House Passes Resolution Demanding Justice Dept. Turn Over Documents

Jun 28, 2018 · 626 comments
Peter Fitzgerald (West Hollywood, CA)
Just watch Trump and his cronies try to cover up the findings, only to see them leaked, and his impeachable offenses made public. And if Pence was in on it, Senate and Congress has a big job ahead - that of revisiting the election results and placing Hillary Clinton where she rightly belongs. In the White House.
When do the words and actions of Representatives like Mr Jordan of Ohio cross the line from hard partisan politics to sedition? How long must tax paying citizens sit and watch a group of Republicans "consistent incitement of discontent towards; resistance against established authority" of the Justice Department of the United States with impunity? As a citizen of this country and a veteran, I and my countrymen deserve to have the Mueller investigation complete when the facts have been uncovered and this set of career, experienced prosecutors have traced every thread and turned over every stone. We deserve facts that hold up in court; not speculation or lies.
Manuel Lucero (Albuquerque)
Mr. Rosenstein or any employee of the Justice Department can't turn over files on an ongoing investigation and the House Judicial Committee members should know that! It is clear that they are only acting at the presidents propaganda machine to inflame criticism of the Special Prosecutor. They continue these attacks to taint anything that comes out of this investigation. This is unheard of from any committee let alone the Judicial Committee that should be making sure that the system is working properly. They don't care about the process they only care about pleasing one person and they are acting as his hatchet man.
WesleyW (Minnesota)
Trey Gowdy wants to leave congress to become a Federal Judge but yet he does not understand handing over evidence in an ongoing investigation is not how legal process works.
Paul Smith (St Petersburg)
Rosenstein's performance here is a textbook example of what Michelle Obama was speaking of when she said "when they go low, we go high." The Republican senators' Fox News-style of "questioning" - loud rants of shaky facts without giving a chance to respond - were met with calm and intelligence. Any demands this committee makes will be inconsequential as they will obviously be considered illegal. Any intelligent person watching this can tell who is desperate and who is solid. It gives me faith.
Michael Tyndall (SF)
Many comments here lament Republican cooperation with a probably corrupt Trump administration, or the possible influence of Russian money on the larger Republican governing enterprise. But it's just as likely Republicans only care about Trump's support for their shared agenda and are more than willing to ignore corruption and election meddling when it operates in their favor. Massive tax cuts for their wealthy donors? Check. Pack the Federal Courts with right wing idealogues? Check. Overturn Roe v Wade at the earliest opportunity? Check. Demonize immigrants morning, noon, and night? Check. Enact a Muslim ban? (Yeah, that's what it is and everybody knows it except, apparently, the Supreme Court.) Check. Relentlessly bash the mainstream press? Check. There's no reason to interrupt the Trump orgy while it continues to pay huge dividends. Back up the truck and take all the loot you can. In the House, they know they'll be crushed in the midterms, but most of the damage will be done by then. Republicans will still have a dedicated network of propagandists to fool the rubes, and will quickly be back when the pendulum swings the other way. It's just that our governing standards will have been irrevocably lowered.
C. Morris (Idaho)
Now is the last chance for Wray/RR and DOJ to stand up to Trump and his acolytes. Make them try it. First, no assurance an article of impeachment on RR could even make it out of the House. The malevolent Trump mimes would be forced to show evidence of intentional lies and crimes, which does not exist. But even if it made it out of the House, it would have to go through the Senate as well with 2/3 vote to impeach. In the meantime it would highlight the GOP pettiness and bare fisted attack on the rule of law.
Joanna Stasia (NYC)
Anyone watching this can see it for what it is: Republicans in Congress interfering with the Special Counsel's investigation. Gowdy's 2.5 year Benghazi investigation produced absolutely zero indictments. So far Mueller has a handful of guilty pleas and at least 17 indictments. Why does Congress need to know all the secret details of Mueller's investigative techniques? Why can't they wait until Mueller completes the investigation, at which time they can go over it with their knives and scalpels? Everyone understands that prosecutorial techniques, methods and plans need to remain secret from the target of the investigation until the case is completed. DOJ does not want Devin Nunez and his ilk scurrying over to the White House in the dark again. I am starting to wonder which crime is worse: Russian interference in our 2016 election. or GOP Congressional interference in the Mueller investigation.
Mike Edwards (Providence, RI)
Rod the "mod" in great form on the hill. How 'bout the one where he fired back at Jim Jordan that you can't subpoena phone calls? Not that his interrogator displayed much intelligence. Imagine if we had a guy like that in our Government.
Dawn (New Orleans)
The more that the GOP in Congress protest over the work of the DOJ the more it seems that they try to undermine an investigation that will find Trump and Co. guilty of colluding with the Russians. Let the investigation proceed and stop trying to interfere, deflect, obstruct, undermine, distract or lay blame on others. Let the truth be revealed. It's time Trump got his due.
Sharon P (San Francisco)
Trump soon meets with Putin to iron out plans for Russian meddling in the mid term elections. It's all part of the grand plan of Trump and his minions to take over the country. We must take to the streets now and refuse to allow any further erosion of our democracy at the hands of a would be dictator.
GP (nj)
My expectations are that the GOP is going to be exposed as sniveling enablers post the Mueller final report. They are obviously hoping to get a head start on their job saving spin by obtaining the data to date.
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
The GOP doesn't want blind justice anymore in USA. They want Lady Justice to parade atop an elephant.
kmgh (Newburyport, MA)
When Trey Gowdy was a prosecutor in South Carolina, I wonder how many times he turned over all of his evidence in an ongoing investigation to the other side. I'll bet never because that is not how investigations work. He acts like one of the most ignorant legal minds in Congress, which is right up Trump's alley because Gowdy wants a judgeship and Trump wants "his people" to show him loyalty.
James Young (Seattle)
It's never done like that, you turn over evidence AFTER the investigation is over, and then only IF someone is charged, it called discovery. There is no such thing as a Perry Mason moment, where an unknown witness that hasn't been deposed walk's in the court room. Congress knows, that isn't how it's done, I can only hope that the Republicans lose the house.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
I remember Trey Gowdy's flop-sweat when he questioned Clinton for the millionth time. He didnt seem in much of a hurry to ever finish with her, the emails, Benghazi. He is trying to shore up a pitiful partisan legacy before he goes off into the weeds to retire and have us pay his healthcare for forever. Our processes have been corrupted by the bad people in them, including Trump, who has soiled the office of the presidency as well.
wa (atlanta)
Stand tough Rod. These are the times that try men's souls. -Thomas Paine
PinayRocks (New York)
I lived in the Philippines while the country was under Martial Law. President Ferdinand Marcos declared it under the guise of national security. He would not have been successful if it were not for the politicians who propped him up and stole the country's coffers right along with him. They turned a blind eye to extra judicial killings of those who tried to expose the truth. I never thought i'd see the day when this great nation of ours, America, would devolve into a banana republic. Let's thank the great #GOP for this.
Aleutian Low (Somewhere in the middle)
Trey G, give me a break! First, do you not remember your biased and political investigation of HRC? Second, watch your language Congressman, you have a duty to uphold the dignity of your office! Shame! I sure hope the Mueller is as bright as many think he is and also a patriot to the core. If so, my guess is that he has a plan to address what is happening.
Ricardito Resisting (Los Angeles)
I appreciate Rosenstein's professionalism. I abhor the GOP-Russian attempts to obstruct. Horrifying.
XXX (Somewhere in the U.S.A.)
Of course none of us he knows what Mueller will do or when he will do it, but we can be quite certain that he will have the goods on Trump and all his friends. My personal speculation is that he *will* indict the President. We've come too far for him not to do that. There is no law or court case that says he can't. There are some DOJ policy memos from the Clinton and Nixon episodes, both of which were bad, in completely different ways, but not nearly as bad as Trump. Moreover, he knows that if he just gives Congress a report, the Republicans will tut-tut and Trump will just pre-emptively pardon everyone and continue. Indeed, the only way to see that *anyone* is tried and punished is to indict the one person that Trump probably can't pardon, despite his claims, and that is himself. So I personally don't see how Mueller can get to the end of this and *not* indict the President. But we'll see.
db (KY.)
Who is Trey Gowdy to tell anyone to hurry something up? Does Benghazi ring a bell?
nwgal (washington)
The House GOP seems to have more nerve than brains. These are the same folks who when questioning witnesses did not pursue any leads, delve into details or recall any witnesses for questioning even though it was clear some of them were obstructing. These are the same fools who spent lots of taxpayer dollars on Benghazi and Clinton email, with no results to speak of. Gowdy spent 2-1/2 years of investigations and the only indictment for Benghazi came from the Justice department. Now that the Mueller investigation is getting closer to Trump and his possible involvements they are panicking like the hypocrites and cowards they are. Don't forget Nunes and his midnight runs to the WH. Now there's a committee chairman for the ages. I think they should give us all a break and remember what their jobs are and let the professionals at Justice handle things to conclusion.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
This is Paul Ryan's fault. He may be leaving office, but this term will be etched in history as one of the most insipid Speakerships of the modern era. If he ever intends to re-enter politics, everyone will have the benefit of hindsight. As for the cynical House reactionaries, they don't have the votes. This entire show is an effort to intimidate the Justice Department and the FBI and to distract from what will certainly be the year's biggest story: The Mueller indictments, coming soon to a newspaper near you.
Steven of the Rockies ( Colorado)
Why is Washington and the Republican party oblivious to the LEAKS of classified information, when it comes to an active DOJ investigation against their fearless Leader, President Trump?
Zig Zag vs. Bamboo (Black Star, CA)
Let Mueller and his team finish writing the book so it can be thrown at them...!
Kathleen (Killingworth, Ct.)
I think the greatest honor our country can give out today is a Citation for Contempt of Congress. What else could a sane , honorable person feel in the face of the GOP hatchet job witnessed yesterday. And please, won't some one ask Trey Gowdy how long the Benghazi investigation took and how many indictments it produced?
Bob (Washington)
How would anyone with any sense expect sensitive documents related to a special counsel investigation be released to Congress. They'd be misinterpreted and leaked immediately. Sources and methods would likely be compromised. Of course this is the objective of the GOPs, to ruin the process. It stinks worse than 3 day old fish. November's coming!
James Young (Seattle)
They would also move to shield him (trump) by arranging a whole different narrative. I'm not sure why they are in such a hurry, they'll get to see the indictments soon enough.
Down62 (Iowa City, Iowa)
Dear Representative Gowdy, I watched and listened carefully to your comments at yesterday's hearing. I was embarrassed for you, but grateful that you have wisely chosen to leave Congress. You told Mr. Rosenstein that the one-year investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election was 'tearing this country apart'. Did you ever consider that your 2-1/2 year Benghazi investigation did the same? And produced what? In contrast to what Robert Mueller has already accomplished (multiple indictments and guilty pleas), you accomplished nothing other than disruption of the 2016 election process. Your hypocrisy and dishonesty are stunning, and again, the best I can say is that I remain deeply grateful to you for your wise decision to leave the task of governing to others. With Kind Regards,
BassGuyGG (Melville, NY)
Their demand is blatently illegal and they know it. It will never hold up in court. Even the most partisan Trump-appointed judge couldn't uphold it.
Lawrence Imboden (Union, New Jersey)
I have three words to say: BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI. How many hearings did the rabid Republicans hold on Benghazi? Secretary Clinton testified over and over again and addressed their litany of questions. What did they find? Nothing. Now they are hammering Rod Rosenstein and the Justice Department issuing threats and deadlines. These people have evil in their hearts, and it is a shame a decent, professional, dedicated man like Rod Rosenstein has to endure this seemingly endless harassment. They want to protect a POTUS who is a criminal and they do not care whose lives and careers they ruin in the process. Let us hope citizens go to the polls on election day and vote for candidates who will make American honest, caring, and respectable again.
DB (Chapel Hill, NC)
Of course, the Trump doormats want this to be over yesterday. They have decided to tie their fortunes to his. This latest farce has given the electorate one more reason to give these cowards the boot that they deserved long ago. The Grand Old Party? What a joke!
James Young (Seattle)
Let's hope that the blue wave materializes, that would be a certain slap in old man Trump's face.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
I am looking forward to the inevitable movie in a couple of years and then the sequels. Trump already has the Hollywood pavement slab with his dear glorious name on it. But there won't be any plaques for McConnell, Ryan, Gowdy, Jordan et al. But they will see themselves represented on the big screen and it ain't gonna be pretty... Nevertheless it might be a form of ignominious perpetuity. People read history books much later but they will be there too. Betsy de Voss may finally attain some sort of academic standing because she hasn't got any now. The book that Trump is known through his ex wife to have had at his bedside, is the only self-education he is known to have explored. He seems to have learned its lessons well. Repeat the big lie until people believe it is true. Could that be why he endlessly repeats "there was no collusion" with such persistence?
D.E.R. (JC, NJ)
My, my, there certainly is a lot of "demanding" going on in Washington. Now that you can file your income tax on a postcard there won't be any of that tedious paperwork to sift through. If you remember the excuse Jr. used for us not seeing Papa's returns. Now that you'll file on a postcard I demand to see Trump's return. As an aside, will the postcard say, Wish you were here?"
Joe Barnett (Sacramento)
The Republicans took years to extend their politically motivated smear campaign against Hillary Clinton, but cannot tolerate a legitimate systematic investigation into a criminal act regarding Russian involvement in our elections. What are they trying to hide, and why are they attacking the prosecution...isn't that what guilty people do?
James Young (Seattle)
Because they are afraid, very afraid, but this isn't helping their cause. By the way, this is the reason the the largest number of republicans is retiring, they know whats about to happen in November, and they don't want to face the music.
hunternomore (Spokane, WA)
REPUBLICANS. Turning the US Congress into Texas politics
Andie (Washington DC)
the self-serving shenanigans of the republican party astound me. the rallying cry of "lock her up!" has given way to "wrap it up!" regardless of whether a quick turnaround of the mueller investigation serves the ends of justice. i shudder to think what would have happened had this crew of republicans had been in power during watergate. i'm not alone in this.
Joe (Dayton, Ohio)
There's nothing to see here. - Rod Rosenstein
kay (new york)
Gowdy investigated Clinton and Benghazi for 2 and a half years with ZERO indictments or convictions. He is a fraud and a phony and is more suited for comedy show than pretending he represents justice.
TrumpLiesMatter (Columbus, Ohio)
DOJ - JUST SAY NO! This is more obstruction and collusion. Since when does Congress get to demand anything from an ongoing investigation that probably includes THEM? Quit trying to destroy our country and our constitution. These puppets put on a never-ending show about Benghazi and no one could make them stop. It isn't stopping because you sit up there and grandstand, and Mr. Jordan, make stuff up and lie in front of the whole world. Hey GOP! Learn something about Ethics, since you don't seem to understand the concept. All this "winning" is also traitorous. You are supposed to work for the good of the COUNTRY, not for the first criminal. This focus on zero sum games is destroying us. Day by day, your stupid games are killing our country. STOP. STOP NOW.
Michael G (Miami FL)
Contrary to Trey Gowdy's assertion, the Mueller investigation is not splitting the country in two. The great majority of Americans want the process continued to its conclusion, regardless of its outcome. The country is already split in two: Trumpistas on one side, everyone else on the other.
Zig Zag vs. Bamboo (Black Star, CA)
Let Mueller and his team finish writing the book so it can be thrown at them...!
paula joyce (Oakland, CA)
Trey Gowdy isn't running for re-election this year because, as Politico quoted him in January, "Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system." Really?!?!? Yeah, he was really supporting the justice system in that hearing yesterday. And not political at all, not a bit. Give me a break.
chamber (new york)
Gowdy couldn't get elected dog catcher in any other district in the US.
Jerry Sturdivant (Las Vegas, NV)
Paul Manafort is one month from trial, one month from his last chance to flip. Republicans are desperate.
marvinfeldman (Mexico D.F.)
Mr. Muller: Please continue with all possible haste, Trump & company is intent on your investigation's demise.
Jamie O'Brien (New York, NY)
Being that Gowdy was on the Trump transition team, how is he allowed near this investigation? The same goes for Nunes.
Edgar (Palmdale, CA)
same question I've had for a long time. other than mueller, is anyone holding anyone accountable in this Congress and administration?
Baldwin (New York)
The person who served as Trump's campaign manager for several key months during 2016 is currently literally sitting in prison. It's not just that he is accused of many crimes, he also subsequently decided to engage in witness tampering (like a filthy mob boss). But Trey Gowdy says "you have nothing". It speaks to how very little we have come to expect of Trump that having his campaign manager in prison for witness tampering hardly even registers on the minds of most people. I would also like every single person who works tireless in all forms of law enforcement and the military to witness the total contempt that the GOP really holds you in. Trump appointed Rosenstein. He and Mueller are registered republicans. Despite all this, the GOP is willing to paint them as rabid out-of-control extremists now that they are doing their job. What they hate more than anything is integrity. Integrity won't simply curtail to the craven needs of cutthroat politics. If you think the GOP appreciates ans respects you for doing your duty, just wait for any integrity to cause you to disagree with them. This is what it will look like.
Stephen (NYC)
Trump made it quite clearly early on that he wants "loyalty" (only to Trump) and not "integrity". And yes, the two are mutually exclusive as has been evidenced by just about every Republican member of Congress to date with the exception of the two senators from Arizona.
Jack (Asheville)
“If Rod Rosenstein and the Department of Justice have nothing to hide, they certainly haven’t acted like it.” Mark Meadows. A more transparent projection was never spoken. If Trump and his Republican supporters in Congress have nothing to hide, they certainly haven't acted like it.
Konrad Gelbke (Bozeman)
Republicans have no credibility except among the most gullible Fox "News" addicts. They dragged out the Benghazi investigation for a MUCH longer time without results. Mueller, in contrast, has produced numerous indictments in less than a year. The American people deserve to know what has been going on through a thorough investigation without interference from political hacks. What seems to make Republicans nervous, is Mueller's professional approach of no leaks and no grandstanding. Trump and the GOP are clearly worried about the many skeletons hidden in their closets -- why else do they put up such a disgraceful defamation campaign? It is clear that the GOP is not interested in defending democracy against foreign interference. Their offensive and hypocritical behavior is a thinly veiled grasp on power which they will abuse as long as possible knowing that it all may end in defeat and shame very soon.
Getreal (Colorado)
This cancer on America may very well destroy us. The malignancy is poised to strike at the heart of the Nation. A separate country has been growing within, masquerading as America. They already have a ponderous amount of propaganda outlets to hide the facts. Trump's absolute control of the Supreme court is imminent. They have transferred the wealth into their own accounts, allowed our air, water and food to be poisoned because it enriches themselves. Denied Climate change so they can continue to gorge themselves on fossil fuel profits. Gave away the freedom that once protected our Internet . (It is now controlled by the CEO of the ISP you pay.) What Rosenstein witnessed is the beginning of the chest thumping "Trump Shirts". The Master Race has the knife at our throat. Will we let it happen?
Barb (Columbus, Ohio)
One of the worst offenders was Jim Jordan of Ohio giving one of his typical performances. Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe said that his behavior was unhinged (as well as the behavior of others). Jordan behaves like an unhinged thug just about everytime I see or hear him. Fortunately he isn't my representative. My representative retired and we vote for a new one in August. I'm hoping for a Democrat this time.
TrumpLiesMatter (Columbus, Ohio)
Barb, he's not my rep either, but he disrespects all Ohioans with his trump imitation. I pray for the day all Ohioans look at this man and see him for what he really is. That Ohioans look around and see other Ohioans and want to help each other, like we used to. And Kasich is another trump in waiting. He hasn't done anything good for Ohio, but if you hear him on shows we should all be walking on streets of gold (with no potholes!) in Columbus and there is no opiod crisis, no state budget deficit, and he just loves everybody. More lying to win.
njglea (Seattle)
Did you see Trey Gowdy trying to flex his muscles during the bogus hearing? That's about all there is between his ears - muscle. He's just another non-thinking International Mafia Top 1% Global Financial Elite Robber Baron/Radical religion Good Old Boys' Cabal operative. Wonder what he thinks he will gain from trying to stop the investigation? What he will really gain is more outrage and contempt than WE showed him when he held Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton hostage in his bogus "Benghazi" hearings - which, by the way, cost US hundreds of millions of OUR hard-earned taxpayer dollars. It's time for Trey Gowdy and his fellow Robber Baron operatives to be thrown out of OUR U.S. Congress/House on their deaf ears. Hopefully they will be replaced with qualified, Socially Conscious women. Can't happen soon enough for me.
JW (New York)
If I could recommend this post a hundred times over I would!!!!!
The Iconoclast (Oregon)
Another total outrage, and the Democrats whimper.
jeffk (Virginia)
No amount of yelling and screaming will fix this. It is going to take votes this November.
There (Here)
The DOJ oversees the FBI, we demand the documents, they are the property of the American people, not the corrupt FBI and Clinton political machine! They must produce them now.......and they will.
MauiGuy (Ontario)
Why now, what is so critical about the time sensitivity on this issue? Why not let them finish their work and release the whole lot when appropriate? Investigative documents in any criminal case are technically the property of the government and therefore the people. Given that, why don't criminal investigators open all books on all investigations for public view? All the break ins, RICO cases, murders, in any state at any time? In what world do investigators had off pertinent materials to the parties being investigated before charges are laid? In a dictatorship, that's where.
JW (New York)
Exactly, they oversee, that does not mean they can interfere or impose themselves on active investigations. And please stop with the nonsensical Clinton barbs. Most Americans are not fooled by the way Republicans, every time they are caught doing something unconstitutional, illegal or just plain sleazy cry Clinton like its some kind of magic word that banishes all manner of criticism against them. It makes you sound foolish though the problem with Americans that somehow want to elevate foolish into elected office remains.
jeffk (Virginia)
Clinton political machine? From what I remember there is no Clinton in office now, and the DOJ and FBI are led by Republicans. Evidence in an ongoing investigation is not supposed to be publically shared until after the investigation concludes. I wish Congress would understand and support that. BTW, were you demanding the same thing during the Benghazi investigation that took way longer, cost way more $ and produced no indictments?
VeronicaInChelsea (New York)
Just in case it wasn't clear from the article, Trump appointed Rothstein.
Abbott Hall (Westfield, NJ)
Trump fixed the 1919 World Series?
Gustav Aschenbach (Venice)
Maybe this is the result of having career politicians who have never fought an enemy on any level. They don't understand how an enemy works. Maybe these Republicans need to be put in a room for several weeks and shown how Russian bots and trolls infected Twitter and Facebook; how Russian operatives infected U.S. power grids; how N. Korea infected Sony, stole and sabotaged millions in data. Or, considering Russia and N. Korea are our new allies, maybe they do know how our enemies work, because that's who the Republicans are.
fast/furious (the new world)
This is shameful. House Republicans are willing to destroy our democracy to protect Trump - who gives every sign of being a traitor. How can they live with themselves? Weasels.
SR (Bronx, NY)
I caught Jim "I'd like to be like Mike, but even my mom is sure that won't happen" Jordan's repeated and disgusting benghazery against Rosenstein on CNN. The idiot pulled a Chris Matthews and didn't even allow Rosenstein to fully answer the very questions HE ASKED, so of course he wouldn't get answers, much less the desired ones. Worst of all, given the marathon questions his friends at Gowdy & Co. threw (up) at now-President Clinton, it was entirely unsurprising. As with that cringefest, it backfired to any sane person, as Rosenstein responded with unflinching, even heroic, calm and nuance—necessary things when telling the truth, and things the "covfefe" GOP wouldn't know if they kicked 'em in the poll numbers. But it's a safe bet JJ, like Abrams, dazzled and lensflared his Fox News-Entertainment crowd. For "covfefe"'s deputy dotards, that's all that matters. For sane people, less so.
