California Today: How Does Trump Play Into the Governor’s Race?

Jun 07, 2018 · 23 comments
ziqi92 (Santa Rosa)
What sort illusion are you living under if you think a Trump endorsed candidate can become governor in a state that has one of the lowest approval ratings of Trump, a Democrat super-majority, and is pretty much the reason why Hillary won the popular vote in 2016? CA doesn't want the GOP in their highest offices, let alone a Trump-backed one.
Curiouser (California)
It seems to me a lot of "experts" deemed Trump a loser in 2016. The author seems to have a short memory. There are more jobs available under Trump than there are workers. Warren Buffett recently sang the praises of the economy. Finally the prop to eliminate the Jerry Brown imposed gas tax is on the November ballot and will bring numerous Republicans to the polls. Don't count your chickens before they hatch Gavin.
Maggie (Los Angeles)
Let's be real here. The chances of Cox becoming governor of California are about the same as a snowball's chances in hell. And if the GOP thinks otherwise, it's just another example of how delusional they've become under Trump.
Left Coast (California)
We need to be careful with this assumption. The Trump presidency has brought out the bigotry, homophobia, anti-science proclamations, and misogynistic thinking that leads people to vote for candidates like Cox. Democrats/progressives can not assume that our party is safe; we must continue to write about, talk about, vote for, campaign for people who will support our priorities. One fear I have is that the Dem. party does not have any viable presidential candidates for 2020 whereas the Republicans are already vetting theirs. Let's not get lazy!
sls (CA)
I didn't vote for Newsom but I will in November. I've heard it said that Cox is a carpetbagger from Illinois? Well it didn't work there and it certainly won't work here. Go ahead and tie yourself to Trump, Mr. Cox and you will go down in flames. CA has done well with Brown in office after Gov. "I'll be back," took us into the hole. So if Cox talks like the man he sucks up to he might as well head back to his home state of Illinois.
SC (San Diego)
If John Cox aligns himself with the so-called president, then he is a true enemy of the people and must be treated as such by California voters.
Jim Erskine (Tiburon, CA)
Cox cites his credentials as a "businessman" - a law office, apartment management business, and investment counseling. Hardly the experience to understand California's complex economy! He enlists Trump's support - but was against the wall and didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 election - until he changed his mind! And his political experience includes a number of failed campaigns for a variety of offices in Illinois and support for some ludicrous propositions he failed to get on the ballot. And this is the best Republicans could come up with?
the dogfather (danville, ca)
Per the pic, attendance at that SF GOP rally appears to have been sparse enough to treat it as a dressing room. I guess November won't Quite be unanimous this year.
InFraudWeTrust (Pleasanton, CA)
California has the world's fifth greatest economy. We make stuff here, they make up stuff over there. Handcuff this loser to Trump.
Leslie Harris (Los Angeles)
I hope Trump keeps endorsing him. That's the best get out and vote tactic I can think of for Dems. I'm from L.A. and I voted for Newsom over Villaragosa.
Trudy (Pasadena, CA)
Same here!
John Doe (Johnstown)
Governor Moonbeam's dogged pursuit of the fantasy future of High Speed Rail transforming California seems to be a dry hole. Let's hear what a pragmatist has to say about California's future.
How Does Trump Play Into the Governor’s Race? Simple. He does not. Trump is an afterthought in CA. We are just waiting to push him to the curb, burpin’ and chirpin’.
John (Livermore, CA)
"We put a businessman in the White House". Yes you did, one without an ounce of integrity, ethics, morality. John Cox would be the same as governor.
Village Idiot (Sonoma)
Rest assured Trump will get to see his 'name in lights' in California this fall. Because he craves to be the center of attention no matter what the attention is, it won't bother him that the light will be coming from flaming torches carried by millions of voters on their way to the polls, determined to burn the Republican party to the ground in CA once and for all. That Cox, the GOP's candidate for governor, thinks 'putting a businessman in the governor's mansion' is a winning slogan -- after what the 'businessman' in the White House has done to the country -- only shows how benighted and out of touch he is with voter sentiment in the state. One only hopes he has fire insurance. ;-)
BobMeinetz (Los Angeles)
Newsom, with more challengers than any gubernatorial primary candidate in its history, is vulnerable - and Cox might have a chance if he tried to meet Democrats halfway. To unite, rather than divide. Instead, he borrows from Trump’s playbook and doubles down, apparently under the mistaken impression being Governor is like playing the role of boss on “The Apprentice”, No, John. As it stands, Trump’s endorsement was the best gift Newsom ever got.
D (Jersey)
One of the most annoying of the oft repeated phrases in use today (including: awesome, cool, thanks soooo much, etc) is 'rising' as in she's a 'rising senior'. Just another of those Facebook, Twitter, texting-inspired 'look at me I'm special' pleas.
Mari (Camano Island, WA)
Can't imagine California voting for a "carpetbagger" like Cox. He's tried in Illinois and now in California, to be voted into office of some sort or another. What people do not understand about taxes is, that taxes are what builds, repairs, our roads; what keeps our school district one of the top in the nation, what provides a myriad of services to us! If Californians believe their taxes are too high, please take a tour of a Red State where taxes are low! Then tell me if you want to live there.
Andy (California)
California has some the highest , or nearly highest, taxes in the country yet also ranks highest in poverty level. Very high spending on schools yet very poor test scores. We don't have to leave the state, go look at the Central Valley. High taxes don't equate to intelligent, well-managed spending. They lead to corruption and waste very clearly.
Llewis (N Cal)
Blaming Democrats for the housing crisis ignores the role of developer greed in California. It also ignores the push by cities to bring in higher income people to prop up the tax base. The emphasis is on large single family homes rather than on smaller residences that are affordable. Areas with buildings that could be rehabbed are torn down to build expensive condos. There is blame to go around. More innovation is needed to provide shelter. Empty shopping centers could be converted to community housing. Include access to a grocery store, connect to public transportation, provide security, and include employment services. Rather then selling a single house sell a place to live. Cox isn’t an innovator and he is marginally from California. He is a Trump surrogate who shouldn’t be elected to any office in this state.
Bonnie Allen (Petaluma, California)
California may have the highest taxes--if you're rich. But with my modest income, I haven't had to pay California taxes in years. California's income tax is very progressive, like the federal income tax used to be back in the days of Eisenhower.
Kevin (Oakland)
Bragging about not paying taxes? Thanks for paying your "fair share".
Scott (California)
Mr. Cox asks Californians to put a businessman in the statehouse. While he lived in Illinois, we did that with Arnold Schwarzenegger. It didn’t work out well—a huge state deficit was created, and the legislature couldn’t agree on anything. Since then we’ve had a Democrat for governor, eliminated the deficit, and elected a Democratic legislature with a super majority. And the State is humming along nicely, thank you.