McMaster to Resign as National Security Adviser, and Will Be Replaced by John Bolton

Mar 22, 2018 · 553 comments
evans (austria)
we americans have lost an incredibly devoted and intelligent person in mcmaster and we now have a man who is of questionable value. he does however have value for donnie baby because he, with his belligerence, represents the manliness which donnie baby lacks. his appointment brings to mind a kingston trio song from the 50's which ends with the line...someone will set the spark off and we will all be blown away!!! the merry minuet
RS (Houston)
John Bolton, if he takes the position and triggers a "pre-emptive" war in North Korea will be a war criminal who will need to be turned over to the ICC.
Ormond Otvos (Atchison Village)
Bolton is a raging maniac about Korea. Although he knows an attack would cause millions of deaths in Seoul, to him it's Americans versus "inferior people," so yellow deaths don't count. Expect highly dangerous behavior from Trump, now that he's "fired his parents."
Carol Mello (California)
Trump's generals are disappearing.
"Mr. Bolton, an outspoken advocate of military action who served in the George W. Bush administration...." I'm curious if he served in the military he is such an advocate of sending into battle?
Harold (Bellevue WA)
It is time for Congress to pass a new, veto-proof, war powers law that limits Trump's ability to take action without first consulting Congress. The constitution says that only Congress can declare war, but over the years Presidents have been granted some authority to act on their own initiative. Perhaps this was justified in the past situations, but it is too risky to allow Trump to deal with North Korea, especially with Bolton as a principal advisor. Trump, with Bolton's encouragement, could easily lead us into a nuclear fiasco. If a military confrontation with NK (or Iran) is the way things have to be done, at least let Congress have a say in accordance with our constitution, but better yet, don't let it happen at all.
Mr. Chuck (New Jersey)
Luckily there is a foolproof way to get Bolton out of this position in a hurry: keep his name in the headlines. There’s only one logical consistency to Trump’s thought process and that is “Trump in the news good, anyone other than Trump bad.” The more Bolton is the story, the more likely he gets fired.
Bruce Shigeura (Berkeley, CA)
Congress should pass a measure requiring the President to seek a declaration of war before launching a first strike on North Korea or Iran. Both parties and the corporate media are mesmerized by Trump and and paralyzed as he moves us toward war.
bkbyers (Reston, Virginia)
Let's see how well Mr. Bolton can shape the president's thinking on national security and foreign affairs. He's had plenty of experience. Will he create and preserve a toxic work environment among the professional NSC staff or will he be able to encourage cooperation on important issues? It's one thing to be an ideologue and to traffic in hyperbole on policy issues; it's another thing to try to please this president whose understanding of military and foreign policy matters is skin deep. And sometimes the NSC director has to herd cats. The Iranian leaders will understand what this change in the NSC leadership means. They will take it in stride. So will the Koreans and the Chinese. The Kremlin will smile upon it. The question is not so much how our allies and adversaries view Bolton but whether he can work with the president long term. Sooner or later his ego might brush against that of the president and friction could erupt. Bolton is not a military man with the tradition of deference to more senior officers in the blood. He's used to knocking chairs out from under his opponents. I predict that he won't last as long as Gen. McMasters.
VoiceofAmerica (USA)
After Bush launched an unprovoked war of aggression based exclusively on lies that ripped Iraq to shreds, spread incalculable human suffering, set up a global network of torture chambers beyond the reach of law, massacred over a million people and gave birth to ISIS and a cost of trillions of dollars (and counting), the American "people" install a government that makes Bush and Cheney look liberal. I look on my fellow Americans with undiluted revulsion.
Marian (New York, NY)
Bolton is a great pick. He extends Trump's newfound domestic aggressiveness to the world stage. Trump's new attorney, Joe DiGenova, put him on the offensive domestically. (Bolton's view on Mueller is consistent with DiGenova's.) Trump has abandoned his defensive posture w/ Mueller. Watch for DiGenova make the RICO prosecutions happen. Mueller won’t be fired. He will be indicted. Exposing Rex T. as T. rex & replacing him w/ Pompeo was Trump's opening salvo. With Bolton & Pompeo, look for the Iran Nuke deal to be nuked & NKorea to denuke. GAME THEORY Trump is an intuitive game-theorist: He has given Kim no choice but to play. Trump put the screws on Kim to denuke. But denuclearization and retaining despotic control are, historically anyway, mutually exclusive. Kim is, therefore, a sitting duck: He is facing what is known in game theory as Morton's Fork, that is, both (contradictory) options—nuke up vs. denuke—yield the same sorry end. Look for Kim to try to weasel another way out. Trump won't budge & Kim will be forced to go with denuking, which buys him time & a less certain demise. Iran vs EU: If EU’s naïveté, pc mindset & very definition erased borders, sovereignty, &, indeed, western civ, its greed erased its survival instinct: The Iran deal is not about denuking Iran. It’s about making money in Iran. Obama set it up that way. He knew greed would save a deal so flawed that if OBEYED, gives Iran nukes in a blink of an eye as it defeats the grim logic of MAD.
Garz (Mars)
Finally, the right man for the job!
spade piccolo (swansea)
NYTspeak: " ... at a time when Mr. Trump faces mounting challenges, including from Iran and North Korea." Challenges entirely of his own making; STOP this false narrative of America having to, always reluctantly, respond to threats to world peace, to civilization itself: WE are the threat to world peace, to civilization itself:
Jordan Davies (Huntington Vermont)
World War III here we come. South Korea will be obliterated in a few minutes with the North using artillery trained on Seoul. Pity.
Tony's Mom (New York)
A part of me (probably the stupid part, surely) managed to convince myself that Trump did not have the guts to trigger a nuclear weapon. John R. Bolton is a hitman, that is his reputation: he wants to bomb Iraq back to the stone ages, bomb North Korea into a graveyard, and in Bolton's world, this would only represent the beginning. He's got his eye on Russia, while we can take them. Trump, in other words, found his assassin, his mass murderer, and, boy, are we in trouble.
Bob (San Francisco)
Bolton may be a warmonger but he's never going to be the problem. Trump is, supposedly, "The President". HE is responsible for EVERYTHING this country does, period. No excuses. Bush, a REAL "leader" was able to "control" Bolton. The media should stop pretending that it's anyone else in the "administration" talking Trump into declaring war against NK or anything else. Trump has the ultimate authority, he is ENTIRELY responsible for his own actions.
jj (California)
Can things in Washington get any worse? Yes they can! John Bolton is no more qualified to be national security advisor than Donald Trump is to be president.
SRei (NC)
It seems I am looking at a train crash in slow motion. Are we crawling towards a war with North Korea and / or Iran? The war with Iran has been always the goal of countries like Saudi. However they won’t send their young ones to war. They will send our daughters and son’s to fight and shed blood for their goals and ambitions for the spread of their kingdoms Wahhabi ideology
V. Kautilya (Mass.)
An unstable mind elected as president by a minority of the electorate and floundering daily in the face of both domestic and foreign challenges beyond his grasp; an un-elected secretary of state ready to throw his weight behind his boss's dangerously erratic foreign-policy moves; and now an un-elected national security chief known for both a reactionary ideology and a rude, chauvinistic and trigger-happy disposition in international relations: With a spineless Congress acquiescing in this ominous slide toward international anarchy, how is this working out as an affirmation of the virtues of an democratic polity for the world to emulate? Shining City on the Hill, anyone?
V. Kautilya (Mass.)
Correction: "...a democratic polity."
Doodle (Oregon, wi)
Whoever engineered the installation of Bolton into the WH, ultimately, I hold the Trump voters responsible. Although the general polls kept putting Trump at the 30 or 40 percentile favorability rating, polls that target only the Republicans have consistently been in the 70 and 80 percentile. That is the magic number that clues the Republican Congress to Trump. They abdicated their responsibility to the American people; they fail their pledge to their office and the constitution; they even sell their souls and turn their back on their God. All because of that number, and maybe tax cut. What does it take for the Trump supporters to see him for who he is? Some of these Americans love Trump for his immigration policy. These Americans fear immigrants taking over their country so much that they are blind to Trump's true nature and therefore complicit to Trump tearing down this great nation down, brick by brick. So I blame the Trump voters.
WHM (Rochester)
T is certainly making it clear to everyone what a large problem the increase in presidential power is. The POTUS can go to war with anyone and no one else can do much about it. Is there any way to stop Trump now? We have been counting on McMaster and Maddis to do that, but in law there is no check on the POTUS' power. Many progressives were hoping that the mid-term elections might provide some relief, but now one has to wonder what will be left of the world by then. It is certainly a master stroke to appoint someone so bizarre that T himself looks less frightening.
Ratty (Montana)
I never thought I'd ever agree with Donnie on anything, but I agree with him on his dislike of Bolton's luxuriant moustache. It, plus Bolton's braggadocio and need to inspire controversy, suggest a man ill ease with himself and with society in general. This is not a man to be entrusted with the security of this country, although he should fit in nicely with the gang of obsequious, low competence self seekers that comprise this administration. Too bad McMaster didn't go back to the army which would benefit from the perspective of someone who has seen the zoo from the inside, someone who could truthfully say 'I have seen the enemy and it is us.'
Rost von Sivers (NJ)
Mr. Bolton is a very reasonable American gentleman from the wonderful Owings Mills, MD.
CSW (New York City)
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to declare John Bolton to be a true American patriot, ready and willing to send our sons and daughters to war as he deems necessary. He will do so from the protective confines of the War Room, without guilt or trepidation, because he, the mastermind, is always needed for another day.
Greg Lesoine (Moab, UT)
No, Mr. Bolton, we will not let you start a foreign war especially one that would fall under the command of a narcissistic, lying con man like trump. Not going to happen on our watch. Furthermore, it would be the last straw for the Republican Party, which has the ability to stop this disaster-waiting-to-happen presidency but chooses instead to enable it on a daily basis.
Carolyn (Seattle)
This is a terrifying turn of events.
Betka (California)
The events of 9/11/2001 remain a terrifying day in our nation’s history, and surely an ongoing nightmare for all those who lost loved ones. It has taken me more than a decade to relearn how to hope and trust again, but yesterday I felt like I’d been thrown back into the raging fires of psychopathic minds, this time capable of even worse! Playing with nuclear bombs, verbally or otherwise, is a threat to every human, animal, and plant on this one-and-only Earth. Nuclear fallout is not limited to the borders of one area designated for such horror: The threat of total annihilation is very real over every square mile of our planet, if not immediately, certainly an excruciatingly painful eventuality. Those who would lead us into this holocaust are now in place, seemingly having no more of a plan than a playground wrestling match. The rest of the world is already speaking out: Where are our voices? It is the responsibility of our Congress to defuse the political insanity that threatens us all, and it is up to the rest of us to VOTE!
Brooklynkjo (Brooklyn)
Nothing like a nice war to distract from scandal. God help us.
Pam Shira Fleetman (Acton Massachusetts)
We're all doomed. Enjoy the rest of your life while you have it. And also, in whatever way you can, actively RESIST.
6strings (North Carolina)
Mr. Bolton, a fist-thumping zealot for war,and the deaths of countless people. Look at his war record below. Its always the men who have never really served that have the biggest thirst for blood. Bolton drew number 185. (Draft numbers corresponded to birth dates.) As a result of the Johnson and Nixon administrations' decisions to rely largely on the draft rather than on the reserve forces, joining a Guard or Reserve unit became a way to avoid service in the Vietnam War. Bolton enlisted in the Maryland Army National Guard in 1970 rather than wait to find out if his draft number would be called. (The highest number called to military service was 195.) After serving in the National Guard for four years, he served in the United States Army until the end of his enlistment two years later. He wrote in his Yale 25th reunion book "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already.
MacTong (Isle of Lewis)
US foreign policy should be dictated by focusing attention on younger people. The biggest influence the US has had in recent decades is technology and consumer culture, like pop music, which appeal to younger people in all countries, even North Korea. It ought not to be too difficult to play that card cleverly. I have no gripe with Bolton, he is focusing on the leaderships, not the youth, of other countries, and the leaderships are, without exception, lying through their teeth on every issue, as expected. The question is, does the US attack the leaderships militarily, or try to appeal to the young and instigate regime change internally through the osmosis of US/Western values? The Arab spring was a catastrophic failure. But Bolton might be right, the final chance to bomb some of these leaderships out of existence before they get nukes. Not an easy question to answer, because young people cannot overthrow their leaderships, for two reasons, first, the leaders are their own kith and kin, and second, if they try they will be tortured and killed in most countries.
Patrick Borunda (Washington)
If Trump listens to Bolton, the USA will be isolated with respect to Tehran. The other parties to the Iran Deal are going to tell us to stick it...they don't need us and they won't back us in a showdown. Tehran is complying with the agreement as far as the agreement goes and they're benefiting economically. It will be one more grievous blow to our credibility on the world stage. If Trump listens to Bolton about Korea, the United States is going to condemned by virtually the entire world as a bullying war monger deserving of the sanctions the world will impose on us. Whether, God Forbid, it goes nuclear or not, Trump has painted us into a corner where there are no good options just some less bad ones. All Trump is doing now is making inevitable what was merely likely before...the disintegration of American hegemony. We better get used to it and learn to play more nicely because we're fast running out of friends or even allies with common interests..
spade piccolo (swansea)
'.. the USA will be isolated with respect to Tehran. ...' Isolated, US; immolated, Iran.
dormand (Seattle, WA.)
Before it is thrown into extinction, it is time for the Republican Party to show evidence of a spine and address the litany of successive undermining events on our democracy by holding impeachment proceedings on this unstable President. I suggest that if the GOP leadership fails to act on its Constitutional responsibility, voters will cast the GOP onto the bone pile of political parties that failed to properly represent their constituents, alongside the Whig Party. It is time for Congress to neuter the Citizens United verdict, which has polarized Congress into an unworkable status. One man, one vote is irrelevant when one of those men can contribute $92.2 million of his questionably obtained wealth to support one party.
FCH (New York)
There are no mounting challenges from Iran except those crafted by the President himself. The JCPOA was not meant to change the nature of the Iranian regime but to slowdown its nuclear program. All signatories as well as the IAEA unequivocally agree that the agreement is working. In fact, so far it has been more beneficial for the rest of the world since the economic benefits are still tepid for the Iranians. If invading Iraq was a blunder, attacking Iran will be a calamity of historic proportions.
Nedro (Pittsburgh)
The only silver lining in all of this is the longer Trump remains in office, and our country doesn't find itself at war, the better the chances that Republicans will take a drubbing at the polls come November. Make it stop!
D. Knight (Canada)
It would seem that nobody in Washington learned from the debacle of the Bush era when the “chicken hawks” shaped policy, otherwise why would Bolton be selected? Never heard a shot fired in anger but ready to start a war. Obscene.
Tony P (Boston)
Bolton "described the job of national security adviser as making sure that the bureaucracy did not impede the decisions of the president." Gee, I thought the job would be to ensure national security.
sm (new york)
Wally the Walrus becomes the national security adviser , at least his hair now matches his mustache . He is in good company , another loose cannon joining the others . I'm sure Trump feels better knowing the stache will detract from" his bad hair day " pompadour. It would be comical if it weren't so alarming . God help us it goes from bad to beyond worst.
Patrick (Washington DC)
Good economic news wasn't raising Trump's approval ratings so now he will see what a war can do for his standing. There will be no other reason for war. Trump needs to be known as a "wartime president" to compensate for his gross inadequacies and draft dodging. Bolton's job is to manufacture a reason.
There is some certainty here. No one is to the right of Bolton. Why not complete the Holly Trinity with Dick Cheney and Oliver North?
Sarah (Dallas, TX)
Is he a "hawk" or a "hard liner", or simply a courage-less threat to our democracy?
San Francisco Voter (San Francisco)
Does Bolton need to obtain a top security clearance in order to be appointe as National Security Advisor?
G. Harris (San Francisco, CA)
Why don't we just move the White House staff to Fox News? That way we just watch our government on TV!
Ronald D. Sattler (Portland, OR)
Trump clearly doesn't understand how lists work. A list from top to bottom with the top being best, Trump misinterprets the worst to be the best. Attila the Hun was just above Bolton. Another in an ever escalating series of horrible Trump mistakes.
Dean (US)
And like so many of today's right-wing hawks, he is actually a "chicken hawk" who avoided active duty during the Vietnam War: A sharp contrast to Robert Mueller, for example, and John Kerry, another Yalie, who both served in Vietnam with distinction and are favorite targets of the chicken hawks. Just another dose of hypocrisy in this administration.
common sense advocate (CT)
Step 1 to stopping alt-right politicians like Bolton - do NOT call them hard-line or conservative - call them what they are: ignorant, foolhardy and a clear and present threat to national security.
Rufus W. (Nashville)
I recall opposing Bolton's nomination to the U.N. - specifically because of his very close relationship to Jesse know the pro-segregationist - the person whom the Washington Post described as "the last prominent unabashed white racist politician in this country." It's not just that Bolton is a war monger, it's that he has long lent his support to racists like Jesse Helms.
Memphrie et Moi (Twixt Gog and Magog)
Your country is falling apart and instead of calling Bolton a war monger you call him a hawkish hardliner liner. I believe in resolving conflicts with negotiation and conciliation but sometimes bullies are just made angrier and more violent by milquetoast behaviour. The conservative movement has destroyed America beginning in 1954 with the unAmerican inclusion of under God in your pledge. With a feudal GOP in charge of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government I wonder if there is still an America worth trying to hold on to. This week's New Yorker article on California and Jerry Brown summarizes how I have felt since Reagan when the country I was brought up to love became a relic of the 19th century.
Baddy Khan (San Francisco)
Trump is consistent. Give him credit for that! He is an empty suit, and wants similar types around him, people who blather on TV but have no real expertise. Bolton is a cheerfully open warmonger, but without a strategy. War war not jaw jaw, the opposite of Churchill. Kudlow is an investment pundit who always wants to lower taxes, but has no credential as an economist. A filler on CNBC. Joe DiGenova is a TV lawyer who has been peddling conspiracy theories for years, and only Fox grants him airtime. When style replaces substance, and theatrics are all that matter, beware...
g400emg (Dallas, TX)
Here's an op-ed piece from John R. Bolton himself, published in the NYT three years ago, titled "To Stop Iran's Bomb, Bomb Iran": Some quotes for you: "The inescapable conclusion is that Iran will not negotiate away its nuclear program. Nor will sanctions block its building a broad and deep weapons infrastructure. The inconvenient truth is that only military action like Israel’s 1981 attack on Saddam Hussein’s Osirak reactor in Iraq or its 2007 destruction of a Syrian reactor, designed and built by North Korea, can accomplish what is required. Time is terribly short, but a strike can still succeed." "An attack need not destroy all of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, but by breaking key links in the nuclear-fuel cycle, it could set back its program by three to five years. The United States could do a thorough job of destruction, but Israel alone can do what’s necessary. Such action should be combined with vigorous American support for Iran’s opposition, aimed at regime change in Tehran." "Mr. Obama’s fascination with an Iranian nuclear deal always had an air of unreality. But by ignoring the strategic implications of such diplomacy, these talks have triggered a potential wave of nuclear programs." Say hello to our new national security advisor. Trump, now surrounded by sociopathic war-mongers, has everything he needs to sound the war drums and send us towards WWIII.
