California Today: Two Major Rulings Ripple Through the State

Jun 27, 2018 · 2 comments
AWW (East of the Mississippi)
Seeing a photo with young girls holding signs that effectively say: 'please take away my agency over my body' is heartbreaking. Everyone should be Pro-Choice. To be pro-choice isn't to be for abortion, you can be pro-choice and know that you'd never have an abortion. It's your decision. To be pro-choice is to allow everyone to have choose what is best for them. Nothing more. It solely allows people the ability to take care of themselves and family to the best of their abilities. Women have always had abortions, in the past too often they died. History hasn't been learned let alone felt. It seems now we're going to get the chance to relive the bad old days…just as Ireland is moving into the future after a mother needlessly died when she wasn't allowed a life-saving abortion. And, if anyone thinks this is about saving babies, look at the babies taken from their mothers under gov't order and supervision. Hypocrisy reigns. The parents and churches who teach this should all be ashamed of themselves, alas they are shameless. Pre-schoolers stand by while their big sisters hold signs encouraging their own future subjugation…
kagni (Urbana, IL)
Justice Garland would deliver different decisions, if there are still those who think Hilary was no different from Trump.