Christy (WA)
There was nothing more disgusting than watching Jordan, Gowdy, Nunes and Trump's other poodles posturing in Congress -- and shredding the last vestiges of an independent Jutice Department -- for their Dear Leader. Does Jordan realize how ridiculous he looked when Rosenstein pointed out "you can't subpoena phone calls." Those Republican toadies are all traitors and should be prosecuted for undermining our democracy.
Blackmamba (Il)
The Republican House"fights" by tweeting and speaking slurs. That is not warfare. That is prancing preening pretending prissy effete tongue lashing and wagging. That is called "Trumping". Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin fights by sending his foes to hospitals, mental institutions, prisons, urns and coffins. Unless and until the House Republicans call Putin Godfather and ask him for justice there is nothing to fear here.
SenDan (Manhattan)
Told ya so! This is the giant step towards firing Muelller. Forget about a Saturday Night Massacre (October 20 1973) scenario. For we are just days away from The Dog Days Melee (July- 2018) complete with the lowest rating in TV history. No one will notice and the Liar n Chef, Sir Donald Trump, will prevail. God help us.
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
Perhaps the only solution to GOP perfidy comes from Barack Obama: "Don't boo. Vote!"
Shakinspear (Amerika)
The escalating hastiness for disclosure by House Republicans is tracking consistently with the near conclusion of the continuing Mueller investigation. It's obvious that after the House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, sabotaged their own investigation, they are abusing their power to help Trump, in a clear failure to fulfill their Constitutional mandate of separate power to check Trump's power. The naked power grab poses a threat to our democracy and national security. Instead of securing the nation from foreign control, the House seeks to secure the monopoly Republican government.
SystemsThinker (Badgerland)
Two names-Paul Ryan/Devin Nunes. Twice, they colluded to allow him to chair the committee investigating the very group of people he himself was a member of, the Trump Transition Team. He has already been found inside the White House working with members of Trumps staff leaking sensitive committee information and working with the administration to give cover to those being called to talk to Mueller. When do we get to see emails, messages, meetings between Nunes and Trump Staff?
Jethro Pen (New Jersey)
Rep Gowdy seems of the opinion that the continued conduct of the investigation by Mr Mueller is dividing the country. His demand of Mr Rosenstein presumes - but does not pre-judge - that there is at least a practical limitation on how long it ought to take for investigators to come to a conclusion - either way. Icing, on such putrid cake as the need for Mr M's investigation may be compared with, by Rep G's presumption is that the interval needs to be shortened where the matter divides the country. Perhaps both cliche and anecdotal to recall FP Nixon's "a year of Watergate is enough." But if Watergate and Nixon were fictional, imo, fair-minded observers must conclude Rep G is 180 degrees off the mark.
William Case (United States)
The House Judiciary Committee oversees the administration of justice within the federal courts, administrative agencies and federal law enforcement entities. The committee is also responsible for impeachments of federal officials. It can impeach federal judges as well as federal officials,
Chris (Auburn)
Why not subpoena witnesses instead of investigators? It is comical that some Republicans are demanding oversight when they are failing to pursue a proper investigation of their own. I would question their lack of critical think skills but I think the problem is more political and possibly nefarious. Those same lack of skills among their voters, however, is both astounding and disheartening.
loveman0 (sf)
Anyone who has read about Mr. Trump's shady dealings, bankruptcies, and former criminal activity would be rightfully prejudiced against him. But the Mueller investigation is about outright Treason. House Republicans are most upset about this; they have sided with Mr. Trump knowing about this, have gotten him to sign all their right wing bills, and realize they are also conspirators in this Treason by their silence, some who had even actively participated in his campaign. They are so obsessed with political power they don't see Treason or an American President installed by a foreign power as a crime. The increasing evidence of collusion and other illegal activities, so far by all those around Trump that we know about, is what worries them most.
bb (berkeley)
Obstruction of justice if goes unchecked will end democracy as we know it.
DBT (Houston, TX)
"Good luck," as Rep. Gutiérrez wishes Mr. Rosenstein, is not going to cut it. Mr. Mueller should subpoena each and every one of the GOP hacks on this committee about their contacts with the Trump administration, as part of its investigation of obstruction of justice. These apparatchiks are actively and openly seeking to subvert an ongoing criminal investigation. They must be held accountable for their actions before they succeed in their work of collusion with Trump and abetting of a hostile foreign power.
Allison (Austin, TX)
We are working to rid the House of as many Republicans as possible in November. Many of the men shaming themselves in this hearing will be gone in six months.
Paul Wortman (Providence, RI)
The time has come to say, "NO!" The continued meddling by House radicals has only one purpose--to undermine the Special Counsel's investigation either by sharing its classified materials with President Trump or looking for potential "dirt" to smear Robert Mueller. It's time to enforce the rule of noninterference that former FBI James Comey violated and that his successor, Chris Wray, has been willing to do as well. The Clinton investigation is over as the Inspector General's report indicated by concluding there was no chargeable offense. The Russia investigation is ongoing and must be protected until it is complete. The time has come for an adult to stand up and say, "Enough is enough!"
Lori Frederick (Fredericksburg VA)
When the Republicans unleashed can star on Bill Clinton they allowed that investigation to go on for years into literally any direction Mr. starfelt like going. It has only been a few months since Miller has been investigating Trump and his cronies And now they’re trying to wrap this up as if there is some type of time or about to go off.
Bill Sr (MA)
I thought Trump disqualified himself from public office with his birther claims. How wrong I was. I still can’t fathom how we got to this place where reality is totally irrelevant unless by chance it favors you and your agenda. It is not even that morals and facts, integrity and reason, are irrelevant now, it’s that anyone who sincerely tries to make them integral to his or her goals will be laughed at and even scorned. The thrill of having power, of being the one who has the ultimate say in how events unfold (and I don’t mean Divine Authority) are now the determinants of public words and deeds. Doing good and being rational is hard enough to follow in the twists and turns of life. It is made decidedly more difficult when the liars and corrupt pragmatist have the power to undermine and then destroy what has taken so long to put in place for our well being.
Joel Casto (Juneau)
United by no fixed principles or objects and destitute of everything like American feeling, so detestable a minority never existed in any country - Their whole political creed is contained in a single word ‘opposition ‘- They pursue it without regard to principle, to personal reputation or to the best interests of their country”. - Thomas Jefferson
C. Morris (Idaho)
Call their bluff, RR. Gowdy, Jordan, the rest looked awful yesterday. If they wreck the investigation, or impeach, so be it. One way to the other it's time to bring it. The longer it waits the worse it will be. They have sunk to miming Trump with threats and insults. Gee, where's the civility? Jordan looked a fool, sighting 'press reports'. Then RR called it out as fake news; 'Get a better news source'. Hilarious.
Robin (New York)
Has anyone ever thought that maybe some House Republicans, and I can think of one especially, might be involved in NRA/Russian campaign finance and they're on the offense because it might be discovered. One would hope if any of that is true, that Mueller is already on to it.
David F. (Seattle)
Our republic is under siege by the Republican Party. I am becoming very fearful about the future.
Brent Hopkins (Pennsylvania)
All who truly care about America, all who truly care about ALL Americans, must follow Steve Schmidt's dictum and vote Democrat in November. This may be our last chance to save the country from becoming a third-world banana republic. #BlueTsunami2018
weary traveller (USA)
Any idea why the title of this column missing " about Trump Russia investigation" We must start putting the correct words to show its "nefarious" intent!
[email protected] (Los Angeles )
seems the Congressmen are flying into full panic mode of late, building on their usual rancor, opposition, and anger. what is this about? could it be pressure from above because it looks like Cohen is about to squeal? Cohen will either sing like a canary or swim with the fishes and he knows it. he's got dirt on today's mobbed up administration. film at 11.
Momo (Berkeley)
Is this America? Trumpers make up lies, scream, and shout them until other Republicans give in to their lies. Our nation is being run by rotten, fitful, ill-mannered brats who support a "president" without a shred of regard for the nation or our laws, but operating solely on self interest. Democrats need to start fighting an eye for an eye to save America and defeat Trump.
pseudonymous (Toledo, Ohio)
“If Rod Rosenstein and the Department of Justice have nothing to hide, they certainly haven’t acted like it.” Where are Trump's income taxes?
a goldstein (pdx)
It is an awful spectacle to watch Congress attack our judicial branch of government as it tries to maintain the rule of law while those same congressmen protect an executive branch where more and more people associated with it are indicted. Disgraceful and frightening.
Daveindiego (San Diego)
The performance from Jim Jordan yesterday should be mandatory viewing for all Americans. What gets made in Jim Jordan’s district, and when do we begin a nationwide boycott of it?
DaDa (Chicago)
Republicans have their foot on the throat of democracy and are squeezing the life out of it.
Franklin (Florida)
The hyper-partisan, crazed House Republicans are interfering in an on going investigation of a special prosecutor to help the President of the same political party. Their actions are unpatriotic. I hope these Putin-puppets lose their House seats in the November election. I plan to contribute to their opponents.
Why not release everything ... the Strzok testimony, the Justice Department papers? Why the secrecy? Hiding such implies a purpose of protecting the powerful from possible public censure and disapprobation.
jeffk (Virginia)
Or maybe they are products of an ongoing investigation and should not be shared yet?
2Worlds (San Diego)
The words of Mark Meadows apply in reverse. Where has the "oversight" from the legislative branch been for the past year and a half while the White House has flailed around out of all control?And just who, if he has nothing to hide, couldn't be acting more guilty??! Craven Republicans, shame.
Thucydides (Columbia, SC)
It is vitally important that Rosenstein not cave. If he turns over this confidential information to the House, he'll be turning it over to Devin "Midnight Run" Nunes, who'll turn it over to Trump, who's scheduled to meet with Putin which will mean he'll get it as well. If you're Putin, who needs spies when you've got a Republican congress and president to just hand deliver secrets to you.
Hayden (Texas)
I understand the urge for transparency but when there's already been notable progress made, and disclosure could compromise that, why press for more from a man that isn't poltically motivated?
Mike (Somewhere In Idaho)
"Hauled before" this statement captures exactly what I think is symptomatically a fault in reporting on this underlying story. It's right up there with "this breaking bombshell" lead into a story. This Republican lead inquiry into the investigators methods, choices in who and what to pursue is, in my mind, correct and overdue. We are seeing politically charged open warfare in the country and depending strictly upon ones political affiliation one sees either hero's or villains. I pray it is soon over.
Doug Thomson (British Columbia)
Wow! The division and rancorous atmosphere has been the result of one person ... Donald John Trump. He is abusive, he is vile and he is either by design or ignorance attempting to destroy the Western systems that have protected the West since WWII. This is about far more than the US ... this is about liberal democracy in the world and Trump is proving to be its worst enemy. Be afraid, because the West’s progress and economic success is not the product of capitalism, but of liberal democracy.
Tricia (California)
When will the Republican legislators learn that they are there to serve the country, the people, and not the person who has declared himself king? They are clearly aware that laws have been broken, or they wouldn't be giving the investigation so much attention. And if laws have been broken, it is in the interest of their country to pursue the matter.
Brookhawk (Maryland)
They will never learn the lesson you want them to learn. To their minds, they are there to serve "People Like Them" - moneyed businessmen who are currently led by one of the worst human beings ever to hold the office of president. The fight against such people will never be over, because they are able to get the suckers on their side.
[email protected] (Los Angeles )
true only if their opponents are being investigated. which hunt?
Trumpkin Of Russia 🇷🇺 (Madison, Wi)
They won’t learn because they don’t see it that way. They are there to serve themselves and their wealthy friends.
Ricky (Texas)
How does people like trey gowdy not remember how long some of there past investigations took line Bengazi, Ira Contra, White Water etc, some well over 2k days, and the Mueller Investigation is in the infant stage numbers in comparison. Why are these people so concerned about the clock now, when time wasn't an issue before. The Bengazi investigation turned up zero criminal findings. Mueller has indictments, guilty pleas and it appears there are more to come. These republicans aren't interested in justice or any truth findings. Its obvious they want to discredit Rosenstein/Mueller/ and taint the investigation findings, not so much to clear trump of any wrong acts, but so no charges will be able to go forward. The house keeps demanding that the DOJ turn over documents of the open investigation, while they chose to close there own investigation without issuing there own subpoena's for several witness's the democrats wanted to question. The fact the Senate's own investigation is still on going sure tells most Americans which house is or was interested in the truth. I won't lump all Republicans into the same basket, but several of them by there "BIAS" actions to side or defend trump while the investigation is still on going, says it all.
Susan (Camden NC)
It seems to me like a lot of guilty GOP. In normal times our Congress would want to know if anyone in power in the US conspired with Russia to win that power. We are not in normal times.
StanC (Texas)
I've suggested a two-pronged response to Trumpism, one being a high road for such as Mueller, Rosenstein, Wray, and former presidents, for example, and a low-road that befits the conduct of the opposition. Now, with considerable regret, I think it's time for someone or some group with national national exposure to go down and dirty. Republicans have gone beyond rules, custom, convention, decorum, and even law, and that unfortunately means that the gloves of conventional opposition need to be discarded, at least in part. To begin, I suggest Congressional Democrats (both Houses) ban together and go on coordinated attack. Among other matters, Mueller's High Road requires protection. Let's get after such conduct as that demonstrated by Jordan in the hearings (this is acceptable?) and by Nunes more generally (the press needs to explore both their links to the White House). And let's reject outright that blatant presidential lying is acceptable to the Oath of Office. So, beyond the High Road, no more Mr. Nice Guy. Now, who's nasty enough to lead the charge?
Jules Freedman (Cincinnati)
Trump has something to hide and there are Republicans that know it. He has never cooperated with the investigation. An innocent man fights, by presenting information and alibis, to prove his innocence; he does not do all he can, and nothing but, to fight, lie, distort, and impugn those who would prove him guilty.
Eleanor (Augusta, Maine)
As with Mr. Trump, the GOP "questioners" seem to be avoiding guilt rather than seeking facts. If they and their president are truly innocent then why not aid the investigations so they can be vindicated as soon as possible?
Phil (Brentwood)
Why don't they turn over the documents? What are they trying to hide.
Michael Rothstein (Chicago)
Phil, the way I understand it, the documents requested contain sensitive information into the investigation of Mr Trump's campaign's relationship with Russia, and other illegal activities that have been uncovered. The Justice department and the FBI are concerned that this information will be shared with those under investigation. Please note that these requests are not coming from the House or Senate, but from the Republicans in congress. They claim that the investigation is taking too long, and that it is tearing our country apart. The Benghazi investigation was 2 years, not a single indictment or guilty plea. The Russian investigation, plenty of pleas and indictments. I think the answer to your question of "why" is pretty clear.
Trumpkin Of Russia 🇷🇺 (Madison, Wi)
I guess you don’t really understand that this investigation is like a secret grand jury investigation and leaks ect are crimes. You also don’t understand that the subjects of these types of investigations shouldn’t get info that allows them to obstruct ( or in this case further obstruct) justice.
Chris (Auburn)
Information that will surely go to the White House and help the accused there continue to undermine the investigation or mount a defense?
John McLaughlin (Bernardsville NJ)
Mueller's report will likely devastate the GOP and that is why they are going after our intelligence communities, law enforcement agencies like the FBI, and using the media (traditional and social) to undermine the Russian investigation. It sickens me.
Hla3452 (Tulsa)
I am deeply afraid that this action by the House is solely a plan to do Trump's dirty work. If Rosenstein is held in contempt of Congress, it will be the perfect reason for Trump to fire him.
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
I wasn't around during the McCarthy era, but I suspect this GOP would be considered worse by those who witnessed that disgraceful chapter in our country's history.
[email protected] (Los Angeles )
so far this time, people are not jumping out of high buildings. probably because they have no shame... and the windows no longer open.
medianone (usa)
Saw clips of Gowdy excoriating Rosenstein for the length of time it is taking for Mueller to investigate Russia's attacking, hacking and meddling saying it has gone on for far to long. Where were the Democrats with a rebuttal to Gowdy? Anyone of them could have used their time to ask if Mueller's investigation has gone on longer than Benghazi or other investigations in the past. Just to put Gowdy's comment into context.
XXX (Somewhere in the U.S.A.)
One thing that readers might consider doing, more effective than writing comments here, is calling, not *your* Congressmen, but the Congressmen who are behaving badly, and talking to a *person*, not a recording, in their office. You can tailor the message, obviously. Don't use profanity, don't be abusive and don't personally criticize the young person who you get on the phone. But don't hide your unhappiness, either. Be appropriate but frank. It may not change their behavior but at least they will start the feel the pushback from the public right there in their offices and among their staff. Even though you behave correctly, it will still stress the young person answering the phone, because it won't be the "liberal media", it will be a real live American talking to them. If it happens enough, the representatives themselves will start to have to deal with that emotional pressure, and perhaps the cognitive dissonance, on their staff. They need to feel the anger of the majority of the public, in ways they can't dismiss.
Jbugko (Pittsburgh, pa)
I've emailed the Republican Senator in my district on the immorality of this zero-tolerance policy and I emailed him when he was about to vote on scrapping "Obama"(no public option, it's actually a republican plan)-care. He ignored both letters. I didn't even get a pro-forma response. Friends of mine encountered the same non-response. But tomorrow I will be on the streets PROTESTING.
Daveindiego (San Diego)
I do this all the time. Try calling Paul Ryan, and speaking to a human being. That phone does not get answered.
XXX (Somewhere in the U.S.A.)
I'll add to my own comment that you might not feel comfortable the first time you do it, but it quickly get easier. Try it.
Stephen (NYC)
Republican legislators continue to change the rules and lower the bar to achieve the outcome they desire by any means necessary. They've been doing this for decades, but they have certainly taken their despicable tactics to all new lows most of us could never have imagined. After all the special investigations they've pushed for and dragged on for years (Bill Clinton's five year long investigation by Ken Starr and the HRC email and Benghazi investigations as well)... to hear these Republican Congressman demanding Mueller and team to bring this to an immediate conclusion or just drop it altogether is the height of hypocrisy. I have lost all respect for the Republican party.
Old Cynic (Canada)
For their own sake, the Trumpian attack dogs better not have any serious skeletons in their closets. I have little doubt that there are serious professionals in both the FBI and Justice who are quietly biding their time to administer some devastating payback when the composition of Congress changes.
V (CT)
On the precipice? The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. Alexis de Tocqueville For not only every democracy, but certainly every republic, bears within itself the seeds of its own destruction. R. W. Welch, Jr.
John Chastain (Michigan)
The house republicans seeking to aid Trump in the coverup of his crimes and misdemeanors and desiring both his and his supporters favor will go to any length to scuttle the investigations into the misconduct of the Trump cabal. Their putting on quite a show now before Trump reports back to Putin on his progress to undermine American & European democracies. Isn't giving aid and comfort to an enemy still considered treason in this country? Make no mistake Putin is an enemy of democracy even if many of his countrymen are not. Republicans in the house apparently no longer know or care about the difference. Sad.
Aurora (Vermont)
The Republicans who are pressuring Mr. Rosenstein are obstructing justice. No surprise there, POTUS is almost daily intimidating the Mueller investigation. Every time he calls it a witch hunt he foments public distrust in the legal process. (The public are the people who would sit on a grand jury.) Mueller's investigation has yielded 22 indictments and several guilty pleas. Conversely, the president, his administration, his family and his campaign team have only admitted the truth once they were caught lying. There are approximately 17 videoed instances of one of these people saying that no one involved with the campaign met with or spoke to any Russians during the campaign. But they did meet with and speak to Russians. AG Sessions, when asked in a Congressional hearing about his interactions with Russians during the campaign replied "I do not recall" over 50 times. The wheels of justice are NOT turning slowly. Republicans in Congress know this, implicitly. But now they are concerned about the mid-term elections. So they're pressuring Rosenstein. How is that not obstructing?
Jim R. (California)
This conservative is repulsed by the repub party. While I may disagree w/ the dems on most issues, I surely hope they take control of the House and Senate this Nov, b/c someone has to serve as a check on this Prez. His sycophantic lapdogs in the house, especially, are clearly fearful of losing control and seeking to discredit the Justice Dept and the Mueller investigation while they can. Have they no sense of loyalty to country over party? Are our cherished institutions just toys to play with and destroy? Is justice better served by trashing the FBI and Justice Dept, just for doing their jobs? Absolutely shameful. I used to respect Paul Ryan; only disdain now.
Mossy (Washington State)
Please don't just "hope they (democrats) take control of the House and Senate". If you truly want a "check on this Prez", then you and others who are "repulsed by the repub party" need to vote, vote, vote.
Michael Rothstein (Chicago)
Jim, thank you for your courage to speak out ! This is not about policy but the about the future of our country!
MissyR (Westport, CT)
Please, sir. Hold your nose and vote this November!
Kathie (Warrington)
This is how democracy ends.
Katherine Cagle (Winston-Salem, NC)
Kathie, no, it isn’t how democracy works. These lawmakers are trying to tar and feather the Justice Department to head off the Mueller investigation. If they really wanted to get to the bottom of the matter they woild be trying to work beside, not in opposition to the department. They need to lower their voices. I though it wa ironic that Gowdy thinks the investigation has gone on long enough. His Benghazi investigation went on for 2 1/2 years. Watergate, Whitewater, and Iran contra investigations went on a lot longer than that. Do we want the investigation to find out the truth or do we want to cut it off before they ever get to it. They might discover Trump to be completely blameless but let’s find out.
Doug Thomson (British Columbia)
Indeed. Trump is creating alliances with the world’s most autocratic regimes while doing his best to destroy Western alliances. This will not turn out well for the citizens of the West.
Katherine Cagle (Winston-Salem, NC)
Kathie, you are right! I apologize for misreading your comment. My only excuse is that I wasn’t wearing my reading glasses.
Lawrence (Washington D.C,)
Mafia Dons would have shown more respect. The Dons would have had more idea of whom they are up against. One does not impugn the honor of such men without consequences.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
Good by independent investigations. Good by separation of the branches of our government. Good by American Democracy.
MG (Northeast)
I'm sorry, but doesn't anyone (Republicans) have anything better to do?!!! Don't they have work that is pressing rather than wasting time shutting down OUR democracy?
Ron Michael (Georgia)
Actually they are working very hard, and doing a great job.... They are just working for us.
allen roberts (99171)
Gowdy, who led the Benghazi hearings in the House thinks the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in our elections has gone on long enough. He fails to mention the Benghazi hearings lasted two and one half years at a cost of $7.8 million.
John Brews ..✅✅ (Reno NV)
The Republicans have shown they do no act based upon principle nor upon some lack of clarity or misunderstanding. They are deliberately, consciously and with malice pursuing evil ends by evil means.
Lawyers, Guns And Money (South Of The Border)
I just finished watching the documentary series “The Fourth Estate” on ShowTime. It is about the Times coverage of the Trump administration from the beginning. I hope there is a copy in a safe place far away from America for future generations to watch. Trump is coming for the journalists, activists, politicians, and anyone who has ever had a negative thing to say about him. And that wall he wants to build, it’s not to keep people out. I dare say the rule of law is soon to become the Rule of Trump! You ask how is this possible? Bush2 put in place an executive directive after 9/11 that will allow Trump to legally usurp power to the executive branch. Just Google Executive Directive 51. The “incident” that will allow Trump to invoke ED51 will happen prior to the 2018 midterms! Why do you think Trump is going to meet Putin this summer? I hope I am wrong about all of this but the trail of evidence from Russia to Trump and back again is simply overwhelming. Putin, Trump, Kim, this a cast of bad actors who don’t care about the reviews, as long as they can continue to stand on the world stage and be in control.