RRI (Ocean Beach, CA)
It was a serious mistake on the part of Trump voters to believe that someone as belligerent as Trump in the ordinary course of events meant a single word he said about staying out of useless wars. He only considered them mistaken because, as he views everything else, they were not his. Trump and his gathering coterie of warmongers will not be satisfied until they have caused the death of at least 100,000 somewhere in the world. And their opportunities are ripe. This will not end well. America will never recover its international standing after Trump piles on to the disaster of George W. Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq under false pretenses. It's not that other nations will never again be able to trust American leaders. It's the American people, American voters, they will never again be able to trust not to elect again a President as ignorant, belligerent and irresponsible as Trump and a House and Senate as cowardly and derelict in their duty. Basically, America is finished as a world leader. Putin could not have planned it better.
DTurner (Wisconsin)
“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” - Major General Smedly D. Butler, USMC War is a Racket, 1935
Abbey Road (DE)
If one thinks "war" with either Iran or North Korea will be another "cakewalk", Americans are sadly mistaken and will pay a very severe price in the end. As for Iran, its time for Israel to stop owning America's foreign policy in the Middle East....Netanyahu is another warmonger as long as American lives are the ones sacrificed.
Steve Olshansky (Raleigh, NC)
I'm wondering if Michael Bolton would have been a better choice. Who's with me?
Mark (Northern Virginia)
Does H.R. McMaster get a Playboy Playmate as a consolation? Trump can arrange it, I'm sure. Or maybe Bolton gets a Playmate coming in? Which way does Trump work this part of the deal? How does Putin do it?
Ian MacFarlane (Philadelphia)
On behalf of the arm's manufacturers a letter of thanks should be sent to the White House using words of less than two syllabes.
Dick Wearn (WA)
"Hawkish" in the headline a weak understatement.
RationalHuman (South Dakota, USA)
Did you vote for Trump? If so, please enlist in the military or send your children to die. Many Trump voters (understandably) wanted to "blow up" Washington. Well, that's happening. Soon, we may all be blown up. Any student of history should weep.
Bill (Terrace, BC)
The Donald has pushed out a voice of restraint who accepted intelligence estimates of Russian meddling in favor of a warmonger w/ NRA-Russia ties. Is he going to start a war w/ Iran or North Korea?
Ernie Mercer (Northfield, NJ)
Probably both.
RodA (Chicago)
He’s the worst kind of hawk. The only way one can actually think war is the best answer is to completely ignore the collateral damage, the unintended consequences, and -in the case of nuclear weapons- the permanent destruction and potential for global disaster. Fine, John Bolton can spout his horrible ideas on Fox and in the WSJ. But putting him and Trump and Pompeo in charge of foreign policy chills me to the core. We. Are. In. Real. Danger. Our only chance is for Congress to... oh yeah, what am I thinking?
Dry Socket (Illinois)
Trump welcomes Bolton to the ThunderHouse. "I promise not to start any wars..." Thanks John...and now a word from our sponsors. We get closer to America Great Again each and every day... KABOOM.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
Saying Bolton is "hawkish" is like calling Muhammad Ali "goodish" as a boxer. Bolton is a fanatical ultra right wing extremist. He has zero ability to moderate his actions - and zero desire to do so. Without any adults in the room he and trump will destroy everything they touch.
Sherrie (California)
This all feels like elder abuse and the elder is our country. Selfish "relatives" ---Raiding their mother's piggy bank. ---Throwing tantrums and then issuing ultimatums which are then granted under duress. ---Stealing outright when the elder is powerless to stop it. ---Hiding abuses that go unnoticed until others discover it. ---Then firing or separating from those people for uncovering the abuse. ---Showing total disregard for the elder's well being and for her values. ---Separating the elder from those who care and love her, and denigrating anyone who jumps to her defense. ___Sacrificing the health and well being of the elder so that the abuser's needs come first. ___Posing as a trustworthy steward and then falsifying data to cover up the abuse and mismanagement...... If you treat your parents this way, then you might not have a problem with Trump at all. But families are destroyed by abusers and once the money is gone and the family is broken, it's very hard to get it back on track.
jungoni (Bloomfield Hills, Mi)
Trump's 3rd security advisor in just over a year--Funny, but that doesn't make me feel very secure.
GreedRulesUS (Santa Barbara)
So point at this administration in horror or in ridicule is absolutely useless unless we gather our numbers and write our representatives and MARCH IN THE STREETS TO DEMAND IT TOTAL IMPEACHMENT of not only this president, but every single appointment he has made. Our system is broken. Any system that would allow for such obvious and blatant incompetence to exist in its upper government should be re-examined and corrected!
Will Hogan (USA)
We cannot afford war after the big tax cut. The dollar will collapse along with our standard of living in the US. Easier exports will not be able to compensate.
Christopher (P.)
Beware of all hawks who have never been in harm's way and have no direct experience with the horrors of war.
Terry (Tucson)
We need to get a grip. Trump is loyal to no one. There is no evidence that Bolton will last any longer than the Mooch. There's a method to Trump's madness in keeping things stirred up. He loves the ongoing horror show that stars his presidency. Dangling Bolton on the world stage like The Boogey Man keeps Trump front and center on every talk show, newspaper, and website. And it keeps our eyes off the Mueller investigation and the parade of tearful ex-lovers. Trump gets bored with everyone. And a fellow bomb-thrower with more smarts and cunning might just be too much competition for him. Can you say Time Magazine cover? Trump plays apprentice to no one.
Stan Carlisle (Nightmare Alley)
If Bolton talks Trump into bombing North Korea, it would be good manners on Trump's part to wait until AFTER his summit with Kim Jong-un. Unless, of course, the summit takes place at Mar Y Lago. Then the bombing can take place while Kim is on U.S. soil and Trump can jump up and yell: "Surprise!"
Don Davis (New York)
When even an H.R McMaster is not the master of his domain, and we end up with a "loud talker," it's inevitable that we'll see the "worlds collide" theory ... in practice!
Nb (Texas)
Another hawk who was too chicken to see combat. Just like Trump.
Todd (San Francisco)
"I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost." -John Bolton Funny how the biggest hawks are always people who found ways to weasel out of servicing in active combat.
Nb (Texas)
Like Trump and Cheney. Easy for these guys to send someone’s choldren to die so they can feel manly.
MH (Long Island, NY)
Right! Two draft dodgers, Mr. Heel Spurs and his crony are now strongmen, looking for a war. Is a nuclear conflagration on the Korean Peninsula, encouraged by Bolton, going to be Mr. Trump’s distraction to the whole Stormy Daniels thing? The ultimate distraction . . . Catastrophic
A talking head on one of the cable news shows just was comparing Mike Pompeo (a West Point graduate) and John Bolton saying Bolton never served in the military. During the Vietnam war Bolton had a medium high draft number so he admittedly joined the Maryland National Guard to avoid being drafted and served for 4 years plus 2 years in the Army Reserve.
Sherry Moser steiker (centennial, colorado)
The WH is now a TV channel, God help us.
Abby (Tucson)
So, the Dems invented the hopy changy thingy app, and the GOP came up with the dreadnaut to destroy everything. Great gaming, iceflows.
Kate (San Diego)
With Trump feeling his oats it feels at times as if we are in the process of a slow motion coup. But his fickle ego may turn out to be a saving grace for our country. He will inevitably butt heads with men such as Bolton and away they will go.
Lee A (Silver Spring, MD)
The sunshine patriot and chicken hawk. The curse of America.
Jim (Houghton)
You could call him a "hawkish hard-liner" or, more accurately, an angry little chickenhawk.
ClydeMallory (San Diego, CA)
Trump's third appointment of the week, and all TV personalities to boot.
Touran9 (Sunnyvale, CA)
This choice guarantees Americans' thirst for Middle Eastern' blood will soon be (somewhat) quenched. I can hear the stupid "Bomb Eye-ran" war chants now... I'm sure it'll be another dumb war, with tragic, useless death and destruction, designed to "unite Americans" against a common enemy. And some people will makes lots of money. Why can't we see how much the U.S. contributes to terror in the Middle East?
Seldoc (Rhode Island)
Hawkish he may be, Bolton dodged the draft when it was his time to serve. Seemed he didn't want to die in a rice paddy feeling it was better that some other poor sucker did.
ed (honolulu)
Finally the apology tour is over.
Peter (CT)
If you appoint a Sith Lord head of national security, you already know what kind of advice you're going to get.
just Robert (North Carolina)
Trump has sold more weapons to Saudi Arabia? Will that country become our Iran War partner? And will Bolton deliver the message that the whole middle east is at war? Will Israel join the party as they read the message for war that Bolton's rise in this crazy administration sends? Mr. Trump this is not a game and sending our young folks off to was something you refused to do as you played your money games is...I have no words to say how disgusting it is.
RRI (Ocean Beach, CA)
The term for John Bolton is not "hawkish hard-liner." The term is warmonger.
northlander (michigan)
Bringing all his co conspirators in the same cell.
Justin (Seattle)
I wish I understood Mr. Bolton's world view. How does one look at the world and decide that it might be a good idea to preemptively attack North Korea? Is he unaware of the impact that would have on our allies, South Korea and Japan? The impact it would have on the second most powerful nation on earth, China? Does he think they will just sit back an do nothing? Or bombing Tehran. Does he believe that Saudi hegemony in the Middle East is a good thing, notwithstanding their funding and support for terrorists that have actually attacked us? Would more instability in the Middle East be good for us somehow? He sounds like the 98 pound weakling who took the Charles Atlas course and now wants to prove how tough he is. I've got news for him: winning a fight never puts you in a better position than would have obtained had you avoided the fight. Those that have actually fought, Mattis, McMaster, etc., don't seem eager to start new fights. Is this based on religious thought? Is there some consistent vision for national security? Or is he clinically insane or clinically stupid?
William Whitaker (Ft. Lauderdale)
According to John Bolton he is never wrong. Therefore his first order of business upon taking his new position will be to resume the search for WMD in Iraq.
Linda (Phoenix)
He took us to the disaster that was the Iraq war! Hes a war criminal Do not approve him. Do not accept this illegal and unethical President for one more second. He is destroying the world.
bored critic (usa)
illegal president? are you making up your own laws now?
Hari Prasad (Washington, D.C.)
Flynn, McMaster, Bolton - Trump's game of musical chairs goes on. Of the three, McMaster is the only one who isn't half-deranged. No wonder Trump fired him, and chose the obnoxious and crazed Bolton. Give Trump a little time, and he always makes the worst choice. Now the U.S. and the world run a real risk of war with Bolton and Pompeio to encourage Trump's bellicose instincts on N. Korea, either when the proposed summit fails, or by setting impossible preconditions. The odds are possibly higher than 50-50 that Trump gets the U.S. into another war and also brings on (partly in consequence) a stock market crash followed by a severe and long economic down-turn with massive loss of jobs.
jrw1 (houghton)
Well, President "Only-the-best-people" has blown it again. For the third time in this critical appointment. Will he ever figure out that he hasn't got the smarts to run a hardware store. Short answer: NO! The November elections were the only hope now that the GOP has surrendered but they won't come soon enough. By then President "I'm-really-smart" will have fired Muller, and gotten away with it thanks to Ryan and McConnell, and he and Mad Dog Bolton will have started World War 3. Is this a great country or what?
James C (Virginia)
The revolving door of the White house Staff is a blur of motion. Not sure having a position under Slippery Don is good for the resume. Good luck Bolton, don't unpack your bags or decorate you're new office as it's only a temporary gig.
hinckley51 (sou'east harbor, me)
The closer Mueller gets to the dirty truth on Trump, the closer Trump takes us to his ultimate diversion: WAR. In the legal world, one who knows or should know the risk(s) of something terrible and does NOTHING is "grossly negligent". As a result, a significant portion of the blame and liability rests with that grossly negligent party. A nation of adult human beings that sits back and watches (with full knowledge and understanding of rogue, reckless and dangerous "leadership") is guilty of gross negligence and has NO reason to expect anything other than the worst outcome and, more importantly, deserves part of the blame! 45 is a loose wrecking ball smashing and banging the American Way around for his own personal gratification and delayed accountability. He's a national (no, global!) villain doing dirt in plain sight ("broad daylight in the middle of 5th Ave" anyone remember??) and Americans do one of two things: head in the sand (pretend it isn't happening!) OR watch in amazement/horror (literally letting it slow motion before their eyes!). In a sad ironic way, it may ALL be justified. It's in our national DNA. 45 was born "entitled" with a special privilege most Americans can't or won't admit! If Obama had been 1/10th as bad as 45, this would all be over by a BIPARTISAN cooperative effort presently unimaginable. I have NO doubt. Not a single one.
omamae1 (NE)
Another chicken hawk ready for war, but wouldn't put his own life on the line. "He wrote in his Yale 25th reunion book "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."[29] In an interview, Bolton discussed his comment in the reunion book, explaining that he decided to avoid service in Vietnam because "by the time I was about to graduate in 1970, it was clear to me that opponents of the Vietnam War had made it certain we could not prevail, and that I had no great interest in going there to have Teddy Kennedy give it back to the people I might die to take it away from"
C.O. (Germany)
During his presidential campaign Trump criticized Bush for conducting the war in Iraq. Now he hires a man who was ardently for it. Contradiction? No, it is part of Trump’s „scramble and confuse“ strategy which has consistently been propagated by Steve Bannon. Frightening.
Jill M (NYC)
So Trump has already acquiesced to the hawkish neo-liberal world order after so few months as President - he who wanted to change things. The pressure for income from arms manufacturers no doubt.
Gwen Vilen (Minnesota)
War always has unintended consequences. Any war with Iran and it's proxies will inflame the Middle East as never before and spread to every country around it. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and India all have nuclear weapons. Hopefully our top military commanders are talking about refusing to obey orders that could lead to this catastrophe.
LVG (Atlanta)
Take a moment and think about the type of foreign policy speeches that Bolton and Stephen Miller will put together. It will match any of the tirades of North Korea and will be designed to please Trump's base but also bring us closer to a position where Trump cannot back down.
J (Washington State)
Just don't let him be the last one to speak to 45....
Dolores (Toronto)
Bolton is a terrible choice for the US and the world. I think a significant issue about American politics right now, when looking longterm, is the intellectual vacuum that has been created in government. Valuable career government workers, diplomats have left and without solid experience, the US will suffer consequences that are intangible to most people. History will tell us the scope of the decline of the US soon enough but know this, Trump tapped into something that was there, brewing, for a long time already. Lobbyists are controlling government, the rich get richer, the poor more marginalized. Both parties are guilty of pandering to lobbyists.
Ruth Ospelt (Europe)
With John Bolton in the White House, it became a living nightmare. For most Americans and the rest of the world. When you think it can't get worse...
dsbarclay (Toronto)
"hard-liner" "hawkish" "very right-wing" all code words for war monger. The Arms Industries need perpetual wars to make continual windfall profits. Its been the business model since WWII.
Jim Atwood (New Orleans, LA)
Classic Trump: Carefully(?) considers all the options and then picks the least appropriate and most dangerous guy in the room.
Norm Goldberg (Pittsburgh, PA)
"Though he has been on a list of candidates for the post since the beginning of the administration, officials said Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache." Wait, did I just read that sentence?
Ruby (Texas)
But Putin likes it because it's really manly.
RLD (Colorado/Florida)
Reminds me of the like-minded types that Hitler surrounded himself with. They helped ruin Europe in spite of intense internal rivalries between them which trumps chaos -cabinet will enjoy even more now. One can only hope Bolton, who never served but is always advocating war, will also pass through the trump revolving door quickly. The republicans own this train wreck of an administration, they better get it under control. Now more than ever, the mid terms are the last chance for America to save itself.
Tar Heel Happy (North Carolina)
Life will change for us here in the US when these things happen: those that voted for Trump actually suffer (Medicaid, etc), when the men driving those F -150's with Trump and NRA stickers lose their jobs as a result of tariff wars, and when body bags start returning to the US. Folks will then realize that elections matter. A lot.
Ronny (Dublin, CA)
People don't realize they are being conned until after they look around and find out they have lost everything they cared about. Donald Trump is the Greatest Con man in American history.
Troutwhisperer (Spokane, Wa.)
Just heard, really, that Trump intially passed over Bolton for his cabinet because of his mustache. Our country is now officially a TV show.
Paul Sklar (Wisconsin)
Bolton, a typical chicken hawk, never experienced combat (just like our "fearless" leader). He joined the National Guard during the Vietnam War to avoid being sent to Vietnam and into combat. He, like all of the other conservative war hawks that never experienced combat and death, would soil their pants immediately in such a situation. But they are never short in their lust to send others to their deaths.
Chris (US ex-pat)
If Bolton starts a war before the midterms it'll be on the heads of every American eho saw it coming and did nothing. In fact this whole Presidency has been a massive test of the stability of the US government and nation in the long term, and it's failed that test spectacularly.
Eric S (Philadelphia, PA)
Bolton is a man to whom criticism, regardless of its justification, is nothing more than a sign that he is on the right path - and the stronger the criticism, the better. He is a man who loves to be hated, and now he will be in a position to realize his vision that the US should also love to be hated.
Rob (East Bay, CA)
Republicans and war, its always the same. Bolton is inserted to help start one.
DC (Ct)
Bolton is a clown but if anyone thinks he will tell Iran or NK what to do they are foolish,the United States is still tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a dog that is all bark and no bite and they will m ignore him.
Richard (USA)
Trump always picks the most retrograde, backward, nasty people he can find to replace the last round of people he fires. He is getting worse by the day. Watching him is like watching a caged animal that knows his time is coming. Congress has to move and get trump some psychiatric care he is sorely in need of. Mueller, Stormy Daniels, and the other "Playmate" are just the tip of trump's iceberg.
dsbarclay (Toronto)
Blood lust war mongering merchants of fear in charge again.
mt (Portland OR)
Dear citizens of the USA. Please start preparing for the 2018 elections immediately.
Jonathan (New York)
Take Trump seriously, but not literally? - like so many tweetable ideas that pass for deep insights these days it's pithy, but with no real truth to it... Bolton is just the latest example.
Anthony (Bloomington, IN)
I wonder if Trump's base realize that despite Bolton's tough talk he is an Ivy Leaguer who dodged Vietnam stating, "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost." It seems rather odd for one to possess such sentiments and at the same time be a staunch advocate for future belligerence, such as Bolton's support for the Iraq War. Of course, those are other people's children being sent into conflict.
