What Are Your Hobbies?

May 15, 2018 · 26 comments
In my opinion, I have a hobby that is dance. This hobby makes me feel relax and fun with myself. I think that is necessary that many people can have a hobby because it makes you relax and learn new things. For example, In New York, sometimes we can see people with stress or problems in their lives that makes feel tension in our surroundings. A hobby is good above all for people that work in communication with others and this helps for that they do not download their emotional problems on others. For example, people that work in hospitals or customer service. On many occasions, I feel guilty about taking a free time for develop hobbies in which that I am not earning money because sometimes I think that this time that I take for a hobby I should take for earning money and pay my rent or send money for my family. I think that I can choose a new hobby always related to dance but different. For example, Arabic dancing or explore places that connect me with nature and enjoy with friends. The most important thing is to take free time to relax and return to our daily routines with more strength in our daily life.
Hadja 4D (YC - CLIP)
I have two hobbles that I enjoy. One of them is playing soccer; I have been playing soccer since I was a child in Africa until I graduated from high school. Playing soccer is one of my hobbies because whenever I feel mad or lonely, playing soccer puts me on a good mood and at the same time, it puts me on fit. My second hobbies is going to the park. Ever since I had my son, I start enjoying going to the park more because whenever, I take him to the park he look so happy and seen that smiling face made me want to take him every day. However, every time I take him to the park we have fun. According to Ms. Schulte” achievement-oriental culture” mean affect and behavior. However, I do not always need to be productive and I do not feel guilty taking leisure time because we all need time to do whatever we want to do with our free time. There are no hobbies that I am looking forward to try in the future.
Aolani4D (YC-CLIP)
Reading the article this “What are your Hobbies?” Remind me that some of my hobbies are drawing & painting with acrylic; but I like to practice calligraphy. However, I do not really do these things for money or for college; most of the time I like to do these just for fun and expression, in other words as a hobby. For example, whenever I feel lonely, inspired or even mad at something. I grab a pen and/or a pencil and I just start to draw and do some graffiti or play around with letters. This makes me feel proud because I can see some terrific art pieces that express my feelings and my internal personality with colors and creativity.
Angie4D, (YC CLIP)
I do not have hobbies. I just like going shopping, go to the beach or pool. Sometimes I get out and eat in a restaurant or simply walk in a park. All these things I enjoy and make me feel good and happy. Although, the most thing I always enjoy is sleep, because I almost always feel tired so this relaxes me. However, I would like to have a hobby. Maybe dance because this could relax me. It is something that I enjoy. I would have fun and it would make me healthier with all the movements that are done. In this way, I think spending time on something that I like could enrich my life.
Yasmely4D (YC CLIP)
My favorite hobby is to be with my sisters, because I know that I can count on my sisters already to meet somebody. My sisters are the correct people to give the green light to meet a friend. In addition, other favorite Hobbies are to visit new places, go shopping, watch TV and sometimes go to gym. Since I get bored of being in the house without doing anything. I believe that I should be more productive in other hobbies such as reading the books, studying from time to time and I just focusing on doing homework.
Coral4D (YC CLIP)
Everyone has different hobbies like to paint, swim or read. When you do it, you forget all your problems, the time pass to quickly and you feel so good. When I was in my country, I did different things that I love do it, like dance, sing or make puzzles. Unfortunately, since I came to this country the last year, do not have time for to do these things. Now, I am thinking about it, I feel sad. This situation is sad because we need take time for to do the things that we love. The life is not only work and study. We need to take time to enjoy and to do all of things that we really love.
Rosa4D (YC CLIP)
If hobbies are everything that you do every single day, the hobbies that I have are, stay at home with my children, do my homework, and watch television. Reading the article, I realize that I need to change my hobbies because I do no enjoining my time, as I want. I do not like staying at home every day because I feel bored. I will like to get a different hobby someday.
Yangi 4d (YC CLIP)
Yes, I have hobbies, Such as singing and going on adventure with my friends. When I started playing in piano, I thought it will be difficult but when I have tried, it became easy to play and sing in instrument than the others. When I touch the key of piano the sound that come outside make more interesting to sing some songs with deep feeling. However, I want to visit many places and countries with my friend to be happy and to see the things that I have never see and never experienced. We have very short time for living in this beautiful world, so to be happy you have to do the things that you want to. In addition, after reading this article I am more interested in hobbies. Yes, I think making time for more relaxation and fun might enrich my life because it makes us feel happy and to realize something better in our life than working all days. At last, make your life more enjoyable because it gives you happiness.
According to the article, of course I have hobbies , now I’m married and I have too much fun with my husband every day: for example every weekend we go to different restaurants, cinema or to the beach, I love to go shopping and when we are in home we cook together, we like to be in home on weekdays. All the time I am looking for new diversions with my husband, I am always interested to explored new adventures. I usually go to the spa, pool and ride bike, this relaxes my mind and body. I save money and plan new landscapes and places with my partner to enrich my life. “Achievement-oriented culture” I do not always want to be successful or achieve new goals, I often take breaks, I feel that it's okay because life is short and it's not about being productive or successful, I think learning to live with what is necessary is enough to be happy. Overall big things, big problems and small things, small problems.
Farha 4d (YC - CLIP)
Hobbies are things that people like to do. In addition, I am not different than that I also have several hobbies that I like to do when I get free time and when I feel down. One of my favorite hobbies is drawing. I have loved drawing ever since I was a child. I love to create different thing using color. I also try to show my dreams and my imagination with pencils and brushes. More than that, I always try to continue to keep practicing my drawing no matter what because it gives me happiness and relaxes my brain.