MIMA (heartsny)
This country is out of control. Period.
Stephen (NYC)
It's Trump and the GOP controlled Congress that is supporting him that's out of control. But they are dragging all the rest of us down with them.
Harrison (NJ)
Their slimy strategy is so over the top obvious. Create pressure on Justice and make outrageous demands which if not met, become the pretext for Rosenstein's removal. Then they can get to their gooey donut's center: dismissing the special counsel's investigation. These are not just vicious Republican partisans. These are traitors.
David Mintzes (Broward County, Florida)
The hypocrisy of certain Congressmen, Mr. Gowdy in particular, is beyond belief. The man who led a totally partisan Benghazi investigation for two and a half years, dropping it only after Hillary Clinton lost, without one indictment, one conviction, one plea of guilty to anything, has the gaul to demand that Mueller’s year-old investigation has gone on for too long. Do any of his colleagues have the backbone to call him out publicly for the fool that he is? If not, perhaps they are as guilty as he. If they do have the courage, then prove it. Speak up. I am so sick of this protect Trump at any cost nonsense.
PB (Northern UT)
We are in the fight of our democratic and constitutional life in this country, and I hope fair-minded Republicans out there (how many are left??) appreciate what is at stake with Trump stomping around the White House playing the role of President with his jack boots on. I did like the narrative and optics of Rosenstein standing firm for the rule of law against the dictatorial, lawless Republican Trump cabal--all the President's disgusting and disgraceful GOP men! And Rosenstein and Mueller are Republicans, so there are a few good Republicans left, and they need everyone's support against the dark forces of Trump's demagoguery.
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
The Republican posturing for the sake of their Dear Leader and his cult that has drank the koolaid was pathetic and noxious. It is beyond obvious that Republicans are laying the foundation to discredit any negative revelations resulting from the Mueller probe. What an embarrassment to America. I did enjoy watching Mr. Rosenstein stand up to his manifestly inferior persecutors. That man is professionalism and competence personified.
KJ (Portland)
Something is rotten in Denmark. Jordan, Gowdy, et al have something to hide and it must be pretty ugly to make them act so foolishly. I just hope that justice will prevail...
Ronny (Dublin, CA)
Jim Jordan, Devin Nunez and Trey Gowdy are the biggest American sell outs since the Rosenbergs. The Russian Republican Party must be defeated and driven out of our country.
Who are these People? (Michigan)
Jim Jordan. Louie Gohmert. Trey Gowdy. If these people are your Congressional representatives, I feel sorry for you. But I feel much sorrier for our country.
Thucydides (Columbia, SC)
Yes, "Who are these people" I am sorry that Trey Gowdy is a representative from my state. I'm also puzzled. I've seldom agreed with him politically, but I've always respected his intelligence. For him to appear to get frustrated at the length of the investigation and not realize that he would look utterly partisan in light of his 2&1/2 year inquisition of Clinton seems foolish to me.
Jesse (NYC)
The fundamental problem with this article is that it implies that the republicans are proceeding In good faith while we all know, including the author, that the GOP is set out to destroy Rosenstein and have shown a wanton and complete disregard for the truth or facts in doing so. What a shoddy article. Republicans said... democrats said... What a gross distortion. Please learn faster.
Perfect. Thank you.
Tom (Massachusetts)
We are witnessing the civil equivalent of taking your enemies out back and shooting them.
MauiGuy (Ontario)
At this rate it won't be long before that is a literal statement.
LMJr (New Jersey)
So what is so terrible about turning over the documents? Are secrets allowed forever?
Jamie O'Brien (New York, NY)
When Mueller was investigating and prosecuting the mob, do you think he turned over documents to them during an ongoing investigation? Doing so would have enabled the mob to -- perhaps literally -- hide the bodies.
Todd Howell (Orlando)
Rosenstein should threaten the entire GOP House with obstruction of justice.
L (Connecticut)
Robert Mueller may be taking notes on the unprecedented and outrageous behavior of these shameless Republican congressmen. They may even have made the "unindicted co-conspirator" list.
John M (Ohio)
No turning over evidence to Trump.....Documents go from Justice to Congress, right to the White House, who is under way
RP Smith (Marshfield, Ma)
Anyone care to wager that in 7 days Fox will have big headlines about how Rosentstein and Mueller are defying congress?
MauiGuy (Ontario)
Simply ridiculous. Even the tenor of the session was ridiculous. Watch it again with the volume turned down, its it obvious from the physical expression alone that it was an attack session, not an information session. Those asking the accusatory type of "have you quit beating your wife yet" type of questions would not even wait for an answer before piling on the next accusatory question. And to ask questions in an official hearing based on Fox news rumors is telegraphing just how far into the depths of tackiness and stupidity some will go to act as attack dogs to protect their leader. Why is it so offensive to allow an investigation to reach its natural conclusion. If all they will find is innocence, why the fight? They doth protest too much me thinks...
Oh my, the Republicans were more wigged out than a screaming toddler demanding candy in the grocery line. Think they’re concerned about Manafort’s trial next week?
A. Brown (Windsor, UK)
Inexcusable. Thank god for intelligent, on partisan people such as Rosenstein & Wray. How much grandstanding do we have to put up with from the right wing GOP? They are a danger to our democracy and MUST BE STOPPED!
Mel Nunes (New Hampshire)
“Suffer little children* to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (— Aka Donald Trump, President of These United States of America, Land of the Free and, sadly, now the stomping ground of a pompous, towering, obese faux-blond Knave). *For, and suffer they do, my fellow Americans, each freedom-seeking non-anglo-saxon being literally child torn from the arms of her/his mother and/or father or both at the border (and let’s not forget grandmothers and grandfathers, too), because of something called “Zero Tolerance” but more accurately deemed outright racial bigotry. Oh! and in the name of he or she whomever first names just who tirelessly each day proclaims to the world the following call to freedom found at every gate that stands between Mexico and these once United States* I will gift $100 towards legal efforts to allow such children to enter our Grate(-ing-gone-mad-nation): "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Also included is one free dying [must be blond only] of the hair of the first reader to name correctly the welcoming statue that greets those seeking freedom and safety in our nation, at my expense, not to exceed $25.* [May be gifted to any male who uses it for the above stated purpose or any female regardless of his/her birth gender.]
Yuri Pelham (Bronx, NY)
The Republicans are equivalent to a criminal organization and must be voted out of office and placed in the dustbin of history.
dfokdfok (PA.)
Trey Gowdy -“If you have evidence of wrongdoing by any member of the Trump campaign, present it to the damn grand jury. If you have evidence that this president acted inappropriately, present it to the American people. There’s an old saying that justice delayed is justice denied.” GOP Benghazi investigation - 28 months. No charges. Gowdy ought to get out right now, he appeared like an angry drunk raging at Rosenstein.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
What lovely language during the hearing yesterday by the House Judiciary committee, with Rep. Gowdy yelling at Mr. Rosenstein, a fellow Republican as to the Mueller investigation, 'present it to the damn grand jury.' He upped even that by later saying 'finish it the hell up'. Parents better not let their children watch any committee hearings where the not-so-honorable and non-gentleman use this kind of language. But heck, when the boss in the Oval does, that language is now en vogue.
L (Connecticut)
I wonder if Trey Gowdy violated House protocol with his inappropriate behavior and language. In the Senate chamber a few days ago, The Republicans were banging the gavel in outrage when a Democratic senator played the recordings of crying children who were separated from their parents.
Joe (California)
When the GOP was in the minority it still managed to be a major, brazen, unyielding pain. The only ones who deserve punitive action are the House Republicans making these outrageous demands. They do it because whenever a Republican shoves, no one shoves back. Bullies get worse and worse until and unless their victims stand up for themselves. Democrats, I don't care if you're in the minority, stop playing the gentlefolk card and loudly warn these Republicans that the real "nuclear option" is their transparent effort to shut down an obviously legitimate investigation before the public can learn the truth, and that if they don't back off and clam up the pitchforks are coming out into the streets. If the leadership is there the public will take the cue but we the people can't keep doing this on our own. Kind of like in colonial India, the regime may be in power for now but they are vastly outnumbered by the rest of us and the people have had it up to here. We are very, very angry! Do you get that? I believe in free expression but not thuggery. What the Republican Party is currently engaged in is better characterized as speech abuse than free speech because it constitutes an unabashed effort to quelch the voices and legitimate work of the decent and honest. Stop telling me you're in the minority so there's nothing you can do. We put you in office to represent our interests. Get a spine already and stand up for good with vigor, like the Tea Party stood up vigorously for evil.
Lawrence (Colorado)
Jordan and the other trump GOP minions were told to stop messing around and find out what Mueller has uncovered. With the Putin summit fast approaching, Bone Spurs realizes just how ill prepared he is to meet with his handler.
Robert Westwind (Suntree, Florida)
Congressional oversight of the Department of Justice does not mean congressional interference. Trey Gowdy himself said if you're innocent act like it. And then we have yesterday's hearings. Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy and Devin Nunes and perhaps some others are engaging in obstruction of justice. Where is Paul Ryan who should have removed Nunes as the Committee Chair a long time ago? The extent to which these congressmen will go to protect their dear leader is so obvious the transcript of the entire event should be published in every newspaper in the nation. And all should be reminded how long the Benghazi investigation took under Trey Gowdy, the guy who now demands the Russia investigation be concluded. Even after the numerous indictments, guilty pleas and so many in Trump's orbit having met with Russian Intelligence operatives and then didn't disclose it, we have these Republican congressmen making demands of this nature. This is an embarrassment to the nation and these congressional hearings are an open attempt to obstruct justice. This is an assault on democracy itself, not just Rod Rosenstein. It is beyond lawlessness and has met the threshold of treason.
Mark Crozier (Free world)
This hollow spectacle is all about undermining the Mueller investigation, no matter how much damage it does to a respected institution. The Republicans have truly learned to crawl on their bellies. They are willing to throw anyone under the bus in order to further their political agenda. Utterly shameful.
Ron Michael (Georgia)
Very true... And we voted for them all. We loaded the weapon and sent it on it's way praying for the best.... And now they are firing at us... At the US, not even at the enemies. At their own people. We should all be proud.
rich williams (long island ny)
Well the timing of asking them to do this over the holiday weekend is a clear sign of their aggravation with the FBI. Talk about a negative message, wow. The Bureau has inspired some angry lawmakers. And this "deeply wrong" line from the hearings is quite self serving and shows they will manipulate the gold out of your teeth if they can. Rosenstein looks like a liar and a cheat, talking head.
rixax (Toronto)
Mr. Rosenstein you have earned my respect for doing the right thing.
Kearm (Florida)
I so agree. It does appear he is trying to do the right thing - and is putting that before his party affiliation. I'm glad he's there.
Gimme Shelter (123 Happy Street)
The Republicans are dipping into their successful Benghazi/Clinton email playbook. Lie, obfuscate, arouse the base. Republicans have become a predatory political party, which places our republic at great risk.
Ron Michael (Georgia)
We must pass a few laws in this country to fix this. Companies are not people.
Chaz (Austin)
. . . with Hugh Beaumont, Barbara Billingsley, Tony Dow, and Jim Jordan as the McCarthy.
What a pitiful show! Demanding either contempt or capitulation, my guess is they'll get a mixture of both - especially when the "package" is unwrapped. A savvy Mueller will move quickly to preserve the integrity of his investigation, the safety of his sources AND the indictments (YES!) that will follow. I'm really looking forward to the eventual demise of this so-called president and the destruction of his complicit 'white nationalists' in KKKongress.
David J (NJ)
They’ve given Rosenstein 7 days to produce documents because the Republicans were told that’s how long it would take to get replacement parts for their shredder.
Mimi (OH)
As an Ohioan, I watched the exchange (if you can call one-sided bullying an exchange) between Jim Jordan and Rod Rosenstein with extreme embarrassment and dismay. Jordan is a disgusting party hack. A bottom feeder. The voters of the 4th congressional district of my state should come out in droves to get him out of office. I don’t live in the district, but I am sending money to his opponent. Rosenstein handled him beautifully, and showed him up for the know nothing he is. Did Jordan really threaten the Assistant A.G. of the U.S. by waving the impending Congressional vote under his nose? Isn’t that trying to influence a federal F.B.I. investigation ? Please lock him up!
David (Philadelphia)
This kerfluffle, like everything else damaging that comes out of Washington these days, is 100% Donald Trump and nobody else. Trump caused this whole problem. And Republicans dumb enough to follow Trump are now looking at obstruction charges of their own. Nobody "wins" a Trump deal except Trump. And Trump has had plenty of deals go down the drain because he's such a poor negotiator.
Ron Michael (Georgia)
As a nation we voted for this Trump. I guess people got tired of being sold out to our "paid for politicians" who quit multimillion dollar jobs just to represent the people whom they love so much for peanuts and a shekel. As a nation we voted him in, and we shall pay dearly as a people for a long time to come. But the good news is that we have been awakened from a false pretence of whom we are. Let's all rise to a higher level. I'm so excited.
Orange Nightmare (Right Behind You)
I just donated to Janet Garrett who is running against Jim Jordan in Ohio.
Bryan (Washington)
These Republicans are now co-conspirators of a cover-up by the W.H. to conspire to obstruct justice. This is a vial display of political treachery that in a nation that believes in the rule of law; no such concept exists with these political hacks. Each one of these members took an oath of office to the constitution. What they have demonstrated however is their complete oath of loyalty to Donald J. Trump. I could have sworn we had a House of Representatives. It now appears we have a DUMA.
John from PA (Pennsylvania)
They can't get anything useful done (like immigration, infrastructure...) so they might as well undermine our judicial system. Good going guys. My only solace is knowing the Republican party is just a dead man walking.
Tony B (Sarasota)
The Manafort trial starts in one month- coincidence that trumps complicit republicans are frothing at the mouth to shut down the investigation?
GP (Bronx, NY)
I really dont understand how people cant vote for someone like Jordan. It just amazed me the way he defends Trump and try to make Trump a martir. At least play around a little bit, dont be so obvious. Everytime I watch him on tv, it makes me so angry the way he defends the indefensible that I just have to change channel.. But Mr Rosenstein really impresses me.. I would not like to be in his shoes, having so many people wanted to distroy your reputation, it is tough.. You can see his desperation,.. Just hope he can hang in there until November
Robert (Seattle)
The dishonesty, prevarication, and duplicity of these House Republicans is hard to stomach. Sickening. They are plainly obstructing justice. No person is above the law including this manifestly unfit and corrupt president. And yet in order to protect him, they are destroying the vital institutions and traditions upon which our democracy depends. Their mindset is apocalyptic. Has Russia compromised some of them, too? Is it all or nothing?--If they can't have their white entitlements and their white power, will they blow the whole thing up? One thing is clear. There is nothing they would not do.
Jake (NY)
People are being murdered everywhere by nut jobs in workplaces, schools, malls, churches, and elsewhere, babies and children are being snatched from their mothers and fathers and kept hundreds of miles apart with poor accountability of where they are, women's rights and civil rights are threatened, our infrastructure is falling apart, Russians here, there everywhere making deals with our President, health care is in the dumps, the rich are getting enormously richer, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid cuts are in the planning stages, and a whole lot more going on that really needs our attention. But this useless and corrupt Congress wants to spend taxpayer dollars on chasing ghosts, exposing informants, dictating the course of an investigation, and obstructing justice, all to protect a man with Russian for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for days on end. This is how little they care about flushing your tax dollars down the drain. Nobody elected them to be lap dogs for this President, but to do the job they elected them to do. This President doesn't need help lying and creating crazy conspiracies, certainly not at the expense of taxpayers who pay Congress.
Frank McNeil (Boca Raton, Florida)
The sanctimonious Mr. Gowdy is hoist by his own misconduct in the Benghazi investigation, which he dragged on forever in order to besmirch Hillary Clinton who had nothing to do with the lack of security for those killed in Benghazi. Additionally, Mr. Gowdy has a terrible conflict of interest; he wants the President to appoint him to a federal judgeship after Gowdy leaves Congress. By pressuring to cut short the Muller investigation Gowdy curries favor with Trump. As Forrest Gump would say, sleazy is as sleazy does. Rep. Jim Jordan is more forgivable; he appears dumb as a post, no match for the Deputy Attorney General. But he has slandered the Deputy AG with no proof except a newspaper article which Jordon stupidly indicated was sourced to some of his own staffers. That's evidence? Like Gowdy said, "justice delayed is justice denied". That appears to be the aim of the cover-up orchestrated by Gowdy, Jordan and the White House. Gowdy says the country is being torn apart by the Muller investigation; not so. The nation is riven by Russia's known interference in our politics, Trump's subservience to Putin and the efforts to smear Muller.
The Nattering Nabob (Hoosier Heartland)
Too bad the House didn’t enforce the 7-day rule when the GOP was investigating Hillary...
S B (Ventura)
It was disgusting how the GOP politicians treated Rosenstein. They lied, misrepresented facts, and attempted to intimidate and pressure Rosenstein to end the Mueller investigation. It was a disgusting display of partisan politics and a pathetic attempt to thwart the justice system.
Boregard (NYC)
History will not look well on these hacks. But they dont care, except to look tough for Trumplodites. They are scared for theor jobs. Nothing ethical, just money
Janet Michael (Silver Spring Maryland)
So, this is the Republican Party of law and order.They badger and disrespect the Assistant Attorney General and the head of the FBI.What a sorry and disgraceful performance!Obviously, Gowdy, Meadows and Jordan are fishing for information, any information, so they can twist it to use as propaganda to taint the jury pool.The jury pool is all Americans who will hear the Mueller report.Jordan and Meadows want to be sure they can use it as propaganda before it is produced.Their strident, uncouth behavior mirrors that of Mr.Trump, liar and accuser in chief.
SolarCat (Up Here)
Resolved, That the House of Representatives insists that, by not later than July 6, 2018, the Department of Justice fully comply with the requests, including subpoenas, of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the subpoena issued by the Committee on the Judiciary relating to potential violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by personnel of the Department of Justice and related matters. Attest: I hereby attest that the insisters have disconnected transistors. Are they serious?
Interested Reader (Orlando)
No, justice delayed is NOT justice denied. It is tying an bow on a package that has been thoroughly researched and backed up with unassailable facts. Mr. Mueller knows that the House, especially, will be looking to impugn his findings so that our esteemed leader isn't proven to be the dunce that he appears to be. They are willing to put up with Trump because of what they perceive they're getting in return. Be careful what you wish for...
Bob (Ohio)
The House's action in this matter is a blatantly corrupt effort to interfere with the investigations of alleged criminal actions conducted by Republicans. They have dishonorably yet persistently attempted to replace the truth with propaganda. Their distortions of fact have reached Soviet proportions. The Republicans appear to be motivated by the promise of great financial rewards from their paymasters, the hardcore conservative elites who are funding the attempted destruction of governmental legitimacy. This has reached the level of treason in my opinion. In the interim, the great misdeeds of the Russians go unchecked. In fact, Russia's crimes are being directly supported by one of the treasonous ringleaders working against American interests and for Russian interests, Donald Trump.
Thomas E Martini (Milwaukee Wis)
The committee should be spending its time, trying to fix the laws regarding immigration and asylum seeking individuals. Now, they are trying read tea leaves in determining the intent of the special prosecutor and his staff. One comment in an FBI, email determines that the whole investigation is a witch hunt. Art Bell has reincarnated and now has joined the Republican members of the committee. It is amazing that they see a conspiracy, when anyone holds a different point of view. Fact gathering is to determine the truth, not to find facts the support a particular point of view. Apparently, the Republican members of Judiciary Committee are too dumb to see the difference.
Aaron Adams (Carrollton Illinois)
It does appear that by the time the Mueller investigation is over, Trump will have served two full terms.
Yuri Pelham (Bronx, NY)
One in federal prison the other in NYS prison... if there's any justice.
P2 (NE)
is house not asking for a plan to protect elections in this Nov? Why're they not doing anything to protect America? They seem to be doing everything to protect Rs and Trump.
Ron Michael (Georgia)
Russia has dirt on all of them, and since Trump promised the religious movement a handout of Pro-life supreme court judicials it is a perfect marriage. In their book, you're either with them or you're not. I mean or you're gone.
folderoy (oregon)
This is no longer "Our government" This is now a regime.
Anyone who thinks that the current state of politics is Trump's fault needs to look at House (and Senate) Republicans. They made Trump possible. Their incivility toward President Obama set the table for the infantile, purile level of discourse we have today. I hope Rosenstein and others start leaking what they have. Anything they can without disrupting the investigation. I am sure it's very interesting and incriminating information.
Ron Michael (Georgia)
True. So now what?
Greg (Portland Maine)
House Republicans, especially the ridiculously named “freedom caucus”, are extremely eager to exercise oversight in protection of the most corrupt administration in U.S. history, investigating defeated foes of Trump. Absolutely ZERO inclination to exercise their constitutionally mandated oversight over executive branch abuses of power. I honestly wonder how people like this sleep at night, having abandoned every last shred of integrity. Perhaps they don’t even know they have done so.
Bob Bruce Anderson (MA)
I smell fear and terror in the halls of Congress. The investigation is being supervised by a Republican with a sterling reputation. Why is it feared by Republicans? If we assume that Trump's campaign had done nothing wrong. An investigation could then vindicate the President and his crew. Wouldn't that be the best outcome for the GOP? This could put to rest the belief of most Americans that Trump allowed Putin to manipulate the election of 2016. If Trump and company have done nothing wrong, then why the fear? It would be best for our country if this Mueller investigation is allowed to run it's course. If it is shut down prematurely or hindered in any way, it will suggest that Republican lawmakers have colluded to hide the "collusion"! If one isn't guilty of something, why fear an investigation into it? Note to Congress: 1. What if you spent your time working on fixing the healthcare nightmare you are creating? 2. What if you spent your time developing an infrastructure bill to repair our crumbling country? 3. What if you revisited our tax code to provide income for Americans of limited means instead of boosting the wealth of billionaires and bankrupting the country with debt? 4. What if you came up with an Immigration Bill that addressed the horrors of the current policies? 5. What if you crafted a trade policy that made sense? My list is much longer, but you get the point. Congress: instead of second guessing the work of others, please do YOUR work!
XXX (Somewhere in the U.S.A.)
I am hard pressed to understand what motivates these men - I mean the Republicans on this committee. Of all committees, how does the *Judiciary* committee get stacked with the lowest of the low? They are even worse than the Intelligence Committee, i.e., Nunes et al. Or maybe I should say they are just as bad, which is bad indeed. What a sad, sad day for this country. But you know what they say - you have to hit bottom before you can get better and clean up your act. I guess that applies to our society. In private life "hitting bottom" usually means going broke, landing in jail, getting stupidly injured, overdosing, etc. I suppose in the worst possible soical case, it means something like the Civil War, when we hit bottom on account of slavery. I hope we don't do something that terrible again. But I fear it will be bad, and we are not at the bottom yet. Not by a long shot.
Ron Michael (Georgia)
WOW!!! Congratulations, if we keep up and put up as we have been doing and mostly shut up as the democratic leaders suggest... Then yes we are going down fast and our republican party (and believe it or not the democratic party - as Russia has dirt on them too) will stand by as eat dirt and scratch our heads asking how we got here. Wait no! we are not allowed to scratch our heads nor ask superior questions.
JCAZ (Arizona)
When the history books are written, these members of Congress will be remembered for the cowards that they are. It is amazing to watch them line up like lemmings at the edge of the cliff with Trump. Vote in November!