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
DJT works for: 1. Vladimir Putin 2. The NRA 3. The 20 some % that make up the most extreme right wing conservative portion of the electorate Do not expect any mention of or attempt by this administration to do what is in the best interest of the remaining 80 % of US. Bolton is a clear and present danger and a sign that DJT could care less about the future of this nation. Resist. Vote. Repeat.
Adam (Connecticut)
Bolton's family - his children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews- should be the first Americans sent to fight in any war zone. Perhaps that would give him pause to dismiss diplomacy.
NewYorker6699 (Florida)
This will not end well.
Peggy Rogers (PA)
It's not the UN that's an "ineffective, inefficient, bloated gasbag" but rather Trump and his capos to. I'd say the same about certain numbers of his supporters. And as for the wishes of good luck, pleave the rest of us out of the "cheering" section. Most of us happen to care about minor matters like international peace, diplomacy and bonds.
amrcitizen16 (AZ)
The Pretend King Trump is dangerous but what is more dangerous are the men he appoints without review. As PKT continues with his onslaught of scamming us right and left, his advisors will whisper in his ear to take us into another "conflict". These are much more profitable and in the past (it has been so long ago when America was America) it usually guaranteed another 4 years for the chief in the WH. Well not this time. We have been duped with WMDs in Iraq, a continued war in Afghanistan and a deficit so large it will take our great grand children to pay for it.
vishmael (madison, wi)
Suggest you all buy now before prices skyrocket and/or cheap & ineffective imitations be brought to market: Preventing the Fallout: Anti-Radiation Drugs - Pharmaceutical ... May 16, 2011 - Preventing the Fallout: Anti-Radiation Drugs. Share. The disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan has triggered demand for a powerful anti-radiation drug. Elisabeth Fischer finds out what options are currently out there and asks just how prepared are countries in the face of a nuclear fallout?
Allan Hansen (Reno, Nevada)
Back in 2005 J. L. Finch wrote a piece for Daily KOS titled "Bolton avoided Vietnam Service" where he points out: "It should surprise none of us to learn that a bully like John Bolton, who has no qualms about chasing and threatening women in Russian hotels, is in fact a wimp and a coward at heart. When our country called, he was the one running for cover." Smart money says he won't lead the troops into battle in Iran or North Korea either. Chicken hawks!
Rmayer (Cincinnati)
What does a Trump Presidency need to have a chance at a second term? A lovely war, of course. Maybe when Republicans begin welcoming back their sons and daughters in coffins will they have even a second thought about their support for Trump. Maybe when they struggle to find iodine pills and scramble to build shelters will it occur to them there might have been a better solution than electing someone who only cares about Donald Trump. Maybe those who chose to becomes subjects and kneel down to Trump will realize they can become citizens of the USA by finally exercising their franchise and voting for someone who is dedicated to democracy and our Republic. Maybe.
Qcell (Hawaii)
Is any wonder that the US has not won a war since WWII. Finally, the era of appeasement is over and US will act as the world power that we are.
Martin (NY)
Why - because the Korean, Vietnam and Iraq wars went so well? Our power did nothing. why would this be different? Do you actually want a war? I though the US is supposed to he city on the hill, and a shining example for others?
Mike Livingston (Cheltenham PA)
Bolton is extreme, but also highly qualified. I'm not sure it's entirely bad. On the other hand, I dont live in Pyongyang.
Kai (Oatey)
Bolton is probably the worst imaginable NSA - a rigid, dogmatic ideologue with limited intellectual and emotional skills. An awful choice.
Peggy Rogers (PA)
Bolton's an awful choice and force, for sure, but a perfect match to his boss, our leader.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
With all the "adults" gone, Trump and merry band of fanatical ultra right wing ignorant liars can do whatever they want. Not going to turn out well for any of us....
Charles C (san diego)
John Bolton and his horrendous history, probably the worst pick possible. A thousand reasons why he is not the man for the job and trump shows a wee bit of hesitation in his choice because....of his mustache !?? Kinda tells you all you need to know about this so called leader of our nation.
Richard Cavagnol (Michigan)
Trump continues to collect the unqualified, despicable, hawkish undiplomatic, undemocratic authoritarian swamp rats to his side to provide an Faux News bubble around him to shut out the voices of the qualified and encourage his troupe of sock puppets to yes-men him and continue to boost his needy ego. Oh 2018 elections, hurry!!
gene (fl)
He will start nuking N. Korea the second it looks like he is being run out of office.
oldBassGuy (mass)
China provided financing for the idiotic invasion of Iraq. So the question: will China finance an invasion of North Korea? NK would fold by itself, without any invasion, if it wasn't propped up by China. I could see China financing an invasion of California. You know, that state that is virtually the only state that is a true direct competitor in all things STEM related. Keep in mind that Iran has 3 times the population of Iraq and its military will not be a pushover.
gene (fl)
Take the power to send Nukes AWAY from Trump NOW!. Not later congress NOW!
nkda2000 (Fort Worth, TX)
If Bolton pushes Trump to rip up the Iran deal, then any deal with North Korea will be written on toilet paper. Such a deal will be flushed down the toilet at a moment's notice.
Vera Wainthrop (Northumberland)
It is perfectly clear that it's well past time for members of congress of both parties to make that slog from capital hill to the White House and present Donald "the terrible" trump with what he had better do--a la Richard "I am not a crook" Nixon--to forestall impeachment. The people of the United States have put up with enough.
Welcome Canada (Canada)
A chicken hawk. "Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he declined to enter combat duty, instead enlisting in the National Guard and attending law school after his 1970 graduation. "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy," Bolton wrote of his decision in the 25th reunion book. "I considered the war in Vietnam already lost." DalyKos May 1, 2005
Geoffrey (Thornton)
Seems most everyone in Trumps new lineup is or was a Fox News commentator.
islander (New York)
Did John Bolton ever serve in the military? Interesting.
Scott Hiddelston (Washington State)
"Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he declined to enter combat duty, instead enlisting in the National Guard and attending law school after his 1970 graduation. "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy," Bolton wrote of his decision in the 25th reunion book. "I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."
Cyclopsina (Seattle)
Crikey. We are in big trouble now.
Mr. Bunk (USA)
I think that the risk of an impulsively driven war is now increased with 6 gun Bolton coming on board with Trump. Trump says he wants diverse opinions. However, it looks like he wants a dangerous war oriented groupthink cabinet. Of course a war would divert attention from Mr. Mueller's investigations.
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
Dear World, Please excuse our mess! We are on the middle of a remodeling of our democracy and a lilltle dust and smoke is to be expected. Starting in November 2018 (midterms) you will see a new and improved US. Until then please direct all inquiries to your national government. Thank you, The United States of America
Is_the_audit_over_yet (MD)
Thoughts & prayers!
Desiree (Pittsburgh)
"Though he had been on a list of candidates for the post since the beginning of the administration, officials said Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton's walrus-style mustache." Are we not going to talk about this? The President doesn't hire people if he doesn't like their facial hair? This is the man IN CHARGE of our nation, the public face of the country! I just feel like we should be discussing this at least a little bit.
wide awake (Clinton, NY)
Another chickenhawk, like Cadet Bone Spurs. From John Bolton's Wikipedia page: During the 1969 Vietnam War draft lottery, Bolton drew number 185. (Draft numbers corresponded to birth dates.)[24] As a result of the Johnson and Nixon administrations' decisions to rely largely on the draft rather than on the reserve forces, joining a Guard or Reserve unit became a way to avoid service in the Vietnam War.[25] Bolton enlisted in the Maryland Army National Guard in 1970 rather than wait to find out if his draft number would be called.[26] (The highest number called to military service was 195.)[27] After serving in the National Guard for four years, he served in the United States Army Reserve until the end of his enlistment two years later.[28] He wrote in his Yale 25th reunion book "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."
BCN (Glenview, IL)
The only reason Bolton is somewhat better than DJT is that he does not change his mind. And that is also the reason why he is worse. We cannot get rid of this administration fast enough for me.
gene (fl)
I believe the only way this will end with our USELESS Congress is for 5 or 10 or15 or more million of us march on Washington and demand Trump step down. Call for new elections. If they don't we will do it ourselves on the spot.
cse (LA )
seriously any day they are going to start a war while we all complain about it on social media. the good news is once humans are eliminated this planet will thrive again.
bored critic (usa)
you'll do just what on the spot? gimme a break
Dave (va.)
I would not read to much into this appointment even though Bolton I is a real hawk. I think Trump is again trying to make a statement about his new diplomatic posture that seem dangerous and unpredictable. Just before he may have a meeting with North Korea he thinks Bolton will provide his proof that threats he will use as leverage will be real. To me he is playing a dangerous game and taking a big gamble, if his bluff is called he has no fall back policy to save face and we all know everything is about him, a dangerous foreign policy and America is in jeopardy along with the world.
Marie (Boston)
The two questions are: 1. What is the average length of service of a Trump Security Adviser? 2. Can Bolton start a war in that time?
Matt (NYC)
@Marie: Interesting questions! Starting with the average length of service, a casual search (Wikipedia) of those holding the position lists: Michael Flynn: 24 days (from Jan. 20, 2017 - Feb. 13, 2017); Keith Kellogg (acting NSA): 7 days (from Feb. 13, 2017 - Feb. 20, 2017); and H.R. McMaster: ~395 days (from Feb. 20, 2017 ~ March 22, 2018) If we consider Kellogg to be fair game for this discussion (as an "acting" NSA), then the average seems to come out to: (24+7+395)days/3 NSAs = 142 days per NSA Without Kellogg, we get: (24+395)days/2 NSAs = ~210 days per NSA Of course, Mr. Bolton is a NEW NSA, and is essentially only a day old, which would pull the average down (again not counting Kellogg) to: (24+395+1)days/3NSAs = 140 days per NSA And since, it is entirely plausible that Trump might have fired Kellogg for any number of unintelligible reasons, I prefer to factor him back in for the final figure: (24+7+395+1)days/4NSAs = ~107 days per NSA For context, all of Trump's NSAs so far EASILY make the top 10 list for shortest time in the position. Flynn, of course, is No.1 on that list by a wide margin, releasing one Mr. W.H. Jackson who had previously held the dubious honor for 117 years (128 days under Eisenhower). The answer to your second question is straightforward. Yes, Bolton/Trump can and almost certainly WILL start a war in that time. The only question is whether the war will be of a "civil," "economic," "proxy," "holy," "conventional" or "nuclear" nature.
Vincent Amato (Jackson Heights, NY)
A very bad sign. Go back through the photographic record of the 2000 election to find Mr. Bolton among the honest brokers chosen by the Republican Party to inspect hanging chads in Florida. As a reward for this and other services to the party, Mr. Bolton was given the post of ambassador to the United Nations, an appointment he used to denigrate the institution in as many ways as he could. It is possible that President Trump actually does not understand who this man is. Many Americans breathed a deep sigh of relief when his name did not appear among early appointees to the Trump administration. To find now that he has been named National Security Advisor is cause for great alarm.
Neal (New York, NY)
"It is possible that President Trump actually does not understand who this man is." It's more likely you actually do not understand who Donald Trump is.
doug mac donald (ottawa canada)
This quote from Winston Churchill seems appropriate at this time. "They chose between war and dishonor They chose dishonor they shall have war"
scottso (Hazlet)
I think it's overdue for GOP enablers in Congress to step up and do their patriotic duty before we end up in WWIII and I do not underrate our personally embattled unfit POTUS to do just that. We are foolishly marching off the cliff while we check our 401ks for ever bigger returns. They will crash with everything else we hold dear, including our security from homeland attacks from China and Russia. Democracy, and our way of life, is under severe strain while Congress dances around issues of national security, ignoring the bull in the china (no pun intended) shop.
Emily Lewis (Massachusetts)
The lack of education, maturity, and decency this president and his party demonstrates has made the democratic party look good; I've not been a fan of the republicans, nor the democrats as they have run their party machine, and have often voted for alternative candidates, so if the democrats have begun looking viable, please imagine how horrifying the current "ruling" party and White House seems to me and others like me. Trump appointments, firing, then new appointments, are hollow-men and a few hollow women. Bolton is at the top of that heap.
John (Phoenix)
Now that Trump has pinched his nose and entered Moustacheland, choosing Bolton and deGenova, it should be easy to predict the next round of losers on his "All the Best People" list. Many people say Joey Stalin has been getting great ratings these days.
Diogenes (Florida)
Trump supporters, particularly Evangelicals, should be pleased about his latest appointments to the White House. By so doing, the president confirms Christian Right claims that our nation is guilty of immorality and deserves to be punished by God. They haven't seen anything yet.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
Two of a kind. Trump, the compulsive liar, Bolton, eager to lie to get a war going. Bolton is best known as one of the principle architects of Dubya's campaign of lies to get the American People and the UN to agree to an invasion of Iraq. Turned out not a single piece of evidence presented was true. All lies. All due to people like Bolton who will lie to anyone to get what they want. We really don't need another liar in this administration. Trump is just about done with getting rid of the "adults" who were supposed to restrain him from doing harm to the US. That is all out the window now. Trump is now surrounded by sycophantic, lying yes-men. The bubble is complete. The destruction of America is nigh.
Robert (Out West)
1. I swear I remember that Trump campaigned on bringing everybody home and dumpng all our foreign entanglements. 2. I'd like to suggest that everybody who thinks this is great and wants a preview of coming attractions try the following experiment: get your big screen TV, a screwdriver, a pair of pliers, and a hammer. Pry the back off the TV, weasel a couple of the boxy-looking little doodads out, and put them on the floor. Hit them with the hammer, then replace the bits and turn the TV on. Enjoy the game on Sunday. 3. Is there any truth to the rumor that FOX and OneAmerica have started advertising a clinic that will implant heel spurs, dedicated to helping the true patriots out there?
KenF (Staten Island)
Birds of a feather. This is the same John Bolton who joined the National Guard to avoid being sent to Vietnam. And the same party that denigrated John Kerry's heroic military service. Why are the chicken hawks always bent on sending other people to do the dirty work that they themselves weaseled out of?
Susan (Napa)
Another slam dunk with Iran and North Korea? There are more ways to wage war than mere weapons. Despite our massive military with all of its might, no slam dunks lately, why would this change, ready for the long haul? The world is about to divide.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
Iran and North Korea now have the distinction of having the more rational people in charge of their respective countries. the US? Liars and fanatical ultra right wing extremists now rule the government. Trumpers? Anything you want to apologize for? Or are you still out to lunch on that?
bored critic (usa)
Iran and NK have more rational leaders than the US? did those words really come out of your mouth? my father always used to say a person doesn't know how smart you are, or arent, until the words start to come out of your mouth. you just gave yourself up. I'd like to figure out a way to offer the people of California a secession referendum. you know you'd vote for it overwhelmingly, and we'd love to see it happen.
Zaleya (Seattle)
The whole West Coast, thank you.
daniel lathwell (willseyville ny)
John's bio is pretty top notch, except for one glaring omission. When it came time to volunteer for the Vietnam, John like so many of his contemporaries suddenly discovered that the good war we were carrying out for the benefit of of god knows what might be hazardous to his health and glorious career ops surely coming his way. He signed up for the National Guard. Nice and safe here in the states and those protesters weren't armed either so all's good. Maybe you can meditate in front of the wall for a few seconds(that's all it takes smart guys like him to figure it out) Big Bad John, those dead soldiers needed you John boy. You ran.
Craig Rafert (Nebraska)
Dear Mr. Mueller, Please hurry. Sincerely, Citizens of the World
Adam S., Jr (Charlotte)
Cheney, didn't serve, thought war was a good idea W Bush, didn't serve (except as guard), thought war was a good idea Powell, served, (mainly) thought war was a bad idea Trump, didn't serve, thinks war is a good idea Bolton, didn't serve, thinks war is a good idea Mattis, McMaster, served, don't think war is a good idea. Is there a pattern here?
JJB (New Jersey)
As the heat is turned up on POTUS from the Mueller investigation and the sex scandals, Trump is maneuvering to create a distraction by starting a conflict with Iran and/or North Korea in order to change the headlines. Who better to facilitate it then Bolton?
AVIEL (Jerusalem)
Reading the comments it seems that many people would have preferred offering the position to Officer Joe Bolton over John Bolton.No great mystery where things now stand in this administration. It seems to me that Trump has a staff in place with views that most closely reflects his own gut instincts. Is there any reason not to expect that they will attempt to execute foreign policy accordingly?
Robbiesimon (Washington)
Mr. Bolton is 70 years old; thus a young man during the Vietnam War. Remind me - was this manly, courageous, war-loving individual Navy Seals, Marine Recon, or Army Special Forces during that conflict?
McGloin (Brooklyn)
Chuck Schumer and his centrist Democrats are voting to give Trump $165 billion in new military spending. That money will be used to fight Trump's wars. What is wrong with the Democratic Party, that they are helping Trump with massive military spending and political wins that make him more popular?
Albert Edmud (Earth)
What is "recent history" according to folks in Mid-Manhattan? Surely the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Neo-Con cabal qualifies. Does the Kennedy/Johnson/McNamara troika make the cut off?
Frenchy (Brookline, MA)
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
LivingWithInterest (Sacramento)
Okay, so now, Kelly is the only American patriot left anywhere near our highest office in America. Kelly is the only man whom we can count on to say, "No, this isn't the right course of action, mr. president." Kelly is the only man we can count on because the GOP is complicit in their abdication of their Constitutional responsibility to a documented narcissistic liar for the sole purpose of remaining in power.
John Dunlap (San Francsico)
Wasn't John Bolton know as "Mr. Kiss Up and Kick Down" when he worked for W?
McGloin (Brooklyn)
See the companion story that shows that Bolton's Super Pac was a customer of Cambridge Analytica, which was funded by Trump and Bannon's political benefactors, the Mercers. Bolton may have been part of the plan the while time.
C.R. Kennedy (California)
And the follow up article is: Bolton Was Early Beneficiary of Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook Data
Dolores (Toronto)
Americans, are you feeling alone? You should be by now at least because your allies are essentially going to cut you out of our political discussions, agreements, trade deals and the like--they've already started. You must realize that although Canada, the EU, South and Central America etc, we are your allies but we generally speaking don't like you. You're tolerated, much like the uncle no one wants for Christmas dinner. The world has the US to thank for the current political climate--Iraq x 2 failures, ISIS, the "red line" in Syria--and we're pretty sick of you, your failed foreign policies and the losers you elect. Your government is controlled by lobbyists yet the people actually have the power. When are Americans going to stop whining and start doing something besides commenting on digital newspapers. Given the unbelievable events one would think people would be out on the streets, like in the 60's over Vietnam. What's going on is worse than Vietnam.
bored critic (usa)
you don't like americans? aww my feelings are hurt. how did you like us in WWI and WWII? how did you like us bringing down the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the communist soviet union? imagine what your life would be like today without all the "assistance" the US has provided to the world. honestly, we don't really care that you don't like us.
