Syrian Rebels, Backed by Turkey, Seize Control of Afrin

Mar 18, 2018 · 8 comments
Roland Menestres (Raleigh, NC)
So, once more, we abandon our allies when they need us! The Kurds did all the heavy fighting for us against ISIS and now we watch them being slaughtered by Erdogan's troops without us lifting a finger in their defense.
Baboulas (Houston)
This "Crimea" style takeover has three culprits. First is Turkey who wants to flex its muscles. Second is Russia who have made a deal with Turkey re the Kurds and their aspirations. Third is the US who made a deal with Turkey re the Kurds and their aspirations. The second and third culprits point out how one can't depend on them as both will sell you downriver. So Kurds, be careful. As in the past, you are on your own.
Ozzy (Washington, D.C.)
Actually all the Kurds are not interested in this infestation, but Kurdish terorist groups PKK and YPG intend to break up Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Please do not confuse Kurds and terorist groups each other!
The Gunks (NY)
The Kurds were holding onto Afrin for a while against the Turks. Unfortunate that they had to evacuate. The Army Rangers are in Manbij if the Turkish forces decide to move west.
Ozzy (Washington, D.C.)
Unfortunate? Afrin belongs to Syrians not only Kurds. Three million Syrian citizens hosted by Turkey are waiting to back your home. Turkey are cleaning up the region from terorist groups. That!s it!
Karl (Hong Kong)
It’s becoming clear that at least some of the Syrian “rebels” were Turkish proxies all along. This advance guard for the Turkish military, against the Kurds who fought and sacrificed so much, proves the point. Russia wasn’t altogether wrong it turns out
William (NYC)
Great! The Syrian Arabs are back in charge and already tearing down religious monuments a-la Taliban/al Qaeda/ ISIS. How long until the Kurds and US Special Forces are asked to re-clear this new den of terrorist encampments? Erdogan is a coward and is courting dictatorship as he slides towards Putin's sphere of influence; a clear provocation against NATO. US needs to grow a spine, develop a clear strategy for the efforts in Syria, and stand by our allies who are sacrificing to free Syria from the grasps of strongmen and terrorists.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
Since British, American, Russian, Syrian, Iraqi, Saudi,Iranian, Kurdish, Afghani, Israeli,Jordanian, and untold other troops are all shooting does this qualify as a world war?