Mford (ATL)
Truly, it is amazing to hear Gowdy talk about "delayed justice" and demand Rosenstein present his evidence. It's all taking too long, shouts Gowdy. Can anyone recall how long it took Gowdy to release his "evidence" in the Benghazi investigation, evidence we all knew for months was nothing but a wisp of smoke?
James Osborne (Los Angeles)
We can’t let a possible Russian asset or mole pick another SCOTUS justice. Especially since that person may ultimately sit in judgement on him, his family or his friends & allies.
Frank Roseavelt (New Jersey)
Trey Gowdy after seven investigations over 4 years on Benghazi and finding absolutely nothing untoward says this is taking too long and demands and end to it? This is "tearing the country apart"? How do people vote for these unhinged creatures of the Fox underworld? How can any objective person not have been rooting for Wray and Rosenstein, especially when Rosenstein shot down the sniveling Jordan? Meanwhile, the performance of pros like Elijah Cummings and Jerry Nadler makes me proud to be a Democrat. I just with the Dems would say what this is in the simplest language - an obvious Republican cover-up.
Deus (Toronto)
This so-called hearing was nothing more than a show to stroke the massive ego of a criminal president designed to do everything possible to undermine an investigation that this corrupt Republican party wishes to stop, otherwise why would they be attacking two men who were personally appointed by Trump? Obviously, because things aren't going his way, he doesn't care about the democratic process and never did. America, countries around the world that USE TO BE America's friend are moving forward, your country is moving backwards at warp speed and your democracy is disintegrating before your eyes.
Barbarra (Los Angeles)
Coincidental that Trump plans to meet Putin in a few weeks and Manafort goes on trial. This is not about truth - the lies of the Freedom Caucus/ Tea Party precede Trump. The anti- legislation to bring down the government and Europe is he goal of these almost treasonous people. They are not against big government- they are for government by the rich and powerful. Sad times - the ruination of a world power by the venal few.
P McGrath (USA)
The FBI has been slow walking all of the obvious obstruction and treasonous evidence as it is embarrassing to the FBI. Instead of turning it all over at once and drip drip dripping it they continue to paint the FBI in a bad light. It is now clear with Strozk in the limelight that the FBI was intentionally letting a very felonious HRC off the hook and trying to frame Trump.
Ron Michael (Georgia)
Are you aware that trump is a Russian mobster? Soon the evidence will be released. Sad but true. Trump is on trial here (sson) not the FBI.
David Ricardo (Massachusetts)
Stop stonewalling. Turn over all the documents. Stop with the ridiculous redactions of the comments of Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe. In fact, let's go further - turn over all the documents that Eric Holder refused to turn over on Fast & Furious, and for which he was held in contempt of Congress. Come on, Depart of Justice, let a little sunshine in and allow the American people to make up their own minds.
Yuri Pelham (Bronx, NY)
Be patient.
Larry D (Brooklyn)
Certainly your mind was made up long ago! Eric Holder is the biggest problem our Democracy currently faces? Really?
You have to have a mind first in order to make it up.
Rick (Louisville)
One might think that the loon caucus would get better at acting after so much practice, but they really haven't. Trey Gowdy blew it when he appeared on the Sunday talk shows after announcing his retirement and actually seemed reasonable. All of his feigned outrage since then seems especially phony because it is.
Myrasgrandotter (Puget Sound)
Janet Garrett is running against Jordan in Ohio's highly gerrymandered 4th district. The 4th district is 2,300 miles away from me. After watching Jordan's theatrical performance, I'm sending Ms. Garrett $27. She belongs in the House. He belongs in community theater.
Alex (Hewitt, MN)
Another prime example of GOP power overreach. Can't do the job they were elected for (including all their campaign promises), so just deceive, misdirect and above all, rely on "alternative facts". And now the real check and balance will be gone with a Supreme Court that has become more about ideology than law. Unfortunately, we are quickly reaching that tipping point.
Dr IF (Brooklyn)
"For over eight months, they have had the opportunity to choose transparency. But they’ve instead chosen to withhold information and impede any effort of Congress to conduct oversight,” Ha! I bet they don't want transparency when it comes time for Mueller to release his report.
Jon Orloff (Rockaway Beach, Oregon)
We have survived the loss of sources before, we can again. Turn everything over to the Republicans and see what they can make of it (nothing, I would guess). Then let them take the blame for investigations that are soured by the loss of sources; after which the investigation of Russian meddling can continue. Of course Trump may offer Putin a presidential pardon, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Reader X (Divided States of America)
It's so obvious that the reason Republicans are demanding the Mueller investigation documents by July 6 is because Trump is meeting with Putin ten days later on July 16. This was a command from Putin to Trump and from Trump to his Republicans in Congress. Putin wants those documents along with all the other state secrets Trump will hand over (and has been giving) to Putin.
latweek (no, thanks)
This is the confrontation before us: The Democrats, who care more for the integrity of the process, than their self interest in the result. The GOP, who care more for their self interest in the result, than the integrity of the process.
Rocky (Seattle)
Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy made absolute burros of themselves in that hearing. With Jordan, it's always a question of how one could ever tell since there's little difference from his normal behavior, and I've come to realize that behind the veneer of folksy pseudo-objective respect for justice lies a Trey Gowdy who is primarily interested in grandstanding for the limelight. He'll miss the stage. If Gowdy (and the House GOP) truly had respect for justice, they'd respect the boundaries of investigations in progress instead of prematurely hectoring for Mueller's evidence and an end to the investigation, especially when a president is involved. They are motivated solely by their fears for their mid-term chances, and in the process are suspect of obstruction of justice.
JFM (New York)
Rep. Nadler claims "....House Republicans are desperately trying to find something — anything — to undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign,” It seems to me that BOTH sides are desperately seeking to find something against the other. Desperation leads to less than well-thought-out decisions. Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes. This will not end well- for anyone.
Joe Yoh (Brooklyn)
Rosenstein is blocking Congress from information they have lawfully requested. He dragged his feet for many months. He chose this path of confrontation. What is he hiding ?
David (Philadelphia)
It astounds me that Trump has fouled up our government to this extent, where formerly-legitimate Republican politicians are demanding an end to an investigative probe that has yielded so many indictments and guilty pleas so far. Every Congressional Republican trying to shut down the Trump/Russia probe is fully aware of Trump's guilt, as is Trump. I can see no way out for the GOP other than charges of obstructing justice for each and every one of them, immediately. Then Mueller can properly and legally finish his work, without Republican interference.
Mountain Dragonfly (NC)
As our order of government disintegrates around us, it becomes more clear how complicit the GOP has been in setting the stage for the attack on it. The unwelcome result is that we are moving closer to having an autocracy, and as Trump bumbles through the presidency with his own self-aggrandizing agenda, the stage is being set to suppress exposing the complicity of a party hungry for power to dismantle over 240 years of building what was the most powerful democracy on earth. First, the party has used the cover of Trump's chaos to dismantle agencies, regulations and oversight. Then guaranteed their party power through gerrymandering and suppression of huge blocks of voters. Now they are setting the stage for denying eventual public knowledge of the 2016 election irregularities and protecting Trump from his complicity. NEVER in American jurisprudence has the subject of an investigation been privy to the process, nor the investigators been under such a sustained attack. THIS environment and shocking events is the result of what happens when there are no checks and balances...this is NOT what our forefathers envisions when writing the Constitution. Even the courts are now a political body, and when all the power is within one party, an autocracy ensues. Were the party's goal a stronger America, perhaps the jeopardy to democracy would not exist. But the players are fed power and money, and the narcissist gets his rush from his rally mobs. I fear, I fear....
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
This is amazing. The GOP members of Congress want to get access to the documents of a case while the investigation still continues. I am very pleased that both Rosenstein and Wray are holding their ground. These members do not want to wait for the truth. I wonder why!
TH Williams (Cape May, New Jersey)
Wow! Two ethical Trump appointees; Mr. Rosenstein and F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, what a refreshing change! Robert Mueller, the lead prosecutor, is an ethical Republican too! I wonder why Trump keeps forgetting that? Today’s Committee hearing was chaired by Goodlatte (not running for re-election) and attended by Rep. Gowdy (not running for re-election). 50 current GOP House members are leaving office? Why so many?
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice )
This is Third world corruption 101. We are not a developed nation because of advancement in technology alone. We WERE a developed country because of our so called "egalitarian" system of governance. The doctrine separation of powers blah blah. I am shocked at its unraveling. Not. This is the end of my idealistic view of democracy. Are we really a developed country with this one party state? The answer is clear. I PRAY some republicans put country and justice above the Trump authoritarianism and their oaths to stay loyal to him. Just writing that paragraph about our loss of status in the world made me sick. ugh Keep hope alive. That is mandatory if we are to resist this spiral into utter bedlam. My beautiful wonderful America.
Dennis The Menace (NYC)
I read these comments and must laugh. Imagine if you will that the Democrats controlled the House and in turn any hearings held by the committees. Then, picture of you will, what the reaction would be by said democrats if the FBI Director or Deputy Attorney General didn't just refuse but were outright defiant in handing over documents in any hearings held. And not just any documents but documents central to the hearings purpose. Do you believe that they would be silent and just take "No. You can't see them." for an answer. Do you believe this paper along with the rest of the media would portray the Director and Deputy A.G. as working hard to meet the committees demand? My questions are laughable because that would never happen. The roof would be raised until those documents are turned over. AS IT SHOULD. Because contrary to the popular belief of this comment section those committees are labeled "oversight" for a reason. Because they OVERSEE the actions of those departments. The documents being sought are not a list of who went to the bathroom when. At least one of the documents contains how and by what means the "Counter-Intelligence" investigation into the Trump campaign got started. Why the secrecy? Why the refusal? These men, or their positions rather, and the departments they belong to BELONG TO WE THE PEOPLE. Turn over the documents.
It's an ongoing investigation and some of the committee members leak like a sieve when they get their hands on information, that's why.
Ron (NJ)
I'd love to see this investigation draw to its natural conclusion, the continuing rancor and deep partisanship is very concerning. If we do not resolve this issue, our Union will continue to fray. The President is a very divisive man, his arrogance and provocative rhetoric is nothing to be dismissed. On the flip side, people in the democrat party like Maxine Waters demanding harassment of Trump administration officials is equally dangerous to our union. My hope is that Robert Mueller concludes his investigation post haste, I'm afraid our political environment is leading down a very dark path in our history and my theory is regardless of who takes the Gavels in 2019, the divide in our Union will get considerably worse before any chance of getting better. That is not a theory I want to test.
Jason (Virginia District 10)
Step 1: Flip the House and Senate to Democratic Party control in 2018. Observe the mandate that was just established and block everything the oligarch tries to do until the FBI report is released. Step 2: Review the verified, well researched, and documented evidence of collusion and other criminal acts when the FBI releases its report. Enjoy the show as criminals are indicted and convicted in accordance with the evidence. Be thankful that once again the rule of law is finally on its way to being restored. Step 3: Attend the Presidential inauguration of the former Democratic Speaker of the House when She lawfully moves up under the rules of succession. Step 4 (new): Write to newly elected Representative Wexton and request that She introduces a motion to evaluate the likelihood that everyone who voted for H. Res 970 is guilty of attempted obstruction of justice if not outright treason - regardless as to whether or not they are still in office.
ondelette (San Jose)
On YouTube, if you search really hard, you can find the opening comments of Rep. Jerry Nadler, the ranking member of this committee. In seven minutes of tight prose, he goes through all the procedural exceptions, deliberate deceits, and end runs the majority did leading up to the hearing, and then all the real emergencies that the committee should be looking into, including the separations at the border. The committee today was called under false pretenses, the times were allotted against rules, subpoenas were issued that were not valid because they broke House rules, and Jim Jordan's resolution, which the Republicans in the House passed, was "without precedent, and without meaning." But instead, the news media all shows us the Jim Jordan grandstanding, giving him free air time for his conspiracy theories. This is what happened during the 2016 election, when instead of all the substantive information about Donald Trump that the media was privy to just for being from New York, we got endless breathless coverage of his tweets and the word I can't believe he used, giving him free air time. I have no hope for this country. The media values shock over substance, and theater over reality. Democracy is drowning in tweets and conspiracy theories, and chattering classes are fiddling while Rome burns. Jim Jordan waived "media reports" he said proved that Rod Rosenstein subpoena'd phone calls. McCarthy's ghost could be heard yelling, "I have a list of 210 card carrying..."
jwgibbs (Cleveland, O)
Watching Trey Gowdey and Jim Jordan, berate, belittle, insult, interrupt, Rod Rosenstein, was reminiscent of the McCarthy hearings in the 1950s. A disgraceful episode in American Democracy. Yesterday's meeting in the House, surpassed that despicable, contemptible, exhibition.
tom (midwest)
Congressional republicans are finding out there is no there, there and are desperate to find anything.
John Figliozzi (Halfmoon, NY)
This is beginning to look like not just Trump has been compromised by foreign money and influence. The behavior of the Republican House leads one to suspect that they too have something they desperately want to hide.
John Figliozzi (Halfmoon, NY)
Perhaps Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee should take a page from the Republican playbook and leak the transcript of the 11 hour grilling of the FBI agent(s) in question. If transparency is the issue, then Republicans should end the masquerade and admit why thy want all of Mueller's investigatory information now -- at worst, to share it with Trump; at best, to get ahead of investigation and prepare their own response defending Trump ahead of time before Mueller's report is released.
ubique (New York)
It may be worth keeping in mind that many of the actions made publicly by the Special Counsel thus far have been carried out on/around days which have some sort of symbolic meaning (holidays, birthdays, etc). Independence Day, here we come.
j. von hettlingen (switzerland)
Mark Meadows, a "sponsor of Thursday’s House resolution who raised the possibility of impeachment" said: 'If Rod Rosenstein and the Department of Justice have nothing to hide, they certainly haven’t acted like it.'” This is utter disgust that some congressional Republicans go to great lengths to protect Trump’s presidential legitimacy, despite doubt that he won the election fairly. If Trump has nothing to hide, he doesn’t have to fear the ongoing investigations. He would have released his tax returns if his business dealings were honest and legal. He is the only president in modern history who had refused to do so. The GOP lets him get away with it, just because he keeps his gullible diehard supporters on a tight leash.
Mr Chang Shih An (Taiwan)
How did Trump not win the election fairly? He won more electoral college votes than Clinton. End of story. Popular vote means nothing and as Clinton has found out more than once, there are no prizes for coming second.
JRM (Melbourne)
What does Trump have to hide???? That's the question for the GOP Congress.
cyrano (nyc/nc)
Fear, smear and lies via a hostile foreign power may be considered fair in Taiwan, but not (at least until now) in the U.S.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
What a disgusting, hypocritical performance. Here's hoping we survive the 190+ days until January 7, when hopefully at least one house of Congress will return to the majority. Vote, people, vote!
Cherie (Salt Lake City,)
To think these House Republicans were elected to enact legislation in the interests of the Nation's citizens. Immigration legislation? No can do. Healthcare help? Can't be done. Protecting a completely corrupt administration? They're models of unity and efficiency.
C.R (Mexico / NYC)
I hope Dems use the bit, where Jim Jordan asked Rosenstein if he threatened to subpoena phone records and Rosenstein responds there is no such thing ( then laughs from audience ), on every political add against Republicans over and over again. It sure exemplifies another wasteful, incompetent moment from a GOP Congressman.
Jason (Virginia District 10)
When loyalty trumps integrity corruption reigns.
SCZ (Indpls)
Jim Jordan, Nunes, Meadows, Goodlatte should all be voted out. They are a disgrace to every American and Christian value. They are trying to take down a legitimate investigation by undermining and attacking every person in the DOJ and the FBI. They are a disgrace to our country. And if Paul Ryan won’t shut them down, he would sell his own kids for 30 pieces of silver.
erk (usa)
The above mention GOP members are un-American that they will not let the DOJ and FBI do there job.
Boregard (NYC)
Ryan is neutered. Thats why hes leaving. He never had control of the House Repubs. Much like Boehner, his predecessor. House Repubs are a bunch of aggrandizing, Trump-aid drinking, hacks. They aint House broken...
Jim (NC)
It's simple. Just follow the example of our great POTUS and refuse to do anything the house GOP says while going on air several times daily telling absurd lies about them. Then demand an immediate hearing into the lies you just made up. Works for Trump.
C.R (Mexico / NYC)
We have known for a long time that Jim Jordan is a rather unethical Congressman who puts party above country all the time. But it was obvious today that he is also a fool. His questions were rather obvious and frankly stupid. He wasted taxpayer dollars in pursuit of Trump's improper personal agenda. He is really an embarrassment to Ohio and he really does a disservice to the US Congress.
JRM (Melbourne)
I agree 100%.
Nanny Nanno (Superbia NY)
A proposal: No SCOTUS nomination until the Mueller investigation has concluded and made a public report available.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
Indeed, a president under criminal investigation should automatically be barred from appointing a Supreme Court justice.
Priti (San Jose)
What about the FBI leaks to Rudy Guliani? Why won't the republicans in the congress talk about that?
philip bacon (new york)
to paraphrase "if you could reason with republicans, there wouldn't be any republicans"
Caveat Emptor (New Jersey )
I spent the day today calling the many offices of Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Bob Goodlatte, et al, telling them just how disgusted I am by their treatment of these fine public servants. Please join me in flooding their offices with calls. They need to hear that the American people fully support this investigation and consideration them traitorous for wishing to obstruct it.
doug mac donald (ottawa canada)
Why do i think that a Russian money trail is going to lead back to Nunes, Meadows, Ryan and Mcconnell.
A. Brown (Windsor, UK)
McConnell = China money
Jennifer Cook (Ann Arbor)
Not McConnell. McConnell isn’t treasonous, just callow.
Getreal (Colorado)
The republicans. Acting out big time now, because they will soon have the Supreme court in their pocket, to uphold the anti American demands of dictator Trump, as constitutional.
alan (McGovernville)
What a disaster. The POTUS treats the office like a plaything and the rest of the government is a bunch of children fighting in the school yard. Shame on them, and on the people who voted for them.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
Methinks that POTUS treats the office like a mob -owner of a casino, stuffing the pockets of his ill fitting suits and the pockets of his mishpocha on the backs not only the tax payers, but being in breach of the Emolument Clause 24/7.
New World (NYC)
These obstructionists on this committee are afraid of something really really big. Ya think ?
Linea (Seattle)
Is there a way to prosecute THEM for interfering with a legitimate investigation? Just sayin.. at the very least, it's an abuse of power.
Rolf (Grebbestad)
The best moment yet of Trump's presidency will occur the day he fires the dastardly Rosenstein -- a true product of the D.C. swamp and the embodiment of DOJ bureaucracy.
David (Philadelphia)
We could use more honest and dedicated public servants like Rosenstein, not more of these GOP hacks who are clearly being paid off to turn our nation over to Vladimir Putin. Anyone protesting this obviously-fruitful investigation into Trump's criminal and treasonous behavior is working for America's enemies, and we the people get stuck with the bills.
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
Do you not remember that the Trump administration selected Rosenstein? He is doing his job keeping the integrity of an active investigation. Are you fearful of Trump being guilty of a crime? An investigation began when proof was obtained of Russian interference, contacts between Trump officials and Russian intelligence officers, and social media flooded with pro-Trump and anti-Hillary commentary from Russian trolls demanded a fool investigation. If the President is truly innocent why does he act like a guilty man?
Janie (Boston)
Unlike the repeated intentional obstruction of the Mafiosa Republicans, the Mueller investigation has now produced numerous occasions of wrongdoing. This includes money laundering, scheming on ways to collaborate with Russian oligarchs, and finding millions dollars changing hands just as Trump is put into office by the now-pleased Russians. Mueller conveys a clarity of purpose, and the transparent rule of law. The Trump presidency will go down as a rotten core of crooks and cheaters. As well as much self-dealing. I won't even note the poisoning of our air and fresh water.
Kathrine (Austin)
The problem is Jordan's constituents think he's just a super duper guy.
mja (LA, Calif)
The Republicans need to get their hands on the documents so Trump can bring them to his meeting with Putin.
stefanie (santa fe nm)
Resist! Take it to the SCOTUS--and yell national security from the rooftops and maybe the DOJ will prevail.
Feldman (Portland)
Give the so-called GOP the Congress, both houses. Give the GOP the SC, and its future. Give the GOP the presidency -- even with 3 million votes short of a majority. Is that enough? Give the GOP the Moon. Will that be enough? Does anyone really think the GOP and its brainwashed base have any real idea what it wants?
JB (Ca)
Is this the same Trey Gowdy who chaired endless Benghazi hearings for no other reason than to sully the reputation of candidate Clinton, now wants the investigation into a man who acts decidedly guilty to wrap up toot suite? Hmmm...I think he knows his prez is guilty and wants to squash the truth.
David (Philadelphia)
They all know Trump is guilty. What we're seeing in this GOP display of self-righteousness is a bunch of Republicans with a lot to lose, who made a deal with with the devil and somehow think waving the flag will absolve them of Trump's guilt. It won't. This is politically-motivated obstruction of justice, plan and simple and clear as day. And the guiltiest Republicans are whining the loudest. Indict them, and put them out of their misery.
John Doe (Johnstown)
To me, the charge that Russia stole our election seems like a pretty matter of fact one. It being impossible to prove only makes it a pretty stupid charge to make to begin with. Mueller has no choice but to drag his feet as the only way to save the face of his implacable integrity. Interesting lesson in modern integrity, however.
Tom Goslin (Philadelphia PA)
I'm not sure why you say that charge is impossible to prove, John Doe. It's very possible to prove!
John Figliozzi (Halfmoon, NY)
Mr. Doe (if that's your real name) - Going through life willfully deaf dumb and blind is no way to live.
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
He's certainly found a number of people close to the President who have been indicted and willing to cooperate with the investigation.
Reva Cooper (NYC)
It would take 2/3's of the Senate to impeach Rosenstein. With 49 Democrats there, that will never happen.
Reader (US)
Unless it’s different for presidents than for someone like Rosenstein, the House impeaches. The Senate convicts.
SystemsThinker (Badgerland)
The Republican Party is imploding before our eyes. They are sick of winning already.
Howard64 (New Jersey)
Rosenstein for president in 2020?
Courtney (Thompson)
He's one of the few Republicans I would vote for!
beth reese (nyc)
Works for me!
wlm (pa)
Might these wigged out GOP congressional folks do well to take a time out, breathe, center (sic) and consider how Mr. Putin is looking on upon this ongoing sad drama they are fumbling about directing....
Barry of Nambucca (Australia)
The separation of powers has now morphed into the House Republicans demanding secret information about ongoing investigations. Why don’t the House Republicans do something useful like demanding Trump release his tax returns for the last decade, publishing the costs of Trump’s weekly golf games and revealing how much the tax cuts will further enrich Trump and his family?
Rocky (Seattle)
It's simple: in sticking with Trump, the money's better.
Bob Tonnor (Australia)
Hey Barry, its Bob from Urunga here, do you really think the GOP care, Trump has gone so far now that i think the only that's going to stop Trump, is Trump, the GOP certainly wont. Once this is all over, and it will be one day, the thing is going to need to be asked is, what is the norm now, and what will be considered a step too far?
M H (CA)
How about how much we are paying private companies to house children separated from their parents at the border?
bob (San Francisco)
Is it possible that the Republicans in Congress are trying to obtain documents, not as Congressional oversight, but as advance warning for [p]resident trumps legal team?
M H (CA)
Of course it is. They also want to poison any jury pools, should the investigations result in charges against the administration and/or the gop.