Louise (Northampton)
It is time for any and all Republicans with a brain and a backbone to stop this madness. History will judge you - you must put party patronage aside & do what’s right for OUR (collective) country, before it is too late. I cannot believe that Trump and his cronies are the true face of your party.
njglea (Seattle)
johnlaw, from Florida, said in an earlier post, "Let's face it: We're all screwed." NO, Mr. Law, I will not face it and you shouldn't either. Every single American who doesn't agree with The Con Don and his Robber Baron brethren's attempts to destroy OUR United States of America must take action to stop them. WE must start by supporting the student-sponsored "March for Our Lives" tomorrow. They/we want guns out of schools. I want to make sure there is no WW3 caused by The Con Don and his demented supporters. What do you want? Find a march/demonstration near you at the link below:
njglea (Seattle)
"March for Our Lives". Tomorrow. Find a march/demonstration near you at the link below:
JM (San Francisco, CA)
Trump's firing rampage and his new muscle-men hires are clearly a sign that he is now emboldened to try and fire Mueller again... no matter the consequences. Mueller and his team need to get their evidence on Trump out as quickly as possible. Stormy's 60 Minutes interview on Sunday could very likely be Trump's breaking point.
Fred (Chicago)
If a president forces acts of war without the constitutionally required vote from Congress, is that grounds for impeachment? Oh, wait a minute. Our Congress would have to impeach. Never mind.
Ken (California)
Senator Murphy summed it up perfectly: "My God." This article in the American Conservative shows what lengths Bolton is willing to go to pull this nation into war:
David Johnson (San Francisco)
I don't watch Fox News, so I was surprised to learn that this guy is not cowering in shame somewhere for his key role as liar-in-chief during the Bush years. A guy who led the charge for an unpopular, failed war strategy should be enormously unpopular even among Trumpistas. Awful people do have a way of sticking around I guess.
momb (Bloomington)
The oligarchs are assembling a war cabinet. And why not, the profits from sending our kids off die are endless. Ask Cheney.
Martha (Northfield, MA)
Donald Trump, totally inept, unqualified, unstable, and corrupt pawn of foreign governments, is leading us all down the path to war. His latest pick, Bolton, is gung ho about military conflict, not to mention he was a beneficiary of Cambridge Analytica's Facebook Data. Each successive cabinet replacement is even worse than the last. I won't say "God help us," because he won't. America, it's up to us to stop this "president" and his madmen.
Ray Sipe (Florida)
Congress needs to formaly investigate John Boltons involvement with Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica was caught on tape explaining how they illegaly effected elections. John Bolton was deeply involved with Cambridge Analytica. CONGRESS NEEDS TO FORMALY INVESTIGATE Ray Sipe
whatispropaganda (uk)
Rattle snakes in a sack. Trump, Bolton.
TyroneShoelaces (Hillsboro, Oregon)
Trump has lost cabin pressure. He's a bull who carries a china shop around with him.
Vin Hill (West Coast, USA)
So Trump kicked out an actual military vet who's seen battle and replaced him with a draft dodger who also happens to be a hawk?
Marie (Boston)
Well Vin, birds of a feather and all that.
Tracy Rupp (Brookings, Oregon)
So another tax cut for the wealthy by the Christian/Republicans who will now take us to war, so our militantly patriotic nation will dutiful fall into line for another Republican parade into a second term for Donald Trump or more, if they can change the laws.
JM (San Francisco, CA)
Trump really dug way down deep into the very bottom of the barrel to dredge up this guy, Bolton, for NSA. Geez, does no one but Fox News commentators want to work for Trump? Wonder if Bolton knows how much his scruffy mustache really annoys Trump.
Patty Quinn (Philadelphia)
I'd like to hear from those who said they weren't voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton because she'd have us involved in another war in less than a month into her presidency. Thoughts? Insights?
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
She would have. Trump's failures don't equal her being any better than she really was. We need to reflect on the choices, war or war. There is something fundamentally wrong in Washington, Trump sure, but not just Trump.
Costantino Volpe (Wrentham Ma)
Bolton is going to make Trump look like Ghandi
Marie (Boston)
Actually I thought of this. Maybe that's his plan.
BT (Chicago)
Solid move through and through. I know most all NYT's comments are from snowflakes that are unaware of how the world actually works. The only thing that has ever kept peace is the threat from power. You should stay focused on the more popular liberal news stories of Collusion and infidelity and leave the important issues to who graduated tops at Yale back when Yale mattered.
Kim Murphy (Upper Arlington, Ohio)
Geez, John--you already got the job.
Don Clark (Baltimore, MD)
Sorry. What we need are adults that can diplomatically handle these threats. Bullies never win.
Mike Letourneau (Dalhousie, N.B Can.)
BT, you are absolutely right' The Romans understood this 2000 years ago; sic pacet, para bellum. If you seek peace, prepare for war.
Johndrake07 (NYC)
The lunatic foxes are now fully in charge of the hen house…
Christopher (P.)
What Bolton is is an extremist, an anti-democrat every bit as reactionary and virulent and violent as those he purports to be against and the antithesis of -- oh, and a hypocrite.
Patrick Stevens (MN)
Think about the quality of Donald trump's decision making processes: Bolton was passed over for this position last year because he has a mustache. Think about that.
[email protected] (Santa Cruz, Ca)
Bolton is a Chicken Hawk; the worst of the worst. He is willing to send our young men into war when he worked the system to avoid combat. Trump and his team of misfits need to be ousted and hopefully come Nov the voters will see to this unless Trump is removed for any one of his many lies.
Bewley5 (Austin)
Here we go another mentally under powered Republican loser of the popular vote for President, with Josh Bolton talking him into another fake war. I am sickened
Frank Rier (Maine)
Watch out Iran; get your umbrellas up. Just what we need: another big mouthed personal coward trying to compensate for being afraid of his own shadow.
Blue Ridge (Blue Ridge Mountains)
Oh, boy. Government in retrograde.
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
I am sure we will all be dead from this or global warming by this time next week.
JM (San Francisco, CA)
Bolton? Very dark days ahead for the United States of America.
Bamarolls (Westmont, IL)
Does Las Vegas have an over/under on days that Bolton, who could get confirmation from Senate for his last Administrative appointment, will last with Traitor Administration? Mooch+ or Mooch- anyone?
JeffB (Plano, Tx)
The departures of McMaster and John Dowd are the latest wheels to fall off the Trump clown car only to be replaced with square wheels. The conversion of the Oval Office to a complete echo chamber is now almost complete. The more extreme Trump turns, the better mid-terms and 2018 look to stopping this madness.
Daniel (Silver Spring MD)
I'm all for recycling, but Bolton? Pa-LEEZ!!
Eugene Phillips (Kentucky)
Bolton must not be aware that our Stable Genius called Putin with congratulations on his “election” victory.
Steve (Long Island)
Mr. Clean out...Captain Kangeroo in.
SteveB (France)
This appointment is no surprise. Just imagine how Cadet Bone Spurs felt in the presence of a real soldier... He will be far more comfortable with a fellow draft dodger in the room and we end up with 2 chicken hawks running the show.
Susan (Paris)
“To jaw- jaw is always better than to war-war.” - Winston Churchill “To war-war, is always better than to jaw-jaw.” - John Bolton
elle (wilmington ca- los angeles)
hey everybody! stop all the fear-mongering, remember scaramucci? The mooch? He was more irascible and problematic and look how short he lasted. So just be prepared to laugh and joke about what a short time Bolton had his job okay? You guys are really scaring me with all your comments.
Brez (Spring Hill, TN)
War and rumors of war. Suppose they gave a war and the military resigned en masse? One can only hope.
Rick (Boston)
"Stormy" days at the White House!
brownpelican28 (Angleton, Texas)
Ok. Trump has Bolton and Pompano. What happens when Bolton or Pompano disagree with Trump on foreign policy moves concerning North Korea and Iran? Hit the door, Jack?
RLW (Chicago)
Surely this is a JOKE! Bolton as national security advisor is an oxymoron.
Romy (NYC)
Sure feels like a coup...god help us!
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
Washington is such a mess, with the VP, heads of Congress, and Sec of State all crazies, that the only way to clear it would be a coup. If they start fooling with the nukes, that just might happen.
Ricky (Saint Paul, MN)
How could Trump make a worse pick for this key role? I don't know ... there was no one else to pick from, and he had already found the bottom of the barrel, cut a hole in the bottom, and reached down below the barrel?
Th. Uhlig (Augsburg/Germany)
Just came back from my third trip to Iran, a beautiful country with maybe 5% of real political hardliners, and a few very selfish, but intelligent & rich Mullahs who govern this great country of incredibly welcoming, warmhearted people with the help of huge profits made from oil and other natural ressources. So what would be the reason for Trump to chose hardliner Bolton? To bring a better future to all those great people, let them enjoy freedom of speech? Democracy? No way - it's the oil, stupid.
This is expected from Trump to assign people who are unqualified but shares his view but does not help America or keep us safe. ie; Pruit, Carson, De Voss, Tillerson, Kushner, Banon,...etc. This is not winning and is not make America Great Again!
Sean (Jersey City)
The Year 1981 has already filed a lawsuit demanding that John Bolton return that mustache to its proper era...
hjw418 (Wakefield, RI)
I am wondering if Bannon still has Trump's ear. This seems to follow Bannon's goal of deconstruction. Why else pick Bolton, someone so ill suited to this post.
Clearwater (Oregon)
This appointment is right out of the Heritage Foundation's playbook. Trump never had an original thought in his life. He is told whom to appoint and when. Trump is a neophyte idiot on all things not related to borrowing money to pay for something he will eventually bankrupt. The Heritage Foundation and like minded "think" tankers like ALEC and the even darker ones are the creatures getting some of their way now that they have a true cypher in our most sacred house.
Sayf (CT)
THIS ! To think Trump has an ioata of political acumen ,misguided as it may be, is naive. It is the people who got him elected that are behind every disaster of a political appointment and incendiary tweets.
Marc (Chappaqua,N,Y.)
Every American should understand that a preemptive attack on Iran or North Korea is going to be followed by an immediate and devastating response by these nations. And, unlike Iraq, both Iran and North Korea have the capability to carry out a response that will kill and maim hundreds of thousands men, women, and children. This will be followed by a global recession/depression. War is not a video game; world consequences are at stake. Men like McMaster and Mattis understand this....fake bullies like Trump and Bolton do not.
James (St. Paul, MN.)
Trump understands that he will need some pretty big fireworks to overcome the shame of his obstruction of justice and personal behavior. Who better to set the world on fire than John Bolton? Mr. Bolton will confirm Trump's reputation as the most selfish, dishonest, unpatriotic, and proudly ignorant President in our nation's history.
P2 (NE)
GOP only knows two things: 1. Create chaos and then a war.. 2. Empty US treasury for their masters
Karla (North Carolina)
Hesitated the appointment because of a mustache. About says it all. God help America. He sure need it. Desperately so.
MJS (Savannah area, GA)
Given the editorial in the NYT's today on Mr. Bolton's appointment and a review of the comments section here, President Trump must be onto something good with this appointment. Bolton is hard nosed with an edge against the striped pant set at State and knows that the UN is an ineffective, inefficient, bloated gasbag that never will achieved its potential. I much prefer someone who gives it straight as opposed to the Kerry/Powers sort. Good luck Mr. Bolton, we are cheering for you.
Mabel Watson (Sacramento, Ca)
The sound of one man cheering.
Andy ex FSO (Omaha)
Bolton is an uninformed ideologue, dangerously bellicose, who will lead us into yet another war -- take your choice between North Korea, or Iran [a nation three times the size of Iraq....and, oh yeah, how did THAT war work out 15 years ago?]. As for your good cheer about a blustering bully "giving it to us straight" blah blah: keep in mind that the loud, uninformed drunk is the one who usually starts the late night bar fight.....and likely as not, he ends up with a beer bottle cracked over his head....or worse. This tragic choice edges the US closer to war on a couple of different fronts. And this time, there will be no coalition -- of the willing, or whatever. The US will be fortunate if we can survive this presidency and its wretched appointments with just a few stitches over our eyebrow.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
"I much prefer someone who gives it straight " ROTFL!!! Bolton is best known as being a principle architect of the lies used to get us to invade Iraq- how did that turn out? He is born liar, and trump is also a born liar. Good luck with that
Bobby (Virginia)
Glad to see operation "drain the swamp" is alive. Very happy with the direction of this administration. Glad to see US of A has some global respect again.
Abbey Road (DE)
The Roman Empire thought the same way until they collapsed. The US can't bomb their way to "respect". Utter and complete foolishness. Military strength is not how many bombs can be dropped.
PaulM (Ridgecrest Ca)
Autocracy: "a system of government in which one person has absolute power and is unaccountable to the law or the citizenry." Autocrat: "someone who insists on complete obedience from others; an imperious or domineering person." We're there....
The LOTUS (Liar of the U.S.) is at it again and this one is actually a stroke of genius... 1) Evidence of your sexcapades is about to go viral on 60 Minutes. 2) Your money laundering & financial house of cards is about to be exposed. 3) You can feel Mueller bearing down on you & Putin has you by the... What’s the ONE thing that would turn this country’s attention away from this trifecta of trouble? What’s the ONE thing that would push all of this to page 2 of every newspaper in the world? What’s the ONE thing that would distract Congress from impeachment proceedings? W-A-R. And I don’t mean a trade war. I mean war with North Korea and/or war with Iran. Welcome to the show, John Bolton! Your job is to justify a war and get it going as quickly as possible. Yes, Trump would actually do something like this. It’s all about self-preservation. If you weren’t scared last week, you should be now.
Shirley Shultz (Virginia)
This said something about President Trump: --------- Though he has been on a list of candidates for the post since the beginning of the administration, officials said Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache.
Mister Ed (Maine)
Trump's strategy for saving his presidency is coming into focus. A desperate bully under pressure always starts swinging to get his way because he cannot stand the humiliation of losing. Bolton is one trigger-happy dude for which we should all be scared. You Evangelicals looking for the Rapture may just get it!
Monkeymatters (Santa Cruz, CA)
Bolton is the bottom of the barrel, a caustic sludge of nationalism, arrogance, and recklessness. Spoon fed and hungry, this giant angry baby of a president, is likely to drink heartily from this mess. The result will be sickening.
Richard Smith (Edinburgh, UK)
Bombs away. What a disaster for the world.
Kathleen O'Neill (New York, NY)
Wake up people. This is a plan that is being beautifully executed. There must be a way to stop it. These people are taking us to war. I feel like Cassandra.
wmcmaster (Toronto)
You are forgetting something. Donald Trump backs down. The "exemptions" and "delayed implementation" over the steel tariffs being granted wholesale (albeit to US allies) are really face-saving walk-backs from a move that countries are standing up to. He also has left open plenty of back doors in the China tariffs. He appears to be caving on NAFTA. N. Korea is playing Trump and is going to benefit in the long run. These are classic schoolyard bully tactics, but the world knows what happens when you stand up to a bully. Trump is an isolationist and won't wage war, fiscal or otherwise, in another hemisphere,. It's all smoke.
Trump promised his supporters chaos as policy style - a means to an end (although he never specified what that end would be). We have now seen months of chaos as not indicative of any kind of policy, but an indication of the fact that Trump "does not know anything about anything other than real estate" (quoting Jeff Toobin). After months of floundering and misgovernance, he desperately needs a war to engage the American people - to show that he and his presidency is still relevant. And Bolton will give him one.
David Henry (Concord)
We are reminded once again of the horrors of the Bush presidency. Bush elevated this clown to the UN. Bush started a pointless war killing innocents. Trump learned well from Bush.
Dorothy (Over the Rainbow)
Let's hope Mueller's investigation moves faster than Bolton.
Daniel Baker (Arlington, VA)
The strategy is clear. Get Bolton in to start a war. Then fire Mueller because we are in the middle of a national crisis and the president cannot be distracted by "minor" legal hassles. Please, Mr. Mueller, put your evidence out there right away so that we can move to get rid of this guy in the White House before we are all blown to bits!
Kally (Kettering)
So McMasters was undermining the president’s agenda? What different approach exactly had the president promised? This is all very confusing. Trump ran on a supposed populist, anti-war agenda (remember how much he had been against the Iraq war, wink, wink). What happened to jobs, jobs, jobs, great healthcare for everyone, etc., etc.? Now his main focus seems to be on militarization. To me this is frightening, because it seems like a page from the authoritarian playbook. Is this what the American people want, even the minority of the population who actually voted for Trump? I remember one of Obama’s strongest mandates was to keep us out of wars because that’s what the majority of American people wanted, and I still think that’s true. What I think this all boils down to is the disagreement between Trump and McMasters on 1) the Iran deal and 2) the Russian interference. Trump only wants yes-men working for him and he seems to be getting there. Frightening.
AADaptogen (Putnam County, NY)
So, I'm just wondering... have we ever had a coup d'etat here in the USA? Not suggesting anything, just curious. Anyone?
SridharC (New York)
At this rate Shawn Hannity will be VP and Tucker Carlson, Defense Secretary.
Baldwin (New York)
How many young American need to die in pointless wars that this guy champions from the comfort of a television studio?
bb (berkeley)
Just what this country needs to march toward devastation a dyed in the wool hawk. It is time for the Republicans to take control of Trump and his cronies before they destroy the world.
Melquiades (Athens, GA)
We'll never have consensus in this nation as long as one part of the country believes we are under attack from Islam because we tolerate homosexuality while the rest knows that the real problem is we keeping growing the number of people whose cousins were killed by American bombs
kr (nj)
324 million people in this country. Only one Trump. Must be something we can do.
Dee (Los Angeles, CA)
Trump's presidency has been nothing BUT shakeups. I think all he does is shake up people, institutions, and policies that lead to chaos, uncertainty, and destruction. If this is his business model, it's no wonder he's had so many bankruptcies and personal lawsuits. And his management style is on par with a spoiled child. SAD.
Harley Leiber (Portland OR)
Bolton as NSA? I'm telling my builder to get started on the bomb shelter...
Bill H (Champaign Illinois)
25th ammendment anyone?
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
The line of succession from that is crazy all the way down. It is not an out. It would not fix anything.
Ed L. (Syracuse)
It's only a matter of time before Ainsley Earhardt is sitting on the Supreme Court.
Maggie (Hudson Valley)
Next we will hear that Sessions is out and Bo Dietl is the new head of the Justice Department.
YogaGal (San Diego, CA)
Bring back the good old days! Maybe Mr. Bolton and Mr. Cobb can share mustache-grooming tips... oh, wait, Mr. Cobb is on his way out?
Innocent Bystander (Too Close For Comfort)
Oh, boy. The return of Yosemite Sam.
Another draft dodger
Reasonable (Earth)
Him again? What is this "Let's make America 2004 again?", next we'll send Martha Stewart back to jail and start invading Iraq. Isn't he too busy cosying up to the NRA? Say goodbye to the Iran deal and hello to more of those regime changes he loves. At least there'll be no Facebook. Ah, 2004, I remember it well, where are my tator tots?
blueskyca (El Centro, CA)
Are there no patriots who will rid of us of the cancer that has control in the White House? We are marching into nuclear war, folks. Wake up.