Pa houa Vang (MN)
My favorite hobbies is traveling, swimming, spending time with family, and friends. when I was little I always wanted to travel and last year was my first time in Florida and it was amazing! I had so much fun being there and also being with my family. In the summer my favorite thing to do with my family is to go to water parks and swim. For me and my friends, we usually go out to eat, watch a movie, or go shopping and that's also really fun because I don't want to lose that bonding relationship.
James Lee (Fountain Valley)
Ever since i was a child, I have enjoyed drawing. I liked to see myself creating things that are appealing to my eyes, and drawing was a way to do just that. To let my imagination run free. However my mom had discouraged me from pursuing a career in art. She also said that it was a waste of time. Nonetheless, I still continued to draw because it was what I liked to do, even though I had no future in it. Drawing makes me happy, because it feels like I could make my fantasies come true. I sometimes get amazed or frustrated at myself because of what i draw. Drawing is full of mysteries, cause every time creating a new piece, there is a new outcome. Although sometimes i would feel that I am wasting my productivity on leisure time, if the end result ends up in me being happy with myself, I am fine with it. I might feel empty, however my happiness could fill in that great feeling of emptiness inside myself. I am willing to try new things, however finding something to take great interest in is very hard to do. I had tried out many things in the past, however none of them really worked out. I used to play the violin and practice calligraphy, however drawing was the only thing that really stuck to me. In the future, I may consider picking up the past events that I had dropped to give it another try. Maybe I was too naive before and in the future I would understand the act more for it to become a hobby.
kayleigh r (pennsylvania)
My favorite hobbies include swimming, hanging out with friends, sleeping, and watching tv. Each week I spend a lot of time doing these things and it makes me so happy!
Pa houa Vang (MN)
One of the favorite hobbies is swimming too. Its so nice when it really hot and sunny outside and just to go for a swim in the nice cool water. Hanging out with my friends is also nice because we get to see each other in school so when we meet outside of school, its the best. By doing these things it just makes me so happy too!
My hobby is singing and dancing. I never take the two seriously but I enjoy singing and dancing during my free time. The times I sing and dance are when I am alone so nobody will make fun of me or judge me since I am not the best at either. I also enjoy playing sports. Playing sports allows me to release any anger I have built up inside. I like to play sports also because its something fun to do with friends but also something I can turn to when I am bored or upset.
MIchael (US)
I have several hobbies. My favorite hobby is playing sports ,and I like to hangout with my friends. Going on vacations is the best hobby. When I’m on a trip I like to go swimming , and sleep in the hotel. Sleeping is one hobby I like. To finish up, you can have fun doing what you like.
Skyler (US)
I have several hobbies. For one I love restoring old cars although it takes up time that people don't have. I also love fishing and hunting for the experience. One of the things I personally love doing most is camping especially camping while I’m fishing. I love to sight around the fire at night , and I eat the fish I have caught. hobbies help All in all great memories.
Priscilla (US)
My hobby is singing. Singing is something that makes me feel alive, and it makes me feel good about myself. I sing because it relieves stress. Singing is something that I do when I’m sad and upset. My mother tells me that I have a beautiful voice, so I take advantage of it and vocalize every chance I get. Also, if someone doesn't have the best voice, they should still show their voice off. They need to be proud of their voice. I only have one hobby, but I love the hobby I have.
Jimmy (US)
A huge hobby of mine is to fish. Fishing is the most relaxing and exciting activity to do in my opinion at least. Even though we don't catch a nice one every time, it is still one of the greatest activities. A lot of individuals do not fish because they think it is disgusting because they have to touch slimy worms. I personally love going out with all my friends to catch the nicest fish, and I usually do catch the largest. Still, my friends and I go almost every single day. In conclusion, fishing is the greatest activity on earth!
parker (earth)
I would say that drawing would be a major hobby that I enjoy, but I plan on becoming a concept artist for my career because I love it so much. A hobby that I´m not going to make money out of would probably be singing and playing my instruments. It would be really awesome to be in a band with a few of my friends just for fun. I can play the ukulele, guitar, bass guitar, and the piano. I believe music is one of the most important things in the world, and should be shared with everyone-- having music as a hobby has made my life a lot better.
Lola (New Jersey )
My hobbies are cleaning and listening to music because is very relaxing and it takes whatever your thinking that is bothering you off your mind. I do cleaning for fun because I just be bored and it helps me when I'm mad and music is a everyday thing for me helps me a lot to
Jordyn Ives (Westfield, NJ)
Most of my hobbies are related to art and reading. I really like to do calligraphy, draw, paint, origami and any other form of art. I also enjoy reading the newspaper, books and writing.
JD (Oxford, MS)
In the article "The Case for Having a Hobby" it talks about how hobbies help with free time. My hobby is golf. I play with my granddad in West Point most of the summer. Golf makes me feel good and want to be better at the sport.
Gracie (Oxford, MS)
Yes, I do have hobbies that I don't use for college applications or to make money. One of my hobbies is dancing. I have always loved it, but I haven't picked it up until recently. Some of my favorite styles of dance are contemporary and ballet. Dancing makes me really happy because I am doing something that I love with the people that I love, so it is a win-win.
Lexie, Kayla (Oxford)
Hobbies is something people would like to do for themselves. My hobbies is listening to music and writing in my journal. My journal is a hobby itself, something I just started doing to express myself. In the same way, hobbies are what most would consider ''alone time''. My other hobbies contains fun, interest, and peace. Specifically, food. Food is my happy place. It where I feel like myself most. There is no place like food !
keturah laurore (wekiva high school)
A hobby that I have is singing. singing makes men feel like I'm letting everything go and releasing all my emotions. My parents would always tell me to sing at church... in the choir or at school in the talent show, sing in front of your family members. Which are all things that I have done before but I feel more enjoyment in doing it when I want to do it. I feel like its good to have a hobby because when you do it you have a chance to let go and be yourself and have fun.