Winchester)
Our country has become EVIL. Whatever good we might still do somewhere is nowhere near enough to tip the scales to the good side. Shame, shame, shame!
David Booth (Somerville, MA, USA)
Completely outrageous. Everyone involved with this shameful ploy by the USA should be fired for medical malfeasance for endangering the health of children.
Jan Kohn (Brooklyn)
This is disgusting, deplorable, and anti-infant and women. But no shock there. This administration is an abomination of the highest order. One can only hope the rest of the world will forgive us when the time comes to right the wrongs of this outrageous president.
John M (Ohio)
And these Republicans are still getting away with these crazy actions......
Daniel Kinske (West Hollywood, CA)
The United States is becoming an evil country.
Let's outlaw abortions and ensure that, once these babies are born, we feed them unhealthy foods. How cynical can Trump be? At least Russia stepped up to save the day and, in the process, continue to wrest the leadership of the world from the US. "Make America Great Again." Sounds like it should be the Democrat Party slogan for 2020. It will be sorely needed.
earthwoman (Pennsylvania)
Time to vote crusty old white men out. Bullies and misogynists that have no interest other than money.
Bob in NM (Los Alamos, NM)
Profits over babies! Have the Trumpians hit bottom yet? Probably not. And when will their devoted following finally realize that they are drowning in the enlarging swamp that Trump pledged to drain. Trump will be gone in a few years. But he has exposed open sores that will take decades to heal, if ever.