Kat (Nyc)
Don’t people understand at this point that if they accept a position in this administration that automatically pegs them as fools?
Mogwai (CT)
What is Trump's approval rating? Its still the same as his chance of becoming President...point is it ain't all the evil, it's about AMERICA. White America is broken. I am convinced that through their BELIEFS and lack of skepticism they've been seriously been brainwashed and thus many Americans still love their Dear Leader. So preach to the choir your story, NYT. It dudn't matter for whom it should.
Tom (Show Low, AZ)
Well, the "War Cabinet" is now in place. Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran and North Korea.
David Henry (Concord)
Bolton is yet another awful gift from the Bush family.
Usok (Houston)
President Trump seems to use headline after headline to derail the attention of Mr. Mueller's investigation. Until the Russian affair investigation is settled, president Trump will not stop playing media games to attract attention. Sooner or later this type of White House shuffle will create a misfire in terms of international affair.
lf (earth)
Nuts & Bolten
Roy (NH)
Let the agitation for an invasion of Iran begin. Bolton hasn't changed his misguided desire to start another war in the Middle East in the past 15 years any more than he has changed his facial hair. Get ready for trumped-up and falsified claims, cage-rattling on Fox News...the whole nine yards. Maybe this time around, unlike with the Iraq War, the press will do its job.
NYer (NYC)
"Trump Chooses Bolton for 3rd Security Adviser" 3 advisers in less than a year--some "stability" at the top! And Bolton, of course, is a notorious, ranting, right-wing bully, who has already alienated most of the world, (our *former* allies included, during his abrasive tenure at the UN. And this "signals a more confrontational approach in American foreign policy"? Sure, nothing signals a more aggressive approach by canning an experienced field-commander general, whose "career that included senior commands in Iraq and Afghanistan," with a draft-evading chicken hawk who's happy as long as OTHER people fight and die? What an utter travesty the Trump "administration: is: a travesty of qualifications, experience, honest government, and even sanity!
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
Dear New York Times, That's it. I've lost track, completely. Sticky notes all over the place, and I forget to number them. Could you please do a favor for this old woman and concoct a spreadsheet or pie chart or something so I know who's doing what in the Administration? Probably best if you leave some spaces I can fill in as we go along. Sincerely, Rea
Kally (Kettering)
They actually have a good graphic in the article.
Debbie Y (California )
Bolton has deep ties to the NRA. Keene, the President of the NRA, appointed Bolton in 2011 to the “NRA international affairs committee”. The NRA international affairs committee has monetary and political ties to the Russian guns rights group “The Right to Bear Arms”. “The Right to Bear Arms” was established with the help of Alexander Torshin. Torshin is deputy head of Russia's central bank and reports have also linked him to Russian organized crime and he has very close ties to Putin. He served as the deputy speaker of Russia's Parliament for more than a decade and also spent time on Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee, a state body that includes the director of Russia's internal security service. Torshin also met with Don Jr. just 3 weeks before the famous Trump Tower meeting about “adoptions” in which he was getting “dirt on Hillary”. Here is an excerpt from NPR today: “Incoming White House national security adviser John Bolton recorded a video used by the Russian gun rights group The Right to Bear Arms in 2013 to encourage the Russian government to loosen gun laws.” ‘..... Torshin and Keene appeared to have developed close ties in the years prior to the 2016 election. It's a relationship that has outsize importance now that the FBI is reportedly investigating whether Torshin illegally funneled money to the NRA to assist the Trump campaign in 2016, as McClatchy reported in January. The NRA has denied wrongdoing.’
dog lover (boston)
One step closer to war.
rick baldwin (Hartford,CT USA)
Bolton is a necessary prelude to the bombing of Iran's 21 nuclear sites. That evil must be eliminated from the face of the earth.
Robert Stacy (Tokyo)
So this is it, we're going to die.
njglea (Seattle)
Or WE THE PEOPLE can get up and take action against The Con Don, Mr. Stacy. You die. I choose not to.
njglea (Seattle)
The Con Don knows he's losing the control over the masses he thinks he had. He will stop at nothing to try to keep the attention on himself. He thinks starting WW3 would get him into the history books and doesn't care what history says about him. The Con Don and his Robber Baron brethren are a immediate threat to civilization and civility. WE THE PEOPLE are the only ones who can/will stop him. He is probably causing all this chaos right now because of the "March for Our Lives" tomorrow. He doesn't want the press/media to cover it. However, the press/media ignore it at their own peril. Good People across America and the world who do not want guns in schools or WW3 had better get our and support OUR young people. Find a march/demonstration near you at the link below:
Ted (Portland)
John Bolton, Mr. “Let’s Bomb Iran” himself, is to be the latest Inhabitat of the beltway roach motel. Chalk up another one for the friends of Hillary crowd at A.I.P.A.C. and the latest incarnation of P.N.A.C. of which Mr. Bolton was a charter member along with Kristol, Kagan and Eliot Abrams. No wonder the market has been reacting so positively, nothing like a war to get the economy roaring.
VtSkier (NY)
Our Russian agent president seems determined to destroy the US as much as possible. This guy Bolton will get us into two very serious wars, the trade wars are starting up for no good reason, the tax bill will bankrupt us, no more decent State department, what else did I miss? Trump seems to be doing his hardest to ruin this country. It is really depressing. He truly must be a Russian agent.
KenH (Indiana )
DT hesitated because he didn't like Bolten's moustache? Are you joking? This is what passes as executive judgement in personnel selection in the WH? This administration is getting more insane with every passing day. What is it with the GOP legislators that they cannot even speak up while this lunatic tears down even the most basic of executive functions?
Joan Erlanger (Oregon)
In this circus of a "government" the leakers are the heroes.
June (Charleston)
Once again, Israel & what is best for Israel will control U.S. policy. And U.S. taxpayers will pick up the tab. The military contractors have once again hit the jackpot while more U.S. service members will be killed & maimed.
Hamid Varzi (Tehran)
Make America Gloat Again Make America Grieve Again Make America Gloomy Again Make America ........ Add any word but 'Great'.
Ellen Liversidge (San Diego CA)
This is just a terrible development, one I've been dreading would happen. Bolton's fingerprints are all over the catastrophe that was the Iraq War. He seems to be a harsh and vindictive man in his professional life. And he seems very happy to be obsequious to a president who rejected him for Secretary of State because he "didn't look the part."
Abby (Tucson)
I wonder which newspaper gave Cambridge Analytica millions of subscribers' data to analyze, or did they weaponize it? Will we never find out? Since we signed those agreements to subscribe here, I guess we may not ask, because NYTs or any other such platform doesn't even have to deny. What's a reader supposed to think? I didn't bother. I just canceled all my subscriptions until they figure it out. Can't deny it, I won't buy it.
me (here)
Bolton and Trump want war. They might get it.
Bethany (Oregon)
Can Newt Gingrich and Tom Delay be far behind?
robert s (Marrakech)
welcome to the prelude to WWIII
Is the Trump Accolade Military Parade still on or will the troops be preparing for battle instead? They could instead stage a flyover of the "invisible" Stealth Bombers.. just have Marilyn "Lockheed" tell him they are overhead.
Armando (chicago)
I have never seen in my life so many psychopaths gathered under the same roof.
Colenso (Cairns)
John Bolton, another Vietnam draft dodger, who now tries to talk tough to compensate for his cowardice. Bolton and Trump exemplify the lily livered draft dodgers of their era who now will willingly send the sons and daughters of others to fight and die when they would not.
historylesson (Norwalk, CT)
I'm scared to death.
CPW1 (Cincinnati)
Queen got it right. Another one bites the dust
Inspizient (Inspizient)
How weird! Doesn't Trump know Bolton's a a loser? Oh, wait...
Aging Vet (Chapel Hill)
I encountered Bolton in the 90s in Geneva when he was DAS for International Organizations. The issue was partially funding ICRC to help stabilize marsh Arab populations in Southern Iraq after U.S. forces had entered Baghdad. It was a cost effective means of stabilizing conflict traumatized populations which some might have agreed would have been part of our post- conflict humanitarian obligation. By government standards, it was not a lot of money. He would have none of it. Bolton, in the Cheney tradition, is a particularly distasteful brand of hypocrite who is happy to send others to die in conflict after sidestepping the Vietnam draft himself by joining his local and otherwise honorable National Guard. More than a chicken hawk and self serving ideologue, he is now a very dangerous and potentially consequential risk to national security. Too bad the NSA job requires no Senate confirmation.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
So who will Bolton get us into a war with first?
Richard (Las Vegas)
With apologies to Will Rogers, Bolton, a man who never met a war he didn't like.
Steve (Seattle)
I give him six months tops. Bolton is a brash bully like trump. They will clash and lock horns.
aj weishar (Lakewood, Ohio)
Who's next, Wolfowitz, Rove, Perle, Feith, Abrams, Libby, Cheney? Are we getting ready to invade somewhere to distract the country from the accusations of adultery and money laundering?
mitch (amsterdam)
in the tyranny playbook it's the tyrant grabbing control of the media. Meet the american way; the media grabs the presidency... the result might be the same though, get ready for day in day out warmongering ultra nationalist hot new talkshows. Sad.
Valerie Elverton Dixon (East St Louis, Illinois)
This is the result of electing an ignorant lying bigot birther sexual predator to the White House. Now, it is more important than ever to give control of Congress to the Democrats in November. Congress will need to put a check on Trump and his war-mongering torturers.
Ellen Valle (Finland)
To paraphrase the familiar saying: the only thing more dangerous than a stupid, ignorant man with a nuclear bomb is a smarter, better-informed man with a nuclear bomb. Together, the unholy triumvirate of Trump, Pompeo and Bolton may well destroy us. Please, Mr. Mueller, hurry!
Andrew S.E. Erickson (Hadamar, Germany)
This is a terrible day for America and for the world. Mr Bolton - he is no ambassador by temperament - is a pit bull. With the right master he was a manageable but dangerous dog. President Bush barely kept hi. In check, but at least President Bush had other and better advisors occasionally. Under his new master, vicious and immature, this put bill is capable of great danger to the world.
Mike (Maine)
Calling a spade a spade, his Job title should be "Accomplice" instead of the fancy name "Security Advisor".
DMSartisan (Manhattan)
Be afraid America, be very afraid. At least we know a little bit more how Trump picks his people, or choses not to pick them until he does pick them. "I am the Walrus, chu, chu, cha chu."
Henry (London)
‘Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war’.
There (Here)
Bolton is a great appointment.......
gc (chicago)
hmmmm. 14 months in office and on his 3rd guy for NSA ... clearly he has no idea what the NSA does...congress it's up to you block this if at all possible
Fred (Columbia)
Hey there all you young millennials, better get your will in order, since you will be fighting and dieing in Iran or North Korea real soon. All the best from generation x.
mike hailstone (signpost corner)
And the thing trump likes least is his mustache? It would be hard to drain any more out of that pool.
Richard (New York, NY)
Ahead of our talks with North Korea, this is quite possibly the appointment to torpedo (or nuke) any and all hope of amicability between our two countries. I want to support the President, but this is getting increasingly erratic (if you can believe it)
Roy G. Biv (california)
The War Team is now complete.
A. Jubatus (New York City)
A bit off topic, my apologies. I find John Bolton - so arrogant, so hateful, so trigger-happy, so condescending - to be an absolutely fascinating specimen of a human being. I sometimes wonder what kind of child grows up to be so, in my opinion, fearful, and probably quite cowardly. I hope the Times will one day do a quick bio on this very troubled character.
Carol B. Russell (Shelter Island, NY)
Can it get worse.....?.....
Jennifer (NYC/NJ)
I barely slept. And now I'm stocking extra liquor in our emergency-preparedness kit. Good god.
RunDog (Los Angeles)
Trump's complaint about McMaster apparently was that McMaster was too wordy. That certainly rings true for a president who can't concentrate for more than a few moments on anything (except perhaps his adulterous relationships). Reminds me of the famous complaint of Emperor Joseph II about The Marriage of Figaro - "too many notes, Mozart."
Maridee (USA)
Trump, our Manchurian candidate.
Arthur Grupp (Wolfeboro NH)
So it’ll be official on Appomattox day! (And as we all know that war never really ended!) Bolton, a proponent of Iraq, will get another shot at mayhem with another dim witted leader.
thetruthfirst (queens ny)
God help us.
Humanesque (New York)
"He described the job of national security adviser as making sure that the bureaucracy did not impede the decisions of the president." The bureaucracy to which he refers is known by most of us as checks and balances. This is terrifying.
Zaleya (Seattle)
That sentence totally freaked me out (re the bureaucracy).
John Grillo (Edgewater,MD)
This is yet another disastrous consequence of Congressional Republicans' vile compromises with, and cowardice confronting, Trump and his cabal of extremists. Were those tax cuts to your corporate/millionaire/billionaire donors worth subjecting the country, and potentially the world, to potential economic upheavals and wars? If, somehow, America can stumble along to the mid-term elections, every single one of these disgraced, unprincipled, and immoral louts must be unequivocally rejected at the polls. Every one!
jwp-nyc (New York)
If there's anything scarier than America being taken over by the Russians it is its being taken over by the cultists and complete idiots at "Fox and Friends."
miksurf (palo alto ca)
Bolton is an oil investor who is part of the GW Bush administration responsible for the economic and moral disaster that resulted from the illegal USA invasion of Iraq. He is a crackpot ideologue who is out of touch with reality. The $USD tanked 50%, on top of the massive debt we still owe China for that debacle. He is a war criminal, and if convicted, he should be sentenced to death for the horrors he inflicted on the innocent Iraqi people who had nothing to do with the 9/11 WTC attack. Trump is a complete idiot. McMaster was one of the more sane Americans in his Admin. trying to protect us from Trump's lunacy.
Raj (MD)
Bolton Seems like a draft dodger also along with his present Boss.
Alan (Hotel, CA)
"Mr. Bolton complained on Fox News that 'a munchkin in the executive branch' was responsible for the leak and called it 'completely unacceptable.'" You sure you want to talk about your new boss like that, John-boy?
Andy (Europe)
There couldn’t be a worse choice than Bolton. He’s an arrogant, dimwitted old man who thinks war is the only solution to all problems. He is despised by pretty much everyone in the international community for his hubris, uncouth demeanor and insulting behavior. Please Mr.Mueller put a stop to this madness before WWIII is unleashed upon us.
JM (San Francisco, CA)
So reportedly, Bolton came in joking to Trump that he wouldn't start a war. Of course not, Bolton will claim the other country "started the war" by not accepting his outrageous demands.
Todd (Evergreen, CO)
Now we can sit back and only hope that Donald J. Trump will impose a moderating influence on John Bolton.
Slick Crown Vic (Toronto)
John Bolton is the Ugly American writ large. An arrogant, angry old man who’s all too eager to put the young men and women of the US Armed Forces in harm’s way.
Birddog (Oregon)
Hold on to your seats, next stop Tehran!
Ganesh S (Mumbai, India)
Hope and pray that these whacko doesn't start WW3. On the plus side, this administration can only hire better people going forward. They have scraped the bottom of the barrel. Best of luck, America.
Zaleya (Seattle)
Sadly, just like with nearly every other appointment, it can and will spiral down further. No decent, competent person would be selected and lunatic sycophants abound to choose from. Just once I would like to wake up and not feel like each day brings something worse, think “oh lord what’s happened now?” or feel like “what the heck?!?!” I am rather surprised I don’t have a house full of smashed things, it is enraging. March tomorrow, folks!
TMOH (Chicago)
Bolton has proved that one can make a lot of money by simply being an ugly American.
Peak Oiler (Richmond, VA)
Here comes another stupidly conceived GOP war.
Kim Murphy (Upper Arlington, Ohio)
Oh yay, another draft-dodging coward with a big mouth. What could go wrong?
John Chastain (Michigan)
Bolton, an arrogant and ignorant individual should perfectly complement Trump’s all star cast of clowns and fools. One wonders if it can get any worse and Trump shows it always can. Lights, action, camera, the train wreck proceeds. Sad
The Iconoclast (Oregon)
Republicans, I beseech you to stand up to this appointment. You know this guy is a mini Napoleon cartoon who would be waring cavalry boots and a bicorn hat if he thought he could get away with it. The rest of the world starting out laughing when Trump was elected now they are looking for a way out of an impending disaster. Talk about a cartoon character administration, now we get Cap'n Crunch, too coo coo for co co puffs. Yeah, I know I'm mixing sugary breakfast cereals but when you are talking Bolton you are talking mixed up everything. Anyway every time I see or think of him my mind goes straight to nuthouse images of cereal box warfare. Unfortunately this guy really exist and he really is a disturbed human being who believes bombing people is how we improve life on earth. If there was ever a half cocked megalomaniac in American politics John Bolton is it. And that Trump takes this guy seriously bodes ill for every human being on the planet. Now that the Times as put out this relative puff piece it should loose no time in letting the country and the world know what a complete imbecile this guy is. Everybody say your prayers, cross your fingers, kill a chicken, do whatever you do to ward off evil because this guy is as nutty as they get and has not had a sane foreign policy thought in his life.
John Chastain (Michigan)
So Bolton has ties to Cambridge Analytica, the Mercers and Bannon eh? (See other article) Oh and that White House friend of white nationalists Steve Miller must be pleased as well. If Bolton has his way we’ll do for Iran what we did in Iraq, launch an misguided war with disastrous consequences. Then there’s his preemptive war against north Korea, that ought to go nicely eh.
Mike McD (NYC Area)
I strongly urge Congress to solicit Iraq's feedback as to how things went for them the last time John Bolton was anywhere near the White House. Hard to fathom that we could ever have seen, much less embraced, a resurgence of militaristic neo-conservatism after our catastrophic experience with it under President George W. Bush. Insanity is the aimless repetition of mistakes with an expectation of different results. This is insanity.
MHW (Chicago, IL)
"Support the troops!" is a common cry across the political spectrum, and rightly so. To support the troops protest this terrible appointment. Bolton will "lead" our troops to danger and death without a second thought. The man is deplorable. His positions are indefensible.
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
We are all shook up by President Trump's demented and constant shake-up of his White House personnel. He's shaking his staff like maracas. Bolton's appointment as National Security Adviser is the nadir - hiring the hawk to guard the tender chicks (read American people). Surely the only event that could be more abominable and lower would be if Trump fires special counsel Robert Muller!
just Robert (North Carolina)
With Bolton in charge we should all clean up and up date our back yard bomb shelters and rewatch the classic movie, 'How I stopped Worrying and learned to love the bomb'. Will the 50's and 60's never end? Cheney through his scowl is loving it.