Howard Levine (Middletown Twp., PA)
Jim Jordan, the self-obsessed/detached from reality Trump grandstander, made a total fool of himself during his six-minute inquisition of AG Rosenstein. His combative style, constantly looking off to his right during questioning and referring to himself in the third person, "That's not Jim Jordan speaking," is odd and inappropriate. It was refreshing to see the AG take him to task when he was finally able to respond to the onslaught. Must be nice to have a nice cushy gerrymandered seat. I hope the folks in OH-CD4 are proud of their hometown hero. The majority of folks in this country will never understand how someone like Jordan could represent you.
Ricky (Saint Paul, MN)
I think the Republicans in the House need to explain their legal justification for seeking records relating to an on-going investigation. Their request appears to be not only a conflict of interest, but illegal. Obviously, the inspector general's report is insufficient. But it is clear that this is strictly partisan, politically motivated, and done with the specific intent of derailing and discrediting the investigation. I just wonder what they are afraid of. Yes, we all know. And now it is clear, Trump does have something to hide.
Cjmesq0 (Bronx, NY)
Because the IG reports all lead to one conclusion: The entire special counsel investigation was based on a lie on top of lies.
KH (Seattle)
Don't do it. Walk out. Resign. This is now a fight for the country.
HMI (Brooklyn)
“now-familiar and largely unsubstantiated charges” Applied here to Mr. Rosenstein, but equally applicable to the sorry witch hunt he supervises. He should quit stalling and turn over the requested documents. As we so often are told, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
David (Philadelphia)
It's an ongoing investigation. Don't forget how many years Trey Gowdy pursued Benghazi, only to turn up with nothing except plenty of hearings that went nowhere. Mueller's list of indictments and guilty pleas so far in the Trump/Russia probe should be winning gasps of admiration from Gowdy as well as from the rest of our country. At least there's one trustworthy adult in Washington. And, ironically, he's a Republican.
Joe B. (Center City)
You were apparently often told that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. How come you think it applies to the police, but not your boy trump? Curious.
Lionel Broderick (Santa Monica)
Imma gonna say this a really slowly so you understand Mr/Ms HMI. It is not Mr. Rosenstein that has anything to hide, as he is not being investigated. The man being investigated is Donald J. Trump. amongst others from the Green Lagoon. It is Donny boy that has something to hide. BTW you may have learned "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" but my favorite is to "Question Authority". I could go on but I am no competition for Fox News. And, I am sure little Sean Hannity will be on soon.
Funkydow (San Carlos CA)
You have to be fair. Republicans want to see what Mueller has on the Trump election committee, of which eleven members have already admitted to lying about contacts with a hostile nation that was in the process of sabotaging our election. They are surely going to need more time to provide a coherent and plausible coverup.
Merete Cunnngham (Fort Collins, CO)
It seems to me that the Mueller's investigation may be doomed. We are all aware that many issues will end up in the Supreme Court at some point, especially those that deal with the powers of Trump as an accused criminal. It will take some time to confirm a new Supreme Court justice. This should make Mueller step up and find ways to drive up the speed of indictments of persons now under investigation. Once they are indicted, Trump may be less able to stop the process. I am not sure if Kennedy is staying on until a new justice is confirmed, but in any case, better the devil you know etc.
R. Rappa (Baltimore)
I think he resigned as of July 31st.
DonnaH (Boston)
Kennedy is leaving in July.
Mford (ATL)
After watching some of today's hearings, I'd say the majority of the Judiciary Committee should be investigated for obstruction of justice if they keep it up. Let the investigation run its course, for crying out loud! The spectacle of Trey "Benghazi!" Gowdy cussing at Rosenstein was just another shameful act in a long, long line of shameful acts.
Bruce (Washington state)
Our system is displaying its basic weakness: weak leadership. The founders assumed moral men (and now also women) would guard the republic against those who placed their tribe above the good of the country. Knowing such moral prop!e would be in short supply from time to time, they also created institutions founded in the rule of law. That's why those institutions are under attack now. We haven't seen this since JoeMcCarthy. At least his justification was the threat of communism which frightened better people into closing their eyes.This assault is blatantly political. But the tribe doesn't care.
gratis (Colorado)
Geez, the House had the power to get those documents with their own committee. America loves incompetents. We keep voting them in.
D Carter (Western NC)
From this article: "on Thursday, the ever-intensifying skirmishes between Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein and conservative House Republicans broke into an ugly public fight." A "fight" suggests that both sides were equally involved in this episode. As anyone who watches the video of the hearing can see, it was not a "fight." It was a series of slanderous and unsubstantiated attacks by a thuggish Jim Jordan and other GOP Congressman--all launched without giving Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein an opportunity to respond. It's hard to know what is more disgusting: the Republican committee members' behavior or Chairman Bob Goodlatte's refusal to use his gavel to control their abusive behavior. But what can we expect except thuggish behavior when we have a President who is--quite literally--a vicious thug.
Neela C. (Seattle)
I agree--I watched some of this supposed questioning of Rod Rosenstein and it was painful to watch. It was a display of how difficult it is to deal with incompetent politicians who are so lacking in dignity and honor. The Attorney General held his head high and I will remember him as doing as well as humanly possible. Christopher Wray did well too when dealing with these self righteous men and I wish them both well in the future.
John Doe (Johnstown)
Sorry, but every time I read, Deputy Attorney General, I think of Barney Fife. If this really mattered Sheriff Andy would have handled it. I’ll care when it’s a real story.
pjo (Seattle)
Why is it the tendency for Republicans to insult ones person when they don't have a credible argument?
spitfish (Baltimore)
Whistling past the graveyard doesn't mean there aren't dead bodies in the ground. Methinks thou dost protest over much, considering your numerous comments on this discussion, John... Rod Rosenstein is by all appearances an extremely competent and capable law enforcement professional, standing in stark contrast to the shameful grandstanding of the GOP congressmen in yesterday's hearings. I'll gladly listen to what he and Bob Mueller have to say, when they decide to speak. Then you'll have your "real story."
sav (Providence)
Sheriff Andy recused himself.
John Lusk (Danbury,Connecticut)
It's clear to any reasonable person that they want the info so they can give it to Trump's lawyers.
Zap (East Coast Liberal Patriot)
McCarthyism returns. History will judge this G.O.P. harshly.
Ken (CA)
How sad for our country that these Republicans have come to this place of nihilism.
abigail49 (georgia)
As for the trumped-up charges that FBI and Justice Department employees are politically biased against Trump and that their political bias has corrupted their professional work, maybe we need an investigation into the political bias of every Republican in the House and Senate and all of their staffs. After all, they have clearly made it their mission, in word and deed, to protect the leader of their party and his aides and campaign staff from possible criminal charges and impeachable offenses. Members of Congress do not work for the Republican Party or for the president. Their oath is to uphold the Constitution. In the matter before them, their duty is to protect American elections from subversive activities by foreign and domestic actors. Republicans are doing just the opposite. They are protecting a single man and their own party. It could be called dereliction of duty or it could be called treason.
Warren (NY)
Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes should be investigated for obstruction of justice. And Gowdy should be challenged as to why it was acceptable to spend so much time and money on his Benghazi investigation of Clinton that came up with nothing. Yet now, he wants to end Mueller’s for taking so long and ignore the indictments and guilty pleas Mueller’s investigation produced.
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, Calif.)
Trump flunky Congresspuppet Jim Jordan rabidly attacked fellow Republicans Rosenstein and Wray plus, of course, the entire Justice Department and the FBII, which operates within the Trump mis-administration. Jordan calls to mind the bad guys' lower-level flunkies on the 1970s "Batman" TV series. Bad guys like The Joker and The Penguin. Jordan is too obvious and lacks the finesse to be either Joker or Penguin, but he could serve as one of their henchmen.
Nb (Texas)
Those House members cannot be trusted to not leak and politicize the sensitive work product of criminal investigators. DOJ must be allowed to complete its review before the documents are released. Legitimate privilege must be observed and protected. If necessary judges should review in camera all of the documents. Just because you’ve been elected does not mean that you are trustworthy. Further if prematurely disclosed it could compromise on going criminal investigations, particularly investigations into election interference.
Heather Watson (California)
Nb, "Further if prematurely disclosed it could compromise on going criminal investigations, particularly investigations into election interference." I believe that is the plan.
cheryl (yorktown)
I turned the TV off after hearing the Congressman from Ohio throw out the same accusation for perhaps the 4th time against Rosenstein ( it was beginning to upset the dog) . . . while talikg ( shouting) over any attempts to respond. None of this was designed to elicit an answer; it was designed to get 30 second media coverage or to replay in a political ad. The same group that demands DOJ reveal details of a confidential investigation has demanded no answers from Trumpco. I would agree with anyone that faster is better, and having a cloud over an administration is a distraction, as it was for Clinton. But it appears that this cloud was seeded by Trump associates and Trump himself through the pursuit of foreign funds and support for a Trump agenda.
beth reese (nyc)
The Republicans weren't conducting an investigation, they were auditioning for their Dear Leader to prove their unquestioning loyalty to him. I could say that they're Trump's poodles, but that would be an insult to poodles everywhere.
philip bacon (new york)
democrats are in a rough spot. when they act like jerks it doesn't go over well. but republicans act like jerks as a matter of course. why? because the majority of their base is made up of jerks. look how they applaud at the jerky things Trump says. look how the GOP congress either makes excuses or runs for cover. its no use appealing to their better angels. the better angels left a long time ago
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
Grand Old Putinistas 2018 The Republican Party has slipped the surly bonds of American democracy to touch the face of Kremlin corruption...and they love it ! GOP 2018
John Doe (Johnstown)
I knew there had to be an romantic side to such a stoic as Socrates. It’s so touching to find soft spots in even hard places. Hope for us all.
Greg Gearn (Altadena, CA)
At this point, it’s all just part of the propaganda campaign to destroy the Mueller investigation. The FBI, the Department of Justice and the American judicial system are just collateral damage.
John Doe (Anytown)
Does Mark Meadows think that he'll get a Presidential Pardon after he's convicted, for Obstruction of Justice and Conspiracy? The political graveyards are littered with politicians, who relied on Trump's promises. I hope that Meadows enjoys his stay in Florence Colorado.
Nuffalready (upstate NY)
All this: nothing more than more evidence of Obstruction of Justice.
Alex Vine (Tallahassee, Florida)
Whatever Trump is hiding it must be really really bad, probably even treasonous. And I have a feeling the Republicans in the House have a good idea of what it is, which is why they're resorting to their rotten low level attacks and threats on the Justice Dept. But they can stop foaming at the mouth now, because they have the Supreme Court under their control so regardless of what Mueller finds out about Trump the Court will let him off the hook. In any case, as a representative democracy our country is through. It was nice while it lasted. And the Republicans can be proud of turning what was once a beautiful country with opportunity for all and care for those less fortunate into one of slimy greed where the 1% came in and took whatever money was left for the middle class and the poor to survive on including Medicare and Social Security and fattened their bank accounts with it. I knew from the first time I saw Trump that he was a true dyed in the wool sociopath with no empathy or sympathy for anyone other than himself. What I didn't realize was that he had a couple of hundred or more who were just like him but hid it better called Republicans.
The same House Republicans who shut down their own Russian investigation before even asking for key documents or questioning important witnesses. Now want the IC’s documents. Frankly they want those documents to attack any negative findings, not in the interest of a complete investigation.
Bob812 (Reston, Va.)
Watching the House Judiciary Comm. on Cspan today was a display of how low into the sewer donald is dragging some members of the House Judiciary. Rep.Issa and Jordan were exceptionally disgusting in the treatment of Dep. Gen. Rod Rosenstein and FBI Chris Wray. Both were working hard looking for ways to denounce and degrade the Justice Dept and the FBI ahead of the forthcoming Mueller investigation, hoping to negate the eventual destruction donald's republican party.
They want the files before the Helsinki meeting?
dairyfarmersdaughter (WA)
These people are beyond disgusting. Once again we are subjected to the spectacle of the far right's willingness to do anything to undermine our democracy. Mr. Rosenstein is a valuable public servant - as was said - I wish him well.
Candlewick (Ubiquitous Drive)
Suppose the Justice Department (Republican led) kowtows and releases more information. If-when it gets into the hands of Trump and Rudy Giuliani (as is his wont) blabbers it on the Sunday Talk-shows; will a righteously-indignant Jeff Sessions pursue charges against the leaker(s)?
kilika (Chicago)
I was appalled at the way Rosenstein was being treated on cable news today. The obstructionist GOP were not allowing him to even answer questions. I trust him more than Congress.
Republicans practicing the old bully America. They have ugly truths to hide, so they bullying those who try to uncover them and seek justice. We, as Americans of today, must stop this centuries-old bully tactic. Our predecessors fought the same battle in slavery and segregation. We will prevail just as our predecessors have. American values are liberty, equality and justice for ALL. Let us ALL stand up for our values.
Anne Sherrod (British Columbia)
Just watched the exchanges between Rosenstein, Jordan and Gowdy. Congressmen Jordan and Gowdy literally heaped false accusations, false inferences and innuendo on Rosenstein. Even after Rosenstein very credibly denied that he was withholding documents or information from Congress, Jordan kept accusing him of doing so. This was a travesty of justice or of any reasonable debate, and a bunch of bullying as well. Fortunately Rosenstein defended himself admirably, but the barrage left a whole barnyard of false accusations and inferences smeared all over the man.
James B (Ottawa)
This is going to increase the credibility of the Congress, some say.
Dan (Sandy, Ut)
The Democrats have been accused of political grandstanding. They have and will continue. However, the Republicans of late are determined to insure every aspect of our government conforms to their sick view of governance, something we no longer have and their grandstanding today proves this. Perhaps they are taking a page from other despotic regimes that stifles any work for the people, only for themselves, their party, their benefactors and any and all despotic authoritarian "presidents" that has mutual benefits. This "witch hunt", the grilling of two individuals those very lawmakers approved of, is something taken out of the play book that our despotic president uses-appoint them then when they act contrary to their wishes, discredit them. What a pathetic government we have.
RevolutionarySoul (Washington)
I watched this circus with nothing less than disgust. The republicans are asking for information in an ongoing investigation...asking Rosenstein to do the very thing they said proved Comey's guilt. Meadows should go on stage. His act was so over the top it would stand up to any oscar performance. It is very obvious that they are looking for this information to provide it to the guilty party, Trump. If he has nothing to hide, why the "emergency" to see all the evidence? Nothing to hide...nothing to see. Easy logic. So sick of the theatrics from people we pay to solve problems, not crate them.
NotKidding (KCMO)
There is no connection between this story, demanding reports, and the shooting at the Maryland newsroom, is there? No distractions for the American public? No trying to silence reporters? Surely not.
Njlatelifemom (NJregion)
Jim Jordan demonstrates absolutely no grasp of procedure, span of control, roles and responsibilities or how investigations work. His performance and it was indeed that, playing to his audience, wannabe Emperor Donald, was just a joke. As they say, never let the facts get in the way of a good story. This is a guy who thought you could “subpoena a phone call.” I hope Janet Garrett uses the clip as a campaign ad. They have a major opioid crisis in that district in Ohio, but he’s chasing flies for Donald. I was shocked to discover in his bio that he graduated from college and law school. I would have pegged him as a sixth grade drop out.
Ellen (New York)
Jordan wants Mueller to end the investigation because it's been too long for him. Ask him abut Benghazi -- 2 plus years ending in a puff of deflated air once he determined he could get no proof of wrongdoing on the part of Secretary Clinton. Now he's in hurry. What's he afraid of?
Art (Baja Arizona)
All these Republican's on the committee need to go to Prison for Obstruction of Justice. These corrupt politicians are bought and paid for. We need to loosen the grip of the 1%.
William O. Beeman (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Republican House members have behaved despicably in this matter. It is clear that they have decided to launch an all out propaganda war to discredit the Mueller investigation before it is complete. I listened to the questioning of Rod Rosenstein by Republican House members and I was embarrassed for our nation. These members sounded like a lynch mob attacking Mr. Rosenstein. They made incredible unwarranted personal accusations that seemed tailor made for Fox News, Brightbart, Alex Jones, and Newsmax. Anyone listening to these rude yahoos should understand that an accusation is never proof of guilt, no matter how loudly it is yelled. Mr. Rosenstein was a paragon of decorum. His dignity in the face of this mob was admirable. But still the danger of the House rabble managing to shout their way to getting the public to dismiss the investigation is very great. The alt-Right is obviously taking a victory lap this week, and these GOP fools look like a drunken gang out on a tear. The American public wants Mueller to complete his investigation. the Republican House members should respect the rule of law, respect the legal process, and respect the American public. Thus far they have not done any of those things.
Tony B (Sarasota)
The enablers and Trump protectors in the house attempting to obstruct justice....Mueller should start releasing teases to the press ...clearly McConnell and Ryan feeling the heat....
Vimy18 (California)
These gentle persons need all the ammunition they can muster because once (if??) Mueller's report becomes public the storm will really be brewing. They are willing to disrupt a legal investigation that has had Zero leaks attributed to it because they are afraid for their jobs. Degrade the nation to enhance their career paths, they need Fox news to spread their noxious lies just to stay in power. I guess Lord Acton was right, absolute power does corrupt absolutely. I fear the nation we knew is entering the teenage phase of development.......petulant, inpatient, stubborn, unyielding, and all knowing. We are turning into the class bully. I just hope we mature quickly enough to avoid being the next school shooter.
James (St. Paul, MN.)
Wow. For a group of documents that they consistently claim will vindicate the criminal in chief, these members of Congress sure seem agitated and nervous. Almost as thought they realize that somebody in the White House is guilty and needs protection from the law.......I am pretty certain I smell a bit (on second thought, make that a lot) of obstruction of justice.
Michael Tyndall (SF)
House Republicans have clearly hitched their wagons to the Trump train. Many of them come from rabid Trump districts and are themselves rabid supporters. But the reasons for these 'investigative' charades just sound pathetic to people grounded in reality. Prying information out of an ongoing investigation and then immediately leaking it to the president's staff obstructs justice and is always reprehensible. Selective leaks to the press are deceitful and potentially dangerous. Vilifying public servants for political ends, a favored tactic, passes for sport in Washington, but that doesn't remotely make it right. And besides, if Donald Trump is innocent, he doesn't need congressional help. Their behavior just makes him look more guilty. What's most disturbing is where this blind support might lead. Important agencies are being handicapped and damaged for partisan political reasons. Applying 'corrections' through new staff and policies acceptable to the inquisitors would only worsen their function. And all this is being done tp protect a president who's corrupt, morally repugnant, and ignorant of our traditions. What's worse, he has autocratic tendencies and may well have collaborated with an adversary to gain office. Why is any of this ok?
Cheryl (boston)
What is it that Nunez and the goon squad are trying to hide? What exactly was the RNC up to in 2016 to make Ryan and these house members act this way?
J (C)
Putin isn't just Trump's puppeteer.
Sophia (chicago)
I've never seen such ridiculous people. Rod Rosenstein is doing his job with grace and dignity. The GOP Congressmen are making themselves look guilty. Against the backdrop of their years long hounding of Hillary Clinton, dragging her through the mud for nothing but political gain, their behavior is particularly shameful. But it's also got the stench of desperation. Guys. What did you do?
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, Calif.)
What we are dealing with in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton's (I've never been a fan) popular vote victory over President Pathological the poisoned fruit of Trump's Electoral College "victory." In other words, we are dealing with a constitutional putsch. Rational, honorable Republicans, a declining minority within their own party, are likewise victims. Republicans Comey, Rosenstein and Waring serve as examples.
Rick (Louisville)
"That was a message delivered repeatedly and theatrically by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee..." "Theatrically" is right - for an audience of one.
Make Congressman Jordan and his staff take an oath as Mr. Rosenstein and others who are interrogated by the bogus committee must do.
philip bacon (new york)
somebody's getting desperate feeling the heat? see the freight train coming?
philip bacon (new york)
you can't call it a witch hunt and then demand to see documents. if "I did nothing wrong" what do care what the investigation turns up?
Peggy Rogers (PA)
The GOP House extremists behind this and all the previous assaults on the Mueller investigation have permanently wedded themselves to this strategy because by now, their fannies are hanging as far out over the cliff as Trump's. They married this useful fool in a shotgun ceremony the minute he was nominated. What were principles to them when all they wanted to count were the same kind of donor dollars, coattail votes and special-interest bundles that adhered themselves to the squirrelly billionaire developer? As Trump's links to Putin first fell under scrutiny, the right-wing extremists saw how simple it was to stir up shared supporters by sticking up for him. Now, there is no retreat, were all the Devin Nunes's and Jim Jordan's even to consider it. Their political fortunes and Trump's are one and the same. Were the GOP House hardliners legitimately concerned about the basis for Mueller's investigation, they would not be trying to trash this entire special-counsel's investigation like a horde of bulls let loose in a ring. They would not have casually counted as collateral damage top members of the FBI and DOJ. They would not be creating widespread cynicism of the process for mounting independent investigations of American leaders. It seems these days like there should be more of the latter, not less.
K.Walker (Hampton Roads, Va)
The Republicans are trying to derail The Russia investigation before the mid-terms...just in case they loose the House, but that won't matter now that the Conservatives will control the Supreme court for years
susan (nyc)
Adam Schiff called Nunes, Meadows, Jordan and Gowdy the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" and that historians will not view them favorably to say the least. I wish Adam Schiff would run for President. He seems to be the only Democrat that speaks out daily about the travesty of Donald Trump and his minions.
Naomi Fein (New York City)
Actually, many leading Democrats do. Schiff speaks about what he knows, given the committees he's on. Others speak from their own committee positions. If you follow them on Twitter, you'll see what they're doing and what they say. It's encouraging and illuminating.
L (Connecticut)
We need more people like Adam Schiff in our government.
susan (nyc)
I don't have a Twitter account and I don't want one just as I don't have a Facebook account.
Helleborus (boston)
I just hope that there is enough brainpower in that legal think tank to deftly outmanuever Trump's legal strategists who are aimed at preventing the truth from being laid bare.
Ross (California)
Really. A few earthworms in a box of dirt would be enough brainpower to outmaneuver Rudi and his "team".
jr (PSL Fl)
OK then, that changes the parameters of the legitimate presidential investigation, the leaders of which must stand up within one week or get bulldozed into dust by congressional crooks. It comes down to this: Indict Trump and his enablers in the House in a conspiracy to overturn the rule of law in the United States, or close the door on democracy in America.
Hari Prasad (Washington, D.C.)
Why is it normal that a group of Congressmen actively support a hostile foreign power and its stooge to fight an investigation of massive interference in the 2016 presidential and Congressional elections? Are these Congressmen committed to collaborating with and covering up treason and corruption?
Prof Ed (West Chester PA)
Yes because the stopped thinking years ago. Getting re-elected is the only issue. Our Country is not important to them. Being not too bright also helps.
IN (New York)
The Republicans just believe in partisanship and PR. They have no true courage and Patriotism and are unconcerned with Russian involvement in tainting our election and in Trump's likely collusion with them and his obstruction of the investigation and his corruption in his business practices such as money laundering and racketeering. It is always Party over Country for them. Mueller and Rosenstein are Republicans of some integrity. I expect these despicable characters to blame Hillary for this and demand another house investigation of her.
Bhaskar (Dallas, TX)
Rosenstein said. "The FBI is working around the clock, doing their best, to provide the information requested by Congress." If the FBI hides those few pages that really hold the truth, does it matter that it The expends thousands of pages, hundreds of hours, and tens of people ? Why didn't the FBI produce to Congress, Strzok's infamous text message, "No. No he won't. We'll stop it." ? Why did the FBI keep it hidden even from Horowitz till the end ? The FBI top level has lost its trust with the American people. By defending it in vain, the democrats are going down with it.
