New Sentences: From ‘Hit So Hard: A Memoir’

Jun 13, 2018 · 2 comments
Name (Location)
This reads like a pre-text that should have given rise to a substantive review of Hit So Hard, if this was meant to be something akin to a review, the last paragraph being a potential opening rather than ending. Really, though, I think I just may be unclear about the New Sentences mission which must be a more truncated meta-look at language. A dedication seems like a good jumping off point of exploration, and I hoped for more than this sliver as I appreciate Anderson's lyrical phrasing..."a match thrown across a dark room." I would like to hear a longer exposition in this voice beyond this bite-sized referential review.
fast/furious (the new world)
I've read this book and thought it was terrific for anyone interested in women in rock bands, Kurt Cobain or Courtney Love.