Robert Cohen (GA USA)
This is speculation, and It ought be understood as my profoundly shallow percepción of course. DJT is a product in part of Fox slanting, as is John Bolton. DJT feels he is no longer needs General McMaster's advice, and that indicates to me DJT is more the intuitive risk-taker than advisee of McMasters. I'm shocked that Ralph Peters is angry at Fox, and that alone bothers me, and should ye . I am more fearful today, though I also realize that I'm not suited to critique anybody on the Right or Left.
Edgar Numrich (Portland, Oregon)
"The power of the president." Perverse, wasted, dangerous, excessive, (fill in the blank) . . . at this rate, America may not get a chance to fix it, either.
Stew Forsyth (Scotland, Uk)
I can't believe that these old decrepit gits are running the USA. I didn't know that the appointment of one person could potentially destabilise the world as much. Idon't think that Trumps new cronies have one once of compassion or positive vision between them, and have only been appointed as they suit his crass agenda. The mere fact that this guy can be appointed on a whim is unbelievable, he would not have even been interviewed if it was by a normal, decent precidency. Unfortunately, these moves undermine American democracy. Come on you free thinking Americans, get out there on the streets, vote with yer feet and put an end to this crass presidency, oh and that includes getting rid of the family of cling ons !!
Keith (Merced)
I fear Trump is on a cynical march to war. War will take our mind off Mueller and his mistresses as we tragically saw when Reagan turned tail in Beirut and "rallied" the nation soon after by invading tiny Grenada. I hope the International Criminal Court based in the Hague charges the Bush team with war crimes for the unprovoked invasion of Iraq the completely destabilized the Middle East, so at the least, Bolton and others who engineered one of America's worst military disasters and crime against the Iraqi people must stay put in America or risk prison. Bush lied about his imperialistic designs. Trump make no pretense. He said the U.S. should have seized Iraqi oil to pay for the war. My father, who a German shot through the chest two weeks before the Battle of the Bulge, and his generation who suffered dearly to preserve our freedom and bring peace to Europe and Asia must be spinning in their graves and weeping for their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Peggy Rogers (PA)
It's war for Donald Trump. Will it be Iran or North Korea that he strikes first, with the full support of his shiny new national security adviser? He is also going to war with Mueller, armed with his new criminal attorney, a major conspiracy theorist and the anti-DOJ, proof Trump recognizes that wielding just his Twitter finger won't cut it. On another front, the president goes to war against China, launching a major trade offensive over tit-for-tat tariffs. He's also battling his own aides and adminstrators, his own party's Congress with a threat to veto their spending bill and his own alleged mistresses in legal bouts. One of the latter just announced that she loved him, and yes, he loved her -- "of course," as she says. She knows because he said so, a lot. But it's war, not love, that POTUS is always ready to wage.
Susan (Charlotte, NC)
Every time I think things can't get worse, they do.
marian (Philadelphia)
Trump campaigned on "no more stupid wars" even though he has ben itching to use nukes since he got into office- day one. Now he appoints the guy who never met a war possibility he didn't love and couldn't pass Senate confirmation during Bush's administration because he was too radical so had to settle for a recess appointment. Yes, Bush Jr. is the stupid gift that keeps on giving- but compared to Schizophrenic Trump - he looks almost sane and sensible- almost. We cannot survive this move since it bodes war as in the tail wagging the dog to distract from Mueller investigation, trade war with China resulting in hyper-inflation, slimy sex scandals and the crazy scandal du jour that we know will come. Trump is dangerous and Bolton will encourage his crazy behavior.
WSF (Ann Arbor)
I share concerns about the present White House and all its leadership occupants. However, I ask everyone to consider that we had set up a world order after WWII along with most other countries including former enemies to have a system that would likely end future wars of the magnitude of the one we all had just endured. Soon enough this system began its slow demise for all the reasons most of us old enough can remember. This of course includes all our ventures that were disasters like the Vietnam War. There is enough blame to spread around but it seems we have been the big loser over time. Lots of cheating of the world trade rules have occurred and, worst of all, intellectual property, our most valuable asset has been stolen time and again. We need a little " no more nice guys". to bring this situation back to equilibrium. Perhaps Bolton and his ilk might just know a thing or two about bringing China and North Korea into an arrangement that will satisfy all parties. I do not think we will get into a hot war with any of these negotiations particularly when all parties are known to be not nice.. These are the types that understand each other
Jeff (California)
What could go wrong? Bolton, the man who brought us the never ending "war" in Iraq and Afghanistan along with claims of Iraq having nuclear weapons, and Trump the draft dodger who needs a war to prove he is a "man."
James J (Kansas City)
The scary thing – OK, a scary thing – about Trump is that he actually shares major traits with his lumpen followers. As with them, our president's decisions and motivations are based upon spite. Their main forensic tactics are limited name-calling and deflection which are not so delicately seasoned with shock value. Trump to Trump: Yes, naming a dangerous warmonger to a position of power, that will shake things up among the sane. Everything Trump and his cult-like followers do is designed to get under the skin of "elitists" and liberals. Here's hoping it gets under the skin deep enough to get liberals to the polls in the fall and in 2020.
James (Cambridge)
Honestly, as much as otherwise I would detest Bolton, if this means a spine injection for US foreign policy, I am not against it. Specifically, it's time to call out the paper tiger that Russia is and show some real show-of-force resolve when it comes to Ukraine, Syria, and other Russian military adventurism. The idea that a bolton appointment puts us on a war footing for north korea or iran is nonsense. The US policy in both places is clearly "negotiate, prod, manage, and contain." With China, our major complaint seems to be that china was clever enough to take advantage of loopholes in maritime law in the south china sea - China's muscle flexing is almost entirely legal. It is only with russia that real backbone must be shown.
EDK (Boston)
Bolton is "in" simple because Trump wants someone to generate an excuse to go to war. It is painfully obvious that he wants to orchestrate a war to distract from the Mueller investigation and, more importantly, to try to generate public "support" before the midterm elections. Sadly, too many pundits applauded his missile strike in Syria last year, which only encouraged Trump to use military power for personal political gain. If someone doesn't intervene soon, I fear we're doomed.
Chris (ATL)
Indiviuals like Bolton have waged war in the interest of regime changes and so-call protection of democracy. Bolton is a warmonger living in hallucinations. He was for Iraq war and he will fuel on the preemptive attack on North Korea, all to legitimize his stupid idea. A war whether preemptive or not will cost millions of lives and expense that will bring down the US to its knees.
P.A. (Austin)
I am so sick of Trump acting like he is on "The apprentice"! This is reality, NOT Reality TV. I can't even count how many people have resigned or been fired in the short time through our descent through the underworld since he became president. I do NOT want another war in the middle east. Please Mueller SOS!
Jo Williams (Keizer, Oregon)
In the op-Ed’s, editorials, articles on Bolton, North Korea, Iran, not a word mentioned on China, Russia, Saudi Arabia. We seem to be in a world of proxies- nuclear giants now using other nations to blackmail, threaten allies of supposed enemies. China holds the key to North Korea. Pakistan holds the key to Afghanistan. We, by suddenly shifting back to siding with Saudi Arabia, suddenly find Iran (by way of Syrian backing by way of Russian backing) an enemy. In discussing possible nuclear war, strikes, threats to allies- let’s at least call out the major players and their real interests. And what are ours? After 8 years of trying to get off our oil dependency, attempting to negotiate with Iran and shifting away from Saudi influence, suddenly, suddenly it changes. Why? And after decades of providing security for South Korea, Japan, et al North Korea’s threat targets, they want to talk- not with China, but the proxy North. Fine. Bring all our troops home. And of course China must know that any attack will be seen as their doing. Hiding behind other countries, playing these games- enough already. It isn’t about Bolton- it’s about honesty of players.
Restore Human Sanity (Manhattan)
Trump was impressed by Bush W standing in the rubble of the WTC then making war against Afgan. That swung his low negative approval ratings to positive. That left an impression on Trump, he very likely may see war as the only way he can turn around the blue wave before Nov 18'.
John (Atlanta)
Great news this change was absolutely necessary to give some teeth to the US foreign policies, and get reed of the left-overs from deep-state democratic foreign policy appeasements.
Jerry Farnsworth (camden, ny)
This is the frosting on the cake of pleasing the inmates of Trump's base - whose favor now clearly dictates the unrestrained operation of the asylum which is the Trump presidency.
John Townsend (Mexico)
The spectacle of trump holding forth with unbridled ghastly arrogant bombast for all the world to see and hear is extremely disconcerting, and very troubling. One would like to think that this is the President of the United States, respectable and respected. In truth what we really have on full display is a tragically unprepared and dangerously unprincipled ‘fake’ president who is an unabashed leech and an unrepentant liar. This is most distressing.
Elizabeth Bennett (Arizona)
Trump's appointment of Bolton is an unmitigated disaster. As David Corn said on Rachel Maddow last night, this is the worst day of the Trump presidency. Every day that one thinks surely it can't get worse, Trump commits another disasterous act--but yesterday should make all of us push our congress members to take action NOW. This president must be held to account.
clarity007 (tucson, AZ)
The U.S. political class is confused. It doesn't like Russia but also doesn't like people opposed to Russia.
E. Nuff (VT)
Tax returns
Andy G (SF CA)
My first reaction is "we're all gonna die." My second is, war is nearly certain; Bolton knows no other way and Trump needs a giant distraction from Mueller. But my third reaction is -- do we know for sure that Bolton is sane?? I'm not even joking here. The stories of his erratic behavior go back decades.
Feel the Truth (Connect to the Light)
Trump and Bolton are birds of a feather. Mr. Bolton won a scholarship to McDonogh, then an all-male military school. Mr. Trump was sent “up the river” to the New York all-male Military School. Both are draft dodgers but want war. Both have a history of picking on the little guy. Both are abusive to women.
citizen (NC)
Trade and Foreign Policy, two areas, so significant to our country's standing on the world stage, are facing many challenges. This is also leading to a strain in our relationship with our allies and other countries, and potentially having an impact on our economy and national security. With two meaningless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that gave birth to extremism we do not seem to have learnt our lessons. There is very little or no emphasis on diplomacy, and instead wanting to militarize our approach to problems solving around the world. What we are seeing here is that our current POTUS, wants to insure that he has personnel who hold positions are in sync with him. People who agree with him, and not have conflicting views. The problem in that approach is that together with the POTUS, when everyone else too have the same view of the world, how does that align with the real needs of our country and our people? There would not be a place for opposing views or even wise counsel. We are not alone here. We cannot function all by ourselves. We cannot solve our problems, nor of the other countries, by going to war. We cannot dictate other countries what to do. Unfortunately, in both Trade and Foreign Policy, there is a give and take. There is the need for compromise, and absolute respect for each other. There are very little options. As a world leader, we are expected to know this well. Our only hope is to say "Let sanity prevail".
mat Hari (great white N)
A war against Islam will make Viet Nam the tiniest of forays. Expect the eventual return of conscription if this one flies.
JBK007 (USA)
Wasn't Bolton the guy who lied us into the Iraq quagmire?
JBK007 (USA)
And, who we're finding out, spearheaded the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal?
common sense advocate (CT)
Let's see if I've got this right: The guy who worked for Bush who made up weapons of mass destruction to get us into war Who wants to take action against North Korea and Iran And calls people munchkins And has a walrus mustache that Trump finds so problematic he waited over a year before offering him a job And the only reason there's a vacancy for him is that Trump need a distraction from the porn actor and playboy model he had affairs with so he fired one of the only decent people in his administration Was hired by TWEET. You. Can. NOT. Make. This. Stuff. Up.
Cholz (Germany)
Forgive me, but is this John Bolton as bad as Ramsey Bolton ...
Jack (NM)
Bolton is a wacko. They should get along fine. Our country? Maybe not so well.
Abby (Tucson)
He's Steve Bannon on steroids when it comes to disinformation campaigns. Get ready to be Boltoned.
susan (nyc)
Bolton? Great! Another war-mongering chickenhawk. What could possibly go wrong?
Jeff S. (Boston)
Dick Cheney on steroids
Bolton is a bully and a loud mouth just like you know who. They will try to intimidate anyone they feel threatened by......until you just walk up to them and punch them in the kisser. Then they will crumble like a sniveling child.
Armo (San Francisco)
Trump is sticking his finger in the eye of the American people. His thinking runs along the line of:' If you people are going to concentrate on the Russia probe and the porn stars, I'll hire a rogue sycophant itching for war. That oughta shut all you people up.'
Nancie (San Diego)
Sarah H. Sanders will be stuttering and stammering to answer questions from the press in the days and weeks to come. She's already faltering. Thank goodness for our brilliant press, those reporters who are trying to keep up with the chaos and keep us informed. I nominate the press for Time's Person of the Year. Get ready, America. We're in for a bumpier ride. What a mess!
Abby (Tucson)
Let's hope their digital platform doesn't betray them. Did you know Cambridge Analytica says a newspaper gave them millions of subscribers' data to analyze? Imagine the damage that would do to that paper's credibility.
Bob (Omaha)
Robert Mueller can not finish his work quick enough. John Bolton is truly the worst of the worst. No matter how many people the not my president fires he will not be able to come up with a more incompetent and downright dangerous person that Bolton. The other realization for the "moderate" Republican clan is that Bolton was Dubya's unconfirmable UN Ambassador. Dubya probably sends Trump daily Thank You notes for removing him from the bottom of the presidency barrel.
Richard (Wash DC)
Did Trump's TV break? Will Fox and Friends be next to replace Sarah Huckstery Sanders?
David Dennison (NYC)
Great. Failed Bush admin retread responsible for 5k dead troops and a million Iraqis for NOTHING. Sure, let this guy back in the fray. The only hope we have is retaking the H&S with huge majorities, ideally veto-proof. It’s like trump thinks of the worst possible person and the dumbest possible ideas just to troll us.
iphigene (qc)
Well, evangelicals, looks like your wish for Armageddon is near. I've never cared for the Revelations but this looks real. The Beast is coming. It's time for Mueller to wrap up the investigation. It's time for America to storm Washington. Wake up, America! Do something!
Christopher (P.)
Make no mistake about it, this latest move by Trump is yet another to surround himself with expert sycophants who will provide cover for him when he launches a pre-emptive strike against North Korea or Iran -- which he will surely do if and when the Mueller investigation has the goods on him. There is simply nothing this person won't do to derail global stability if it keeps criminal proceedings against him at bay.
W in the Middle (NY State)
Actually the 4th, if you count Kellogg... On the one hand, he was acting and interim and short-term... On the other - as it turns out - a distinction without a difference...
marilyn (louisville)
I am ashamed. Ashamed of us for our seeming powerlessness in the face of the bully who leads us, who openly lies to a world leader and brags about it, who seems to be led only by the moral imperative of money, who threatens other leaders with elementary school-ish taunts, for whom no sin is too great if it fosters his greatness. I am ashamed for his shabby behavior toward other human beings and ashamed of his inability never to see his own true humanity and that he was made in the image and likeness of God. I am ashamed of his vision of whiteness, my whiteness, of his push to punish dark-skinned people because they are dark, of his intent to sentence drug addicts with death when they have been living in death and need help to live while his own addictions run rampant. I am ashamed of Congress for smiling and sitting on their hands while this man threatens our existence in ways George III never dreamed of and for which we fought a revolution to ensure he wouldn't. I am ashamed of a Congress which does nothing to curb him, which will not get a law passed to prevent him from firing Mueller, which does nothing to prevent him from strutting before the world as if he rules us and represents us. We who are Christian enter Holy Week and surely must ponder the shame Christ's followers felt as the week wore on. But for them there was an Easter.
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
Seems like these days that the White House is a temp agency with a permanent revolving door. Where the only folks are allowed to stay are the lunatics, sycophants, and the clowns. If the White House was a Hollywood talent agency the only folks left in the stable would be D-listers.
DJ (Tulsa)
To paraphrase Gen. McArthur, old war mongers never die, and they never fade away.
Never (Michigan)
I think this appointment assures us that we won't need to worry about Trump in 2020. Bolton is in no way fit for this role! In my book, he is responsible for leading the charge to murdering a whole country of people.
Matt (RI)
Not surprising that the chicken hawk Senator Graham buys into this. Any word from the honorable Senator McCain? It appears to me that rampant male egos are marching us all toward the end of life on planet Earth as we know it. Hold your loved ones close and pray that there is a higher power in the universe.
John H. (Portland Maine)
So when does Fox & Friends start broadcasting from the Blue Room every morning?
Gustav Aschenbach (Venice)
The best of the worst. Bolton: one of the architects of the war against the people of Iraq in 2003. I wonder if trumpsters will recall how enthusiastically they cheered when their hero called out the men and women who lied us into that 9 year war that we could not "win," called them out in a way that Fox News would have demanded public executions had the accusers been liberals (spit spit)? "Recall," "think," trumpsters...wait, what am I thinking!?
George Kamburoff (California)
What are we going to do if Bolton and Trump start wars to distract from Mueller?
Etienne (Los Angeles)
Trump is surrounding himself with like-minded individuals such as Pompeo and Bolton (!!!) whose global outlook is dangerous to the security of the United States, not to mention the world in general, and is a recipe for disaster. If ever we needed a Congress with spine and adherence to the spirit of the Constitution it is now. I hope that there are still some rational, strong-willed individuals left in the administration who can restrain the worst excesses possible with this trio. One last thought: We are going to hear a lot more talk of "collateral damage" now that Bolton has arrived. Let's start calling it what it is: Dead and wounded, women and children. American need to think in those terms...not some sterile "Pentagonese" meant to spare us the reality of war.
damon walton (clarksville, tn)
From Trump's perspective, Bolton is what the doctor ordered a hardliner that will beat the drums of war. We probably will be at war with North Korea or Iran within 30 days of Bolton taking the position that McMaster held.
Andy (NH)
“ . . . Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache.” This is beyond absurd.
Since they both have bigger egos than brains I could hope that Bolton gets into a physical fight with Trump and is fired, but then I remember that they are all chicken-hawks.
William Carlson (Massachusetts)
One more step to a nuclear explosion somewhere. It is what Bolton has advised in the past
Darius (UK)
Bet you next steps will be: Fire Mueller, and then to cover this Start a war with Iran.
Anne Oide (new mexico)
I hope that reversing all these horrible policies and ridiculous hires will happen quickly in 2020. This presidency is like moles in the garden. They all need to go.
Bob in NM (Los Alamos, NM)
Once all the seasoned military have left the administration, only the chicken hawks will be left. They have never been shot at, and therefore haven't a clue about the effect of sending yet more young men excluding, of course, their offspring off to be destroyed. For what? Perhaps you can answer this. I can't.
Tom (Hudson Valley)
So, is there any way to prevent this appointment?!
Casey (New York, NY)
One by one, the adults leave the room......who ARE these people ???? Why are they in my government ???
Jeff Bowles (San Francisco, California)
A neocon gets back into the White House. They're going to try again to have a puppet presidency. Watch.