Jan Marfyak (Rio Rancho NM)
The old conspiracy game polished up as, a dog once again. I don't think that dog will hunt this time. Lots of delusion here.
Mary (Redding, CT)
Any reason why the 2014-2016 emails of the FBI agents in the NYC office aren't being published? Talk about loss of trust!
R. Anderson (South Carolina)
House republicans and the senate republicans are going to great lengths to try to discredit any possible ties between Trump and Russia. An easier fix would be to force Trump to open his tax filings for the past 15 years to demonstrate he is not in the pocket of russians who loaned him or Ivanka or Jared money - or promised to fund new hotels in russia which are somehow associated with Trump.
pointofdiscovery (The heartland)
Let Mueller complete the investigation, and then all documents can be provided. Until then, providing documents will be 'leaking' and could impact the investigation. Why would anyone want that prior to the completion? Easy. People with things to hide would.
john clagett (Englewood, NJ)
Doesn't the concept of separation of powers laid out in the US Constitution prohibit the legislature from controlling the courts?
stefanie (santa fe nm)
DOJ is executive branch. The congress can investigate the executive branch under certain circumstances.
Susanna (Idaho)
Get out and vote for your Democrats this fall. That's George Will's recommendation. The House is just another arm of the Trump Party. I don't expect any other type of behavior from them unless they are neutralized by the 2018 election. Trump ran his successful campaign on bombastic contempt -- and that's the only thing we're going to keep getting from Trump and the Trump Party unless We the People can rein it in.
richard wiesner (oregon)
I believe I will wait to see Mr. Mueller's report. There seems to be a lot of gnashing of teeth, heated mid-term election babble and of course, spasms of Trump twitter. The House Republicans are welcome to investigate whatever they want. I'll read their findings. Just save me from the political blathering. By the way, can't the House find something more productive to do besides buttering the President's biscuits? RAW
AlexNYC (New York)
Isn't it against legal protocol to share information and documents of an ongoing criminal investigation, even to government lawmakers? Especially when some of the leaders (Devin Nunes) have already shown they are in cahoots and are sharing information with the targets of the investigation? How is this not subverting and obstructing justice?
Stubborn Facts (Denver, CO)
It is the height of absurdity to listen to these House Republicans demand transparency. Sure, let's start with Trump's tax returns--he promised them to us two and a half years ago.
Padfoot (Portland, OR)
The GOP controlled House is more interested in protecting Russians and Trump than protecting the integrity of our elections. Amazingly, this is beginning to make sense.
Candlewick (Ubiquitous Drive)
I hope Republicans will excuse sane people for being confused. The House Judiciary Committee (The Trey and Jim Jordan Show) could very well use the information garnered from its brethren on the House Intelligence Committee, (The Devin Nunes Show). But, it refused to do its own investigation; allowing numerous individuals to decline to answer questions, including the infamous Corey Lewandowski's shout-out that he "Wasn't going to answer your 'f-n' questions." Guess there's not much to use. Now, they are demanding to see the work-product of the Justice Department. Republican's Witch-hunt to unearth the alleged Obama-led witch-hunt should be over since the House Intelligence Committee concluded in its investigation that there was no there-there; didn't they? Of course, sane people realize this is just a ploy to release all attainable information to undermine the Muller investigation. Here's hoping Rod Rosenstein will let the GOP controlled House carry through with the threat of his impeachment on a nonbinding demand. The Senate would be hard-pressed to come up with an offence upon with to convict.
Tom ,Retired Florida Junkman (Florida)
Just consider the possibility that Trump was correct all along. That there was a conspiracy that acted in concert with the FBI to subvert the will of the people with a phony set up caused by insiders with political bias. It is possible.
Anaboz (Denver, CO)
Nope. Too many proven contacts with Russians by too many people in Trump's close circle of associates and family.
Laura (Long Island, NY)
The will of which people were subverted, Tom, Retired Florida Junkman? Do you mean the will of the 65+ million who didn't vote for Trump or that of the lesser 62+ million who did? What would you say to seeing Trump's tax returns as one simple means of seeing what's real or phony about him? Anything's possible.
Joe B. (Center City)
20 plus indictments. Four guilty pleas. More Endictments about to drop.
Alain (Montréal)
Wouldn’t forcing the DOJ to rush be an obstructing of justice? Just let Mueller finishing an impeccable procedure than rushing something incomplete?
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
Alain, yes! That is what they want to do: OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. These are the worst cabal of crooks, thieves, and liars that have ever graced the American political stage...and we've had plenty. But these guys win the prize for deceit and derangement. They should all be in front of a firing squad...not collecting salaries, benefits, and pensions for destroying the United States democracy, and spitting on the United States citizenry on a daily basis. And not only salaries, benefits, and pensions...but bribes, kickbacks, and pay offs!
B Windrip (MO)
If House Republicans can't allow three members of their own party to conduct this investigation in a manner they deem to be in the nation's best interest they are not fit to serve in Congress.
Howard64 (New Jersey)
if it isn't already, the house republicans should be a subject of the investigation.
Eatoin Shrdlu (Somewhere, Long Island)
Excuse me.a House committee, with no power except over budget recommendations, ORDERS a semi-autonomous department of the Executive Branch to hand over documents concerning an ongoing criminal investigation? I believe the Judiciary Committee may be able to hold Rothstein in contempt of Congress, possibly establishing grounds for a Saturday Night Massacre, removing R. and on down the line until someone is found willing to fire Mueller, or a direct removal by Trump of R. and M, which, with the Supreme Court in recess until the first Monday in October, leaves Mueller able to obtain a court order preventing his removal by a “person of interest” in his investigations. ... or something like that. ... or an investigation of obstruction of justice if papers are turned over and somehow get to Trump’s lawyers. Whatever the result, it’s a very foolish move for the House GOP to make at this time. It would leave a debate over clearly partisan acts festering through the months leading up to the election, and a box, contents unknown, ready to spring open at just the wrong time for House Republicans. Anyway they look at it they lose. And we have a better chance of at least seeing the House, and, though doubtful, the Senate, change hands. Too late to save the Supreme Court quick-approval of whatever judge is willing to pledge loyalty to Trump. A matter I am sure the Democrats will question during the confirmation proceedings.
Susan (Here and there)
Today Trump again denied any Russian interference in the 2016 election. That's the other investigation that these guys are trying to shut down, because it leads to questions of legitimacy for the election.
MED (Mexico)
The plot thickens. Honorable people representing honorable critical institutions important to the stability of our nation are being abused/undermined by questionable methods of a Republican dominated Congress? If Democrats ever did this a pox on them. Desperation to destroy a nation over hubris and a carefully calculated vision quickly puched through amoungst the confusion of so much happening so quickly. The electorate needs time to absorb the action with thought, but no, let's do all this in such a manner to obfusticate the real issues. When the air clears it might mean being Maters of the Universe whatever the cost to the Union. Are these people really interested in the Union or democracy or winning at any cost? The costs are high.
smb (Savannah )
Republicans are trying desperately to obstruct the Russian investigation. Why? This seems to go well beyond protecting Trump. The FBI is the premiere law enforcement and counterintelligence agency of the United States. When Republicans attack it, they are attacking law and order, but they are also attacking patriots and dedicated agents who defend the country from criminals, terrorists, and spies. Why are Republicans going so crazy about this? McConnell accepted $7.34 million from a Russian oligarch and would not let the FBI warn the country during 2016 that Russians were actively interfering in the election. The NRA evidently funneled Russian money by the millions to Trump. Rohrabacher has long had Russian ties. Like Rohrabacher, Nunes met with Flynn and senior Turkish officials. Kislyak, considered Russia's top spy, met twice with Sessions (who lied under oath about it). Paul Behrends with many Russian ties worked for Rohrabacher and the House Foreign Affairs Committee as well as being close to Erik Prince. Republicans in Congress seem to be a nest of Russian ties and obstruction of the Russian investigation. The attacks on the FBI and the Department of Justice have a sinister purpose in trying to undermine Mr. Rosenstein, Mr. Mueller and all FBI agents who have been associated with the Russian investigation. Time will tell. The attempts to deflect, block and obstruct are not the actions of innocent men.
BCY123 (Ny)
I watched some of the hearing. The republicans were grandstanding and lecturing. Rosenstein and Wray were polite, professional and restrained. The comparison was like a group of drunken teenagers vs adults who were trying to teach a lesson in civility.
Joe Barnett (Sacramento)
If the world hadn't recently taken some very Orwellian twists, I would say, yes the House of Representatives should be included in the loop. But this House has developed a strange leak that only leaks somethings, and often in a way to bias the observer. On the other hand, the investigation into Mr. Trump's wild election ride, has been demure, and reticent so as to remain abstruse. So I would suggest marking the words and seeing where they pop up again or release them to the press at the same time so the meaning remains intact.
JL (Los Angeles)
What surprises me is that the GOP chooses Trump as the hill to die on. Even his wife finds him abhorrent . The GOP lapdogs are nuts if they think there is some antidote to the Trump stench which will both herald and warn of their presence going forward .
Chris M (San Francisco, CA)
Our democracy is rotting from within. Day by day. Drip by drip. Nice knowing you America.
Bill Cole (Boston, MA)
Trey Gowdy was angry because another four months and the Mueller investigation will match how long his House Select Committee on Benghazi lasted. He is just trying to keep his record. Hypocrite.
Mlark (Texas)
Hahaha - yes, I looked for and saw Gowdy’s head in the corner – he opened four, or was it six inquiries into Hillary‘s email and there was nothing illegal. In fact, Trump has been using an unsecured, at least by government standards cell phone. He insists that he has the right to tell Putin anything he feels like. That’s quite delusional thinking, considering what a murderous dictator Putin is. They ar throwing their loudest junkyard dog, Jordan and their most weasely little operative, Nunes. Against AG Rosenstein and the director of FBI, both Republicans and Trump appointees, to try and prove there is a conspiracy. They need to look behind them, because the conspiracy consists of Trump Campaign and all the Russian connections favors done by hacking, trolling and sending bots with false information and ask themselves, or any adult probably why Trump wants to tell secrets to Putin.
Welcome Canada (Canada)
Meadow and his gang of crazies want to ‘’conduct oversight’’! What about overseeing the conduct of your own members (NUNES & all) who have been acting like Russian operatives. Start with that and it will occupy you for quite a while...
Cruzin (Tennessee)
The NYT reported today that Roger Stone, Trump’s campaign advisor and his aide, Andrew Miller, are being questioned by Mueller for work on Trump’s campaign. Miller’s attorney, Paul Kamenar, is being paid by the “National Legal and Policy Center”, an organization that is largely funded by the Sarah Scaife foundation, which coincidentally also largely funds Judicial Watch. JW is also funded by the Koch’s. Both the Koch’s and Scaife have HUGE interests in the oil industry. JW, which claims to be non-partisan, has filed over 20 lawsuits against Hillary Clinton‘s emails, and several lawsuits against the DOJ and FBI recently and who’s president, Tom Fitton, has called for the Special Counsel investigation to be “shut down” after leading the charge against McCabe, DOJ, FBI and Comey. It really seems like a conflict of interest to me that a large portion of 2 tax exempt non-profits, both funded by Sarah Scaife, are supporting attorneys and lawsuits that clearly are beneficial for Trump and his campaign members and his transition team. And Sarah Scaife Foundation has ties to Trump's transition team.
Tom (Calgary)
'sets up Trump's argument to fire Rosenstein, conveniently
Reva Cooper (NYC)
We must let the courageous Rod Rosenstein know that we have his back. Write to him!
richland interloper (midwest)
Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy are shameless.
John S. (La Jolla)
Mueller needs to start inditing. Nunes would be a good place to start with obstructing justice and whatever his Russian connections are..I'm sure Mueller has more dirt on him and other members of the Russian party in congress.
Chromatic (CT)
Corrupt and criminal Trump and his accessory enabler Republican Conservative co-conspirators in the executive and legislative branches are the cancerous “Deep State.” They are guilty of High Crimes and High Treason.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood, NM)
"Why are you keeping information from Congress?” Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, asked"....Because the justice Department does not want Congress to sabotage the Muller investigation.
Pedro (Austin)
Because some of you are under investigation!
JDS (Denver)
Perhaps someone like Mark Meadows or Devin Nunes should seek some legal advice here. The speech and debate clause covers a lot of what Congress does from any criminal prosecution but when Republicans are working secretly (and then publicly) in a unilateral manner to interfere in an ongoing investigation obstruction of justice indictments are possible. To be constitutionally protected, the members actions have to be congressional activity. Kevin Nunes, forcing Rosenstein to meet with him and other Republicans about details of the investigation, and then having a real meeting with a joint, bipartisan group separately, demonstrate that the 1st meeting was not legitimate congressional activity.
Pedro (Austin)
I believe that Mr Nunes, is more worried that his visits to the Ukraine and Russia ties are under investigation, Nunes uses Trump to cover himself.
Don (New York)
An important fact that everyone seems to be missing is that the RNC and the Republican patrons the NRA received large amounts of Russian cash for an undisclosed amount of time. Compounding that, Michael Cohen up until recently was the deputy finance chair for the RNC. Any Republican who received aid or cash from the either groups should immediately recuse themselves from these committees. We'll wait ...
Candlewick (Ubiquitous Drive)
@Don: Millions of us aren't missing these facts; they've been reported. We're at a crux here where there is really no one enforcing ethics; recusal is now a pipe dream. Republicans are too filled with themselves and realize they can do virtually anything they wish, because- well; "the can."
John (Pittsburgh/Cologne)
Trump is holding a summit with Putin. This means that the Mueller investigation is essentially over and found no wrongdoing. Mueller knows this. Trump knows this. Congress knows this. In fact, most of the country has now figured this out. The tide has turned decisively. It’s time for Mueller to publish his findings and for the country to move on.
James B (Ottawa)
Congress knows this. Putin knows this...
RH (Bklyn, NY)
So, John, if there is evidence of treason will you accept it? Why won't Trump testify under oath that he had no dealings with any Russians, even though he praises Putin and destroys our allies. That's okay with you? If Obama cozied up to Putin and Kim Yun Sun, and the rest of the worlds' dictators, what would you want the justice department to do about that? Let Mueller wrap it up in his own time. How many Benzhazi hearings did Clinton have to sit through to prove that she didn't allow the attack on the compound on the anniversary of 9/11 when terrorists like to remind America that they are not going away. I am waiting for the whole Trump clan to be taken away in handcuffs. That will be the day I pop a bottle of expensive champagne.
psrunwme (NH)
If there is no wrongdoing, then why demand the information prior to the conclusion of this case? No criminal investigation should ever be required to turn over their fact-finding and hand it to the accused while the case is still being investigated. This sets precedents for every court in the land. This continues to be a cover-up not a turning of the tide.
KL (Plymouth Ma)
Perhaps the Justice Dept. could warn the members of the House Judiciary Committee that if any of the info they are provided leaks out, the members of the House who leaked it will be recommended for criminal prosecution.
Jeff Guinn (Germany)
Does that apply to Comey?
D (NY)
I wonder if Mr.Comey feels proud at these moments to see the wreckage he has brought onto the country's institutions. Lordy, I wish he had chosen to not sabotage the Clinton candidacy for a flimsy reason while knowing full well that Russia was interfering to get Trump elected. But Karma is unforgiving. Not only does he go down in history in ignominy- being the target of hate for both parties, he takes down the hallowed FBI itself. This is how it always ends- someone caring more to appear "neutral" to the leadership than they care for the country.
GP (Bronx, NY)
Trump did worst things during election and people still voted for him. All of us who voted for Hillary, voting not caring about the email issue.. Stop blaming Commey
Mike S. (Monterey, CA)
Quite likely this is the new "repeal Obamacare." That is a resolution the House passes every couple months, knowing that it will accomplish nothing, but doing it because it keeps their supporters happy. Oh and the ruckus covers up the fact that they still can't actually accomplish anything genuinely useful to the country as a whole.
Janet Michael (Silver Spring Maryland)
Why does Mr.Ryan defend Mr.Meadows and Mr.Jordan, hard right provocateurs who never support him when he tries to bring a conciliatory bill before congress.They are obviously intent on sabotaging the Mueller inquiry and will stop at nothing to sully the FBI and the Justice Department.They have an agenda that does not match any concept of responsible or effective government.
William O. Beeman (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Meadows and Jordan are thugs. They think that their constituents love them all the more when they yell and scream vacuous insults. I think they are an embarrassment to themselves, to their States and to the nation. But I guess they are little mini-me Trumpsters. If Donald can do it, I guess they think that emulating his style will get them up another rung on the political ladder.
L (Connecticut)
House Republicans have already been caught working on behalf of Trump to obstruct the Russia investigation (Nunes, Jordan, Meadows.) If Paul Ryan had a backbone or a shred of integrity, he would put an end to this intimidation of Rod Rosenstein by his out of control House henchmen. If they continue to demand evidence from an open investigation that they so obviously want to shut down to help Trump, they should be charged as co-conspirators in obstruction of justice. They, like Trump, think they're abve the law.
L (Connecticut)
I forgot to add Trey Gowdy to the list of Republican House Henchmen (this guy changes his mind daily-one day he supports Mueller and the DOJ, and the next he turns on them and acts like he's still working on the Benghazi investigation. I think he's got Partisan Investigation Syndrome.)
JCAZ (Arizona)
Kudos to Mr. Nadler for calling out his colleagues hypocrisy. Despite the current humanitarian crisis at the borders, Congress has not called any emergency sessions. Same thing with Russian interference & the upcoming elections. We all need to note who voted "yes" today & make sure they get voted out of office in November (or before in the primaries!).
DrF (New York City)
there is no use in fighting it, the court is going to be conservative--get used to it. The republicans will no more give up the opportunity to pack the court than the democrats would if given the the same opportunity. If you are a supporter of liberal ideals you will have to work to make the legislature and then the president democratic before you can be heard
Renee Margolin (Oroville, CA)
This is nothing more than a dishonest attempt by Republicans to sabotage a legitimate investigation of their leader, Trump. It's obvious they realize how much damage the results of this investigation will do to their Party if the FBI is allowed to continue. Just Party before country as always, no respect for the rule of law.
Anne Sherrod (British Columbia)
Another chapter in the Republican Congress's attacks on the US justice system, for the purpose of obstructing or terminating an investigation of potential criminal activity in collaboration with interference in the US election by Russia. Hang in there, Rosenstein and Wray. The Mueller investigation must be protected.
Ichabod Aikem (Cape Cod)
The only one who should be impeached, who has obstructed Justice, and who continues to undermine the foundations of the Constitution is Donald Trump. Mr. Wray and Mr. Rosenstein should not be attacked, slandered, or grilled as if they were the accused. All who defend Trump and break their oaths of office will have their day of reckoning to the American people. Why aren’t these GOP collaborators concerned with their feckless leader’s visit with Putin? More help in the upcoming elections coming their way via the Kremlin?
ondelette (San Jose)
Oh, well. At least the entire Republican Party is now on record as complicit in the obstruction of justice. I expect them to be investigated as vigorously as the campaign officials, and each and every perpetrator in the Republican Caucus hauled up before a grand jury and charged and prosecuted. Jim Jordan should also be censured and removed from the Congress for conduct unbecoming and for misuse of the authority of his office.
Joanna Stasia (NYC)
Wait! Gowdy and the GOP investigated Benghazi for two and a half years! An investigation into whether the absolutely crucial foundational aspects of democracy (free, honest and fair elections) were interfered with by a foreign enemy state is expected to wind it up in less than half that time? Ludicrous! The only reason this is "tearing the country apart" is because the GOP is frantic about what is being uncovered, desperate to stop Mueller's team from getting to the truth, and cultishly under Trump's thumb. Innocent people would not be so frantic.
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
I guess the thing to remember is Jim Jordan isn't performing for our audience. Anyone who would believe him is already beyond the pale. As anyone with half a brain will notice, Republicans are making a concerted effort to corner Rosenstein. I would call it conspiracy to obstruct justice. Chris Wray's reaction is priceless though. Another Trump appointee is ready to quit. May the court of public opinion hold Republicans in contempt. The most bizarre thing to me though is how anyone could appreciate someone like Jim Jordan. Can you imagine encountering that person as a high school student? I apologize on behalf of his parents. They must be so embarrassed anytime an acquaintance asks after their child. There's really no forgiving a jerk like that. He's bred in the bone. After Rand Paul, we have to wonder what Jim Jordan's neighbor thinks. Jordan most live in a gated compound.
MyOwnWoman (MO)
No, Trumps lapdogs have no shame, and can't wait to start twisting the truth as they have so easily done in the past. No matter the reality, and no matter how indisputable the possible proof of crimes, Tramp's lapdogs will never allow the truth to prevail. These people, in trying to squelch and deny the truth need to be under investigation--and this is why they are demanding the justice department be investigated, in order to distract from their own shifty efforts to thwart justice. These people have no patriotism, no honor, and have no place being in leadership positions.
WeHadAllBetterPayAttentionNow (Southwest)
Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and Trey Gowdy are waging war on the rule of law. They are trying to do the same thing to Rosenstein and and Wray that they did to Comey in 2016... bully them into deviating from proper DOJ procedures. Then they will turn around, just like they have done with Comey, and blame the DOJ and the FBI for deviating from proper procedures. This is nothing but a prop to protect Trump from the Special Counsel investigation. Jordan, Meadows and Gowdy are traitors to the United States for interfering with the investigation.
GTM (Austin TX)
"Elections have consequences." - B. Obama Vote in the mid-terms like our democracy depends on your vote. It most certainly does.
B. Ligon (Greeley, Colorado)
What Trump and Jerrold Nadler are doing is to push Rosenstein to resign or to get rid of him. If they succeed, they will replace him with someone they can push around and dictate to. Ongoing investigation papers should not be turned over to them. If there was no problem and no collusion, what are they worried about, let Mr. Mueller finish the investigation. I say there was, and that is why, they are determined to sabotage the whole thing.
L Blair (Portland, OR)
You seem to be confusing Jerrold Nadle, a Democrat, with Meadows/Jordan/Gowdy who are the Republicans at the forefront of this inquisition.
Ichabod Aikem (Cape Cod)
Not Nader, but Gowdy, Nunes, and Meadows, and Jordan.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Republicans complicit with Trump's graft seem anxious to protect their own hide by attacking Wray and Rosenstein to release information they know is actively under investigation (remember Comey's ill-timed release just before the presidential elections, dooming Ms. Clinton's chance to win?). This is an abuse of congressional power, and they know it's shameful. And yet, they seem under marching orders from the demagogue in-chief to 'kill' the investigation. Why would Trump be so afraid if he is innocent?
George (Los Angeles)
What is it with Rosenstein and the FBI hitting the House head on filing with the Federal Court’s a complaint refusing to hand over or give any information on an on going CRIMINAL investigation, and to request and injunction and accuse selective members of the House of interfering and possibly obstructing justice. Give the House a gut punch. The same should be done by the public to file legal action to stop this attempt to interfere with a criminal investigation of Trump and his malefactors.
Bian (Arizona)
Partisanship aside, based on what is said in the IG report there was in fact a deeply flawed investigation of a deeply flawed individual. It well may be that the investigation started with something that seems like entrapment.It appears the FBI sent informants to speak with people associated with the Trump campaign to try to draw out criminal behavior that was never there. This is very upsetting that the FBI would be so misused and to literally undermine the political process. And, now it seems obvious that Justice and the FBI are holding back materials that would show the full extent of the operation that was run against a political campaign . It should all come out and just maybe neither party will engage in this type of irresponsible behavior again. I have to add that the magnitude of stupidity is overwhelming that the FBI people would actually put in emails what they have to think of Trump and that " we will stop him." They created a paper trail of their own criminal behavior, but what more is there that the public has not see yet?
