A Timely Treat

May 16, 2018 · 7 comments
Fran Zuckerman (NYS)
After 30 days in the hospital on a liquid diet, the first solid food I ate was pasta with butter sauce while singing “Zippity doo dah”.
Freddie (New York NY)
Touching and what a happy, resilient, and most of all warm ending! I get the feeling from your last moments with her, she’s a very considerate nurse, and I hope she knows the warmth (which, after all, was because of her being thoughtful) was what you remembered most of all. Tune of "The Way We Were" (thinking back on that cookie) Mmm, mm, mmm, mm, mmm, mm, mmm Goodness Warms the corner of the tray Warm and sweet, and oozing goodness, And the way we blur. Homemade freshness At the ending of my stay. Fresh just like it was my mother’s In the way we blur. Can it be this nurse who seemed so strict last night May have been more caring than I knew. As I slip those slippers on, I take another bite I’m okay now. Hey, now… Goodness Is still savory today And that warmth that I remember May not have been only on that tray Is it the caring, I still remember Still savor and remember; The way we blur.
anon Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)
Freddie: SO love your songs. I look for your comments at Metropolitan Diary every day!
Anne (Rome, Italy)
Dear Freddie, Metropolitan Diary is one of the first articles that I read every morning in the NYTimes...then I am hopeful to find a comment and song written by the talented person that you are...please keep them coming...
Allen J. Share (Native New Yorker)
Dear Freddie, It was so good that you mentioned the writer’s very considerate nurse. My hospital experiences have taught me that nurses make all the difference in the world to that difficult and scary experience. I love nurses for their kindness and generosity, their explanations and amplifications of diagnoses and prognoses, and often for providing a soothing touch or hand to hold or gentle word when these are most needed. Nurses are so very special and I thank and salute them. Allen
Allen J. Share (Native New Yorker)
A fresh, warm, soft and chewy chocolate chip cookie? Now that’s, it seems for both of us Lorraine (and I’m sure for scores of other readers of the Diary), the very definition of “comfort food.” A wonderful way to celebrate being released from the hospital.
Dean (Connecticut)
Well, Lorraine, the way I read your story is that you devoured the chocolate chip cookie before you touched the salmon and mac and cheese. Good for you! First things first.