Dan (Dallas)
Current POTUS doesn't like facial hair. It was a reason he passed on Bolton after winning the election. Have his standards been reduced to this new low. He claims to be a "germaphobe" yet he attracts and hosts them as his administration spreads like a disease.
Tom R (Milwaukee WI)
We now have a muppet in charge of our foreign policy!
AR (Virginia)
John Bolton--poster child for the belligerent, militaristic, warmongering, chickenhawk white Americans who collectively pose a serious problem to the entire world. People like Kim Jong Un know and understand that there is only one way to deal with Americans like Bolton--acquire nuclear weapons, lots of them.
Paul '52 (New York, NY)
trump and his fans have been bashing the neocons from day 1 of his campaign. Bolton makes the rest of the neocons look like followers of Gandhi.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
Well, he just "solved" climate change. Armageddon first!
Wimsy (CapeCod)
Saber-rattling Bolton is the new national security adviser. That makes three in 14 months -- another record in a White House where the revolving door is always spinning. But Bolton may not last -- Trump doesn't like the mustache. Too fluffy. Not serious. Doesn't look the part. Icky. The reason Trump chose Tillerson as Secretary of State was because the Exxon CEO looked like a secretary of state - serious, thoughtful face, white hair, whatever. Indeed, Trump thought Tillerson "came out of Central Casting" -- and so was a perfect fit for the Reality TV Show that passes for a presidential administration. The reason Trump did NOT choose Bolton early-on for a high-ranking post was not because he was too aggressive (although he is), and not because he wants to start wars (which he does), but because his mustache was too fluffy, too not-serious, and he didn't look the part. No Central Casting look. But evidently, Bolton's endless appearances on Faux News won Trump's heart, and he decided to overlook the fluffy mustache. So, now that he's made it inside, Will Bolton last? Well, Trump was high on McMaster when he named him NSA. Remember all the gushing? But McMaster wore on Trump, always talking him out of the impulsive things he wanted to do -- like giving North Korea a "bloody nose" by bombing their missile bases. Trump got sick of it, and suddenly, HR was MIA. And while Bolton thinks just like Trump ("Why not use nukes? Let's use nukes!") that silly mustache may have to go.
PogoWasRight (florida)
Speaking as a long ago career military officer, I sincerely feel that, if John Bolton wants a war, he should be given a rifle and be required to lead the first charge. All mouth, no guts.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
Thank you. I think it's important for us all to remind people Trump is first and foremost a blustering coward. Bolton worse, not better. Ugly cancerous bunch!
Jonathan Saltzman (Provo, Utah)
Bolton's just been itchin' for year to get our country involved in yet another quagmire. Who's going to stop him? Who's in control, anymore? P.S. And I wish someone in the dark of night would shave off that ugly mustache of his.
Boregard (NYC)
Here we go, the short march to more military conflict. Another myopic old white civilian male who loves military intervention, and regime change...(in theory.) Another TV broadcaster, more used to unfettered bloviating, then careful and insightful commentary. (Lets hope he bloviates his way attracting too much press) But just the other day...didnt Sarah say we dont dictate terms in other nations? All while attempting to do just that with N. Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc...and now here comes Bolton...Mr. Do as We say, or else! I just hope the media, other than Fuaxfox News, is not complicit in this Admins run up to war... I hope to see a lot more Americans, esp. Trumplodites who did not sign up for more military conflict, out protesting...!
a href (undefined)
I think Trump may have decided to go to war this summer with either North Korea or Iran or both in order to distract attention, and then he will fire Mueller. His "base" will patriotically fall in line, saying wartime is no time to impeach the president.
Jeff (California)
There will never be an impeachment of Trump. The Republican Congress is owned by Trump. He is the lightning rod while it is the Republican Party that is the moving force in the march toward America's destruction.
GIsber (Hutto, TX)
A twist that a TV drama writer would never had dared write, Trump watches endless Fake News TV as Fox Entertainment News strokes Trump's ego, because they know he is watching them and pandering to him, so he loves them and hires the FOX HOLE bubbleheads to help run the country. By year four, Fox will just have a wing in the WH and no other media will be allowed. THIS IS INSANE! All of it is INSANE!
James Ozark (Post America)
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse...
Susan Anderson (Boston)
Not me. It's exactly as bad as most of us hoped it wouldn't be. No room for doubt. Monstrous, what earth's apex predators are capable of. Stalin, Hitler, Trump, make Genghis Khan look civilized. Putin must be rubbing his hands with glee.
GreedRulesUS (Santa Barbara)
What an absolutely HORRIBLE decision this is. Just when I think this so-called president has reached the bottom of the disgusting barrel, he seems to go further into the abyss. PLEASE MR MUELLER.... hurry along with this investigation and for the sake of this nation, find reason to impeach this huge mistake of a president.
Drgirl (Wisconsin)
Those who do not believe that Trump could sell another Middle Eastern or NK military conflict and become a republican darling while doing it, do not remember Ronald Reagan or GW Bush. Expect military operations and a ramping up of military initiatives in all areas. This is how they show their manhood and testosterone.
MDC (New York, NY)
Interesting that a man like John Bolton talks of military escalation and war as flippantly as he does. He knows people like he and Trump he will not have to pick up any weapons to fight their wars themselves. Yet he has no problem potentially sacrificing more American capital, as well as Korean and American lives while he writes foreign policy from a desk somewhere and eats steak and lobster dinners.
WillT26 (Durham, NC)
For Bolton the solution to every problem is killing people. He sends our sons and daughters to kill and die- for no reason. The US needs to end its misguided wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. No war with Iran! No war with North Korea!
WillT26 (Durham, NC)
Democrats, Liberals, Progressive take note- Trump won because of illegal immigration. The insistence, by the Democratic Party, to reward foreigners who broke our laws with citizenship is what led to Trumps victory. We all, now, have a choice. Is the safety and future of this country worth losing to protect illegal immigrants? Can we, who associated with the left, compromise on illegal immigration to prevent nuclear war? I think the Democratic Party will continue to put the interests of illegal immigrants over the interests of citizens and the country. They will do so because if they can legalize enough people they will cement their power forever. But, until that happens, Trump and his ilk will continue to win- and we will lose our country. The choices are clear and stark- there are millions of voters who would rush to the Democratic standard if they would just stop trying to create a new army of voters.
Alex (Albuquerque)
This completely. Because Democrats waged war for an essentially fringe issue that is extremely nuanced, now we have an incompetent and dangerous individual in the White House. The Democrats need to listen to their centrist consituents on this issue, and lay off of it to defeat Trump and ultimately divert us from war.
Jeff (California)
Wrong. Trump lost the popular vote. How many times do you Trumpites have to be reminded that Hillary won the popular vote? TRUMP lost the election but is President because of the "Slavery Votes" built into the Electoral College.
WillT26 (Durham, NC)
@Jeff, Being President of the United States does not require winning the popular vote. You can remind people of that all the time. It isn't going to change the fact that Trump is the President. Complain about the rules. Whine about it. See how much you get from that. Instead of complaining I want Trump, and folks like him, to not win election or re-election. That is my goal. And the way to achieve that isn't to call anyone that disagrees with you a "Trumpite." You lose elections that way. If you tell people they are either 100% with you or 100% against you they are going to be against you.
Stephanie Bradley (Charleston, SC)
With a White House and “president” regularly messing up the English language and showing its lack of attention to detail, grammar, and spelling, it was dismaying to see the Times write the following in its editorial on Bolton today: “He has been such a lightening rod” As Mark Twain once quipped, “The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” - Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888 For a great take on the significance of Trump and his minions' lack of English proficiency, see And this is the same misguided crowd who rails against immigrants and insists they meet education standards! Plus, all the while, Trump turns his back on available American workers and hires foreign workers for his resorts! What a bunch of rightwing, hypocritical, White nationalist zealots...
e.s. (cleveland, OH)
My prediction, prepare for more involvement in Syria. Israel is already bombing in there. Iran will be next on the agenda. Sad that we cannot depend on Congress to stop this madness.
Ash (Milano)
Looks like another war is in the offing. And anyone who was refusing to fall in line with the narrative to build up to it is being either fired or pressured into resigning. I'm not a US citizen so usually don't comment on its politics, but this is different. It imperils the whole world.
Pragmatist (Austin, TX)
We have another Profiles of Courage moment for the GOP. Bolton was a major factor in the failed wars of the W. His only consistent trait is how wrong he has been on nearly every issue of consequence. however, I believe he needs the approval of the Senate. Does the Senate have enough gumption to do what is right for a change? They are ruining their reputations and it is hard not to see a United States heading for the abyss.
Steve Beck (Middlebury, VT)
I have a nephew living in Santa Barbara, CA. When the Thomas Fire made the evening news I sent him an email asking if all was okay where they were and was he worried about anything? No was his reply, the fire is 30 miles away. He added that he was more concerned about nuclear war with North Korea. I replied that it was all a game with sTRUMPY, he's a tough guy with big hands. We laughed! Last evening before going to bed I sent him an email with "John Bolton: as the subject and this message. "Jake, now you can be worried." I am too.
Nick Wright (Halifax, NS)
With Pompeo at State, Bolton as National Security Adviser and Trump as President, U.S. foreign policy-making has returned to the stupidity and viciousness of the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz era. Americans and the world need to prepare themselves for the next war involving U.S. armed forces (the UN , as it was in the unsanctioned U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, will be powerless to stop the unprovoked aggression). We have an ignorant, shallow president who, like George W Bush, can't wait to play with the military power at his command, to compensate for and distract from his general weakness and incompetence. Now he has surrounded himself with overbearing maniacs who can't wait to get U.S. forces waging the war they've long dreamed of--it doesn't really matter who the enemy is. The only bulwark against this collective madness and belligerence is Defense Secretary Mattis. Of course he knows that if he stands against the warfare mentality now dominating the Trump administration, he will be pushed out of the way like every other relatively sane Trump appointee before him. This will not end well.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
So much for Trump's opposition to regime change and the Iraq War. Bolton was a leading proponent of the WMD theory and the theory that regime change in Iraq was the best way to bring reform and democracy to the Middle East. His theories are now even rejected by Trump and his base, until Trump changes his mind of course. Trump fired all of the People that are against the establishment and is replacing them with the establishment, Fox News commentators that back him no matter what, and combinations of the two. Bolton joined the National Guard to avoid being drafted into Vietnam. He is another war hawk who loves sending other people's children to do what he would not. Just like Trump.
Smoog (Downunder)
With Bolton's appointment the only way I can see the USA avoiding a war with North Korea now, is if Bolton convinces Trump to attack Iran first.
daniel wilton (spring lake nj)
The 25th Amendment will not save this country. If we make it to the next election cycle only those who vote can save our country - or push us into the abyss.
May MacGregor (NYC)
Anyone loses their job in this white house should know who is the one should be blamed. So far, it is all the boss' faults.
Eg-Ruzz (VA)
America Foreign policy just fell into the deep end --drowning.
Feel the Truth (Connect to the Light)
Hare Psychopath Checklist. A person cannot evaluate themselves. Evaluate Trump & Bolton.. U do the math "On each criterion, the subject is ranked on a 3-point scale: (0 = item does not apply, 1 = item applies somewhat, 2 = item definitely applies). The scores are summed to create a rank of zero to 40. Anyone who scores 30 and above is probably a psycho." These are the 20 criteria: - Exhibits fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow superficial charm - Has a grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self - Has a constant need for stimulation - Compulsive liar - Cunning and manipulative - Lacks remorse or guilt - Has shallow, short lived emotional responses - Insensitive and cruel disregard for others, lacking empathy - Intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities - Poor behavioral controls - SEXUALLY PROMISCUOUS - Displayed early behavior problems - Lack realistic long-term goals, no sense how actions carry out into future. - Poor impulse control, can’t resist temptation - Irresponsible - Fails to accept responsibility for own actions - Have had many short-term marital relationships - Have a history of juvenile delinquency -Released from an accused or convict from custody or imprisonment, under conditions which bar him or her from certain activities or associations. - Takes great pride with getting away with a crime
Patriot (America)
Wait for the tweet, "With a war on, the country can no longer afford this political Mueller witch hunt." Trump will have to move fast though, with the investigation getting hot and the midterm elections coming.
mike hailstone (signpost corner)
I thought the walrus was Paul.
Victoria Johnson (Lubbock, TX)
Vote 2018. Volunteer to sign up voters. March on Saturday. Sign up to protest if Mueller gets fired. This Clown Car can be stopped. Hey Republicans, still looking for some heroes.
Julien Guieu (Paris)
Bolton blames "a munchkin in the executive branch" for last week's leak? I have no idea what his motivation would be, but given that the OED defines "munchkin" as "a small, mischievous, gnome-like or elfish person", can this be anybody else than Sessions?
jon (boston)
Its beginning to look like Osama Bin Laden will get the last laugh. We've blown $1T+ on Iraq and another $1T on subsequent fall out, and now Bolton will help start another. Slowly but surely we are going bankrupt thru our foreign affairs folly and it all started with 911.......
Snaggle Paws (Home of the Brave)
John Bolton has a penchant for sending Democrat-bashing propaganda and requests for donations to Republican mailing lists during presidential contests. He’s a saber-rattler. He gets Republicans juiced for dropping bombs without Congress declaring war. He's never running for anything. He's just one of MANY fear-mongers that drive the Republicans to fulfill their life-long streak of voting for "Make War, Not Sense" Republican Presidents. Republicans can't see this change as a scraping from the bottom of the barrel. If they could, they would be speaking loudly against this IRAQ WAR RETREAD. Stay aware, false flag operations are a distinct possibility.
Ron (Nicholasville, Ky)
John Bolton as National Security Advisor? What could possibly go wrong?
Three Bars (Dripping Springs, Texas)
Here we go again. This guy is Wolfowitz without the thoughtfulness, Cheney without the modesty, and Rumsfeld without the tact. Thanks again, Mr. Bush. I just hope and pray someone can contain this fool. And the other one.
Rick Beck (Dekalb IL)
The choice of Bolton answers the question, who in their right mind would want to work for Trump. No One!!
J Easter (Houston)
Another one bites the dust... adios Gen. McMaster. It was good to know you. As surely as Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires, service in the Trump administration is the graveyard of careers.
Nathan (Philadelphia)
I believe one of Trump's larger strategies here is to have cabinet and white house picks do dirty work, then be kicked out before they can be caught. Because there is so much chaos in the white house on a daily basis, reporters don't have time to dig up the dirt on those who have left office, so each can get away with something and then not be investigated. Trump learned not to wait too long with Mike Flynn--let them do damage, then kick them out. I predict this will continue as long as he is in office, as long as he can get away with it.
ACJ (Chicago)
Well, now the "fun" really begins---we will see Trump is full metal jacket. No more 3/5 cards telling him what to say or aides blocking him from seeing certain people---now we get the full Trump. To begin this new reality Presidential show, yesterday, Trump drops the Market by 700 points. With Bolton who will we invade over the weekend---not Iran---too big a project too early, there must be some poor third world country we can bomb...
NotSoCrazy (Massachusetts)
If there is a worst possible candidate for a position in the administration, Donald Trump will find and hire that very one. When this bunch of lunatics tries to start a war of convenience, I hope some branch of our government will stand up to and remove the fools. There are some things less bad than a Trump/Bolton concocted war adventure.
JohnXLIX (Michigan)
I do not think this is good for the USA, or for world piece. Bolton is a radical extremist war monger, not a diplomat. He is a old fashioned bully who will never have to pay for running his mouth, which he does to our shame and harm. But no surprise, this is the best Trumpola could do. He's the poster child for greedy incompetence. Poor us!
HenryJ (Durham)
Bolton’s appointment does not require Senate confirmation. However, Congress can still act to severely restrict the President’s ability to wage war absent a formal war declaration, which is long overdue in any case. Despite the ability of this Congress to pass ill-conceived major bills quickly, it will consider such legislation so crucial to the nation’s security to be out of bounds.
Feel the Truth (Connect to the Light)
Bolton is more like Trump than you would imagine. May 11, 2005-LOS ANGELES - Court records concerning the divorce of John R. Bolton, the Bush administration's nominee to become the next ambassador to the United Nations, show his first wife fled the couple's marital home when he was traveling abroad in mid-August 1982. The records further show that she took most of the couple's furniture. Corroborated allegations that Mr. Bolton's first wife, Christina Bolton, was forced to engage in group sex have not been refuted by the State Department despite inquires posed by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt concerning the allegations. Mr. Flynt has obtained information from numerous sources that Mr. Bolton participated in paid visits to Plato's Retreat, the popular swingers club that operated in New York City in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
Ever hear of Bernhard von Bulow? He was German chancellor under Wilhelm II. A Bismarck he was not. But Herr von Bulow's goals were simple and straightforward. (1) To stay in office. This involved. . . . (2) . . .retaining the favor of Kaiser Wilhelm II. And there were perks. Herr von Bulow was not averse to a comfortable lifestyle. Long lavish lunches. Plenty of sleep. And then--those long, periodic meetings with the Kaiser. Where, every now and then. . . . . .. despite his best efforts. . . . . . Herr von Bulow found himself DIFFERING from his imperial master. Donnerwetter! At which time, after Kaiser Wilhelm had gone on at length, expressing his OWN opionions. . . . . .Herr von Bulow would nod wisely. "After some reflection," he would begin, "I see that Your Majesty is QUITE RIGHT. . . .. " But he fell from power. Eventually. Eventually, gasping with disbelief, the Kaiser found himself stuck in the middle of World War I. Mr. Trump's one goal (it appears) is to IMMERSE himself in the counsel and policies proffered by fawning YES-MEN. And THEIR goal--a goal assiduously pursued by the YES-MEN in and out of Mr. Trump's administration. . . . . . .is to nod wisely, intoning, "Oh YES, Mr. President. . .after long reflection, I perceive the essential RIGHTNESS of your views. . .YES!. .YES!. .. " God help us!
hd (D.C.)
A 32-year spoiled brat hot-headed Saudi Prince visits the White House; A couple of days later Bolton, an extremist war monger, is the national security advisor to a demagogue. The Iraq war debacle that cost tremendous amount of Iraqi and US blood and squandered trillions of our tax money is about to get repeated: Trump pitting the Saudis against Iranians regardless of the dark and bloody consequences. US will have to get involved militarily because the Saudis are unable to manage a war. Iran will destroy them. If Israel remotely believes Shiites and Sunnis killing each other is going to be in their favor, Israel is sadly mistaken. The war that Trump is contemplating is an existential threat to Israel. No element of common sense or cautious exists in the White House. America, watch for the next Middle East war which is going to undermine the world order and our security to the point of no return. Does Trump care? ABSOLUTELY NOT....
William P (Germany)
The bullets are already on their way.
Christopher C. Lovett (Topeka, Kansas)
All Americans should be afraid, very afraid because these are perilous times, very perilous times with a megalomaniac in charge.