Brian (Ohio)
It was reported in the new York times that a small group of people, five, in the fbi handled the Clinton and trump investigation with little oversight. One was fired and two were reassigned because of bias. I know it's painful but who is in charge here our elected officials or the FBI? It should be clear after the information is out if this was done to obstruct. The methods and sources excuse has been misused in this matter already.
Erica Smythe (Minnesota)
Rosenstein appears to be the kind of guy who played inside a lot as a kid. In our family, when you played rough and tumble, you inevitably ended up with a Band-Aid. The first time you have a Band-Aid covering a bloody wound, there is apprehension with whether to take it off slowly or very quickly. Rosenstein is in the same situation. He needs to yank this sucker off and deal with the pain all at once. The full truth is all going to get out anyway...what's he doing by playing 3 card monte?
D. Ben Moshe (Sacramento)
Another day in our new American dystopia. Congress attacks and undermines the FBI and DOJ; from the WH trump tweets peurile insults at his adversaries, attacks the FBI and defends Russia; and yet another mass shooting takes place this time in Maryland with no prospect of sane gun control on the agenda. How far can our beloved country fall before it breaks apart completely?
John Ryan (Brooklyn, NY)
Simply put Mr. Meadows and Mr. Jordan are facists who would destroy American democracy for the fleeting adulation of the mob and Donald J Trump. We are doomed as a nation if we continue to succum to the fits of the "freedom caucus" which is neither.
Cartcomm (North Carolina)
A meaningless resolution that can and should be ignored. What's most admirable is that Mr. Mueller and his team continue to do their jobs without any leaks of information, no comments to the press, no reaction to the lunacy of the GOP. Which is absolutely driving Trump and his poodles nuts, as witnessed by the frothing at the mouth by Meadows, Gowdy, Nunes, etc., and the increasingly shrill tweets from the White House. Bravo, Mr. Mueller. Continue on.
hds379 (miami beach)
If you think this is theater at its best, wait until they (The Republicans) convene a Constitutional Convention. That’s what this is all about. Can you imagine the fallout when the American public finally realizes they’ve been duped by the mother of all con men? Mueller is close to exposing these criminals. The Republicans will be seen for what they are - just men behind the curtain manipulating us into thinking the Democrats are on a witch hunt. This sham inquiry today and party line vote to hand their boss the evidence against him is was pathetic. Sadly, it’s the Republican Party that has lost its way in pursuit of a historical opportunity to change our constitution at will.
sm (new york)
This obscenity of a resolution is the end result of corrupt Republican members of the House trying to impugn and impeach decent men , as Mr. Rosenstein , Mr. Wray and yes Mr. Mueller . The charges Trump bandies about with the help of his henchmen in Congress , his administration, and pretty soon the Supreme Court , are an attempt to finally turn America into an alternate and corrupt autocracy . These men know no shame , having convinced themselves they do the good thing , and will probably go to their graves believing so . Decent and upstanding men need not apply , they have been rendered obsolete by their lies .
Chip Lovitt (NYC)
The American GOP Politburo has spoken once again. (And Chairman Mitch will get his next Supreme Court choice I'll bet.) These House hearings are like show trials from another even darker era in another land. Luckily we don't banish people to gulags yet...Truth, justice, the American way...just a memory now.
Sally McCart (Milwaukee)
a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Or, me thinks the R's on the committee doth protests too much. Perhaps, they think, if they keep throwing mud, at least a smidgen might stick.
East TN Yankee (East TN)
Ya know how you can get a song stuck in your head? I keep hearing Alvin and the Chipmunks singing, "Hurry, Mueller! Don't be late!"
Nemoknada (Princeton, NJ)
Rosenstein and Wray deserve what they get, not because they are doing the wrong thing now, but because they did the wrong thing by accepting appointments from the Abominable Show Man. They have lain down with a dog. The fleas are their problem.
Wilton Traveler (Florida)
They want the Mueller investigation over ASAP, and this is just one step on the road towards that end. This committee had no trouble investigating Hillary Clinton for years, but now they turn on a Republican appointee who refuses to play ball with the Trump oligarchy. What a bunch of useless hypocrites. Throw the bums out on November 6, 2018.
Erica Smythe (Minnesota)
So...fact check time. The reason Hillary was investigated for more than a year was because she decided to print out 500,000 pages of emails and hand them to the FBI instead of the digital versions. The same FBI went through 650,000 emails (vs. the 30,000 she turned over) on Weiner's laptop in less than 3 days vs. the year+ it took to get through her printed emails. And you're mad at whom?
Alan D (Los Angeles)
To save Donald Trump, lying con artist, the GOP will destroy everything this country stands for. If the current GOP were in office in 1972, Nixon would have walked, unscathed.
Thomas (Galveston, Texas)
How pathetic of the House Republicans to accuse Rod Rosenstein of hidding documents when they should be demanding Trump to release his tax returns, to appear before Mueller for questioning, to stop using the power of his office to harass private citizens like the owner of Red Hen restaurant, and the executives of Harley Davidson.
escorpio (new jersey)
After watching the hearings today I immediately sent a donation to Janet Garrett in hopes that she can defeat Jim Jordan in November. His obnoxious, outrageous bullying is disgraceful and disgusting. Neither Mr. Rosenstein nor Mr. Wray deserve that kind of treatment. I watched Jordan during the Clinton email hearings and it was the same bombastic bullying. You disgrace the House of Representatives, Mr. Jordan!
Erica Smythe (Minnesota)
That's funny. I sent $100 to Keith Ellison to make sure he gets on the statewide ballot this fall in Minnesota. Other than Nancy Pelosi showing up in MN every other week between now and November, he's the next best thing to being kryptonite for the Democrat Party. used to be the Democrat Farmer Labor Party, but since the working men and women in MN have now jumped ship to Trump...they shortened it to Democrat Party.
rrr (NYC)
"nonbinding" but that won't stop the Republicans from hunting for unicorns and dodging the Russian Nesting Dolls that hide the collusion. Hurry up, Mueller.
jeff (nv)
Another REAL witch hunt by the Republicans, their typical fall back due to their lack of any ability to govern. This is only going to get worse.
Andrea (CA)
Is this request for documents a "Catch 22"?
Jacquie (Iowa)
Republicans remain complicit so they get the Russian money for their re-elections as before.
Pat Choate (Tucson, Arizona)
Watching Trey Gowdy demand a speedy end to an investigation was a rare delight.
Anaboz (Denver, CO)
Absolutely! Trey Gowdy who spent over two years investigating Bengazi and didn't find a thing!
Jean Montanti (West Hollywood, CA)
The Republican Party is showing themselves to be the fascists they truly are with every statement and investigation and threat to our democracy. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are the ring-leaders of this Trump circus and will ultimately pay an enormous price but not before the country is in tatters. They should be careful not to allow this imbecile president to bankrupt this country like every other business under his control. They too will suffer.
Richard (USA)
These shady republicans are trying to clean up and warn (remember Nunes) the White House of how much proof they have of trump's corruption....They are hiding in plain sight like trump...Keep going FBI and Justice department, all we have now is you keeping the US from the throes of dishonest republicans protecting the crooked trump!
Never (Michigan)
I, like the majority of Americans, am getting fed up with the House Republicans and their attempts to undermine the Mueller investigation!!! This is the United States of America. And if we want to keep our Democracy it is time to speak out. We have a president who lies constantly, and knowingly!!! He makes false statements about conversations NEVER held, he just makes them up!! And what do House Republicans do?? Nothing!! Absolutely nothing!! Make sure you vote
CJNYC (New York)
A fish rot from the head. It is getting mighty stinky in Washington. Devin Nunes will scurry up to the White House with all the intel, hand it to Don the Con and Donnie will have his way.
tom harrison (seattle)
Rosenstein should just look Congress in the eye on national television and say, "Hillary ate the documents you are looking for, sorry".
Steve (OH)
Democracy in the United States hangs by a slender thread. Vote.
MikeP (NJ)
“Why are you keeping information from Congress?” Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, asked in one particularly forceful exchange just before the committee voted on the resolution. The reason the Dept. of Justice has been less than completely forthcoming with documents regarding the Russian effort to sway the presidential election in Lil' Donnie Dictator's favor is the fact that the U.S. Congress, under Republican rule, IS COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY CORRUPT. You and your co-conspirators, Mr. Jordan, are the reason. Because you have forsworn and abandoned your oath to the Constitution of the United States of America and, instead, have taken a tacit oath to the repulsive cretin currently occupying the Oval Office, you and your gang of thieves and charlatans are no longer worthy of consideration as "elected" officials. You are all disgraceful traitors. That's why the DOJ is blowing you off. Any further questions?
Sixofone (The Village)
We're going to find out in the near future whether democracy in this country has any long-term future. Several factors will have to align for its survival and, although I am hopeful, I'm not overly optimistic. Dark clouds keep rolling in and things are looking dimmer than ever.
george eliot (annapolis, md)
The Trump Republicans on this committee are traitors, make no mistake about it. To think that I served this country for 40 years, and that this filth is now in charge, disgusts me.
Jordan Davies (Huntington Vermont)
This is a patently wrong attempt to undermine the Mueller investigation. But this is what the greed only party does.
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
makes you think they are all on the russian payroll.. i heard the comment on the radio today, made by a trumpster, that the summit in july was important for" two such significant powers". hmmmmm..... California’s GDP, at 2.448 trillion dollars is 80% larger that Russia’s GDP, at 1.3 trillion dollars. Here are some other interesting stats. While Russia has a population of 143.5 million, resulting in a GDP per capita of 14,601 USD, California has a population of around 38 million, resulting in a GDP per capita of 56,435 USD, which is almost four times as much as Russia. it is clear that trump is bestowing on putin a credibility that he would otherwise not have...... just like he did with kim. if he continues to run our country we will be be downsized as trump profits.
Trumpkin Of Russia 🇷🇺 (Madison, Wi)
Trumpkin and his people’s law along with a whole lot of republicans can’t wait to Join the new axis of Russo-America. Unfortunately, their Russian “ partners” are a great deal smarter than either the Trumpkins or the Vichy Republican. In waaay over their heads and taking the rest of us with them
Art (Colorado)
Rosenstein should ignore this non-binding resolution. Let Congress try to impeach him. They won't be able to get a 2/3 vote to convict him in the Senate. The Republican Party no longer exists; it is now the Trump Party and they will do anything to protect their dear leader. Vote Democratic in November!
sllison holland (lubbock)
Beto !!!
Max & Max (Brooklyn)
The word, "impeachment" belongs on the lips of everyone in the Congress. Scapegoating the Justice Department instead of the criminals in office is just another case of the foul is fair fair is foul politics of this Macbethian Trump (oops, sorry, spoiler alert!)
Danielle Davidson (Canada and USA)
I read the comments and can't believe readers give their opinion without knowing about the facts. The representatives are the voice of the people and the FBI and DOJ are not. They are at our service, therefore they have the obligation to provide all information requested. A very summary knowledge of what happened with some agents who could and should be accused of crimes (including Comey), leads us to believe that there was indeed collusion, but not of the Russian kind. Favorable bias towards Clinton? You bet. Against the President, again, of course.
Sixofone (The Village)
So, DD, you'll have us believe that the FBI are so inept that, although they were conspiring to have Clinton elected, they somehow forgot not to have Comey go public-- not once, but twice-- with information that crushed her chances? And we're also to believe that this FBI conspiracy to stop trump in his tracks forgot to go public with the information that they were looking into his campaign's contacts with the Russians? Oopsie!
gdurt (Los Angeles CA)
The jaw-dropping, criminal abuse of power exhibited in these Soviet-style show trials and inquisitions continues unabated for eight, long years now. We just lost the Supreme Court for a generation - be sure to stay home next November as usual, Democrats. Jim Jordan and the criminal cartel he's protecting thanks you in advance.
Lily L (New York)
I am ashamed by the Republican lawmakers. By interfering the Russian probe, they put their party interest over the country interest. Putin of Russia and Xi of China are laughing loudly across the Pacific over the Western democracy.
digitalartist (New York)
For this game round. Mueller needs to lay down a serious hand quickly.
ChristopherM (New Hampshire)
Mueller isn't working to anyone's timetable except his own.
Sixofone (The Village)
He needs to make sure his trump card's firmly in hand before doing so.
Noel Dunn Brown (Califon, New Jersey)
What are these "republicans" so afraid of? Is Mueller getting a little too close for comfort?
GMT (Tampa, Fla)
I am so bleepin' sick of these people in the Republican party wasting tax dollars and time beating a dead horse for the sole purpose of helping a this president cover up his unethical and smarmy conduct. These men are supposed to be part of our nation's leadership? If they were worth their salt they would want to know the truth, no matter where it leads. We have mid-term elections coming. I don't know who here is up for re-election but I hope everyone remembers this along with the debacle over immigration policy, the attacks on working people via the Supreme Court, the dismantling of the only real and decent change in health care access (the ACA) and, above all, which party did it. Time to break the GOP death grip on Congress.
sllison holland (lubbock)
well the supreme court just ok-ed gerrymandering and before that they gutted the voting rights act and most college kids are purged from the rolls because they lean forward and voting places are being limited so its even geographically hard to vote. oh they cut early voting and sunday voting souls to the polls is out so its getting harder to have a clean vote. and what judge would hear a voting rights violation case these new days ? a mcconnel judge. which means a judge that judges people rather than the law.
Ronny (Dublin, CA)
Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy seem to be doing everything they can to obstruct the investigation into Trump conspiring with the Russians against the American people. I wonder why? Could they be part of the conspiracy?
rac (NY)
I thought these Republicans in Congress were "God-fearing". I was appalled by the repeated blasphemy. Don't all those deplorable Republican lovers object? Or, are they all just the same type of pious hypocrites as their elected representatives?
sllison holland (lubbock)
they used religion like a towel in a sauna. a necessary cover for polite society.
Surfer (East End)
The person giving us the run around is our President Donald Trump .
saquireminder (Paris)
Don't you think journalists with any self-respect can stop citing the President's words that are invariably blatantly untruthful and/or empty of content, callous, ignorant, volatile and supremely undignified? His words turn discussion into sophistry, close the channels of communication and because they are rhetorical sophistry nevertheless appear to be defending 'some' position, that position visible when each of his eyes turns toward his nose.
Jean (Holland, Ohio)
Citizens in the Fourth District of Ohio, Please vote Jordan out of office.
sllison holland (lubbock)
can ohio do it ? your voting rights have been almost as severely restiricted as ours in texas. check to see if youre on the roster. the purge has been going very well in ohio. kasich is not the good guy the media allows him to pretend he is. he is a farce. just like most republicans.
Lynne Shook (Harvard MA)
These Republicans are masters of propaganda. The fact that they can get away with this--while utterly obscuring the fact that the current administration they are so desperately trying to defend (from nothing) is under investigation for serious crimes against this country--is extraordinary. I give them a lot of credit, and it's high time all Democrats did the same. Trump and his minions do not lie--they spew propaganda,which is a far more dangerous thing. These haters do love to hate.
Fe R (San Diego)
Once again, along party lines. Not a bona fide legislative check and balance oversight. A waste of tax money. Of special note, Rep Jordan is trying his mighty best to upstage Devin Nunez as Trump’s best groomed poodle (George Will’s pet name for the invertebrate I.e. spineless GOPs). But wow, probably Trump’s pit bull is more appropriate with his undisguised bullying.
HH (Skokie, IL)
How dare these Republicans speak to these two individuals in this manner. They, like the rest of us, will wait until a full and complete investigation has been concluded. And why are these Republicans speaking in this manner? Remember, their fearless leader, President Trump, who they bow down to, said he did nothing wrong. So what's up Republicans? Sit down and shut up.
Norman (Kingston)
The GOP (and Trump) is being duped by Putin. This is really quite extraordinary, and shows just how successful Russia's efforts to meddle into US politics has become. The GOP's efforts to undermine this investigation under the pretext of "transparency" represents a staggering dereliction of responsibility. Russia's long-term policy aim is to "Balkanize" the US -- to foment so much discord that States seek a withdrawal from the Union -- to get back at the US for speeding the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Remember, Putin has publicly said he would like to "rebuild the USSR". Americans need to understand that breaking the US is part of his plan.
Bill Paoli (El Sobrante, CA)
When he was five or six my 26 year old son asked me in a plaintive tone of voice, "Why are there Republicans?" At the time I took it as a cute and funny, if surprising question. Now I take it seriously and am looking for an answer.
H. Clark (Long Island, NY)
House Republicans, fused at the hip to Trump, are dangling any shiny object they can to distract from the impending results of the Mueller investigation. Anyone with a conscience and who cares about democracy is hoping that Mr. Mueller is allowed to continue with his probe, and that Mr. Rosenstein remains in his position. The results of the Special Counsel's work will speak for themselves, and Trump's GOP cronies will finally realize that they've been blindly sycophantic to an arch criminal.
Republicans will do ANYTHING to stay in power - including destroying our country, our democracy and its institutions. PARTY over country EVERY TIME.
Dan (SF)
The GOP doesn’t want answers any more than they want to protect this nation. They want obfuscation and to protect their own party’s power.
Alex E (elmont, ny)
If these people have nothing to hide, handover the documents the committee is asking. They are people's representatives entrusted to do certain duties. FBI and DOJ bureaucracy is obstructing to do their responsibilities.
Roy (Seattle)
So that the information can be leaked to the public, thereby informing those being investigated what direction the special counsel is headed?
Valerie (Miami)
That isn't how investigations work. Good grief. Please stop the willful, unfunded paranoia.
silver vibes (Virginia)
These Congressional Republicans were emboldened by yesterday's Supreme Court victory to flex their muscles and bully and threaten punishment for Rod Rosentein if he doesn't obey their demands. GOP lawmakers now have free rein to push the Justice Department around and take what they want without judicial or executive interference. The federal government is now under martial law.
earthgve 21st (Portland,OR)
putin should be on the ballot thjis November and in 2020 as trump and republicans are loyal and beholden to him and not Citizens of United States.
Michael Shirk (Austin, Texas)
He would probably get elected given the past, and likely future, failure of identifiable groups to vote.
chamber (new york)
“Executives at the Department of Justice have done nothing but pay lip service to transparency, while instead choosing to obstruct, slow-walk and deny legitimate congressional attempts to obtain documents and conduct oversight,” said Representative Mark Meadows. Complete nonsense! It's Mark Meadows and his band of teapartiers that obfuscate the truth at every self-serving congressional turn they make. It's Mark Meadows and his ilk that lie, hide, and are attempting to rewrite actual history. Don't let them. Contact your local and federal representatives often and loudly and make sure all understand that you're in favor of laws, that we are a nation of laws, and that Robert Mueller's investigation should be fully protected by congress. And may I add; VOTE!
db (nyc)
Frankly, if all the players would simply come clean and tell the truth the charades could quickly end. However, that would turn out the lights of the political theater (of the absurd). Better to engage in posturing and keep the country in the dark. That many in the Administration--starting from the top-- seem incapable of discerning truth from fantasy puts the whole country in danger. We need another "tea party" and throw them into the harbor. Then we can drain the swamp. For a bunch of people who claim they have nothing to hide, they are sure expended a lot of time and effort trying to prevent the investigation from uncovering "the skeletons".
Peter Wolf (New York City)
This attempt can easily be labeled "Obstruction of Justice."
Jacquie (Iowa)
I wonder if all those Trump voters in Missouri still think Trump is making American Great Again? At the MidContinent Steel and Wire plant in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, where Magnum Fasteners products are made, 60 employees were laid off this month as certain operations were idled due to lost business from increased steel costs.
No need to wonder. It seems that Missourians are willing to give up financial benefits if it will help the president, for example ballooning the national debt their children will pay. Open to question is whether Missourians‘ giving up substantial benefits helps the president, who promised Great America Again, not sacrificing jobs or costing children debt-payments to help the president. But hindsight is 20/20. Are we seeing Republican wars against children and workers in our futures?
sllison holland (lubbock)
They are still loyal to trump. they always will be because fools are just fools. if they were fooled by this horrible man once then they were already lost to what is good and what is right and what is real. Reality, even their own is an ungraspable thing they do not want to comprehend. He offers them hateful scapegoating and that is all they have ever really wanted. it is their comfort. it makes them feel whole. not lost but one of hundreds. of thousands. it gives them a peace they have never been allowed because it wasnt acceptable to have such hatred openly before. and now it comes from on high. he will always be their leader. they will always love the freedom he gave to their darkness. he has replaced their God. just like all cult leaders.
SystemsThinker (Badgerland)
Given the recent Supremes decision on broad unchecked Presidental Power in defense of national security I would think DT and the Republican Party have clear field to shut down an investigation (witch hunt) on Russia. Who is left to stop them? They have a blank check now.
PTNYC (Brooklyn, NY)
This theater is only about the midterms. Republicans want to shut down the investigation and discredit the DOJ and FBI before they are done with their investigation. so there will be no surprises come November. We have 3 separate branches of government for a reason.
Leigh (Qc)
The House Republicans are anxious to learn the truth so they can ASAP begin their vitally important work of covering it up.
BTO (Somerset, MA)
So here we have the House pushing our Justice Department to give them sensitive documents before they've had a chance to finish their work. Now who's attempting to obstruct justice. Nice to know that the biggest con man in the world has party members that work just like him.
Dan (SF)
Devin Nunes should not have access to ANY sensitive documents.
Anaboz (Denver, CO)
But he will have access unless Paul Ryan removes him as chairman of that committee and that says all we need to know about Paul Ryan.
Victoria Bitter (Madison, WI)
I never could have imagined 30 years ago that Republicans would work to betray their own country. Yes, I know, seeds may have been planted, but for it to get to this point? Man, I was wrong.
Civilized Man (Los Angeles, CA)
Oh wow, a toothless resolution from the House GOP. It deserves to be ignored. It WILL be ignored. The only purpose it serves is to further inspire as many Democrat and Independent Americans to register and vote their conscience-- and the same goes for the moderate Republicans who are as disgusted with their party as are their fellow Americans across the political landscape.
Paul (Washington)
The House's kabuki theater continues, but with a new SCOTUS appointee on the horizon it is entirely plausible that representative democracy will be flushed and the graft and corruption of Trump and his cronies will be excused. The stench coming from this white house is no impediment to Trump's ability to name his judges. Anybody who does not vote for Democrats in this midterm election will be a collaborator with Trumpism.
Reed Erskine (Bearsville, NY)
A Russo-American summit in July. All this is moving very fast now. With unseemly haste the two international pariahs are getting together for some colluding. How quickly are we supposed to forget the Russian electoral meddling, the seizure of the Crimea, the schemes and scams of the Putin-Trump partnership, which are now being normalized under the indulgent gaze of our sell-out Republican legislators. Don't look now, but the America we knew a few years ago is gone. We live in Trumpland now.
Michael James (Montreal)
Is there anyone with any integrity, respect for the entire Constitution or courage left in the Republican party? If so, please step forward, we can't see you.
oogada (Boogada)
If we really have a Justice Department, they will refuse. Or perhaps agree to a limited release on an eyes-only basis. Senators can see what they like, but they have to leave it behind when they leave. Also a promise that leaks or revealing comments will be vigorously prosecuted under Trump's vastly expanded definition of national security.
Karn Griffen (Riverside, CA)
The House Committee will only turn these papers over to the White House as they have already done. There is firm precedent for not turning evidence over to the target of an investigation that is ongoing.
George N. Wells (Dover, NJ)
I wish this was about really trying to find out what was/is happening. Unfortunately, it is obvious to everyone that is just politics trying, at the same time, to protect the President and score political points with "The Base." Strange that the RNC had no problems with the over 7 year investigation of Bill Clinton, the over 3 year investigation of Hillary Clinton, but the less than 2 year investigation of potential problems with the Trump campaign is too long, complicated and costly. Give me a break - this is all about protecting incumbency.
Quandry (LI,NY)
Ryan, Jordan et al are wrong. Can one imagine if the tables were turned what they would be doing? They have no business obtaining information being used by our special counsel to ascertain whether or not there is a basis for criminal prosecutions. Especially, if they are attempting to ascertain information already before Mueller's Grand Jury. There is no precedent for this, nor justifications for this in other prior investigations throughout our history, by other special prosecutors. These individuals are wrongfully interfering in our process which has been in effect for the last 242 years. They should be disciplined.
Atikin ( Citizen)
Ryan has become a useless shill. Hope his kids are proud.
Jean (Vancouver)
Fire as many of them as possible next November.
RP Smith (Marshfield, Ma)
This House Judiciary Committee needs to be flushed after the election. Until then, Rosenstein should tell them to pound sand.
Drew (Durham NC)
Anybody see Jim Jordan making an absolute fool of himself!?! Did you think he wanted any actual answers from Rosenstein? We're in deep, deep trouble in the country.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
Yes, Jordan made an absolute fool of himself, and I am really impressed by the dignity of the life-long Republican, Mr. Rosenstein, proving it with his measured responses, once he had time to speak his mind. The goal of Nunes, Jordan, and their cohorts is obeying the fascist marching orders from the Oval to get rid of Rosenstein, appoint another Deputy Attorney General, who'll shut down the Mueller investigation the very first day he/she is in office.
Mind boggling (NYC)
If it is not clear by now it should be. The Republicans have been setting Rosenstein up for months now on his soon to be removal in a further attempt to impede, if not downright stop, the Mueller investigation. So much for the judiciary being a separate and independent branch of government.
Erica Smythe (Minnesota)
Rosenstein should have recused himself since he was one of the people who signed and submitted the FISA warrant to spy on Trump team members. Problem is..the #3 at Justice resigned and the Democrats won't allow anyone else to be hired at Justice who might take up the case. Looks like it goes back to Sessions. He's less involved with Russian sources than Rosenstein is. The Steele Dossier was chock full of Russian sourced kompromat which he knew was bought and paid for by the Clinton camp.
DMD (Scottsdale Arizona)
This is a coordinated effort to use their offices to Obstruct Justice. The entire Republican Party has become a criminal enterprise. My guess is there is Russian money all through the Republican super pacs as well as the NRA. They also know Russian efforts to hack the 2018 elections will likely benefit them as Putin moves to protect is compromised asset from impeachment. Earlier in this saga, I thought our institutions were holding. No more, we are in deep trouble, so much trouble that a "Tax cut" and "making abortion illegal" will seem like nothing when the Trump oligarchs come to seize the assets of "the go along Republicans". For all those Old White guys, do you really think you would like living in Russia. The America we know is at stake.
Justin (Seattle)
Bullseye--at this point, those who seek to prevent the truth from emerging must have ulterior motives, and I suspect that you're right about their receiving a lot of covert Russian money. But whatever the source of their chicanery, they cannot be considered loyal Americans.
Esther Geller (New York, NY)
awesome post. my guess is we add zeros to the numbers of people who went down with Nixon and that's our likely figure here. watergate: 60+ implicated and 40+ jailed. russiagate: 600+ implicated and 400+ jailed? sounds about right. if justice prevails. big, sad if...
Cruzin (Tennessee)
Yes, the "non partisan" tax exempt foundations funded by Koch's and Sarah Scaife are now a legal farce for high finances in lobbying officials to push the oil agenda that is the foundation of these family oil owned empire of wealth. Citizens United needs to be overturned.
Jeff Shields (North Carolina)
History will judge the house republicans in the light of their actions. Their children and grandchildren will not be proud of their fathers' and grandfathers' actions. Funny how the senate intelligence committee has not reached a similar conclusion with respect to the justice department hiding information from congress.
oogada (Boogada)
Sadly, it all depends on whose history. If we don't stop these people now we're already lost.
4Average Joe (usa)
The end of checks and balances. The Trump dynasty, the Republican House Senate, judiciary, Propaganda Fox News and Sinclair Broadcast group, will reign from here forward, even with a 2018 little setback, when Dems regain a few seats.
Claudette (Oakland Cali )
There will also be a Demoratic President . along with a democratic house and Senate . the pendulum will swing mightily after this. absurd Republican theatre .
Anaboz (Denver, CO)
We can only hope!
Jim (Minneapolis)
If there ever was a witch hunt, this is it. The Republicans have radicalized themselves into an absurd, arrogant, and obnoxious party.
Great Lakes State (Michigan)
Don't forget dangerous.
MauiGuy (Ontario)
That's been the character of the party for a while, its just the viscous nature is more visible with the tide of civility going out. They went at Bill Clinton hammer and tongs, often punching below the belt. They went at Obama in ways that did not reflect well on elected officials. Now however any degree of civility has been lifted and they are even going after their own.
Brian Barrett (New jersey)
This is all part of Trump's plan. First to impugn the honesty of Special Counsel Mueller and and Rosenstein. This will give "cover" for Trump to fire Rosenstein. He will replace him with one of many available toadies who in turn will emasculate the Mueller probe. The fact that Republicans have voted in unity to support the resolution today is a sign that they will stand aside for Trump's plan to get away with conspiracy. The clouds have been gathering for some time and "It doesn't take a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing".(R.Dylan)
Ian Maitland (Minneapolis)
About bloody time. Remember how many times the Justice Department has stonewalled earlier demands claiming that national security would be jeopardized. Well, crying wolf this time will be met with incredulity. I doubt that even the egregious Adam Schiff will squander what's left of his political capital trying to protect them.
Douglas (SF)
Since when in our country does a special counsel have to turn over evidence to a third party, who happen to be minions of the investigated, in the middle of an investigation? The outcome of which would of course be the minions sharing that knowledge? Perhaps Elliott Ness should have let Capone know he was looking into his taxes, so Capone could clean the books? The Justice Department (appointed by Trump, by the way) is just doing it's job. Justice.
Ian Maitland (Minneapolis)
Douglas: Since at least the 1920s. Congress is not a third party but a coequal branch of government with the duty of oversight of the executive branch's faithful discharge of the laws. Here is some background: The power of Congress to punish for contempt is inextricably related to the power of Congress to investigate. Generally speaking, Congress’s authority to investigate and obtain information, including but not limited to confidential information, is extremely broad. While there is no express provision of the Constitution or specific statute authorizing the conduct of congressional oversight or investigations, the Supreme Court has firmly established that such power is essential to the legislative function as to be implied from the general vesting of legislative powers in Congress. The broad legislative authority to seek and enforce informational demands was unequivocally established in two Supreme Court rulings arising out of the 1920’s Teapot Dome scandal.
Bill B (NYC)
The power of Congress to investigate doesn't extend to gathering evidence to provide to the target of the investigation.
Rich (Delmar, NY)
Deny, deny, deny. The GOP will do anything to bury the truth and American democracy. We in America must become Putin and the Putin puppet intolerant.
Robin Foor (California)
Subpoena the President now to testify before the grand jury before Justice Kennedy's retirement is effective. Otherwise you may have a 4 -4 Supreme Court and no way to enforce the Constitution.
rufustfirefly (Columbus, OH)
This whole effort to discredit the Mueller investigation is so transparent, it boggles the mind. How stupid do Trump and his enablers in Congress think we are? It's really insulting.
Frank Roseavelt (New Jersey)
Don't be insulted - they're not speaking to us, they're speaking to the audience of a particular propaganda network masquerading as a "news" station, and they believed every word of the drivel from the Republican goon squad.
kgeographer (Colorado)
They don't think we're stupid. They think we're powerless.
Patricia B (Missouri)
Unfortunately, the smear campaign is working well enough with almost 50% of the country unsure of Mueller's integrity.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
The far right wing of the Republican Party ... er ... the CULT OF TRUMP is threatening to impeach Rod Rosenstein. It is possible that they will muster a majority in the House to vote out a Bill of Impeachment. That would trigger a trial in the Senate, which requires a 2/3 majority (67 votes) to convict. There is no way they will muster 67 votes. If the far right wing thinks they will successfully impeach and convict Rod Rosenstein, they are delusional.
John Harris (Healdsburg, CA)
…..just a few more steps towards the destruction of our democracy. Those of us who don't learn from history feel that winning no matter the cost is everything. Those of us who know our history see this as a continuation of the partisanship which has stalked this country since Day 1. It's all nothing new and at least now they're not challenging each other to duels - or have I spoken too soon?
Geraldine Wilson (Maui Hawaii)
It would be preferable if they challenged each other to duels; at least then we'd have a chance to keep democracy intact.
Steve (Massachusetts)
It is not too strong a statement to say that the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are betraying their country and violating the oaths that they took when they joined Congress. Those who roll in the mud of the swamp that Donald Trump has created deserve all of what's coming to them in the midterms.
Mford (ATL)
Time and time again, House Republicans have proven to be wrong about everything they investigate. From Benghazi(!) to Clinton emails and anything Russia related, there is absolutely no reason to believe they are staging anything other than political theater. That's what they do. I didn't think they would stoop to eating their own, but here we have it, and the nation's legal system will suffer as a result.
How about they demand Trump release his tax returns?
John M (Ohio)
Is it not obstruction of justice to have your minions in Congress insist on getting all evidence for you in a potential criminal case?
John Figliozzi (Halfmoon, NY)
Indeed. Someone should indict these sitting congressmen on a charge of obstruction of justice. Maybe some states' attorney generals?
Socrates (Downtown Verona. NJ)
The Russian-Republican Duma enjoys another day eradicating the separation of powers principle which helps keep America from becoming a banana republic. Why not let the Justice Department do its job, Congress ? Republicans continue to aid and abet Trump Treason instead of the American republic. November 6 2018. Get rid of the Russian-Republican Duma and their czar Trump.
TenCato (Los Angeles)
The only problem in believing the upcoming election will change anything is that the Republicans are pushing EVERY button (immigration, Supreme Court, alleged incivility--which they perfected starting with Gingrich--smearing Mueller and alleging a witch hunt of the Russia probe) to mobilize their fanatical base and Republican controlled states are not beyond rigging election outcomes.
Rudy Ludeke (Falmouth, MA)
@TenCat Trump's base is only 25% of registered voters. Hopefully his serious missteps, antics and insulting behavior will motivate sufficient voters who stayed home in 2016 to cast their ballot against him. If not, we deserve the disastrous consequences.
Steve (Canada)
I am like Rod Rosenstein, I am an independent and I am not angry. I believe Trump supporters have no business to get a hand on Muller's ongoing investigation. American people know they would leak key evident to Trump. Should we send these representatives to prisons for tampering ongoing investigation's evident?
Dan (Clemson)
The exchange between representative Jim Jordan from Ohio and Rosenstein was appalling to witness. I can't believe our discourse has come down to this. Jordan should be thrown out of office as soon as possible... good god.
Atikin ( Citizen)
What a rude, rude man. And the republicans are calling for a return to CIVIL discourse??? What a joke. Oh, and Gowdy, can't you start another Benghazi investigation or something. You seem to be so bored that you've wrapped yourself up in this (treasonous) nonsense. Say goodbye to your reputations and your historical legacies, boys.
MJG (Illinois)
I totally agree. It was appalling to see a grown man, who has been given a position of responsibility in our government, behave no better than an out of control 7th grade juvenile delinquent. Mr. Jordan obviously lacks a sense of basic decency and class which his shocking rudeness so clearly illustrated today. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and F.B. i. Director Christopher Wray both behaved as the intelligent, rational men they are. They both deserve credit for putting up with the immature, hateful, and poorly behaved Republican boys on the House Judiciary Committee.
S.R. Simon (Bala Cynwyd, Pa.)
Jim Jorden wins his elections by overwhelming margins -- in excess of 67 percent. What does that say about his constituents?
Georgia Lockwood (Kirkland, Washington)
It is increasingly difficult to avoid believing that the GOP is more interested in cover up about Donald Trump's connection to Russia, or lack thereof, than in knowing what really happened. If there really was no collusion, it is only fair to the Trump Administration to let us know that. Unfortunately we appear to be dealing with a group of people who simply don't want us to know anything that is inconvenient to a leader to whom they have apparently pledged allegiance at all costs, regardless to the damage done to the country and and what remains of the rule of law. They are accusing Rosenstein of obstruction, but what they really want is to bring down the Russia investigation.
Congressman Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio and Mark Meadows, Republican of North Carolina should be impeached and/or voted out of office in November 2018 for their un-American activities. They are personally doing everything they can to erode democracy in our great US of A. They and now all the Republicans in the House are so afraid of what the Special Counsel will find about President Trump that will lead to his removal from office that they are joining the President's crusade to be the most authoritarian leader this country has ever had to save their own seats in the US House and US Senate. Trump's coming meeting with Russia's Vladimir Putin face-to-face will no doubt be one to get Putin's assistance to elect Republican US Senators and Republican US Representatives. President Reagan would turn over in his grave if he knew what purported Conservatives are doing to ruin this country.
Bruce Olson (Houston)
I believe their reason for not wanting Mueller to finish his investigations is because they already know, beyond a reasonable doubt what that finished investigation will conclude, beyond a reasonable doubt: That Trump and his campaign clearly perpetrated or at the least willingly encouraged multiple High Crimes and Misdemeanors during his campaign. Which means Impeachment if this country is to survive in its present form. Gowdy and Nunez were key players in that campaign. They know it for sure as they were on the inside looking out while it was happening, helping to make it happen. The know they are at the least accessories and are toast. Maybe that is the reason Gowdy is leaving. He sees the political tsunami coming if and when Mueller finishes.
Shakinspear (Amerika)
It's glaringly apparent to me the House Republicans are trying to divert their guilt onto the investigators. Attorney General Sessions was intimately involved in the Trump campaign earlier and may have cajoled Congressional Republicans into support and complicity, as they now fear the light of day brought on by the investigators. Thus far, Republicans have shown no inclination to impeach Trump who has been a suspect in Russian influence, in a clear refusal to serve the Constitutional requirement to remove Trump from office. The House Intelligence committee sabotaged their investigation in the face of rightful opposition from Democrat members. They have given Trump unwavering and unquestioning loyalty, even early on during the initial investigation. Now the Republicans seek to derail the law enforcement and special prosecutors investigations vital to our national security. I have always believed in the benefit of the doubt because of the tendency of people to make early conclusions and act like a lynch mob, but in this case, besides ample evidence and resulting indictments, there must have been a conspiracy and Trump has always acted guilty, attacking investigators, firing Comey and others, and failing to submit to investigators vitally trying to defend the nation from known Russian influence and collusion. The House Republicans appear to want to cover tracks by demanding that sensitive information which may involve Congress. I feel it's the biggest case ever.
Pedro (Austin)
There have many Congressmen that have dealings and business with Russian oligarchs, on both sides, so yes a complete investigation is warranted. Now how many Congressmen will be exposed?
P Lock (albany, ny)
I think the concern of the DOJ is that releasing any documents related to investigation of the Trump/Russian activity, including FISA documents, could result in leaking information to the targets of the investigation. DOJ is concerned particularly with divulging sources of information who would be compromised and/or harmed. This would allow the targets of the investigation to cover their tracks and destroy damaging evidence. Although the House members will swear not to divulge the information Devin Nunes has a bad track record in this regard.
Kathleen Warnock (New York City)
Heck, Devin Nunes will have an Uber with its motor running waiting to ferry him to the White House.
Joe Barnett (Sacramento)
They are trying to facilitate Mr. Trump's defense by finding out what the investigator know, and how they can best muddy the waters while soiling the prosecution.
Wondering (NY, NY)
This investigation has been public for nearly 18 months! The Mueller portion has been going on for 14 months. Surely at this point anyone who is a target of this investigation who wanted to cover their tracks/destroy information already has. There is next to nothing else left that could tip them off. This is just DOJ and FBI covering their bottoms because they are embarrassed at the flimsy justifications for the start of the counterintelligence investigation and the subsequent FISA applications.
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
The fear of GOP Trump supporters as well as Trump himself is palpable. They understand Mueller is closing in and will do anything to discredit the investigation. Hearings today demonstrate GOP sycophants are grasping at straws in order to derail the investigation. Whatever happened to their oath to uphold the Constitution and enforce the laws of the United States? Let the Mueller investigation continue without the animus and interference of GOP members of Congress. The American people are entitled to a complete, thorough investigation and all legislators should be supportive of that objective.
sbnj (NJ)
This disgraceful disruption of an ongoing investigation is malfeasance in the extreme. Perhaps more than just the administration has something to hide, vis-à-vis foreign involvement in our elections, collusion, personal financial gain, and the like. Those who are supposed to be our law makers should know better; with their gambit to protect those who deserve the utmost scrutiny and accountability under the law, the conservative Republican Congressmen are proving themselves to be, in actuality, among the most lawless our nation has ever seen.
bp (nj)
The Special Council was started by Jim Comey who was fired as a result of Rosenstein's recommendation. The IG report confirms this and that Jim Comey is a rogue agent who is being investigated. There are so many conflicts of interest in this council that it should be thrown out. Rosenstein, himself, is a witness. McCabe was fired. Struck is currently being investigated for his damming emails in which he promises to stop Trump. Most of the people on the council are huge Hillary Clinton donors. Hillary's email investigation was given the easy treatment while Trump gets the 'scorched earth' approach. The American people have a right to know the truth. What are Democrats afraid of. Turn over the documents. Transparency is important.
mpaz (Massachusetts)
I agree. Americans need to know the truth, and that is why the Mueller investigation must be allowed to continue unimpeded. I am concerned for the safety of our Democracy when the Republican Congress gangs up on individuals to impede a legitimate investigation. I am concerned that folks who want this stopped do not care that Russia invaded our voting process. I, for one, do not want to live in a Russian satellite.
David Baldwin (Petaluma, CA)
The Democrats are afraid, with justification, that corruption runs so deep in the Republican party, that once the Republicans get these documents they will begin to distort the evidence or dismantle the inquiry. This is a cover up by Republicans. Yes, you are correct that transparency is important and there will be a time for that. Let Robert Mueller do his job.
Reva Cooper (NYC)
Jim Comey, as a "rogue agent," was a good Republican and brought up Hillary Clinton's emails twice just before the 2016 election, and helped elect Donald Trump. In terms of the "easy treatment": you mean the 8 separate Republicans investigations, the last one including 11 hours of questioning of Clinton? Could Donald Trump even last one hour? Trump hasn't even been questioned yet, and his lawyers are busy trying to avoid it -- there was no "scorched earth." The Republican Congress, now afraid of Trump, is trying to head off findings incriminating him and also save their own skins.
Will Goubert (Portland Oregon)
All previous special investigations have taken much longer - what's the rush - what's the worry? I think we all know the answer is that is suits their political goals vs the placing the public interest first. Nothing new here other than self serving politics that are slowly chipping away at our institutions. 2018 / 20 elections & the end of this administration can't come soon enough. Can we please get a reasonable centrist leaning government back that puts the nation first? Is that really asking too much?
Wordsworth from Wadsworth (Mesa, Arizona)
During this Congressional hearing on CNN, Mr. Rosenstein was the picture of truthfulness, reasonableness, and equanimity. Rosenstein goes about the business of prosecutor as a professional, and a registered Republican. It was the right wing interrogators who appeared disingenuous. What American of any political stripe would not want Rod J. Rosenstein working for the federal government? He has a presence which bespeaks of the highest intelligence and ethics.
Pedro (Austin)
Mr. Rosenstein, next time needs to show up with a file folder that contains subpoenas for all the Congressmen and publicly served, because it sure looks that these guys are worried about something that is pertaining to them.
Ricky (Texas)
The republicans sounded like trumps puppets when asking questions about why they weren't getting copies of reports of an on going investigation, that you or I could never have access to, for sure if we haven't been indicted or charged with a crime. The were complaining about the length of time, saying it needs to come to a conclusion, when they took 2 1/2 years on investigating Clinton, with no charges filed. Mueller has charged a few, with several indictments, and more of both to follow in the near future. Its fairly obvious to the majority of Americans, they are very worried on what's going to come out, and they won't be able to dispute any of it. The republicans in Congress truth be told don't like trump, but they don't want another Nixon fiasco like in the mid 70's. Trey Gowdy just sounded stupid in his remarks and questions.
Rose (Ann Arbor)
Empires disappear because they fall under their own weight, and Trump is increasing that weight with ever passing day. We have an anti-immigration policy that allows for the separation of children from their parents in seconds, but then threatens months before reunion is even thinkable. The House GOP is splitting hairs and inventing allegations, holding countless proceedings to derail Mueller, who has a long haul ahead of him because there's so much to discover and to decipher. Instead of fixing schools Trump proposes to do away with them (almost) with the proposal of merging the Dept of Ed with the Dept. of Labor. How is this good governance? What about foreign policy? Nothing came of the G7 or North Korea beyond photo ops. What about the opioid crisis? What about aging infrastructure? What about the immediate impact of climate change on farmers and people living on the coasts? Health care? Social security? The elderly? Where is just basic government to deal with longstanding issues? Trump is playing his own fiddle while Rome burns, and the GOP is using him as far as possible to get what they want. Meanwhile everyone's forgotten that there is a country to govern, and citizens to be served. I guess Trump is our punishment for the sins of empire.
These Republican are being ridiculous and subversive. The Mueller investigation by nature is a private investigation and any information gathered during this investigation is confidential. If any of the information that this committee is now seeking would have been released by Mueller or Rosenstein they would be screaming leaks. It's obvious what going on with this country and the Republican party is willfully undermining our democracy for their own benefit. What is going on now is as important as what happened during the early formation of our government. This is a true test of the structure of our government. How this investigation is handled can affect the future of this country for many years to come.
paul (White Plains, NY)
The arrogance of Rosenstein and Wray was astonishing. They mocked the House members who were asking basic questions about accountability and the rule of law. Apparently they believe that they are accountable to no one.
jeffk (Virginia)
I assume you did not watch the actual footage because you are describing something that did not happen. Tell us which basic questions were asked? Why would Congressmen not know basic rules of law? They are law-makers. From what I saw, some congressmen were asking stupid, accusatory questions and then cutting off Wray and Rosenstein from answering in some cases. If you actually watched the footage and came away with the viewpoint you describe I would say your view is distorted.
Marcia (Texas)
I watched the entire hearing, and I emphatically disagree with your assessment.
Victoria Bitter (Madison, WI)
It wasn't astonishing because they were not arrogant. They were answering questions asked by infantile adults.
Bruce Olson (Houston)
I remember a fellow worker at a major corporation years ago describing exactly what I watched on tv yesterday. At that time a self destructive CEO and vicious management team was flushing a once proud and successful organization down the toilet of financial scandal and corporate political infighting. It eventually resulted in bankruptcy and a total restructuring at the top. That manager said: "My God, they eat their own." That about describes today's Grand Old Party of Trumpsters running our country into bankruptcy in terms of Dignity, Respect and integrity. Hopefully November will bring a total restructuring before their politically bankrupting conduct destroys us all.
To think that these GOP members of the Judicial Committee are charged with any oversight into our justice system is extremely troubling. They have shown themselves to be merciless partisan ideologues since Benghazi with little regard for the rule of law, the decorum of their elected posts, or the sincere desire to do the right thing. It is truly a sad charade that our forefathers on both sides of the aisle ( with the exception of the McCarthy era) would be ashamed of.