Cranford (Montreal)
Jared Kushner is apparently “in the pocket” of Mohammed bin Salman (According to interecepts), perhaps because Jarred has sealed financing to stave off bankruptcy. So now we have Jarred, encouraged (or more) by Saudi, the arch enemy of Iran, in turn getting Trump to hire someone who wants to Bomb that country into oblivion. So in return for helping his son in law and daughter, and buying millions of armaments announced just days ago, Bolton is announced. NOT a coincidence folks.
Ron Barron (Poland, Ohio)
He can't wait to deploy nuclear weapons against...someone! North Korea? Iran? Doesn't matter to him.
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
Trump and Bolton are arrogant, cowardly, old men, both of whom avoided military service, but have no problem extolling the virtues of war. Neither man belongs in government. It's now more important than ever to turn over as many Congressional seats as possible in November. Our very survival may depend on it.
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Whiplash. Trump appears to have decided he wants to start a war. He wants any kind of war because there isn't sufficient news to distract from the bad news about Trump. Even Bolton's announcement was designed to interrupt Karen McDougal's CNN interview. As we've long suspected, Trump's reelection strategy hinges on manipulation of nationalist fervor against some foreign adversary. It really doesn't matter which one so long as it doesn't rhyme with Prussia. That in turn bumps his reelection odds. Never mind the risk of nuclear war. Trump probably relishes the idea. A nuclear bomb, even used in self-defense, has a way of unifying popular opinion against the firing nation. This isn't going to end well.
R (America)
Anyone else think Trump is preparing for war as a pretext to boost his approval ratings so he can end the Mueller investigation and move forward with trying to impose his own strong man regime in the image of Putin's?
Lynn (NJ)
"...his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache." He was wrong. He doesn't know the best people, he knows the best looking people.
D.j.j.k. (south Delaware)
Trump is choosing hard liners or war mongers to his team. If I was South Korea I would distance myself from Trump before they get them nuked. By not condeming the Russian and Chinese dictator the GOP are no role models for Democracy and are setting us up for failure in world politics.
bill (Queens, NYC)
Is everybody sick of winning yet? How much more of this do we have to take?
Stop and Think (Buffalo, NY)
Another hothead, with a distinctive hairdo, and sporting a huge ego is coming to the White House. That isn't likely to go well for long. The late night hosts & SNL will have a field day for awhile until one of the hotheads is either fired, arrested, or flees the country. Until then, the rest of us should pray that the two ego's try to kill each other, rather than the citizens of the world.
wildwest (Philadelphia)
Trump stacks his cabinet with fake Fox news casters who have no clue what they are doing and all the Russian loving Republicans can do is complain about leaks? When Bolton is sworn in as Security Adviser the nuclear clock will move to 1 minute before midnight. We have forgotten everything we ever knew about the horrors of nuclear war and are throwing caution to the winds to placate a mentally deranged tyrant toddler. America and quite possibly the world will suffer irreparable damage before our erstwhile government realizes how thoroughly they have planted, watered and tended the seeds of our destruction. We are rapidly approaching the point of no return and we are doing so not out of necessity but entirely out of choice.
Nancy (KC)
There goes my bracket.
Steve Clark (Tennessee)
Should be one doozy of a Series Finale for this bad reality show. Comes with Mushroom cloud and everything. My GOP friends telling me I must support a "war" President no matter how Hot the neighborhood just became!
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
Not really caring about Bolton. We already know Trump is not a phony politician and wont play ball on everything or listen to anybody. Its why he got elected. Speaking of Bush throwbacks, if I am honest I really think Trump is doing a better job than both of his predecessors. Now if we can stop spending the next generations money for the things we want whilst whining about bathrooms and Putinbot paranoia we might be ok. (Maryland/Metro DC area)
Now we know. We know what Trump spends his time doing besides watching "Fox and Friends", tweeting, drinking Diet Cokes and flying off to golf courses with his name on them. He spends hours looking for replacements to virtually his entire list of appointments to White House, cabinet and agency jobs. It must be exhausting. In addition to the Insulter-in-Chief, he is head of the most important temp agency in the world. Roll 'em out, praise them, then, after a brief pause, insult them and send them on their way, their resumes ruined, their spirits shattered, their futures doubtful. Trump is to management skills what Attila the hun was to good community relations. Anyone who doesn't agree with him 24/7 is going to be gone before the next full moon. Instead of answering "White House", the executive phone answerers should say, "Chaos Central". Those who reassure us about the vibrancy of our democracy and the vitality of our institutions aren't paying enough attention. We shall survive? Perhaps, but the thin thread holding from the abyss us gets more frayed every day.
OC (Wash DC)
If ever there was a case for curtailing the power of the executive branch, this abomination Trump and his cabal of zealots is it. Hopefully, the blowback from the evil the Republicans have done - and are doing with their bringing of this national and global debacle, will result in America waking up to the pressing need to get serious about cleaning up it's act...starting with the undermining of our democracy and the rule of law by filthy lucre.
Mgaudet (Louisiana )
With Bolton in looks like we're headed for a war. Just remains to be seen who with.
Mark (Vermont)
"He described the job of national security adviser as making sure that the bureaucracy did not impede the decisions of the president." Right there I get a huge sense a dread. If that's all he thinks the job is, then the checks and balances and sage advice we've always relied upon to inform and influence our presidents to help them make decisions for the best of our country is totally out in favor of yes men.
J. (Ohio)
Do Trump’s increasingly extreme acts evidence of a deteriorating mental state? Mental health professionals have long warned that Trump bears all the hallmarks of an extreme personality disorder and have predicted he would decompensate under high pressure and his inability to control events and those around him. Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of The Art of the Deal who spent months with Trump, warned that Trump’s psychological make-up makes him “an existential threat.” When will the GOP realize that any short-term gains they might make under Trump (e.g. tax cuts) are meaningless if our country starts a catastrophic war or otherwise implodes from the damage he seems intent on inflicting?
RLW (Chicago)
This is just further proof of Trump's incompetency as national CEO. With the current make-up of the Cabinet and Congress there is no likelihood of invoking the 25th Amendment. Americans will just have to fasten their seatbelts and hold their breath and vote intelligently in the November election or there will be no America by the time of the 2020 election.
MGM (New York, N.Y.)
The absolute worst possible choice.
GL (Upstate NY)
Now is the time for good men to stand and shout a resounding "NO." Do not let these demigod waste our national treasure, our youth, and future.
Joe Barnett (Sacramento)
Mr. Trump said he opposed the war in the Mideast but now appears to believe that if he can get the US into another war it might save him from the Russiagate investigations. He is counting on a war to do for him what it did for Bush, make it unpatriotic to vote against him.
DWS (Dallas, TX)
Very ominous development that sets the stage for a self-inflicted military crisis leading up to the midterm election. President Chaos desperate to retain Republican majorities in The House and Senate and appears willing to employ any strategy regardless of the consequences.
eyeball (frederick md)
Yeah, it does feel that way, doesn’t it?
Dale (New York)
With the appointments of Pompeo and Bolton, the drumbeats of war can be loudly heard. I hope for all our sake that we don't start another preemptive war with North Korea or Iran.
Daphne (East Coast)
As if pushing Trump in this direction was not the main purpose of the "Russia" hype. Now the crocodile tears flow.
Mweir (ottawa)
Then it’s the beginning of the end of this presidency. When Trump starts one of these wars he’s going to find out what working and management truly are when you have to commit every day all day of your life to something. You cannot run a war part time, his cushy life is about to change in a way we all know he is totally incompetent to support. I think he will break under the pressure.
sunburst68 (New Orleans)
Bolton has been wanting to bomb Iran for years. He may finally get his wish. These old men and their macho hawkish bluster is going to lead us down a destructive path. Bolton thinks we can bomb people into submission and make the world fear the United States. He is dead wrong! This is a world of nuclear weapons and nuclear material. Has the worst attack on American soil in the history of this country on 9/11 become such a distant memory? Does Bolton and Trump think there would be no retaliation? Think again.
Barb (Connecticut)
"Though he has been on a list of candidates for the post since the beginning of the administration, officials said Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache." These are the things our president considers before a hire. Absolutely terrible.
John (Upstate NY)
Doomsday peppers are actually starting to look kind of smart.
Mgaudet (Louisiana )
Bolton served in the National Guard to avoid the Viet Nam war: "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."
Dama (Burbank)
Trump is preparing for the worst: 1. Global trade war 2. Nuclear war with NK 3. Nuclear war with Iran 4. All of the above 5. None of the above : 25th amendment
JM Hopkins (Linthicum, MD)
"Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache." Absurdity. As absurd as people cheering on a nuclear war in front of their televisions from the safety of their living rooms. Maybe the doomsday preppers are right. Maybe, like Pence, we should prepare for the 'Second Coming'. In irrational times, is being rational being 'crazy'? Should I start stocking up on canned food, guns, and ammo? Should I sell my house in the city and move to some defensible position surrounded by cargo shipping containers? Seriously! Wake up and organize! This is no longer a train wreck in slow motion. This is free fall which has not yet reached terminal velocity. When the post mortem is done on American civilization, this period will a cautionary tale, much like the reign of Caligula and Nero. The Roman Empire was able to survive another 400 or so years because of the strength of the economy. Trump is doing his best to shatter the U.S. economy as well. Trade war anyone?
Jim (Placitas)
There was a point when you analyzed Trump's moves, trying to discern a pattern of governance that made sense. That time is past, and now we're left to discern only a pattern of self-preservation and conspiracy. The appointment of John Bolton, which requires no approval of Congress, fits that pattern perfectly. Could it possibly be that the President of the United States is preparing to launch a preemptive war in order to save himself from the disgrace of the Mueller investigation? What better job security for the man if we find ourselves embroiled in a conflict with North Korea and/or Iran when the Mueller findings finally land? Who would move to remove a sitting president in such circumstances? This is what we've been reduced to... sounding like the very tin foil hat conspiracy mongers we used to mock, because there simply is nothing left explain the lunacy of this president.
William Lazarus (Oakland CA)
Dictators commonly launch wars to stifle dissent and quell opposition at home. That's a lesson I still remember from a Middle East political science course I took at the University of Chicago in the early 1970s. Trump's appointments this past week, particularly that of John Bolton, sharply indicates a decision to march America toward war. With the considerable likelihood of nuclear missiles being launched, issues of corruption, nepotism, and control exercised by Putin over our president may recede from public consciousness. When I think of Trump's current campaign to make American great again, I think of Germany in the 1930s. We are on a path likely leading to mass death and destruction.
rudolf (new york)
McMaster may be a great guy but he had one major weakness: Didn't get along with his boss. Any more questions?
B Windrip (MO)
Trump seems to have veered 180° from his anti military interventionist campaign rhetoric. It seems that Bolton's solution for every International problem is to bomb it. Coincidentally, he also seems to share with Trump a bit of a soft spot for Putin. I don't know if the appointment of Bolton represents Trump's latest policy impulse or if he Is just thumbing his nose at his critics. Either way, having Bolton in close proximity to the oval office is a truly frightening prospect.
AGuyInBrooklyn (Brooklyn)
The scariest appointment yet given his views on Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Israel, etc. The only bright side I can muster from this is with respect to Trump's North Korea meeting (if it happens). Bringing in Bolton, who has been very public about striking North Korea first, is a clear signal to North Korea that America is serious about military options. By increasing the credibility of a military threat, North Korea might be more willing to come to a diplomatic solution. It's classic Kissinger. Unfortunately, history shows that using the threat of war to strengthen diplomatic positions generally just leads to the threat of war becoming reality. And my gut is that both sides are too far apart anyway. North Korea will not denuclearize under any circumstances because its nukes are its survival, but for America, anything short of denuclearization (or a process towards denuclearization) is meaningless. Add all that to the political support Trump would generate by going to war, and you're looking at war. A war which, by the way, America will lose -- especially if America starts it.
James (Hartford)
The American people do NOT want another Iraq war. This is the single most important reason we waited so long to elect another Republican, and then elected the first R to run AGAINST the war in the campaign. If Trump starts an unnecessary war, it’s all over for him, and maybe for us too. He’s just hoping that his negotiating partners in North Korea and Iran don’t understand this.
EW (Glen Cove, NY)
Impose a draft now! The entire electorate needs to know this administration is putting them at risk.
Jim (Georgia)
The question is how long can the pretender stand to be in the company of the walrus?
J111111 (Toronto)
With "Strangelove" Bolton, the USA is back in the fourth Rumsfeld box - the box Rumsfeld failed to mention. On a matrix with horizontal axis "Knowable, Unknowable" and vertical axis "I Know, I don't Know" Rumsfeld famously described his whole ontology in only three boxes: "Knowable/I know", "Knowable / I don't know", and "Unknowable / I don't know". The blind Rumsfeld epistemological blind box is "Unknowable / (but) I know" and of course that gave us the Iraq adventure, etc. A fine expression of the same problem is: "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. "It's hilarious that this gem of practical epistemology is attributed to Mark Twain, and that just ain't so. Bolton, then and know, is a prisoner of the Unknowable he's real sure he knows.
Mike C (Chicago)
But when we’re all reduced to glowing, radioactive cinders, will we still have our robust 401(k)s? What a relief.
Steve Clark (Tennessee)
It'll be a "wonderful", "beautiful" firestorm! His supporters will be safe cause the coal mine is deep under ground...thank God for 12 hour shift!
Common sense (Planet Earth)
Maybe not. See David Dennison’s tariff blunder.
Sohrab Batmanglidj (Tehran, Iran)
It would seem Mr. Trump has decided if war with Iran is going to have any benefit for him and the GOP he needs to get it started before November 2018 and so he is setting the table, casting his actors and getting ready to yell Action. The man can't see past tomorrow, he is so mired in scandal and corruption, obvious and implied, revealed and soon to be revealed, at home and abroad, he and his whole family are in so deep they will never get out of the manure history will heap on them, a war with Iran will not help, it will only make it worse, a blundering stumbling president knowing not what he is doing.
Jsbliv (San Diego)
So, the team at Fox News runs the country now...that shouldn’t be a problem.
kayakherb (STATEN ISLAND)
I am struck by the horror of it all, and yet one thng caught my attention in this article. "Mr. Bolton, who will take office April 9, has met regularly with Mr. Trump to discuss foreign policy. Though he has been on a list of candidates for the post since the beginning of the administration, officials said Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache." This says so, so much of the mental stability of this fool in the white house. I am not even addressing the danger of appointing Bolton.I am thinking of how this imbecile is willing to delay the appointment of someone to this post because he is not fond of his mustache.To think that this fact would cause a delay in an appointment, shows the immaturity, and ridiculous nature of this loathsome beast the deplorables have elected.
New World (NYC)
Trump is grabbing anyone and everyone from Fox n Friends to fill any post in his administration. Presenting the Trump Show. I’ll probably be humming this one all day, presented as a distraction for your pleasure: Sing it to feel better There's No Business Like Show Business Irving Berlin. There's no business like show business like no business I know Everything about it is appealing, everything that traffic will allow Nowhere could you get that happy feeling when you are stealing that extra bow There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low Even with a turkey that you know will fold, you may be stranded out in the cold Still you wouldn't change it for a sack of gold, let's go on with the show The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk Are secretly unhappy men because The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk Get paid for what they do but no applause. They'd gladly bid their dreary jobs goodbye for anything theatrical and why? There's no business like show business and I tell you it's so Traveling through the country is so thrilling, standing out in front on opening nights Smiling as you watch the theater filling, and there's your billing out there in lights There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low Angels come from everywhere with lots of jack, and when you lose it, there's no attack Where could you get money that you don't give back? Let's go on with the show (There’s another stanza but I ran out of characters.)
Charles Pack (Red Bank, NJ)
Though he has been on a list of candidates for the post since the beginning of the administration, officials said Mr. Trump has hesitated, in part because of his negative reaction to Mr. Bolton’s walrus-style mustache.
Either our government is spinning out of control or there is a sinister plot to take our country where it has never been before. I can't help seeing the parallels between Hitlers early consolidation of Germany's government and what Trump appears to be doing now. The Republicans cannot sit back and let this happen. The time for action is now before the troops are in the street locking up what the government declares as undesirables.
Stourley Kracklite (White Plains, NY)
I can hear Bolton railing about Iran now: “When Iran loves an iman, can’t keep its hands off a nuclear device...”
Stephen Smith (Kenai Ak)
The photo of Bolton laughing was right after he was told 3,000 Iraqi woman and children were slaughtered during a bombing raid over Iraqi. the next laughing is when it happens in Iran
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
You hope it can't get any worse, but, of course, it does. Now, in addition to embarrassing the U.S. on a continuous basis, the simpleton who brags about the size of his "nuclear button" has selected an aspiring Jack D. Ripper as his security adviser; a man who revels in appearing on Fox "News" to make the latest case for war. This is much more than just embarrassing now. MAGA, indeed.
Matt (Saratoga)
Bolton, another hawk who went out of his way to avoided service when younger. We have not yet plumbed the bottom of the Trump White House.
Richard Merchant (Barcelona, Spain)
Get ready for duck and cover drills in schools again. The newest Fox and Friends appointee. Brilliant!
Steve Clark (Tennessee)
Breaking News from Faux..."The bombs are falling so Mueller must throw it all in trash because you must support a "war" President no matter what"....then test pattern and EBS statement appears!
Wayne (Brooklyn, New York)
The third time is a charm they say. After three marriages we know Trump is still not satisfied based on the harem of women who claimed he had relationships with them. So base on his formula a third national security adviser would still leave him unsatisfied.
matty (boston ma)
Maybe Bolty was hired because there was found another lead on those WMD's that were never located? Bolty is the personification of evil in the destruction of a sovereign nation, with the help of GW Cheney & Company LLC. Only now he's working for TRUMP Inc.
robert s (Marrakech)
What could possibly go wrong
Urmyonlyhopebi1 (Miami, Fl.)
Well, as soon as Mueller gets close to indict Mr. Dennison he will declare war on North Korea to deflect the fire and fury at home.
sue (Hillsdale, nj)
wag the dog
Baldwin (New York)
Will Bolton now agree with his boss and say the Iraq war was a huge mistake?
Mgaudet (Louisiana )
No he doesn't consider it a mistake: "He was a supporter of the Iraq War and continues to support his decision.[19] He has continuously supported military action and regime change in Syria, Libya, and Iran". from Wikipedia
Atikin ( Citizen)
Congress: RECLAIM YOUR WAR POWERS -- before there is nothing no one left to bother with.
Steve Clark (Tennessee)
That bunch would support him right up until the EBS comes on TV screen and sirens start going off. The last words of the republic will be Ryan screaming "but we got tax cuts!"
CEA (Burnet)
And here I thought John Bolton had been relegated to writing ranting Op-Ed pieces in this and other newspapers after his brand of “diplomacy” helped us get into the ongoing Iraq quagmire. Yet Trump has picked him to advise on national security matters at a time when tempers are running high around the world. Only one thought come to mind - God help us!